PAGE FOUR BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each . . :1.10s Double Blanket, each . . .0c Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. RIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - 118 Spring Costts 111 Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Bo 327 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE I'hone 381 I'.O. Ilox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ItpW-ItOATS AND CANOES SAND AND fJKAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easlhope Engine and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT HEAR IN STOCK Compassi Adjusting ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garnient tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Htreet Tbe Prince Rupert basketball team had an easy G3-30 victory over the aggre-jatloh representing H.M.C.S. Patrician In life exhibition game at the Exhibition Ha'4 last night. The sailor boy, es-tpeclally Barker, who was the heavy ! tcorer of the evening, tried well but the jeifecUve team work and combination play of the locals proved too much for them. A large crowd witnessed this ! tween the Junior League Stars and Colts which was a close affair, the former winning 20-18 after five minutes' overtime, the score at time being 10 all. Scoring In the main game of the even-jig " was as follows: H.M.CJS. Patrician Barker. 24; Robinson, 4; Burden; Olckerson. Total, 30. Prince Rupert E. Smith. 3; Howard. 8; Lambie, 24; George Mitchell; Slocomb, 2:t if. Budlnlch, 1; D. Gurvlch, 10; J. Mc-Nuliy. 10. Total. 63. I Lee Dell was refwee" and R. B. Skin ner acted as linesman. Jt?MO!C I.KACCK . Scoring In the Junior League engagement, which was refereed by Vincent j Meagher und George Mitchell, was as follows: Stars Eddie Smith, 6; Tom Kelsey, 2; C. Donald, 8; A. Cross, 2; D. MorritOn, 2. Total, 20. Colts Ernie Ratchfcrd. 5; Stalker. 2; H. Macdohald, 7; B. Irvine. 2; J. Scott. 2. Total, 18. Official scorer Miss Dot Macdonald. Between games. Mayor Newton officiated at the presentation of cups which were won during the winter in the various city leagues. The McMor- fdle Cup, for Junior League champion ship, was received by the captain of the Colts' team, Harold Macdonald; Miss Margaret Graham received the. Milburne end Hellbroner cups, for district and city JtdltV championship, on behalf of the Prince Rupert Maple Leafs, and the Orotto cup. for Intermediate city championship, was presented to the Orotto team through Dido Gurvlch. S. D. Macdonald, president of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, In ipeaklnj briefly, explained why there was no trophy this year for the Senior League championship which had been won by the Elks. The evening's entertainment came to a close with a dance which lasted until midnight This part of the program was arranged by Ben Self and music was by Kenny Rood's orchestra. SPORT CHAT Local football fans are rejoieeful at the' announcement that the ortenlntr - " i - . . tf the season Is at. hand. The special game" tonight between- the'.-' city and H.M.CB. Patrician should be ah Inter e sting' preliminary to a season's actlvl Wet between three Senior teams Moose, 6rand Terminals and Regiment whd iill tangle first In the Stuart Shield series of six games opening, May 23 Football, as la' customary. Is oil to the first start and everything seems now well organlml. Now K .is time to hear from the baseballers 'who have been quiet of 'late. Perhaps May 24 will again see both baseball and football started but there will have to be some quick action' among the organizers' of the former sport If no. The following teunW will represent 