PAOE TJVO cm COUGHS AND COLDS DREADED BY MOTHERS What wright of responsibility mti on the mother ol the family during the cold weather season. In very cough and coM sfcem! to hear the warning of cerioua doHMfiU. .See 4rt4i croup, bronchi tia,-. pneumonia auui eun aumption and realize that these are - the natural reeultsof neglected colds. Bat Dr. Chase haa provided a Prince Rupert Branch prompt relief for coughs and coJda and a preventive of more aerioua ailment of throat and lungs, in hisSyrup of Linseed andTurpentine. This medicine ia to well-known that only a rvnunder i..nceary ia moat people to recall it effectiveness in relieving croup. bronchitis, asthma and all forms of throat and bronchial trouble. DR. CHASE'S Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLBN - - - Managing Editor. .Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION PRIZES GIVEN FORHISTORY Younjr Students and Teachers Gather in Booth School to Hear Addresses In connection with narmtt Jubilee Celebration the various province arranged tbr cocafxtltlons in Cauaeili History and the prises won by ttv Prince Rtrpert School in the Brituh Columbia examination were distributed yesterday afternoon at the Booth School. H. C. Fraser. Inspector ol school wa-chairman ol the meeting wlucn was attended by the pupils ol the First Year High School sad the senior grade of Borden Street and Booth Memorial School. Others taking par were Rev. A. Wilson. Major 8. D. Johnston of the school board. T. H. Peddle. Ulss Mercer. Miss Mills. W. W. C. ONelll and J. 8. Wll-aoa. 4 The meeting opened with the alngina of "O Canada. attar which the chairman referred to the object of the assembly, the distribution of medal tn the winners In the provincial competition. Mr. Peddle, principal ol the High School spoke of profit to be gained ' from the atudy of history and to Can-: adlans particularly of Canadian history. The two main objedtsj were the better understanding of varying conditions and tbe progress made and then the benefit derived from the acquaintance with the lives of the men and women who figured In the country's progress Quoting the line of Alfred Move There's a magic ba the distance where 1 the sea-line meet tbe sky." Mr. Peddlr appealed to tbe pupUs to have the vision. Tbe lour main fields ware those of science. literature, mathematics and languages. Each cf these became more Interesting .si the student advanced lr. its study. And there, waa an Incentive to each pupil as he became acquainted with the lives of the great character of history, -literature. matfeesaaUc and science, The audience then -Joined in the singing of The Land of Freedom." Rcy. A. Wilson, of the First United Church, spoke on some phases of bla- t n frm n r 1 . . . Saturday, Dec. 3, 1927 -i"T" . Zg- - ill 1 . sneaker appealed to them to live It The splendid courage and vision of the pioneers and early statesman of the Dominion waa a call and a challenge to us, and It waa our duty to rsspond to and accept it. IHI'lliT 1)11) IVKIX Mr. Fraser explained the plan of the competition In Canadian History, and now mere were three medals awarded or competition among aU the pupils of ne High acnool of the province. Of these Cecil Hacker, then a nunll of tbe King Edward School of Prince Ru pert won the second price. Two gold medal were for competition among all pupila of the elementary schools ol the province and William Hoaaon. Ocean Fall, won tbe one for he boy ranking highest. Of the thirty silver medals lor the :hlry pupil next In order throughout the eighteen Inspectorates of the pro vince we prince Rupert Inspectorate won three, a very high proportion. These were won by Archie J. Thomp son. Booth Memorial School. Prince Rupert: John Williams. Ocean Falls; Margaret Leaak. Ocean Falls. Esch inspectorate was allotted nine rorie nediis. and of these the winners -were: Minnie pot. Borden St. School. Prince Rupert: Harold Eld. Any-ox; Kennedy McSwan. Ocean Falls: Margaret Windt. Smlthera: Jlmmie Lee. Borden School. Prince Rupert: Beth Mutrte. Borden School: Earl Oordon. Booth Memorial School and Aznes Ouywn also of Booth School. Representing the School Board. Major S. O. Johaston msd the nresentt!nn and congratulated the recipients on the l-.wcr they had brought to themselves and the city. Mr. Fraser felt very proud of the fine record of the Inspectorate and referred to the good Impression that such a re cord created elsewhere. Miss Mills. Miss Mercer. W. W. C. O'Neill and J. S. Wll-I on also congratulated the pupils on tneir line showing snd the winners were accorded three very hearty cheers, j Tr singing of the National Anthem brought a very enjoyable function to an end. v-. wirc w it uivai uupurism lessonfe w that we learnt of other generations Having been held up lor a total of and learnt to reapect other nationall-i 48 )Mun t Juneau and Ketchikan tie. The? program of the human race as unfolded In history was productive of hope and gratification. In Roman history there is the fine story of their custom wr.en on the return from n the lecruiu and young soldiers who sang "We wHl be brave." Just as the hope ol the nation centred m the young manhood of the time, so our hopes centre la the youth of the nation- -tu oh as he wss addressing at the preM&t moment. His audience repeated the slogan of the young and the waiting out storms. