meme rem spassing Leek Soup and Bread Makes ‘augan, Chilton Pace pels Coes ieee > FATAL EXERCISE «shiva tne ns : PONTYPOOL, Wales (P)—Re-|'0 apply the pendilum printeste ce Full Meal Cheese Dish Tasty %° C4 PAPE os civ Couple Monad Se _— a 3 Bias clothes and bare feet to save ex in the week whist game of thé 104 ee a weekly aL g 7 his automobile when his garage | ACKACHE ated Leeks are on the market again, In Toronto Women Of the Moose last week At Quiet Court House Ceremony jcaught fire. He moved the car | B ; } , 9 . e , . . tre , vhich saw Mrs. 8. Haugan win out, then collapsed’ and died hat it | housewives familiar \ a : secs “tides Le On ce ae : ut, psed ' p liar with this vegetable are paying ‘les first prize and A. BE, Chil A popular couple were married here last week on . me i . 10 cents for three : l . ° ton top the men . ; at *, an Ve 1S ; "yenel ” FER ‘ silat ror Ss = Mr. and Mrs. John Stok . thes ‘el : and there is an inere asing demand Mrs, H. F. Glassey was second '" 4 lulet ceremony at the court house when Wanda have left for Va Rec we “is : ways sre and elsewhere ; se ' . : : Ta aon ave le or Vanec: When kid ae uk ten Uneook oe “4 Mt a ee ee Mae Black became the bride of Sidney Gonick they will remain unt! February,| excess acids and wets vemuin io the ad MOOKEd it i ‘ trong lightiy bro é ‘ ‘ on man Mr jlassey als won . and will _— » 4 ' nm pOlLUne salted 7 “ : Thursday ni s boat neir |, oe ‘ * ' * j pot V4 CPR | he French wa water until tender at o | Mrs. L. Holder, Mrs. F. Good and Thursday night's boat on their on,an extended business trip Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. P Rupert : fis Dr . Suey so Te tele . honeymoon, the couple will re- : : ati coger he MEAL IN A BOWL se: rain and rinse with cold ** . nee eteran Miner turn shortly to take up resi- A bow! of leek soup an crisp . dence at the Elizabeth Apart- F.ench bread i practical), Arrange ir t ore Funera| services were hei a a s ¢ + +4 aks MANY @ Mi say bi @ greased : 7 1 ments a fir neal " itself. Here's how to pre- baking dish, 12 by eight by two oe careriville Court chapel] for Rocco The bride, an employee of | « Rotary | 2@"e the soup. Quintities may be | PChes--one third of the sauce Se ee etetan miner ‘\ George Cook Jewellers, chose an al rindi passed | PEreased according to the num- half the noodles, and the cream, C®orge Allard flew his cross- | Premi Stewart an AnycX, afternoon dress of bronze and i y y in | er LO be served and cheddar cheese. Re peat this | count test ‘omplete h ni ied in Toronto a week age.| black for the occasion and cat- ft wth Clean three good-sized leeks, “7@°8¢™mMent topping with re- irse, and is now awaiting his | He was 61 years old ried a bonquet of pink rosebuds. ‘ ager | leaving as much of the green "58 third of sauce. Bake in| Private pilo license Pallbearers were John Gard:- The ceremony was witnessed : et tops on as are tender. Slice and | "OC®TAte Oven 350 degrees unti ¥ man, J. Ciccone, Angelo } by a group of immediate friends : i e2 put into pot together with two een heated about 50 mir A vé sccessful party was | Max gilani, R. B. Sylvestel | and relatives. Dr. and Mrs. A a Jack | Medium-slsed peiatoes which es, yi) ight servin heid at the Aero Ciub Saturday {and Louis Martin A. Miller were attendants. A This is the time to think of m- | have been peeled