sur.ivnn in Elimination Contents in Hi Meet Now Going on - .TP July 28. -OtltoertNunii K V. H X. M e i r 'r Montreal Nunnn. E. ' ".-: i.j surviving In meo', : ( :o loon DeTurenn of Seattle. I C 3 Harrison of Berkeley. J. K.' H ' Pasadena, end Jdtw Rlmn x singles those Irft sre. Msrpnrle Lfemine and Victoria: Mi- EllKi and f Vioour Louise McFarUtid sitd - Eowii Oroee. and Mar-sil of California. n 1 nnn mr wo DABUM lb COMING HERE Making Annual Inspection Trip orth and (iocs an Far as Alaska vlrT0rUA .7ulv MI a' 'Jiv f iie international halibut n i leaving far Prince Uu- f ll : .(1 , , it r ax-,-,.. h ' ' IIIM tjlt VIV IIWI ftiak:!i hm annual npctim of 'I'lmnn II wilt tr far ;e pt i.. f British Columbia. DIED RESULT CAR ACCIDENT Vancouver Jul, 28. -Edgar Young !N TV r -a i t . . i. . 1 w d:iv' 11 by l)rctte Palltta. The 15 j:hartrnH uriiu nniKtj. '9 u , ut ball of S8.000. ALBERTA PREPARFS FOR BIG CONVENTION EDMONTON. Jul-Alberta will bo rryrcntea when the big Conecr-wim,e 'a,lonal invention la held at n'f' n'Xt 0ctobcr The sUteen Icoi- an"1 thl provlnc " "end a be ,SiU hat will probably ir '' f the mot Important gathcr-' 10 hlstlry of thta political party. bodywasfound" OF VICTORIA MAN The, body of . Ce' Wh0 ha(1 missing ... M ound yeaterday In "' Macmilny Point. Tiilir Tun lliir anil lUlf off !'( rt Tlnif IWffn Montrral and WINNIPRO. July M. It waa an oll-4etrlc car of ttir aame typ th two )uat sclns; into awlce on Mie Canadian Natliiiat Itnca tMAwera Baakaloon and ndinonton which brake all rreerda in h hlaanry of Canadkta ralhrudlng between Montreal and Toronto ytr- r i the ne- 62. taaa alws tttt rmard for rpra ear covered the cHaunce be tween Montreal and Toronto In two bout and twenty minute Iea tnan K rake the InternaUottal Limited, the crack Canadian National train running dally between Montreal and Chicago. The actual running time for the new rar waa ttee bouri and thirty minute Allowing for delaya and alow ordereover certain ewtlon of the track. trip wan rnnde m S hour and forty minute. After thl aplendtd inaugural running, the car will go Into aervlce between HawnMtinn. London. Toronto and Stratford. Thia neweat type of oll-electrle oar la. ttte tateet achMvement In car eonatructlon and la In many reopect a radical departure from previous can. The weat will be able to Judge It merlU from the operation of tie two between Saaluitoon and Edmonton. FEWER CANADIANS TO STATES THIS YEAR IS REPORT FROM OFFICIAL OTTAWA. July 28 Migration from Canada to the United States continues to decline. Thla la shown by the annual farurea of Unttrd State Immigra tion diatrlot No. I. with headquarters at Montreal, wtoteb were announced today by Oommtaatoner Indls. These flgurea cover porta of entry from East nort. Me. to Owpe Vincent. N.Y. "During the fiscal year ended June 30. 1937." aWYl Commlaaloner Landla. "a total of 45,831 alien anplied for permanent admission to the United etatea In thia duvtrlct. as compared with 49.061 during the prraent year. Alttogether. a total or 3. were ctonltted aa compared with 42.731 the prevkru J-ear." She Pev. If. R. Orsnt. D.D., former pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, ad dressed the Rotary Club at Its luncheon this afternoon. The members, through their president, also bid adieu to one of the members who Is leaving the city, W. S. Fisher, tax collector. A celebration was recently held In .London In honor of the inventor of the match, John Walker, a chemist, who sold a box of friction matches 100 years ago. Each box contained CO matches find with it went a piece of sandpaper TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance Urire Upstair Dining Hull, Servic with newly Uid dancing er here at Anytime floor, for hire. Kchne Ilulldlnf NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. " SUnd: MATT VIDKCK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and beat for the least I'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XUI N 5 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. T (IT RSI) AY. JULY 2. 