u VIHCN A LAUNOR.V Dresses at The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next Itoyal Bank Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing nnd Furnishings The home of SOCIETY KUAND" CLOTHES MILK :- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcllride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy Uth St. Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartajre, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum Moving. English Made -to-Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths Ily Mail. AGENTS-WANTED to carry 'cloth patterns and take measures for English htgh-graM Tailoring House. Liberal eonvmls-icn. Cash trade. Splendid opening for storekeeper, asent carrying 'Hicr lines or man with targe clr-!' of frlsnds. Writ" enclosing bunk reference, to De pi C . Commercial Advertising fier ce North Iffy -ida. Manchester. Emilnnd. 9 very low freight rate, HOW Will V.nw,,,... . anal Inm uri ik. -. . ' . . omul you can Hardly mlM your but to find tbetr entrance In . Z. m vmeoee ; WMet) appears In MaeUan-s MararJn ' y,tr.., and re.umln, ,,th rs.n,W. DruefJtuu.lnShe" S JZ , ' ter mhlch hat brought death to rJT ' w lw- Provd one the great frua-ht th.t -in ... T . VMseouver a mn.e Jo Pacific coast narlgatlon. k PP" bUt W U ! But. the writer . . Ml. us. the wlrelea. w? hL v "'" d U? ,taUOB PMh pu, . end to .hr,, Vm,m,uv" P,e flth. manao. of The 6T.vey.rd" y B' U th.t Prrnee Rupert is on the map L., lbout u,,, W(k. CANON RUSHBROOK TELLS OF WORK OF THE NORTHERN CROSS TORONTO, Sept. M. Ik-fore adjourn- maftnt Af kak a.llu a . When Canada adopted ordinary twenty years ago the losses ban to decline, but It was only when the direction-finding station at Pachena waa established that the Graveyard anally was conquered. The war really uncovered the solution of the problem. In the hand ling of warships and merchantmen In the days of the U-boat . vw ojnoa. vanon norror. dlrectVon-flndlng was broujht Rushbraok of Prtnce Rupert, who was! to the point where It was reliable introduced as the most useful and 'After the war Canada decided to apply most popular nun on the Northern the idea to the Oraveyird. In 1921. Pacific cot- and Is known as the after a series of wrecks on the Van-Mlsslonsry of the Northern Cross, gave eouver Island coast, the federal govern-a stirring account of the work done by ment estsbllshed the Pachena station the Coast Mission, which maintains at a strategic point, fitted It with the four wandering schooners. These ves-,beat equipment obtainable, manned It mOs cover the coastline from Powell j with the ablest operators It could find River In the Oulf of Ororgla to the south of Alaska. TIMBER SALE X9263 and told them to keep the country's shipping off the rocks. Overnight they worked a revolution In navigation. GONIOMETER To any but the expert mind the scientific processes behind the finding of direction by wireless are mysterious. In layman's language the equipment of There will be offered for sale at Pub. I the Pachena station Is centred nMnt . TITZ DAILT NEv73 PAG2 FTV2 ... . ' ' 1 1 l - " 1. JJ 1 II 1 II 1 a, I 1 1 'I' jggagMBBBiBgBBg 'WPiwairtitBg COMPETING OCEAX THE PIONEER; rates and crain VICTORIA MAN LAUNDRY KIDS FLOIVWRITTEN ON WRITES ABOUT 0W S V Busklrk of r-nru-. 1 VkmowI Kundajr pert writes rnmun a. loi,,,., . , u,, vniUv.r nu. j THE GBAYEYARD '"'"''':' .WHAT! M new train rate at uid1 MEAN Z2?JZl?m9? csBU4on -i Article 111 rh Icon :Sk! can rrguMrly secure Clever Younc Journalist, in ocean frfcu on frsta to the Cnlted Toronto Publication Kingdom below U shlftinga p,r ton, bow IU .he fr, As thrown the w uiiumb rselfle rout. between winter month t:e Bart of H.ur.. n. the ntk.rimm ot.vc "I lliua . HIM tn nntnlul .. . .. - - - Atlantic ..... r- port, ran m k VoU KKOW HOW A - - m , i-"-" un ai- winter Unt is a twntw.th.rfi. WKLL. he won't holler with onvthinjr hut praNe when hit collars are returned from this laundry. T.here's a feeling of comfort and newness when he puts it on and he smiles again when he it in the mirror. When you have your collar laumli'rcd our way just once, you'll wonder why you hadn't enjoyed real comfort Ix-fore. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to Fee Ladies' Coats Hats and iui i tc muu nwn in o9i . i . . . " tM fl fear, years durtn. during open L- navlantlasi . Miiiia rwv bt51,d . . -'tor. .. from Ckp rtv. r.- v . I " o as l . , imuuirua OI iramp win dc carrylnc mthnMU uttI pnlty U failure.' Thue, ' in 'Ohettlng "The Gravry.rd" Forest Ranger. Burns Lake, the Licence j mter- mhlch really radio set which XB306. to cut 40000 Jackplne tie on an registers the maximum and minimum area situated about 4t4 miles from Pal-j received from a ahlp's wireless and au-llng Btatlon. Canadian National Railway, ,-m.,,,. ,, Z. Z . . . tcmatlcally them Range 5. Coaat District. Interprets in terms of Three (S years will be allowed for re- J direction, moval of timber. This fest U aivnmr.ti.hi thTESSSS .n,pern,S;,b,:ub0ml,P'"'P'- " ir.rumUs.on faml- der to be opened at the hour of auction r 40 every wireless fan . As the ama- and treat tea as one bid. Ituer well knn. ii.iu. u.i ester. Victoria. B c or nitrt-t rrtr UP