Electro-Magnetic Belt V j rr.a wonder why and how any appliam e i an bring rt-? many different ailments. But bear thin in mind, m,3 whether you are Buffering from Neuritis, Goitre, i r,: -Hi Pressure, rkzema. Asthma, RheumatiM, VaifakM " t ' nm inV rki other Vmw ailment, utlmnl vmini Imhm from u4-lk.. I vers or any except eontajrifctu , - ;-u b a fccariel rever, SmalLpox or Measles taut JUe 4 all the same. You arc suffering from a toxic 'hat manifest itself in whatever ailment yoo may . Th ;- condition is brought about by Incomplete elimlna-v d. ad cells and if nature can be as4td in Um proeM : m nalion. you are going to be relieved f your treabb. . jirn i.sely What Magnetism Does! V want you to get this message! Just because you may , in.- t..Id that your caw is hopeless or that Klectric-Mag-,rca'ments will not help you, do not give up. We are rang similar i:ases every day and receiving evidence of how 5 v.'? Knew a lew ji-in ku. Th? 'hriry of Electro-Magnetism is founded upon The Latest Discoveries Ro! K"feller Institute, the Mayer Foundation, and great -: , ( , ..tugints, so do not let scepticism stand in the way -'it Turing relief. We have cases of long standing :.e ulcers being completely cured in seven weeks, also ? : ( neuralgia pains being totally relieved with one treat- ( me in and see what Electro-Magnetic treatmenta will, do a. The free treatment offer is still open. IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. Clinic: 10 and 11 Smlih Block, Third Avenue, I'rince Hupert, H.C. BARGAINS BARGAINS at the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AM) FURNISHINGS GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gives you a nalurni appear-nnce and lend beauty to the contour of the face. Afeys Dr. MAGUIRE Over Ormcs Phone 525 Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. I'hones 75 and 275 Local and Personal j LI Arthur's TiU Phoct B7. j B BC OMrrtakrr Demiat. 80, light swell. It Oo Phone 884 Oet the Blf 4 haatti Wbn thlntlnr of Twm.Bt , u HMs Tsaaafor mtxm ---- - , kimfc-wuiatoo ou. rtMM mo. u sstu Unwia murned (rasa For: cie-SMUl this morning on ttoe Priuce Ottarlea. n 111HS-S Ai.cr Mttod for Van-sour y later day at 6 la. with an psaaenftr. Th Prinos Jena arrived la port restarts events at sad asltod today at 1040 dirast tor TaBoouvar. Mia DrMasvn raturnad from Old Mstaitt on ts Prince Charlea wlwre he Baa own inspecting cannery operatki. Xadaan Agent Colllaon tled for Port Mmpaon on Um Prtnee Rupart Boa Houaa gasoline la-unoU tS tats morning Paaaangiw on Um Prtnoe Charle thta BxtmlBf for Prlaot Rupart Included Aady UeOra. Port Oamals end BS. StDaar of 11 mm. DSAD TREE POINT Clear, calm: bar ometer. 29 6; temtktmtufe, 78; set smooth BULL HARBOR Ovsresst, light south west wind; barometer, SO .10; temperaturs. MOltl. AKKIVALK Prime Itupert D. C. Scott. D. W. MoLeod. T. K. Cur He. A. D. MacDonald. T. Klllan. Van- K.C. Picnic. July 31. Moose Picnic August 7. Canadian Legion ricnle August 31. Established 1923. Office Hours: a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.rru Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. I U. RoMbmob asM Mf. RobUwo,, of Sstfttoar MS In town rUrwl at the' 'fey Hotel. Prion Rupert uhssitlon prise book' bow ready Call a tt ofltoe in Um City Hall lor your I THE DAILY NEW6 I I A delicious satisfying wholesome dish for sturdy appetites and an inexpert, sive oneis CLARK'S PorLiBeans Welcomed alike by young & old. Salt mfu'urt . W. CLARK Limited, Montreal SJSBBSBSBBJSBBBBBJJSJBJSjSjS. t-H TENNIS DANCE Bte.. Queen Charlotte bland. E. W. ;8iutr. Uaaoett. 1 Satoy B. M R-.bmson. Bra.' icrs, A. Wild, Juneau. PORT CLEMENTS devoted to knproretneot of the tennl court where the youns woDle nut In tmri mu&mi. - uvercsst calm: many pleasant hour. "dTd TTrpZJ caZOOTBALLllAfCHlOR barotneter 3M: temperature 64: aeaj amootn. J BUU.' HARBOR Otercast. llaht B.W.: j barometer S0.10: temperature : mod- re " UIIC 01 "n oia-t"ners- loot crate see; S cm Cao flcott abeam mtch K be run in connection Ooat Haitjor. aoutvmound: a nm motor- wltn the Acopoll Hill Improvement ship Oilnda. Butsdale to Alert Bar 30 tor tunas, inese veicr miles frog, A4m Be. I sn wcula mciuae ueorge ADoott. wno ,Mn won ine iootoau Kicking compeution at DIOBT IftUAND Clear, calm: barome- the 8t- Andrew' Society sport recently ter. SOJS; ttkarmomstsr. M; ess smooth. nd wll mrm to be in training. Fred 10 am spoke steamer Mosul for Anvax. Rsrdy- Sid MacDonald. Vrllllam Murray. northbound. ! James Curtis. Jlmmle Kelly and other erstwhile light of the football world We understand that they have picked their own referee, too. There la talk of some boxing bouts In one of which Battling Ourvlch will