1027 Prire Five Cents MA VA "IB Uy 9 lit Lit, CONFERENCE LIKELY TO FAIL I Til V A. Ml Li TWO BOYS CHARGED WITH MURDER OF LAD RIDING RODS Geneva Conference on Naval Affairs Likely to Fail is Prophesied JAPANESE C ANNOT SHE HOW VIEWS CAN UK RECONCILED. HIT HIUIHiEMAN REFUSES TO ADMIT DEFEAT 1,1 V.YA. July 28. No agreement was reached at the session '!? r .1 "inference this afternoon and a Japanese spokesman . :r -el 'he opinion to the Associated PreM corresitonilent that v.!. : ; ii ''.fusion Monday would probably be the last. He said mil. aiinns were that the conference would fail. T- Japanese said that the British and American viewpoints i'" : h jrun cruiser would be extremely difficult to reconcile. V r.ndpi'man denied that the conference had collated. He 1 v Tsation would continue but declined to predict what i -: w uid brinir forth. tpmmic nrciir TC 1L1UUU JYUUUlJlU AT VANCOUVER NEW OIL ELECTRIC CAR CREATES TIME RECORD tuvs MWIIOMin KrWHINS HIIIM lllllll MIIOOl. HT.trr1 a mvial meeting of Ue BChool board waa held thla morning to consider the resignation of Miss B. MacDonald of the auff of the Hlgft School. Miss Mac-wirod in her resignation statin? lilltu " - also that her formal resignation oy icv- w on tho way. renamg uic rival of the letter, tho board decided to take no action. r VK ATlll-lf KKI'T. Terrace ir. calm. temp. 61. Itosawood. Clear, calm, temp. 63 AlynSh,.-0r- oalm, temp. 63. Alice Arm.-ncr- calm. .temp. 63. calm, temp. 63. Anyox.--Clear. Stewart. Clear, calm. temp. 60. !.r. j-nr. calm. temp. 70. , 63. Telegraph Creek.-Clear. calm, temp o..v, riicar calm. temp. 68. Burns Lake.-Clear. calm. temp. 87. calm. temp. 60. Whltehorse.-Clear. south wind, temp Dawson.-Smoky. GEHRIG TIES i RUTH AGAIN Geta His 3.1rd Home Hun When Yankee Win Victory Over 1 1 row n NW YOflK. July 28 ClnclnnaU advanced to fifth place in the National learji when Shey arilt a double-header after winning six. Tm OlanU toppled the Oubs from flret pU3 at PtMaburg beat Brooklya. 8t. loul Oardtnata took eleven tn-ntn, to beat Pttlladetphla. CMirtg Ued Iluth yeateeday. getting j hat Utlity-Uilrd home run when the1 Yankee, won tbetr victory over the Brns. xtTiovu. u:A(in: Brooklyn I. 1-Htaburg 1. New York 8, Chicago 4. Doa'on 7-2, Cincinnati 2- Phlladetphia 8. fit LouU 0. AMIICK AS I.Kttlli: St Louis 1. New York 4. Detroit 3. Philadelphia 1 Chicago 7 Washington 4. Cleveland -Boston, rain. DROWNING AT CADBORO BAY Victoria Man Ust Life in Sight of Wife and Children VICTORIA, July 28. Oeorge Will lama waa drowned while swimming at Cab-bora Bay here last evening in front of the summer residence of Mayor Carl Pendray. The mayor, seeing the swimmer in difficulties, telephoned the city police for a pulmotor. which failed to revive William when the body wa brought ashore. The wife and three children of the dead man were also wit nesses of the tragedy from the beach. VESSELW A PROPELLER Union Freighter Will k on Ton-toons Tomorrow For He-pairs Union frehfhter Chllkoot which left on Tuesday morning for 8keena River points lost a propeller In the klough Cantaln J. L. WIHIams was in town yesterday. She will t brought Into port today by a tug of the Bushby In terests snd will go on the pontoons to morrow. A new propeller will be up on the Prlncem Louise tomorrow morning and It Is expected that the Chllkoot win continue her run In the afternoon. MOSQUITOES ARE SOLD AT A DOLLAR QUART STUTTOART. Ark., July 28. Mosqui toes dead ones are worth $1.00 a quart here, and the Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce, which Is the purchaser, wants as many as It can get. The only rules of the contest are that the mosquitoes must be trapped In Stuttgart. An antl-mosqulto campaign Is being waged In the Interest of more peaceful nights. FORMER FIGHTER DIED IN NEWYORK HOTEL NEW YORK, July 28. Freddy WoWh. former lightweight champion of the world, died today here In a hotel room. - i FLAYS 22 -PIECE O.ii HESTRA ALONE: It took seven years for Albert Nelson fo o.mplcte a 22-picce orchestra which he p!as alone u.sing hands, tcit, mouth and knees. ORESHiPMENTS NORCONIANIS TACOMA EROM AGAIN IN PORT THIS PROVINCE ,,ere F,,r vump uepairs nnd sun' Ore and concentrates shipped from British Columbia in 1928 to Toooma was 210421 tons, nearly half of the total amount treater at that plant. The shipments from Hidden Creek were temporary and are not now being made aa the concentrate are treated at Anyox. Details are: Concentrator tons Engineer OoM Mies. Lad 180 Premier Odd Mies. Ltd 19,397 Hidden Creek. (Oranhy) 33.271 telmnnt Surf Inlet 2443 lied ley (VoW Mining On. 1.456 Britannia M. & S. Co. - 77.739 Total 184.978 Cull Ore Ton Premier OoM Mines, lEt, .. . 