1IJ.1.CS. Patrician and the city ot Prince Rupert In the football game' at Acropolis Hill grounds tonight: H.M.CB. PatrtcfaiV--Able Seaman Bar ker: Petty Officer Qulnn and Able Sea man Barrett; Lieut. Lby, Able Seaman Grosvenor and Telegrapher Twaltes Able Seaman Robliuon (captain), Boy Stone, Able Seaman Burden, Petty Of' fleer Croaier and Leading Stoker Jones; spares. Leading Seaman Jones and Stoker McKlnnon. Prince RiVpert -Splro Gurvlch: Brick Skinner and Sanuhy Erskuie; ncorp Ilill, Stun Currte (cuptftlny aiid George Mltcliell; C. J, Norlnjton. Percy Tinker, A. Dickens, Oeorgc Howe and J. S. WU soft; spares, Pat' Dbherty and P. litis. sell. The refereo will be Mr. Tharratt Onr. T of the Patrician. Baseball enthusiasts to the number of bwenry-flve or more met In the Moose Hall at Stewart' rece-ivtly and eleeted II. P. Gibson president of the club with ESTab and the other In Hyder. 1838 Urandy 3 with a 5E3 redier&L mm s ks SL -doUIcJ in Co0nac-M Thu adrliempr.f i tvi niVJifKpd or displayed by 1 e LtcjMr Cbnlrd Booid cr ty lhe Govcmmenl of British folumbia. W. R. Tooth manager and James" Mor-rlce, EecreUvry. The reason will be offl-erally opened In the mining town on May 24 with a game between Stewart and Hyder on the Canadian town's grounds. Before that date there are to be two practice games, one in Stewart To offlcrally open the tennis season, the members of the Anyox club held a tournament on Sunday last. Whether ladder games will receive the attention given them in the past wlU depend upon the wishes of the majority of mambcrs. Certain minor repairs were recommended and new nets ordered. The hours for the use of the courts by the school children remain -the same as last year. Anyone over the age of ixteen will be eligible for membership. the fees for which have been reduced to 2.50 for the current year. ROD AND GUN ASSOCIATION OIUIAMZATION lOCMRII LAST -N'KillT WITH II. ('. ST I ART ritKMIlENT AMI 4, W. Ml Itlt.VN VK'K At a meeting of those Interested in angling and hunting at the city Hall last night an organization wa3 formed which will be known as the Prince Ru pert Rod and Oun .Association and hlcfi will have as Its' object the bet Urlng of conditions ior amateur fish ermen aiid hunters, in 'this locality. pincers were elected as' follows: rrcjident D, C. pjtuart. Vlce-Presidentr j': yf. Durran.. Sccrelary-TreasurecV'F, '. Ortmble'. Executive Cr. J. ' p. fia'de, anit ' Jack LBoddle. t . . flie Association passed' a resolution recommending , to the authorities that IOojrah and Sliawatlona, Lake be re stocked Willi .game , i . Having been delayed with heavy freights at Opccn Palts4p.N.R. steainer Prince Rupert, Capt. D.-Djnaid, arrived at ri:au nootx today iron the south, The vessel will sail tonight at 10 o clock for Anyox. returning here tomor row evening to sail south at 11. L-a-t-t-i'Tt-g Refreshmtnt Get Nips delicious Peppermint flavored gum in sugar-coated form AbWlcUl trt clniwM saeuUi sad Ucthsldt dliMtUa. THE DAILY NEWS Wtdnesn't.. HPiHIv l BRINGING UP FATHER Trrrut-e anil I lie Other Tftlcl of KMTlniif- In riilna TERRACE; May 18. In the absence Church pulpit was occupied on Sunday (.veiling by Mrs. Allan and Miss Haddock, deaconess of Prince Rupert United Jhurclr. The service, which was very argely attended, was conducted by Mrs. .illan and very Impressive sermon was .eltvered by Miss Haddock. T.K Mlas Haddock were guests of honor on' Monday afternoon when Mrs. O. T. Sundal entertained the members cr the Ladles' Oulld of United Church und a number of other friends. During die afternoon vocal solos were rendered by Mesdames Allan KirkaJdy. Haney and Munro. and Miss