AGE SIX Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING BASKET WEAVING, etc. .Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone - - - - 231 HERE IS JUST What You Are Looking For A big saving In Vegetable and Fruit Specials Terrace Potatoes, per sack , $1.00 Terrace Carrots, 7 lbs. for 25 p Terrace Turnips, 7 lbs. for 23 Onions, G lbs. for 23c? Vegetable Marrow, 6 lbs. for 25p Pumpkin, 3 lbs. for . . 25 Hubbard Squash, 3 lbs. for 250 Celery, 2 bunches for . . 25 p Preserving Pears, per box $.1.50 We have only a limited supply of the above so please get your orders in early to make sure you can get what you want. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson for Mens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION in Prices 15 percent off for two weeks Only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 WHIST LEAGUE OPENS SEASON Pythian Knights, St. Andrew's Society, Sons of Canada and (.'rot to Win Initial Honors I Knight Of Pythias. St Andrews Society. Native 8ons of Canada and 'drotto wori ' openfng- honors in th , first traJon of the aeesoQ of the Fra-j tenia! Whist, League last night. Ia I the absence of the president. Mayor S. M. Newton. P. E. Wermlc. secretary, opened the league with a few suitable remark. The evening's scores were as follows: Knights of Pythias, 5; ' St. Oeorge'a Society. 4. St. Andrew's Society. 3; Oddfellows. 4 Nstlre Sons of Canada, 8; Seal Cove. 4. Moose Lodge. 3; Grotto, 8. GYRO CLUB WINS IN BILLIARD TOURNEY liranil Terminals lleaten Lat Night lj ait Aggregate Score of 9il to 831 Last nlght'a BUllard League future between the Qrand Terminals and Gyros was marked by two stiff contest between the first two men, the Gyro winning by an aggregate seore of S27 to 834. Col. 8. P. McMardle squeezed Ha LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV TO LEASE LA Ml. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Coast District. Ranee 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian neserve rnumoer 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austsd. of Prince Rupert. B.C. occupation O. Waugh (Q.T.I rancher. Intends to apply for a lease at lp pi ,n , ,8' the following described lands: V "'" Commencing at a post planted at tnr D- Brown (O.T.) aouthcaiterly point of BonUla Island: I A. Murray (O.T.) thence northerly, westerly, southerly and : easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, exreptlne therefrom that portion of the Island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18, und containing one tbousand acres, more or less. OLE C AOSTAD Applicant Dated July 15. 1827 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTEXTION TO APPLY LEAKE LAND TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dla. trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove from Bu ted ale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koakl. of Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Can. nery Wharf;, thence east 5 chains: thence south 2 chains; thence west 3 chains; thence north 3 chain to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. JACOB KOSKI, Applicant. Dated August 37. 1937 owe en Time GROCERY' SPECIALS Canned and Fresh Pumpkin, Pop ping Corn and Big Eating Apples Galore, Cheap We are changing our Egg and will give you now a lar ger guaranteed Fresh Egg, 3 doz. for si. -15 Our Fresh Ground Coffee is increasing in favor. Special, 3 lb. for $1.45 New Seedless Raisins just arrived, 3 lb. for 500 Ginger Cookies, going fast and furious, per lb, 250 P. & G. & Royal Crown Naptha Soap, 4 bars for 1150 Stock up on Heinz Goods now, it will pay you. Heinz Catsup, per bottle :$0c Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for . . 5r Heinz Medium Spaghetti, Pork & Beans, and Tomato Soup, 5 tins for Everybody get this one-One Dollar size wood box Sodas along with one Heinz Catsup and one Medium Tomato Soup, All for 81.00 Special Brooms 450 Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, pure, 4s, each 05 p King Oscar Sardines, 7 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . 500 Last week for Remo Spuds at $1.05 Beekist Pure Honey, 5 lb. tin for 050 Fancy Mcintosh Apples from per ox 825 to $2.75 'We Have-some great bargains on Sweet 6r Sour Tickles to go along' with your' Halloween Ban-quets and don't forget the Spice in the Pumpkin Pie. We guarantee our goods or your money back. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 Orand Terminals 4 3586 89 Sect 4 3337 083 INDIVIIIl'AL IULLIAK1I AVEKACES Games. Total. Aver W. J. Nelwn Q.) .... Col. S P.MBMdrdleiO.) M. M. M.-LachUn (G.l C. Balagno (O.) O. A. Woodland (O.) NOTICE LAND ACT. 3 800 20 : 3 600 209 2 400 300 4 796 199 2 383 191 4 752 188 4 752 183 2 336 11 4 749 1? WATER NOTICE. imr.KSION AMI USE I TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau. whose I addreaa la 410 Seymour Street. Vancou-i ver. B.C.. will apply fur a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out I of unnanmed stream which flow south-i erly and drain Into Port Stephens Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point axmt 600 feet from ! the mouth and will 1 used for commercial purposes upon the land! described as Lot 3750. Range 4, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 36th day of July. 1927. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the 'Water Act" will be filed , In tne office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objec tions to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right, Parliament Bulldlnga. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty daya after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper, rne date of the first publication of this notice 1 August 20. 192 EUGENE ROUSSEAU, Applicant. OK INTENTION TO TO LEASE LA Ml APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port China, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Maacett. B.C.. occupation a lumberman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post plsnted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing Into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. Queen Charlotte Islandv Province of British Columbia: thence 4 chain southerly; thence 10 act cnams easterly: cnains northerly to the shoreline: thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or less. (Signed) A. ROBERTSON, Applicant. Dated October 6. 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only. That's why we sell first quality groceries for less. And at the same time save you from 10c to 25c on eacHl dollars expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for 350 Per case $5.50 Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped, per box $2.00 Remo Potatoes, ner sack .. $1.00 Any brand of Flour, '49 lb. sack, $2.75 B.C. Sugar, 10 lbs. for .... 750 E.C.D. Butter, per lb 500 2 lbs. for 050 14 lb, box $0.-15 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. W 14 lb. box $0.10 Old Dutch Cleanser 100 Corn Flakes 100 S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 301 FHdat THE DAILY NEWS Goodness Has a Price "SALADfi If you pay less you get inferior quality. out a victory for the service club over W Lon- with a score of 300 to 192. while George Waugh. lor the Terminals. won over Charlie Balano by a scant four points. The other three game want by rather long margins. The Individual acorea were aa follows: W. Long (Orand Teiniaala) 192: Col. 8. P. McMordl (GJIO Olubl 300. George Waugh, 300; Charlie Balagno. 196. Dan Brown. 138; W. J. Nelwn. 3O0. A. Murray. 300: a. P. Tinker. 131. Jack Judge. 108: M. M. McLaehlan. 200. The htghj -break of the evening, forty-.hree. was run by Col. MtMordie. League standing to date are a folic ws: Osmea. Total. Aver Gyro Club 4 3771 943 Jje Brown (8.) 4 4 J. Hltlman (O.T.) W. Long (Q.T.I . . . J. Judge (O.T.) ... J. Beeeley (81 ... O. P. Tinker (O.I . M. Andreas (8.) . J. Andrews (8.) . . . J. Hamilton (8.) . Dr. Wcat IQI MS 1ST J STfl 188 4 009 in i 506 169 1 166 ICS 4 663 1M 4 866 164 4 585 14S 4 930 130 1 127 127 SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' WHIST rime-Table for Activities of Four Teams are Released Prince Rupert Fraternal White League, ladles' section. Fixtures for first hall f the seascn (1927-28) sre announced tt fellows: (All matches wUI be played '.n Tuesdays at the "Oood Eat" Cafe it 8 pm. aharp. There wUI be no match .urlng the week commencing November 7 on account of Thanksgiving Day ailing In this week). .NOVL.MIIL-lt 1 Uoose Ladle v. English Ladle. Orange Ladles vs. Canadian National Ladles. 15 Canadian National Ladle va. Moose Ladle. English Ladies vs. Orange Ladles. 22 Orange Ladles vs. Moose Ladle. English Ladle y. Canadian National Ladle. 29 English Ladle v. Moose Ladle. Canadian National Ladles vs. Orange Ladles. l)K(i:.MItKK 6 Moose Ladles vi. Canadian National Ladles. Orange Ladles vs. English Ladle. 