sounds out of the air most efflcltnt Prince Rupert. B.C. TIM HER SALE X4303 j wcu iu axis is ai ngnt angles to the path of the sound, and least effl clently when Its axis la parallel to the line of the wave. The goniometer works Ulnuter of Lands, at Victoria. B.C. not " 11 'trt moving the aerial wires later than noon on the 13th dav of about so as to mt tha imvunin. October, 19J7. for the purchase of Pulp n.i. bv y the ,trn8tn .tr.noth rt th.i. th" ound. Licence X4303. to cut 49.408.000 f.b n. , ! A spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an areai ltlu" no sucn cumoersome ar- sltuated on Copper Bay. . Moresby I rangement Is necessarv. Jour aerial Island. Queen Chsriotte IslandS District. Thirty (801 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- este, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIM HER SALE X1298 , wire stretch up to a mast from the ground at the four points of the compass. Incoming signals, of course, will agect most the aerial at right angles Is them. That Is to ssy. If a signal Is coming direct from the south It will affect most the two aerials running Sealed Tenders will be received by the tmm th. ...t .v.. .... . .w. . Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not I", "I T " " "f later than noon on the 13th day of " lu ulc"Trr wmcn aenais October. 1927. for the purchase of Pulp the signals are affecting most, the Licence X4308. to cut 12.092.000 f.bjn. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Grey Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Ixland.1 District. Thirty (30) years win oe allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ests. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMIJER SALE X1297 Sealed Tendera will be received by the M!nlt.r of Lands, at Victoria, B.C., not later than, noon on the 13th day of October, 1937. lor the purchase of Pulp Licence X4297. to cut 38373.000 t.bm. Sprure, Herrflbck and Cedar, on an area situated on; .- tCoDDer By. Moresby I bland. ' Queen Charfottle Islands District. ; ,.-.. '..Ai . -..,,1 km .11AW.I rvmovsi bf timber.. i .; . Further particulars bf thje Chief Tor-este, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. - IN PROBATE IN THE sri'ItEMi: t'OI'KT OT IlItlTISH t'OLL'MKIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman ( Otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, Ue 11th day of August. AJJ. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, aeceasea, ana goniometer uses a search coil which can be .tuned into the four aerlala al ternately and which, in layman's lan guage, feels out the flow of aerial sound. This search coll is governed by the turning of a dial, which accurately records Its automatic observations. CALLS FOR HELP. When a ship groping Us way Into the entrance of Juan de Fuca and hopelessly lost in a wilderness of fog. lushes o.ut a call . for radio help, lm- mediately an as.wer tomes back from Pachena, which Is standing; by for such messages. The shlp'a operatortnen ticks. uui, .wie camoination oi two dots and thrre .vdsfiM . wtuch spell thel. selected figure '2s In T' continual strftmre teatlngjh. slgnathlr JimeiV Jj- On shore the Pachena operator listens to the sounds travelling through the air, striving with trained ear to gauge IN PRORATE IX THE SI I'KE.ME f Ol'KT OF BRITISH COLLMIHA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C, Little, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His uonor. r mth rni nr rn. tnitm n.v nr .11 parties having claims against the ( September, A.D. 1927. I was appointed said estate are hereby required to fur-1 Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. nlsh same. DroDerly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September, A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the .mount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1927. Dated the 24th day of August, AX). IN PRORATE. IN THE SITKEME COl KT OF BRITISH COI-l'MIHA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay, Deceased. Intestste. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 27th day of August. A.D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of October. AX). 1927, and all parties in-debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to ms forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 1st day of September, AJJ. 1927. Little, deceased, and all. Dartles havln? claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of October, AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, i NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st day of September, A.D. 1927. t IN PROBATE. IN THE Sl PltEME COl'RT OF BRITISH roLU.MHIA f, iu wic inner oi me Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. AX). 