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. Arthur Slater. flnaUy reached here from the north at 330 yesterday afternoon, sailing at 4:15 ror Vancouver and Victoria. The vessel frlltmnhif - -1. - ,.vnM..4An ...... halt n full ni,nM 1 1 1 ed by the veterans, who as they pasM-d number ol Yukon plorieert' golagjui tbe balcony on which was tbe enperor, i winter. called out "We have been brave " They were followed by the soldiers wh .. had I Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. taken part in the campaign they we'e : ';.hutone. arrived at 1:45 this mini' celebrating and these callcl en We from Vancouver and wayports, sailing are brave" These rr .u-w,i ti by it 9 am on her return south. BACK through the centuries Christmas has alwaya been a time for thegiving pf present big or little things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their elders. But where, are the Christmas presents of other yearsthe toyt, the useful things ? Broken worn out forgotten. Keep alive the spirit of your gift. Let it bring happiness and contentment from year to year add a Royal Bank Savinga Book to your list of Christmas presents. dnthmmt VmofcUM town vf fmUr OiI SaoU The Royal Bank ol Canada F E. Robertson, Managei 2SJ of the sun Is not devoid of some merit. As a matter of fact, the decision was unanimous and harmonious with but one exception. ' In consideration of the subject. epltoons have been extra busy and overflowing this week while billows of elo quence have rolled forth as the des tiny of nations has been discussed. The only thing left now Is to raise the money, all other matters of pottcy having been finally disposed of.' That. If1 the Board of Trade did act. the Gloomy Ous Club would, was the, cencensus of illustrious opinion. Dr. R. O. targe and party of Port Simpson people arrived In port on Wednesday night on shopping bent, returning home the next morning aboard the Bunbeam III. IxHila Smith, biological station glue expert, will be seen In a new role next Tuesday and Wednesday night when he takea the part of primeval man In the out the geese at Delusion Bay tng a couple of nice ones gett- Their deatlnstlon Big Bay which no- j body believes they actually reached. Jack Lawrence and Bill Wllllseroft were out from Friday to Sunday night on the Argo. bringing home four or five j gees as well as a full bag of duck. Clarence Thomson, Tedfiy Tite and Jimmy Parker, on the Sunbeam. Jr . Journeyed to Tucks Inlet and got a dozen ducks. Oeorge Bryant arid Claude Klrkendall on tbe Harla bagged nine or ten ducks. the ssme duet going across the .bay, on Thursday afternoon to- get nothihg: Pete Oamula was skuhksojSnun. (ItKIWHT CHANGES II AMIS Jimmy Stewart of the fisheries patrol aervtce has brought the 36-foot powerboat "Numu" from Tommy MeMecktn and Alex Finnic the deal having been closed last week. The "Numu" which has w now been ueeu moved movea from irom the tne flost noat of or THE DAILY NEWS datura " Waterfront Whiffs Local Station' Experiments Vth Dogfish Oil are ConfirmeJ Start ia I Made on St'rap-fUhlnj,- Huaines Alone; naierircint t'nu't Scientist at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Kxierimentl Static of the Biological Board of Canada hate been gratified to reev from Professor Asmundson, professor of poultry husbandry at the. University of British Columbia, confirroatioa 01 the local staUon's j preliminary experiments relative to the content of "Vitamin D In dogfish liver oil. Professor Asmundson report, as a result of pre liminary experiments that he himself has carried out, that do? fish liver oil is equivalent in medicinal values to the best cod liver oil on the market. This checks up with findings made at the local station by Acting Director H. N. Brock- ? lesby who haa bad the experiment COD.Uitttylt. amotion alone the rxroaUy tn hand. Professor Asmund- iUtjwt and alon, toward morning, on haa used chick tn hi experiments : Uere & , tauMuk M snakes , wtue we experiments oy r. crew- K, MtM ud boaU aleod by lesby were made wltti Albino rata. Bth j u,. fln., meana served to fully establish tha ',1,, so to do However, there waa valuable -Vitamin D eastern in apg m tMif guuKt of the gait and. aa fish Uver oil. It 1 the eventual pur- fmt can be learned, there waa little pose of the earrUnento. to establish- ta, ,umMe Due to the good offices tbe commodity as a commercial medl- of 9tM Thomson, not s Una waa cine. To that end there 1 much pro- KrokM, at th. Yacht Club although miee of success. then waa inert deal of bumaus around. 1 New ofBoe quarters for tbe Interna- I Uonal FUhenea Commisstrm ate bsmg' CJ.R. atesmwr Prince Charles. wblca prepared in the Prince Ruptrt Piaherte cfUne off the pontoon at tbe dry doe EipertauntsJ Station. Thla wiu be this week-end alter having been there for ! cwmafxilous fonser of the basement of ! two weeks undenting annual overoaul. the buUding on which toe necessary u to be tied up at tbe pier of tee work Is being carried out by P. W.'idock tC t next four month. SUnd Anderson. Norm in L. Freeman, local :ln( hy the vessel are Chief Officer MJe-representaUve of the coram lesion. vtUkey Mac Kay: Second Engineer MeOre- take up hi headquarters there next: ,01- WhKe and Chief Steward Adam season. iRsmaav. : Mr. Freeman la leaving for Vancouver! where he will spend the holiday season. 