13 Moote Ladies v. Orange Ladle. Canadian National Ladies va. English Ladle, " SPORT CHAT The redoubtable "Battling" Dido Our-vlch goes up against It again tonight at Anyox. How he will make out against this Jimmy Ferguson man. who Is better known as a baseball player than a boxer, remains to be seen. Anyox seem to be Just as sure that If man will win as Prince Rupert 1 that Dido will carry off the honors. If the latter wins, two victories within eight day' time will be a feather In the crown he seemingly hope to aspire to. in spite of the fact that his scalps to date may not be considered any par ticularly notable one. But every notch on the old gun count, even a small one. They say that this Jimmy carries a wicked wallop In his left mlt but Dido probably knowa all about that and will accordingly. General Interest pre vails in the outcome of tonight's mixing at the smelter town. Considerable speculation la rife In baseball circles as to who wlU succeed Dave Bancroft as manager of the recently luckless Beaton Browns. The names of several diamond etara are discussed, but President Fueh spikes a report that Eddie Collin of the Athletic ha been offered the post. When Collins joined the Philadelphia Club at Jhe opening of the 1927 campaign, there was talk that be would eventually lift the managerial burden from the shoulders of Connie Mack and that Is still the general expectation. Just where Ty Cobb and Trls Speaker will fit In next year baseball picture stilt hangs fire. Either would .furnish lustre to the Braves, whose fortunes In recent years have been at low ebb. The former manager of Detroit 'was signed by Mack for a single season! while Speaker had a like contract with the Senators. It Is generally understood that Speaker la headed for another camp and that Cobb will ahlft allegiance also If he playa again. Speaker rose to fame and had his best day with the Red Sox In Boston, where he still has a large following. At the same time. Speaker was well liked In Cleveland and reports have been current that he would return LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION .TO APPLY TO LEASE LNI) In Atlln Land Recording District of the Cassiar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the north- Shredded Wheat, Bran FJakev OTk:f!Tr 01 BK'IK I'ep, Z lor . ., ... .mjs,.,.. - take notice that I, Horace mcj Try our Fresh Grbffitf ctffeff per lb. 500 the Engineer Oold Mine Ltd., Inc.. In- RillL- Too n IK niiA J""" fVV'J ur "" "v .ing aescnoea una: everything in the store is plainly marked with price tags. Also everything guaranteed. $5.00 orders or over delivered free i Commencing at a oast nlanted about 500 feet asterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 223 feet; thence easterly 100 feet; thence southerly ISO feet, more or leas, to high water mark: thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER OOLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant, tf, ilcN. Fraser, Agent. Dated August 9, 1927. IS. III WEEKEND SPECIALS FREE, THIS WEEK! WHILE THEY LAST! 500 Hallowe'en Masks for the Kiddies With every purchase of 1 lb. of Sliced Macon in our Provision Department I. I .. f 17 4K1 C.nIlJ c I..w1 I. ... ...Ill ur vtiui oitj iJuimusc ui u i t'Ki'iauic uhhhh non.w ia.ui n , ui mm every Combination Canned Fruit Special at 1 for 93c We want every customer to participate in this Hallowe'en Treat GROCERIES Hillsdale California Asparagus. Tall tins, 2ft'a, special 200 Tender from stem to tip. This price is a knock-out I Wc have not seen this size sold under 45c to 50c here before. Combination Canned Fruit Special I tins for .. 050 Your choice of any of following: Nabob Greengage Plums, 2Ms's Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, lVa's, squat Malkin's Grated Pineapple, 2s Nabob Sliced Peaches, l's, talis Horedale Bartlett Pears, l's, tails' Kosedale Apricots, l's, tails Nabob Red Cherries, 2's Kosedale Royal Anne Cherries, l's, tails Note Wc will make a special price on any of the above assorted at $2.75 per dozen. Canned fruit market is firm and prices will not decline. Combination Special 1. & G. Naptha Soap, 4 for 250 With each purchase of 8 bars, we will sell one Oriental Crumb Tray, complete for 100 With each purchase of 16 bars, we will sell a lovely Bathroom Mat for :M)0 Our Values are Unbeatable! Grapenuts, regular 20. Special per pkge 11V40 Spring Clothes Pins, 6 dozen for 250 Brunswick Sardines, per tin 5V40 Cut Mixed Peel; per lb. 250 Candied Cherries, per lb. 500 French Shelled Walnuts, per lb 