appear While none of these are defln ltely arranged they will be discussed at a meeting of the Acropolis Hill Improve ment League and definite plans will be drawn up. In the football match it Is not couver: R. Brantley. Naiialmo; Oapt. J. 1 known whether there will be an allow L. William, F. S. Arthur, a. Chtlkoot; f nre for weight or age. There will cer C. L. Currle. Seattle: J. Syrold. R. P. tainly be a change in weight of some ' Langford. Don C. Lengford. Toronto: of them during the match. Two periods H. A. Standing and Mrs. Standing, Brantrord: Mlaaea D. L Field and E. 11 Lawrence. Calgary: O corse Rtngstadt Port Edwards: Fred W. and Mies D. M Evans. Montreal: Mr. and Mr. D. H. Baldwin. Omaha. Nebraska; A. Watt, city; Mr. James Brown, Smith Bay: MlMce Hand and Mabel Wortman. Edmonton. Central F Oale. Burns Lake: M. Clark. Vancouver; T. T. Tench. Stratford. W. II Tench. Toronto; O. L. Dunlap: N. S. of ten or fifteen minute or even longer may be played. CONFERENCE CALLED INTERNATIONAL AIR MAIL AT THE HAGUE WASHINGTON, DC. July 28.-A con ference on international air mall has been called by the International Postal Union to be held at xne Hague on September I. ANNOUNCEMENTS ; Twenty-five or more countries have f tttis t st i signified their Intention of sending dele gates. Representatives of the leading aircraft companies of the world are ex pected to attend. Temporary agreement will be entered Into by the delegates, to remain In force until the recommendations agreed up on are submitted to and acted upon by the next congress of the Universal Postal Union, which Is to meet In Lon don in 1929. GANDHI ADVOCATES Phone 109 Cross' CHRISTIAN HYMNS TORONTO. July 28. - Rev. John W. Richards Netram, an Indian member ot th Oentrar India Mission of the United Church otrfJansds. writes: "i haje.usi received fftjni Mr Oandnf ajrevted cops' of their Hymn Book. At the end of thu' book I find the following hymns: 1. "Take My Life and Let It be." 2. "Iad, Kindly Light." 3. "When the Mists Have Rolled In Splendor." 4. "Nearer My Ood to Thee." 5. "Rock of Ages Cleft-for Me." ". 6 "When I Survey We Wondrous STEWART TELLS ABOUTDUNWELL General Meeting of Company to be Held About August 10 it U Announced VICTORIA. July 39. RomM of ml -drilling and otlvrr ciptoratory work at Ute DunaeU mtn tMHtatlot Uie ritrat of ore bodlee already known win be pmented to aharttMlder at the general meeting of the company to be called for about Aufuat 14. It waa an nouored hy R. U. Btevart, prealamt of the Dun well, on hie return to Vletorta from the mine at Stewart, BO. Ur 8twart did not make pu&Ue de talli. but he Indicated rcMilU by aay tog: "We bare never yet drifted or dta- mond -drilled far a lead on the Dunwell and failed to get It. We are jutt getting ttarted on finding out what the pro perty hold and I may aay that for the next twenty yeara we will be finding new ledgea on the Dunwell property. Ir. Stewart aaM Uut she mltl u now running throujh about ISO ton a day. which I fifty ton a day more than the mill was deaigned for. Trte power plant 1 handling tbU extra load a eaally as It waa handling ICO tone a day. now that the will ha been broken in. All :ie engtceertng partlee which havej Ylilted Che mill alnce It got Into opera-' Hon have commented favorably on the efficiency of the InstaMatton. "The mill la now producing thirty I tons of concentrates a day," Mr. Btew- are went on. "Of tlu production. , twenty ton are sine concentrates, and j ten ton lead, carrying the gold and PORT CLEMENTS. July 28. A most illver value. The sold values alone wjywe vrogroin itannei aance waa equal tno comblnea value of the lead Will member of tit Royal AniedUu- given by lb Port Clement Tennl Club and silver." vten Order of Buffeke please com- at Haatle'i Hall on Saturday evening, Of the new Ben Alt atnke. Mr. Stew-munlcale with R. Heroes'. 6044 Dum- last. The ball wa beautifully decor-! art declared R to be one of the finest (nee Street, Vancouver. BC. 177 a ted with honrysuefcie, robe and fox-j showing he had ever seen. glovea. Tennla racquet were hung "We have now got Mil atrlke open mturmng on ttte Frfnce Ctertes te about ttte wall giving a very1 pleaatngleut for 300 It vertical depth and 600 day from the round nip to Ansae, effect. I feet horizontal length." he tald. "We Stewart and Queen Onartotee laland A feature of the evening waa the Mr. and Mra. Stan Taylor and uvoonllgtt waltree. Very dtlnty refrcah-ohOd. menu were aerved . bv the ladle. A huge crowd waa In attendance. Inelud- A apeclal general meettag of the local log ladies from Vancouver. The district branch of the Canadian Legion we held forester. Robert Allen and hi staff in toe qlub looses teat evening wnen