74461 Emancipation Total UKAT NORTH .U'CKLAMt 74463 Dry Or Tons B.C. Silver 902 EepeninEa 18 Planet Mines. Ltd 3 Total 983 Total ehlpmentn 210.321 tone. ONLY ONE AMERICAN BOAT SOLD FISH ON EXCHANGE HERE TODAY Only one American boat sold halibut on Exchange here today. Price were about what they have been for several days past. Sales were as follows: Amrrlran Ivanhoe, 19,000 pounds, to Booth Fish eries at 10.90c and 6c. Canadian Kalen, 9.000 pounds, 'to AUin Fisher ies at 10.60c and 7c. W. T 3.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries at 10.60c and 6.50c. Bayvicw. 3.500 pound, to AUin Fish eries at 10.80c and 6.700. Ingrcd H.. 6.000 pounds, to AUin Fish-fries at 10 60c and 6.50c . Point May. 2.000 pounds, to Oold at 10.80c and 7c. WHANOARBI. July 28The All-Sar defeated North Auckland toqeer team this afternoon by a score iM four, goals to one. HASKIIALL Native Sons vs. Gyros. Tonight at 6.43 '..' --yfyy ' amiie is iipprcii.iii-u The twin screw yacht the Norconlsn was In port this forenoon for pump repairs. This luxuriously equipped boat 1 110 feet long, 22 feet wide snd draws 8 feet. She has two ISO horse-powei Speedway engines. On board are Mrs. Clark, wife of the owner. Res. B. Clark of Los Angeles, her two children snd seven guests. The crew number seven. They plan to visit the Salt Lakes and the Cold Storage plsnt this afternoon. Their trip irora Seattle north was very rough and when In Prince Rupert It was very cold. Since then on their voyage to Skagway they have had rainy dull weather. Today's hot clear weather appeals to them very strongly. They have bad fair fishing but have caught no salmon. The journey south will be continued as soon as the repairs to the pump have been completed. One of the visitors gave an exhibition of surf-riding when here on their lorthward Journey. LORD TREYOR MARRIED TO VILLAGE GIRL WHO NURSE TO HIS SISTER LONDON. July 28. Lord Trevor, 64 years of age. was yesterday married to Miss Phyllis Sims. 23. daughter of the village plumber or Klrton. Lincolnshire. Miss Sims, who was a nurse, attended lord Trevor's sister, Hon. Leila Hill Trevor. JOHNNY BAYLEY WON ENGLISH BAY SWIM VANCOUVER. July 28. -Johnny Bay-ley won the annual three-quarter mle race staged at English Bay by the Vancouver Swimming Club last night, his time being 20 minutes 63 seconds. VANCOUVER MAN SAID COMMITTED SUICIDE VANCOUVER. July 28. Believed that he crttnmtttcd suicide. Arthur Johnson wa found dead In his apartment here yesterday. He had been connected with one of the weekly papers here. DARK JAPAN WINNER OF GOODWOOD RACES GOODWOOD. England. July 28. Ag Khan's Dark Japan won the famous C-Mviwnort dip today Boys Accused of Murder at Vancouver for Killing Lad Who Was Riding Train Rods VANCOUVER, July 23. That Otto IJosch met his death as tho result of a blow on the head struck by George Rurtress, eighteen years of age, on the C.P.R. eastbound freight near Ruby Creek Friday, was the verdict of the coroner' jury returned last night. Otto Reilbergen, who appeared with his head swathed in bandages, testified that he and Rosch were beating their way east in search of work when they were attacked by Rurgess and John McKenzie, 17, who were also riding the rods. 4. Itelnbernn asserted that the assail- uit believed that he and Bosch were n pcweaa.on of 170. which they Intended ii take but he h.iuicir had leas than ur d .Urs while Botch alio had a mall sum. a Burgees and Maekn.e were both , barged with murder In connection with the death of Bosch. They appeared at the inquest but did not testily. riUNrr. tTif i .MASfJl KR.lllE inn. ON ItOAKIt KMPUKSS SJS. EMPRESS , OF AUSTRALIA. July S8. -There was a big masquerade ball In the . first class quarters of the ship here last night which waa attended by the Prince of Wales. Prince Oeorge uii Premier Baldwin. The Prince, who Is keenly interested n athletics, is spending miirh- of his time in the ): POLICE TO ENFORCE WHOOPING COUGH RULES AFTER THIS On instructions from the medical Zenith officer the city police are taking iteps to enforce the law against those parents who are not strictly observing he regulations regarding the notifica tion of whooping cough and the ob servance of the rules of quarantine. There has been considerable laxity among many of the parents. Their children are allowed to run round and mix with other peoples' children. It Is even reported that some with whooping cough have been to the picture show. There is much of It heard In the parks and there Is no doubt that many par-en's ere not realising their respon- sHbll'ty towards! other people. It Is to put a stop to this slackness that the services of Khe police have been requltltloned and all parents are warned that they must strictly obey the letter and the spirit of the regulations. TWO GOOD ADDRESSES AT GYRO LUNCHEON Oeorge .lluiliby and Rev. !r. Grant Spoke on Opportunities for Young Men Yesterday was a double-header at the Oyro Club, there toeing two very Interesting addresses, one by George Bushby and the other by Re. Dr. Orant, both dealing somewhat with the opportunities for young men and their place in the community. Air. Bushfby gave some particularly good advice to young men not to lie down on the Job. Two violin selections were given by William Balagno accompanied by Miss form Tlte. Milton Gonzales presided. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Askerl B.C 1.75 I.8I Coast Qppper .- 11.75 .12.75 Cork Province .08 .06 VJ Dunrwell 1.28 145 Gladstone .18ft .20 Independence Myt .07H Lucky Jim .18. .19 ft Premier 2.11 2.12 Porter Idaho 19 .20 H L. and L .09 .09V, Silver Crest .06 here. PLANK m'KNF.II BERLIN. July 28 Three were killed ard two were injured when a German air service passenger plane was bumed FORMER MAYOR DAWSON DIES i-R. P. Mclennan, Well Known Throughout R.C. Dies in lios- ; pital at Vancouver ! VANCOUVER. July 38. R. P. McLen- nan. 66 years of age. one of the most 1 prominent businessmen of British Col- ' iimhla riled at the hosnltal here vei- i terday a few hoars after undergoing a major operation. He was born In Nova Scotia and went to Wlnnepeg In 188 J. Two years later he proceeded to Victoria. In 1898 he went to the Yukon on a business trip, which It was expected would be short, but he remained several years and during that time served as mayor of Dawson. Later he returned to Vancouver and became well known In Liberal circles where was hlgUl HOPE TO SETTLE NAVAL PLANS Hritish Delegates Again in Geneva to Take, up Work Where They Ift off GENEVA, July 28. "We are In hopei of getting everything settled within a fortnight." said Right Hon. W. C. Brldgeman,, First Lord of the British Admiralty, arriving here from London today! "We are merely going to resume negotiations where we left off. We have no Instructions." said Viscount Cecil, the other British delegate who went with Brldgeman to England to report to the government and consult as to futurs action. NANAIMO WINS AT SASKATOON Beats Champions of Prairies in Semi-Finals First Game Last Evening WINNIPEG. July 28. Nanalmo ' defeated Saskatoon Sons of England five goals to two here Isst night In the first of a two-game series In the Connaught Cup semi-finals. The Sons defeated the Fort Bouge Rangers at Winnipeg in a two-game series Saturday and Monday, thus winning the Tight to meet the B.C. HEAD.0N COLLISION IN SOUTH AFRICA IS CAUSE OFMANY DEATHS CAPETOWN, July 28. Thirty African and two Europeans were killed In a head-on collision when the Natal Mall ran Into a freight near Heidelberg yesterday. Many Europeans and native were Injured. RESERVOIR BURST KILLING THOUSAND LONDON. July 28. Unconfirmed reports from Ahmedabad. Bombay presidency, state that a thousand people, are dead as a result of the bursting of its banks of the Baroda state reservoir, which has an area of fifteen square miles. , m , ,