100 This is GOc value. They are not bitter. Hallowi Dates, special, 2 lbs 250 Victory Fruit Jars to clear: Quart Jars, regular $2.00. Special, per dozen SI. 50 Pint Jars, regular $1.75. Special, per dozen 81.U0 to his old Job as manager of the Indians under a new ownership. In the removal of Walter Johnson from the Washington Senators to the Newark International, passes another brilliant and veteran landmark from the Big Baseball Leagues. Surely the old order doth change for the new and, with housecleanlng general at this time, many a picturesque figure 1 disappearing to the minor there to gradually ease to close careers that are now on the wane. And there la a general algh of regret that they houId go which cannot be extinguished even by the brilliant stars of the present day's youth. None are more brilliant and none more missed will there be than the "Big Train" whose sUr. like the rest, 1k now going down. Outstanding in all his long career of brilliance will be his performance when three years ago he was credited with bringing their first pennant to the Senator. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Llpsett sailed by the Prince Oeorge last night on their return to Vancouver after having spent a fortnight in the city. Mr. Llpsett anticipates being back here again with-ia -ix muntlu' time. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Combination Vegetable .. Special SO lbs. Terrace Turnip 8 lbs. Hard Cooking Onions 8 lb. B.C. Carrots 4 lbs. Blood Red Beets 1 only 1 1 sad Cabbage. 4 6 lbs. All for .. $1.00 to Apples Strawberry Pippins, Jumble Pack, per box $1.05 Fresh Pineapple, eseh. . 750 Niagara Concord Grapes, per basket $1.25 Tokay Grapos, pr lb. . . 250 S lb. basket 050 Fresh Cranberries, per lb. 250 D'Anjou Pears, dosen.. 100 .l-arge Cauliflower, each 2150 Crabapples, 3 lbs. for. . 250 Per box lj.2.50 Italian Prunes, basket it50 Baskets Mixed Fruit, each 750 This is a popular line and gives you a splendid assortment of all the choice seasonable linos. Pumpkin, Squash, Citron, Vegetable Marrow, Red Cabbage, Celery, Cucumbers, Picking Onions, etc. Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped stock, extra special, per box $2.50 This is the lowest price we have had on this popular apple this season and as supplies are nearly over we would suggest early buying. California Table Figs, 2 lbs. ( Chicken Feed, 20 sacks elevator wheat, to clear at per sack $1.25 Candy Specials Butter Scotch Squares, regular 35c per lb. Special 22V0 Assorted Fruit Balls, regular 35c per lb. Special 22H0 Gold Dust Scouring Powder. It's sudsy and does the work. Special, 3 for 250 2-in-l Shoe Polish, five colors: White, Tan, Brown, Black, or Ox-blood. Special, 3 for i.-;0 Del Monte Dri-Pak Prunes, 5 lb. tin. Sjecial . . 700 PROVISIONS Mild-cured Peamr-..! Bacon, machine -: lb. ltowc's Mince Meat Also packed in I! each Mere words vm scribe the quality -Mince Meat. If it i Irior to any other America, we will :i you for It. Try a j our risk! Cheene Olde Sharpe Cheese jars Umburger Cheese in i; jars l'henix Pimento Che lb. pkge, Phenix Canadian (') lb. pkge Phenix Cheddar ( h-. lb. pkge Phenix Swiss Chee c I'kge Ontario Cheose, Jui per lb This Is the flnt twelve years we ha ally handled or seen u matured Ontario Cher . price is high, but you v. membsr the quality long time! Positive bitter. Choice Dairy Butter 2 Maid of Clover Cj-cj Batter in bulk, 3 lb Note our price on the est quality obtainable' 2f 2,f Hit I Of 51 i ( ie r i Kr 1 under Frlgldaire tern c -ture. We have a contra; 20,000 lbs. butter and price and quality wilt mand attention. Eggs B.C. Storage F special, 3 dozen fir $1.2.7 This is a good i: ,: egg, but we do not gu . tee it strictly fresh. Lard Irj bulk, 2 lbs. f ., il",t Ajax Hams, new stock lb .-we Half Ham, butt or sham: r lb :tfr Sugar - cured Brca - Bacon, machine sliced, lb 430 Smoked Kippers, per lb. 15e Maritime Haddies, lb, 200 Fresh Crabs, 2 for . . :W Fresh Shrimps, lb iWt Round Steak, lb 220 Pot Roast, lb 17 t Our Meat Departmcr. the best In town. RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. Phones: 210 & 211. WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Colleen nsr moord . t i riii "Nauehty ,! But Nice" DO.AI.D HEED, CLAUDE (IILLINGWATER, HAM. AM, jjukh mcintosii, kathryn mcGUike, LDYTHE CHAPMAN. CLARISSA SELWYNNE and many others. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "HOBOKEN TO HOLLY- WOOD." PATHE REVIEW Admission - 50c and 25c