PAGE FOUa Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doubtless t$e cause of most of ih ills that afflict humanity. This IS so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolIshneM, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the moat Inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered OptometriM and Optician Room 3 Smith Hlock Phone 7C3 f VOO SOVVO Ktt TrUj ; miner ir nmu J TrVrVT VI 6 s,tu. no) &m,U We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern B.C., Including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 11C and 117 VELVET Ice Gream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery 1 Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. IIox 15C5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ItOW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Kffuipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agent for Easlhope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN ifALIHUT GEAIt IN STOCK Compass Adjusting . LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Diatributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand .and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving. t BRINGING UP FATHER ENJOYMENT AT THE SALT LAKE Centre of Attraction to Many on These Warm Days I A walk around town of an evening make ooe wonder ilwft the young foMu are. There may toe a baseball or football mach and acme' will be found there. Perhaps many are playing tennis. The male se la In the majority at (bee gainea. But there la one branch of athlettc activity, and one of the beaHMeat where the glrti more than bold their own. That la In swimming. It la well worth a trip to Bait Lakes, even If one dM not get Into the water, to see the crowd that enjoys tbla great advantage. The warmth of the water, the conveniences, tU talrty. aU combine to make the Salt Lakes an asset that any city would be glad to have. I And She girls are as numerous as the oys. Bee them trying out some new ;fcrm of dive, standing, running, somer saulting. Jack-knife and high dives. All merry and happy. A loud smack and a roar of laughter proclaims that some one. has. done a "belly-f topper." It stings too, but no one minds much. Borne one else goes to the other extreme and the legs go oer there's another rrr.sck and. it laugh. This amack la not so noisy as one on the tummy I FIVE AT ONCE Then there are five Jumping In from different heights all at once: there Is a shout as all strike the water at the same time. Then follows criticism from their friends as to who made the neat est and most or least graceful dive. The crawl stroke la very popular and I some are very efficient and speedy! There are several of the older "boys, usually with their family enjoying themselves In the watef and watching their children. They spend quite a lot of time coaching the younger ones and this Is the reason, no doubt, why, the young folks are doing so well. Why do we not appreciate our ad vantages more? Any other place would advertise this and consider It as war ranting' the": attention -of travellers, and visitors. Yet it Is enjoyed by local people only and by a comparatively small number of them. AXM.W. SPORTS The annual sports will be brought off soon. With the material at hand there should be a splendid entry list for. the different events. The committee will surely see that it la given every pub licity, and the public will surely see that they are there to enjoy It either as competitors or as spectators. In the meantime why not make an effort to take advantage of the good things at hand and not complain of the coldness of these northern waters an bow nice It is to go south where sea bathing Is the order of the day. Oo to Salt Lakes and enjoy yourself. SPORT CHAT The world's record for a speed boat! is 80,567 miles per hour, so there is room for much greater speed at the I Prince Rupert annual regattta before! any Ttecrds are broken. Billy Edwards the Canadian wrestler at present In Australia was disqualified! bis match with Ted Thye when he I was having the best of the contest. They are to meet again on Saturday. Frank Adams the Vancouver sculler im making a good Impression on the ex perts at St. Catherine's, Ontario, where! the Canadian Henley takes place on I Saturday. Ttr Milne, 'famous football centre I half baci has signed to play for Aston I Villa as a professional. He will also bet honorary assistant to the club's medical! advisor. ' Mlddlesborough arranged the transfer of L. McPherson from Swansea Town to themselves but McPherson xrfuse to sign It as he preferred to play for Swansea. J ; Dili t In their; reaenC j!fl$et match against ! New Zealanders. Yorkshire scored 37" runs and of these. 