and cut inte night with a record crowd o:| Hy: played during the sez reception at the home of Mr ordering your rubber footwear woe sean. plooen, ° member und =. guest Nora | ice e Abide With Me and Rock| and Mrs. George Cook followed while the selection is at its best. the | Put just enough water in the Variety Show ROM ipplied the msuic| of Age la luncheon at Club 27 wilj | 90t to cover potatoes and leek and Ray Fossum obliged with Survivors include his brothe ame ee Buckle and Zipper jwith When these vegetable are P| novelty number | Domi: who | t the 6 _— PIO s f | : nini ho brough he body & } Te pressed aowr anne y 0 here fr Tor ‘ . oO h iro} , i here from Toronto and anothe vershoes : . ¢. 4 wh COOKE put the whole A wedding invitation was re-| brother, Antonio. who lives i PRINCE RUPERT i air | through a vegetabie-strainer and Elks Members ceived by the Club from Eliza- | Bridgeport, Connecticut LITTLE THEATRE . Low Rubbers Ho: you should have a thick, pea beth Holmes who was the first} ; er cast &reen soup. Heat and add salt A giant ‘ girl to receive her private pilo Presents Full Rubbers 7 j iant Varie ow ‘ ‘ ‘ Be he ind pepper. Add a dab of butter ),, 51 talent : Pe - } @" \iicense through the Club, Th THIS WEEK Ask Me No Questions’ ound to each serving ; ee ae ne agea 9 ox of t waar ‘ c oie itie Capitol Theatre on S j aes wins * WE MOHIVETS § j } : 5 sess Jack's | pesemew , nee ay, De ; Civic Centre Art, Clu e Civie Centre Auditori ack CHEESE AGAIN 20, by the Elks C jto he 5 b, mee Centre Auditorium e past Th s ‘ ss DT aot eas eT - ing night, 8 o'clock, home Dec. 1 & 2 8:30 p.m. : thing He consumer department of rt Murray ts in charge of a Mrs. J. T. Harvey, 619 Fourti Children 35¢ Adults Tbe a he the Canadian agriculture de- Trangements, Jacques C ¢ pianted eab-) Aver F ’ ‘ 3 aril pia i é Avenu a pn ‘ i pariavent has more novel cheese Proceeds from the e bage, turnips and lettuce when Citize “2 ‘ ry Tickets are obtainable from as ton ‘ -. - cope for terested cooks. the Save The Children Fund for|he built a tiny fort at Quebec! p.m., Civic Centre. Speaker, Fa- the Civic Centre or any i Jasagna is “typically refugee 1541 ther Rav Little Theatre member aed “ makes a dcisting: ner i pa ne | ash.” it say et Ingredients ablespoon . aiad Oli me cup ed onlor ‘ Ore Ci ve, nit ¢ i if : Black. wh pound ground beef; one teaspx Sait: one cr ar wna Loe two ¢ight ci 1 tor pS past« me tleaspox i ‘ 2 enn cn pe ollar for Dollar i ; ’ poons marjoram " poor . nor ines i - package bre : marter po f a © 84 a / . ee cup atec A } ‘ H ri 5 nal Y n Aridi ‘ { awute t - ¢ bs owl A ‘ t - ‘ 4 vy é i / 4 ‘ . + + + # Don ‘ . wife ‘ ‘ sted i ‘ ; - 182 a ' . ios —_— r Free Book on Arthritis ++ ¢ And Rheumatism 4 be Hugo Kraupner | BOW TO AVOID CRIPPLING me DEFORMITIES ed ft Ai) amazing newly enlarged 44- 23 | page book entitled “Rhetmatism will be sent free to anyone wh he | will write for it : i evea wi : i mec ‘ 1 : reliel ANCE and faaj ti remeve the cause if ol he trouble; expoai specializ- wnat ea Mon -Surgica i ibou reatment Which his proven suc F ie essfu 1” past 33 years { You yea ligation im nd or tl t tive book Pris ef it may be th meal oj aving : 5 } } Years of unto misery, Writs {f th oday t rhe Ba Clin Dept 17. Excelsior Springs, Missouri MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. ena eit we em A