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate or John Caddy, deceased, and .11 parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, -v- 'ice Rut HO. Dated tb 25th dsy if July, AX). lnt mps tratJN-V-ff Came In TLTOW alluring they seemed A A in the first flush of enthusiasm, those investments which promised so much - - and paid so little! Together they planned -what they would do "when their ships came in." And now when she needs the income, most of them are destined never to come in. Yet there is one investment no man or his family will ever regret - - one protection that - T - 1 Will never fail - - Life Insurance. The safety of Life Insurance funds is guaranteed - - it is assured by every precaution which men can take. Provide for the future with Life Insurance. Talk it over with a representative to-day - -and make sure that your home - is fully protected against the loss of your support - - or the possible failure of less secure investments. " " T NMssSWlVt ; i life ln$urp 0crvcc , v ' n VriW "-'. ',4 !V their maximum and minimum Intensity. He carefuly turns the dial of the search coll which, like the dial of your radio, varies the volume of the wireless ticking as one aerial and then another comes Into play. By noting- the spot on the dial where the sound Is first heard and the other where It fades away into silence he finds the mean point between the two minimum sounds. The dial, reflecting the position of the four aerials simply represents the 380 degrees of the compass and the mean point of sound definitely fixes the direction of the ship from the station. .SECOND STATION NEEDED From this Information the operator could draw on the map a line running out across the ocean from the station. Somewhere this line would cut the ship. But to locate Its distance afay on this line another Is needed to Intersect It and thus establish a definite -point: And to get this sprrmrt hta th. ... necessary; " Immediately on receiving X call for help the Pachena operator asks the American station at Destruc tion Island to the south to tune In on the signals which are pouring through the air. The American operator works with his Instruments, too, until he has found on what point of the compass the ship lies In relation to his station. This figure Is flashed across to his Canadian neighbor. The American's line of mean sound, drawn out across the water, cuts the line already estab lished by the Canadian operator Where tt two lines meet is the position of the ship. The scope of this systematic sentry duty on the edge of the Oraveyard Is almost unbellevcable. Since 1921 the station has given about 4,000 ships a year their positions. Not one vessel which has accepted this guidance has been wrecked- an almost lncredlt&hle record which could hardly be' Improved upon and which probably is rlthout equal anywhere. 1 Man in the Moon BLUE Monday Is with us again. But why blue7 THIS Surely Is blue Monday It's blue because It's blue It follows after sun day A n H If fa mwm rfaf trm T LA8T?week ilt would ' have been great fun to live on the prairies where we could snowball each other on the streets. TO live upon the prairies And revel in the show If not the life I'd like to live It's better here I know. THE most unplessant people In the world are those who tell you confidentially what others say about you. YOU have to treat some of your friends like you do some of the movie hotioes. You discount what they say. Mrs. Wlckwlre Why don't you give up that stupid' habit of saying "By Jove?' What do you know about Jove? Mr.: Wlckwlre- will If you will atop saying "tlie idea" every, time you are spoken to. What do you knot about Ideas?. i . The solemn-looking man In the com parcment remained silent ror many a mile. Finally, however, he touched the man opposite and remarked: -There Is much unrest In the world Just now, my friend, much unrest." "You're, quite right." "I hope you are not unmindful of the fact that we all have a duty to per form. We must combat this unrest." "I'm doing my very best," said the other. "How?" "I manufacture mattresses!" Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert SEPTEMBER 6, 1917. A special train carrying the chairman, president and other officials of the Qrand Trunk Pacific Railway Is ex-pected to arrive here within a day or so. Included In the group will be Alfred Smltbers of London,- Eng.. chairman of the board of directors; Howard O. Kslley, president of tht O.TJ W. P.j limton, vice-president and general" manager; J. E. Dalrymple. vice-president in charge of traffic: Frank Scott, vice-president In charge of finance; William Molson McPherson, Montreal, director; Jules Home. Montreal, director, and Peter McAra of Reglna, director representing- the federal government. The death occurred from diabetes this morning of Alex Oartland, a well-known resident of the city, who has been Identified as a carpenter with the dry dock and the cold storage plant. He was a native of Norway, 33 years of age and Is survived, by a wife and three children. " The Kelley Logging Co. Is offering to advance the. fare of loggers, engineers, firemen and boom men who will JeaVe fpr the company's operations on the Queen Charlotte Islands SO THIN'. OCorge was reading to his wife the newspaper report of a fire. "And, my dear I" he cried, "one poor woman had to escape down a witerptpe at the back of the house." y "Oar sighed bis wife, "bow splendid to be so thin as that l Royal. THEIR WIVES. Greene My wife never credit for anything I do. gives rr.v Orey -Mine it worse. She charges me with everything that goes wrong. Yorkshire Post. T7 - 5