335 were made by three men. The other eight members of the team scored 28 between them. Since Suzanne Lenglen became a pro-1 fesslonal and lost her amateur standing and the opportunities to engage In the C amateur competitions she has not been! much In the limelight. Recently she! took part In exhibition games in Ecg- This advcrlisemenlunc Riblishcdor diSpJHjod IheUquorContiol Board Oibijine uovcmmcni of DtinsnunuinDa land against Fraulein Dora Korirw; whom she beat easily 8-1. 6-3. Suaanne Is still the beet woman tennis player In the world but her change of stitus has taken away much of her charm and uppcal to the sporting public . The defeat of Lcroy Rennie by Oss:." Ryall at Vancouver In the Canadian tennis championships Is Interesting aa Ossle Is a brother of H. Ryall of the local Bank of Commerce. SEVENTEEN POINTS IN SUCCESSION AT The most Interesting features of tbi Wimbledon Tennis Totmuunnnt In Eng land recently, apart from the defeat a'. W. T. TMden were the fights of Henr: Oochet, the ultimate winner of the mtn's singles, . Oochet boat Hunter, and Tiki en the Amertoan . exponents and then his countryman the holder of the title Jean Boratra. ' Each of the matches was a five set match and In each of them Oochet was behind. In each of them he lost the, first two sets while in the final he was within a point of losing the match. Yet he won. In his match against Tllden, Tllden won the first two sets and n 6-1 In the third set. Oochet then returned wo of Tilden's express deliveries and the collapse foVowed. The Frenchman won 17 points in succession and his wonderful steadiness, superb tactics and coolness brought him victory. Lie final against Borot.ra saw Crochet tiwo sets bhind. Then he pulled up to Set even With the '-amc-, 0-3 m th3 fkftb set Boratra needed only one point to retafo the championship. It seemed that Oochet hit the ball twice In one of these long rallies but Mm umpire let i it go. though Bonn looked at him uestlonlngly :U :ain Ui cnam-l!TOshlp' w i j Frenchman. Burotra in Uie dressing roam sM Corbet was too good fo rhim and passed over lightly the doubtful shot- whash might have sneant the difference between defeat and victory. DRESS BOXERS IN UNIFORMS Colors . arc. Assigned by Athletic Commission in Order to Help Public NEW YORK. July 98. Spectators at future New York boxing bouts may not know what's what but they will not be left Ut doubt us to who's who. The Stats Athletic Commission has taken a leal from baseball book where Home and road clubs are required to wear uniforms of contrasting colors and have decreet! that pugilist appearing in New York rings be garbed in the uniforms of the commission Any oM pair of trunks will no longer pass muster. They must be official. Contestants now wear red and black jn one side and blue and purple on the other. Tbe'coljrx will be ssslgned the ooxen when they weigh In at, the oom nuuton offices Each boxer will be re quired to Invest In a pair of red and Mack trunkand a parr of blue and pur ple ones. The outlay, however, will not :r heavy as the complete wardrobe ma) : purchased for tio. William Muldoon, veteran ssld that the new order will be itrlctly enforced. GIRL WILL ATTEMPT BREAK RECORD FOR -IlIGH JUMP EFF0R1 SASKATOON. July 28. When th Canadian Women's track arid field cham plonshlps and Olympic trials sre held a. Varsity Stadium. Toronto, In August, a Taskatoon girl. Miss Btbel Catherwood will atrcmpt to break the worlds re cord for the high Jump among womei. btbletes. which Is at present held bj Hiss Phyllis Oreen, of London. England. with i jump of five feet. Miss Cather wood is now credited with a running high tump of 5 feet 2 1-2 Inches, sc western ,iupes run high that the Can a riitin giri will make a new record and bring frt-h laurels to Canada. She will bt- accrn.piuiled eat oy her mother anc vtll '.:tr ihc running high Jump, the tt:'l '.lisrvifc throws V anted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. twenty rooms, with double eohner. Section One. New foundation. 