Haddock, recently returned missionary from China, gave a very Interesting account of her work In he mission fields and of her harassing experiences In reaching the coast and safety alter the uprising In that country. KrfrtJhmenU were served by the iKwtess. assisted by Mrs. D. D. Munro uud Mrs. C. L. M. Glggey. ALICE ARM Members of the Vancouver Board of Trade, making a cruise north on the Princess Alice this summer, will arrive at Anyox on the morning of June 23 at 0 o'clock, leaving tbere at 2 o'clock for Allc Arm which wilt be reached at 4 o'clock and leaving here at 8 o'clock. Stewart will be reached at 7 o'clock tlie following morning and a stay of 2G nounrls planned there. ( A travelling troupe known as "The Sherrahs" give a much appreciated tntertalrVmejit 111 the Alice Ann Hotel two evenings last week. y . tvT- Nick- sutllovlch has returned home after having spent a few days In fr'rlnce' Rupert on business. The culvert has been extended at the intersection of First Avenue and first Street and the sidewalk extended along llrst Avenue, this being a distinct advantage to pedsetrtans In the business art of the town. Jack Graham has spurchased the resi dence of A. McAllster on Riverside Drive and has moved In. Harry Smith has opened a notary public and brokerage office In the Barrett Block. John Stark, caretaker tit the Dolly Varden mine, spent a few days in town last week. The local tennis' court Is - proTlnz very popular this -y'eaf,-jnany befng; desirous of .Ntidirlglrig !m this , pleasant, butdoor ' ' exerct'ie. ' -4,-:,":' x i u J -.tTv.v Oardtniiiiniund toUn! tare' Skiing on a neat appearance. A few have been planted ' tout the mont liove yet to receive seeds. Mr. and MnuJ. WTieatley have moved their residence from down the Inlet and are now residing at Silver' City. NAASYALLEY The Natts Valley Citizens' Association Is continuing its activities and some very encouraging replies are being re ceivca to its advertisement ror new u-ttlers. C. 8. Oordon ha had the mlnfortune to lose one of his team of horses. He raked a bumper crop of potatoes list season which he hopes ta disuse of quickly; l j . L , The Indians, have; made preparations for their new sawmill which Is being provided for , them by the Dominion Government, Thl wUl be a help to the whole district but fears are entertained that by the ItnW "the machinery arrives the river will be too high for It to be brought up for some months. Jack atuddy has left for Prince Itu pert on a business trip. It Is the earnest hope of all real dent In the valley that a clergymau may be sent to Gltlakdanrlx this year to nil the vacancy caused y the re movaj w Ry, cilver Thome to Kin eolith. Church services have been IwMiducted on the reservation by Charles Morven, a ly reader, but the psopu PIANO FOR RENT. IS.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. BOARD EXCHANGE WrtTIIKIt Itl.l'OltT. If BOARD, -r THE INLANDER. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marris. 830 (Thlrd Ave. Phone 648. tf are anxious for a clergyman. Plans are being laid for Improving the mads oi the district this summer, 4 TERRACE Mrs. R, L. Mcintosh arrived from Prince Rupert on Monday to Join Mr. Mclnt6sh at their summer home here. They expect to spend the summer In Terrace. Mrs. D. W. CasBclls left on Monday for Calgary. The Misses Haddock returned Princ Rupert on Tuesday. to The large Day-Elder truck and trailer recently ordered by Oeorge Little for use in the hauling of logs to the iocal mill arrived by Sunday's frelsht and was unloaded and put to work on Monday. It is a large three ton truck with twelve Inch .solid rubber' ' tire and It Is expected It will take the place ot lx,.;.Or eight P!r?: This Is the the huslness here, another Is somewhat lighter having been at work for some weeks on the haul from the Little Ac Olggey mill In the Kalum Valley. Mrs.