from the launch LttaVan D. were present some by-law were under co na.de ra- and added to the pleasure of the oc-tlon. caalon. All appeared to enjoy them 'serve. Evetybody come to the Oarden Party Oreat praise and credit U due the thle afternoon at she Rome of Mrs. X. committee, partlewiarly Mrs. Ctcconl. P. Jeaner. Pint. Avenue West for toe Mra. Dyson and Mra. Srtgley for their United Church Ladles' Aid. A special effort in making toe danre one of the feature wul be teacup reading by Mr, moat enjoyable held this season In the Clerk. Supper tor men st a o'clock. district. HIKM.KMH lai'OUT. 8 ojii. The proceeds of the dance are to be OLD TIMERS MOOTED hope to get It down at the foot of the hill, which 1 500 feet below the last open cut and three-quarter of a mile from the mill. We are starting to drive a tunnel, drifting in &e ore. The ore tome out on the face of the moun tain and no cross -cutting hat to be done to get It. as we drift In the ore from the start. The vein throughout TIM HER SALE XS917 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the 1st dsy of August. 137, lor tne purchase of Licence X8947, to cut 630 450 lineal feet of ueaar i-oies ana Flung on an area on Ferguson Bay, Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for re. inoval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For. ester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. IN PROBATE. IX THE MTKK.Mi: fOrRT OF BRITISH I'OLl.MUIA In the Matter of the Administration aci; ana n the Matter of the Estate of Harry Dunnes iampoeti tuacx. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bv order nf Hi Honor. F. McB. Youm. the 18th div of July, A.D.. 1927, I was appointed Admin istrator oi tne estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are nereoy required to furnish same, pro geny verified, to me on or before the join aay or August, a.d. 1927. and all arues inaeotea to tne estate are re quired to pay the amount of their ln- leoieaness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. umrq tne ioi aay oi juiy. 1937. IN PROBATE. IX THE SirilEMK rot'HT OF BRITISH coi.i Mint In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of John oeuierc nernagen. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bv order nf Hii Honor Judge F. McB. Young, the 6th day 'f July, AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Setf-ert Berndgen, Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 8th day of August. A.D. 1927. and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to mo lorxnwun. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE OF CHILDREN I a Taluable nrrpars ttoa that has leen on the market for the past eighty years. It has no etial for ofT-ettinK the Tomitinr. purrinc and diarrhoa, nholera infantum. rri. 0c. a boUbt st all dnirruila nr feaiers: wit tin only by The T. Milburn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Qat. t carries a good grade of ore ,wttb very high-grade gold values. rne diamond drilling programme has been started and will be carried on til summer, running twenty-four hours a day. "The auxiliary hydro-electric plane !s completed and I now operating. Thl effect a considerable raving in power cost." Advertise in The Daily New 44 MALKIN I BEST J pack am Sold everywheri P.O. Box 772. PAGE THREE 5 H m gVAClJUM PACK! 'I f jm. 31 No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! More Comfort and Clean linens when you have a Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper in the long run! For particulars, phone 68. Prince Rupert Supply Co. J. A. Ilinton, Manager EXACTNESS ONE ONE-THOUSANDTH OF AN INCH! That doesn't mean much to the ordinary man but your -car is made to such exact specifications. The press that prints this paper must be exact to the hundredth part of an inch. Exactness there is important but isn't it even more important in the filling of prescriptions. Here at Ormes your prescription is filled by .specialists who know the importance of infinite exactness. Ormes Ltd. Dfic Pioneer Drunfisls THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. - -TELEPHONES 82 f, 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnr.il from Prinze Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon liar. Alert Bar, ftc, Tuemlaj, S p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butedale, Alert Bay. etc., Saturday 9 a.m. For PORT K'MrsON. ALICE ARM, 1 NYOX, STEWART, Waif Island, Sunday, 8 p.m. For Naa Illver Point and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. 121 tnd Arrnue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert. &C. Through ticket old to Victoria and Seattle at a rrdured rate and baggage checked through to destination.