14.-000.00. McOaffery Si Otbboas. Ltd. U6.00 PER MONTH BUYS A SEVEN roomed house on Oraham Avenue. Section Two. Walker'a Music Store. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RE8TAU- rsnt. Do not lose your occasion! Apply PJ. Box 723. tf FOR SALE. ONE 1924 TUDOR FORD Sedan, repainted and good condition. Parker's Osrage. tf TORNITUeE FOR SALE. APPLY 90 Third Avenue. Phone Oreen 700. (177 10WBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 1S5. tt SIMMKK KCSOKTS. L.Ki:I.SE IIOTSPKIMIS I.OIKIK TF.KK.tfE. I.r. Now Open for Visitors. For terms and reservations. Apply Mrs. Hots GROTTO AGAIN TAKE HONORS Heavy Hitting and Loose Fielding Assist in 7th Straight Win for Tobacco Men The Orotton won their seventh straight ,'lctory last evening when they beat the aks 9-3. The game was featured by heavy hitting and some loose fielding. In the atter the Elks were the chief offenders ?op files were dropped and these errors ere responsible for the drotto'a mar tin. Nick Chenoskl for Grotto and Ralph 3mlth for Elks both pitched good ball jut whUe Chenoskl got good support 3mlth was let down badly tn the field. Dtdq flurtlch gotahome -tun there was conslderabre"dlseus4U5n avto whether he touched the home plate far not. Dido admits that he- did, but others had -a different opinion. . Chenoskl hit a three-bagger. Grotto, scoicd. three In the. firsts One. n the third, and when leading only 4-3 n the fifth started a rally that brought n five runs to cinch the game. Elks scored two In the third and one n the fourth. Thyi when only a run ehlnd they blew up. Teams were: Grotto S. Ourvlch, c; Chenoskl, p Tack McNulty, 2b; Doug. Stalker, lb; Dido Ourvlch. 3b; Oeo Howe, ss; Coma ilna. If; Smith, cf; Eric Dingwall, rf Elks D. Frlzzell. c; R. Smith, p; John lime, lb; A. Phillips, 2b; S. Anderson, lb; J. Qosse. ss: E. Clapp. If: E. Baylls, f; W. Murray, rf. Umpires -Balfour and Lamble. TOO MANY RESERVES DRIVES OUT TRAPPERS IS COMPLAINT MADE EDMONTON, July 28. - -Claiming that me-thlrd of the North-Weat Territories has now been set aside as game pre erves. and that action by the Federal government in this respect without pro per Investigation. Is driving thej white nen out oi ine country, trappers from id carrtn uinus are .in tne city in desperate effort to have their case taken up by someone with authority. The latest sanctuary mapped out by the Federal authorities as a musk-ox preserve contains not one single animal 1 V.ULt species, but the naming of the i district as a preserve cffeetualy drives the trappers out, and their cabins and trapllnea built at great expense, are now useless, while their work of years gees for nought. t " 11 WILL- NOW THAT f ITS WHAT II . , " I Igffgt. , "JgaMbiWf rife WE ARE IN RDWA , TMEVlU TQnbTTr f fBBISS0pW&- -wHAToofoo TMiMKorov uAHr ono O r fuKHmmm t ?aWlH " j ' l jj O W y UPIIOI.STEHING By George McMann$ n.icd&Kl- VJHEJ4 r w - I LIKE TO TAHT N KHC TOR HRKT FUHN1SHMJ APART-met by the day. wee or month. Ptmtr Med STT? tf FOIt S.O.E - FOR RENT TWO UODRKN HOUSsW. I WILL SELL AS A QOINQ CONCERN ., fUriltaKi A.miv 11 Ftourtli my secondhand business, and rest or i Avvnuc Kmmt stll partly furnlsbed four rnoinrd J flat with toilet and bath. Modern . WR rent. Sat over store. A good peoposltion. Phone 74. O. P. Brine. ROOM1NQ TOUR ROOM FUBNWIBD suite: straw heated. Apply ShuHa it Msllett. Ltd. tt HOUSE. HOUSE TO RENT AT TCMsUCS. B.C. Manageress 296 Apply StS Eighth Avenue Bst. fhone Orren 494. FURNISHED 8UITE4 FOR RENT. Apply Uussallem Grocery Plwmt IS. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET APM.Y Hyde Transfer, Second Avenus. 