- J. Raven has gone to her home at Kalum Lake and intends movimr her household bcfcnglngs from the cottage west of town owned byMr. and Mrs. Chas. Raven. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 48. Rosifwood. Cloudy, calm, temp. SO. Alyan&h Clear, cnlm. temp, 47. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 49, Airyox. Clear, calm, temp. 52. Stewart. Part cloudy, calm, temp. 46 llai-elton-Clear, calm, temp. SB. Telegraph Greek Clear, calm, teinn ' 44. Bmlthers Tart cloudy, calm, temp. 49, Burns Lake. -Clear, calm, temp. 48. Misses Isabel and Susie Haddock re. turned to the city on yesterday after- noons train trom a trip to the Interior By George McMnniu HBiTliA 1 JhH 1 1 II f BVCOULY-THISISANICE.JOB I OH. !M SO CtAD I REMEMBERED O f j S HH W . 1 m BlsrPh A flShS I H WE cot on me hanos-i-ve to &RINC ALONC MOSnC- f i!, L ,fl i minute- ill I V JKlBi tEffi ! i 1 CCfT TO ClT THIS EUPH I FEELSO LOMESOHE HERE BisM Vl 'II P O SE RICHT , y-M mlmiW 'I'ivVi fl I 1 OUT OP THE HOUbE. BUT HE lisj INDIA- I MO"T S)INQ TO mWs , I 'V r j "HM WITH TOU1 J X i jlp r KA JaP " : "r " nfv AIKTARg' TfeB,jnTWQ LADIES WERE : - -J BA 3 'WON BASKETBALL f Mn. imie 1 1 One rrfarlird lit I'nlteil Thnrrli ! flSflk FT7!alfl ; II.W "A" EASV EASV V"TRV VICTORY !.ast LAST SIOIIT SiniiT aWrwWrTTTm. IUbV , i OVI-R ovi:n ,,M- II..M.S. PATKICIAX patkiciax 4T.OSK DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken Tor let than 50c WANTED LfafaB1 ! I A 1 of or Rev. Rev. Win. Wm. Allah. Allan. Knox Knox United Unltedl- ' HlllL 0U1E.U r This advertisement is trot published or displayed Uy the Liquor (ionl r:l Hoard or by Hip fidvernrtif nl !t isri'ixli ' Columbia JI'MOK LKACt P. MATCH AD. w Anted. partner with some capital and acquainted- with navigation and" halibut fishing. Box 44. Dally News office. 110 WANTED. HOUSEWORK. WASHING, Cleaning by the hour. Phone Green 283. 118 WANTED. TOUNO GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Phone. Black C03. 116 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN COOK WANTS WORK IN small camp. Apply Box 41, Dally ' News Office. 113 FOR RENT FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18? ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 129. FOR SALE 1913 Klltlt XKIIAV Just a few days left now. In which to make your bid for this car that Is going to the highest bidder, on May 23. Somebody may pick up this car at a bargain. Why not youT Put In your sealed bid at I'AltKCK'S (MltAfii:. Third Avenue. FIVE TUBE NEUTRODYNE SET. LOUD talker, head seM. complete, for sale, or exchange for small pleasure boat. Phone Red 40U. Post office box ISM. Prince Rupert. 118 FOR SALE. BEDD1NQ OUT PLANTS, all varieties, raised In oui Own green house. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowera. FOR SALE. LOT. FORTY FOOT Frontage, -with septic tank. Harbor view. Price I37S.OO cash. Apply Box 45, Dally News office. lie FOR SALE OR RENT. SEVEN ROOM House; furnace, fireplace, modern. Seal Cove Circle. Helgrrson. 120 FOR SALE. 8 IX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 12.200 00. Apply P.O. Box 378. US FOR SALE 100 ACRES LAND ON UP- per Skeena. 11,20000. Apply Box 42, Dally News Office. 116 FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house and four roomed furnished flat. Phone Green 735. 