179 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD ir desired Phone Blsek 120. a AUCTIONEEIt A BUSINESS PROPOftmONI WANTED To anyone who wishes to take the opportunity I will give the purohaaer a discount of ft per cent and eexo-mltston of ft per cent to those send Ing the business my way. Ootng out of buslnew. Everything must got Make one dollar look like two, vp to August IS. O. P. Brine, Auctioneer. Phone 774. FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPIIOL- sterlng of sll kinds Chesterfields recovered snd msde to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 003. O. M. HUNT. FIJKNlTUItK NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum rues and 800 squsre yards of linoleum. The msnd Is good and this lot ought to be clesred out this month. So come early. Furniture and ranges always In stock. A. MacKencle.' Furniture Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa dopulns and Marrls. 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf KANT ooi eats cm: Mrs. Unger, Proprietress again personally In charge. Third Avenue, Next O. W. V. A. '" ll'Hiie, ('nuked Meals. (lAIC.Wlr: Agents for alt , g . .filAKKU. MIITOKH PRoilt f!TH Another carload of Chevrolet! Justin Prices: Roadster 1823.00 ItOAditer Delivery ,. 1835 00 Touring 823 00 Coupe ; 085.O0 Cbath 1083.00 Sedan 11,075 00 Landau Sedan 11,120.00 Cabriolet 11,100.00 Commercial Chassis $84300 Delivery Express Chsssl (805 00 29 x 4 40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. ( Call or phone for demonstration, KA1F.N OAK If! P. Third Avenue Phonf .1? TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Guat) Six and Seven Passenger Stude bakers at your dinposal any time, KOSS I1KOS. POOL ROOM Meeker Hlock. f Aerois from Rmnr Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS For (lit- Fast-Dally Except Sundays .....11:30 a.m. From the I'ast Dall7 fxrep; Tuesdays 8.30 im. Advtrtlst In Tht Dally Dm PICMT NOVJ AN v.. wilu take au. " TtN LtVboi v. i o-oAT' vat o - TO BE A81V6 to i-r v, r . nt a, WE LCAVE JH DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. J2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leti than 50c WANTED WANTSD.-Of'FICE DBBK AND TABLE. Phone 487. FOIt KKNT Article, Lott tti round,l( MtAftlM W nlUVKMFN For Vancouvrr Uosxtay- ss Pr't Tws4jay--as. f:n,.: TbursOsy M ' Pr:i . aWNMy as Cank as. Priii. . " ss. Prince It July 9 as. Prince-. ipr " tft as. PrliKenf. tx m " 1 Prnea A..-? " SO M. princess ( i. " 23 ss. princess rc :l " 27 ss. Princess A. . o " 30-1. Princess t j. j I'rnm 'snruuver gunOsy ss. Catou MasKtay as. Prince ' Wednssday-ss Jt i r . FrlsUy--ss. Prince P as. Oardena . Prliw Bi July a as. Princess fx j " 11 ss Prlncesi A ; " 1ft m Prin-M i " 18 s Princess I.c : " 22 w Prlm.v A " 2ft SS. Prime . - Prince' - or Port Simpson and Nici t', Friday ss. Oardena j rom Port SlniMn snd Nc tns- Saturdsy ss. Cardera 'or Anyot, Stewart. He Sunday u. Cuiu.j Monday, .ss Prii; -e C . FrWsy as. Prints If 'rum Anynt, Slewirt, rlr Tuesdsy ss. CaiiiU Thursday. .ss. p:,n-' " For North Otieen CliarloltM- Monday s. Princes From Vorlli (Juren f'tuirtotli- Thursday ss Prinze f ir For Soulh Oneen f'lisrMIe- July 18 ss. Prince J 3 From South queen ClierMI- Jul 13- -ss. Prince J " 27- ss. Prince Jo..-; For Alutka Wednesday ss. Prii; -e C-July ss. Princess c " II s. Princess A j M 16 ss. Prtneess C s:' ' " 18. as. PrtnoeM I - 23 ss. lYlncias A. " 24 ss. Princess C .- ' " 29 ss, rrincess V. ; rom Alsoks Monday- ss. Prince Oe- ? 1 July 9- ss. Princess C 13 ss. Princess Lcu.:t " 18-ss. PrlnceM A! ? . " 20-Tis. princess i '''iai-n. Jrlnces I-c ' 27 js. Princess- A! ' ,J0 as. Prlnce.-s CM, MAIL SCHEDULE JII.V 19' or the F.nt Monday. Wednesdars, r closes From the Mondays, Wednesday- ' due To Vaneoiiver Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays C.P.R. Ju! 9, 13. 18. Si i' i i - i i i Mondays Wednesdays Jf Frtdsys C.P.R. July 8, 11. IS. n t To Anrot, Alice Arm, ..Stewart ,t nunniiTi . Fridays From Anyox, Alice Arm "i ,4-1 'I rrfil"' Stewart- , Saturdays j Tuesdays To Xaas River Points . Thursdays m,u From Nsas River Point Saturdays To Alaska Points July 8. 11. 15. 18, 22. 25. ' From Alsoka Points July 9. 13, 18, 20. 23, 27 To Oneen Clisrlotte Ul" r' .. Lower Islands, Monasy, Inland r rrom ijuren t nariour f Lower Islands. Wednesday ATertU to Tbs DW