118 OPPORTUNITY! M.OO A MONTH NOW buys your future homes! te. Walker's Music Store. AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO THE TUBLIC1 ON Ac count of the late 8prlo In Alberta, the land not being yet fit to seed, the sale as advertised of the residence and residential site on AUIn Avenue will be postponed until Thursday. May 20 at 230. This U speculation worth looking Into. O. P. Brine, Phone 774. IIIIKSKMAKIMi EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. FOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. Mra. C. Smith, Drexel Rooms, 130 Second Avenue. Phone 880. DOMINION IIKMTIItF. EXriHNnK rieannnly ,,t Gatnon, proprietors 144 Third Avenue Phone-Murk 411 Furniture of all' sorts bought, sold or Exchanged, . ' v UPIIOLSTERINfi FURNITURE REPAIRING: UPHOL. aterlng of all kinds. Chesterfield recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 603. o. m. hunt. RESTAURANTS noon eath u.srr. Mra. Ungef, Proprietress Third Avenue, Nest O. W. V. Omul Home Conked Mesls. Phone Black 700 TAXI A. Phone 67 Tnxl (Call George, Paul or ftustl Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. hush BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Enmns. Hotel HlBh High t-ow High l-ow PIIIVfT UlIliCDT mmca . .a - SIITiO ht:dm:.siw, mav "is 1:60 a.m. . . 14:81 p.m. Uw 8:30 n.m. 20:28 p.m. TlirilKIUV, MV ....... 2:28 ajn. 18:32 p.m, 0:13 ajn. 21:04 p.m, I'HIDAY, MAV M 3:02 a.m. 16,18 p.m. a i oi re 18.8 is 7.0 20.0 ft. 18.0 3.4 84 20 rt. '17.4 0:84 a m, 3.7 91:47 pm. 9.0 For the rjit Article rLot nd Found,4e OUT-OOiNH Mondays. Wednesji tni j,, I Close tnu.' To .Vanrouver 8undays Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays May 13. 24 First class msll Is also dnwifW, Vancouver on Mondays, Vttordmai Saturday by C.N.R. tralas. ' Tn An) in anil Allie Arm Sunday Wednesdays To Slrwart and Premier Sundays Saturdays To ri. Mmwon and .Saw Rim Ihursdsys lo Alanka I'ulnls May 9, 20. 30 u tu Queen t'harMIe May 7. 21 n IN-roMIMJ From the Eat 1IM 1 D lu lllM IliM Tuesdayi, Thursday and Sundijifc .. M From Vancouver is- Sunday ... Wednesdsys , 10JCI Thursday .J Saturday May 9, 20. 30 i From Anjov anil Alice tns- ' Tuesday u Thursdays . .. It from Stewart and Freailn- Tuesdays w Sundays From ft. Rlmpwn and Nlit.N- Ssturdajra . u From Alaka Points- May 13. 24 u Frnin tfueen Charlnttes May S. 19 .. u IMIX I'OIJMniON) Graham At Atlln Ave. tat Ave. it 8th St 6tb Ave. As Fulton St. 8th Are. & Thompson Uth & Sherbrock Ave. 1 1th Ave. At Conrad St 6th Ave. 8c Hays Cove 6th At Hay Cov Circle 8th Ave. It Cotton St Jlh Ava. At McBrlde Bt Prov. Govt, Bldgs. Prov. Oov. Whsrf G.T.P. Whsrf O.T.P. Station 2nd Ave. At 2nd St, 3rd Ave. A Fulton St 3rd Ave. & 6th St, STEAMSHIP I'pr Vsneouver Sunday -ss. Prince years' Tuesday as. Catala Thufday- Prsnre Saturday- -ss. Carucna " - . Prlncea Betr'. May 24 as, PrincCa Al 100 II 101 tl III ti 1 11 u 110 V ib 30 in t M I 10 I ... ! 11 l i a i; 10 00 l - u u lilt M 1011 u I0J0U IM li M IM M From Vnm-ouvrr ltt Sunday- . Catala Wednesday as Pi Kl!'r, Thuriiday s. Cardrna Saturday - as. Prince- f: Prince Oeore 1' Saturday--!. a May 20 as. Princes Al a May 30-as, Princess AI!-" For Port Minn ami N' " . Thursdav- as. Cardens From Port Slmpwin and M Saturday, carom For Anjox 0 Sunday-. Catala . .ft Wedneday . Trlnre Rv'P"1 From Anyov - Tuesday . Catala Thursday-. Vxwt IWI" For Mewarl Sunday-s. Catala Saturday-. Prince Ororfif From Mewart Sunday-. Prince Oeorg Tuesday . Catala for tf neen Fharlot tf Myil Prlne jo"" Fiom tjtieen riiarion'-May'lO... Prince John For Alaka .. May 20-. PrlnceM A May 30-. Princes Allr From Alaska .... Alice May 24-. Plmce C.N.R. TRAINS l or me I.MM totui tn" w i wineday it tf !' II M If f aVllUl( " 11 JO jn, Tront the -,utf Sunday. Tuesly " 3.30 p tn. j