1 Qoorge Kalsey has installed a Fsrd On his return to duty at the flrsi ofmarlDe engine In his power cruiser the year, he will Join the stall of , vtiich he buUt st 8cal Cove and which scientists aboard the schooner Dorothy n cow n operation It is understood which Is under charter to the commla- j ;hat Dune Kennedy will 1 natal a. saml- ion. lar motor In his boat which la a atster After having spent the summer en gaged In salmon packing first on the . Queen Charlotte Itlanda and latterly In the vicinity of Vancouver Island. Cspt. Lars Voge with bis fine new boat Zapora. buUt at tbe local dry dock last winter, ha returned to Prince Rupert. He plana next spring on engaging in halibut fishing for which the Zapora was originally (tealgned but in which lBdustry she haa not yet been employed, having gone on salmon packing charter soon after having been ArTKOVfcS llK. ship of the Kalsey craft. ll:i:i.OI M RU' IISHIM! Indications are that a start will be made thia winter on the development of the cod and scrap flaheriee out of the port of Prince Rupert. With the halibut industry, through the scarcity ;f flah. undoubtedly on tbe decline and the fltustloa as pertains to salmon holding out few reassuring signs, the feeding la undoubtedly growing at this j port that. If tbe Industry l to be con-, tlnued on a steady and profitable basis. 1. will be necessary to Hum to some- j thing else besides these two varieties of ' flah which hate been concentrated upon The Gloomy Out Club, which hangs 1 ,or 40 niany years out at a well known local cigar em porium, alter having given the subject due and deliberate consideration, has decided that the Idea ol esUbllahlng a new province with Prince Rupert a tbe capital, seaport and otherwise centre wards, returnee! 1 and when T. to it r. to seem In addition to gener- ! ally supplementing the Industry., tbe ood and tcrap fisHIng would oiler a winter J iurm oi cmpisymem. ine need lor wntcn t ever becorrHng- increasingly apparent It Prince Rupert Is to realise the destifi) it a real 1 Lining port. Dealers have long seen great possibilities in this form of fishing. Only recently, however, have the fishermen been starting to seriously resluse It. Already some boat owner i are actively considering It. Capt. Peter Byrne has outfitted the Dolphin for beam trawling and plans cn starting out as soon as the present se-vn of unfavorable weather has cleared To the same enu of cod and scrap fishing, Capt- Ous Slansy is outfitting his boat. Nuba, lor line fishing. It Is also understood that Capt. Lars Voge may up the Capt Charlie Ed-port Wednesday - L' Dyspepsia Troubled t Him for Many Years Mr. J. Savoy, ioieville, wrilea: "I have suffered for many year from dyspepsia and could hot eera to get any relief. "One day I told my wife I thought I would try a bottle of K"rssraaaTBaraBBrsq B I had half of It taken T Majinfactnred onl by The T. Uilbnra Saturday oighfi aouwester caused , Co., limited, Toronto, Oat. Cone which be is convinced haa real commercial possibilities. Skipper Edwards discovery ol a fainting goose, though not a valuable as Trior's find from a point of dollars and cents, was equally unique and Interesting. IMt.T. TO VAM'tU'VEK Early on the morning of Wednesday this week, Rupert Marine Product power tug P.R.T.. with Capt. Harris Kerr In command and the head of tbe company, Oeorge 0. Bush by on board, left for- Vancouver. The PJI.T. jvUl iip, dergo extensive alterations and repairs In Vancouver during the next couple of months and. while thla haa not yet been definitely decided upon. It Is pos-tlble that a new engine may be Installed. A party headed by the eminent zoologists. Dr. Sullivan of Belfast. Ireland, and Prof. Pyle of Aberdeen. Scotland, have Just returned from Porcher Island, where la the interest ol science, they hsve completed an extensive exploration ol the Island and definitely established the fact that in prehistoric times, the island was undoubtedly tbe borne of tbe Cervidae and that animals of the genus Cervua must also have existed In great herds. The party at first entertained tbe hope of securing some living specimens, but after a most extensive seareb, they were forced to tbe conclusion that tbe specie bad long since become extinct. (continued on page five) LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.EASB LAN I) In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Graham Island Land Recording District of Prince Ruoert. and lt,iT r k. side of RenneU Harbor at the Head of I Reunell Sound. Queen Charlotte Islands Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Brttlah Columbia Fishing & Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C . occupation Salmon Can- iiikiiuji iu appiv lor a leu 01 f the following described' lands: Commencing at a post planted on tbe iri" IT ""1 . " " " -'ITi caiiea "ea Twin rwin r River; ver; i f.i 1 f Iot ... . etir, 1 eontinued ; butij ..t thence 4 chains west: thence twentv-one the Prince nrt ,m v.,t Club to Z ""i 'nd IMht 1 UJ tJ" two bottlea, and now bava J1'" thence 4 chalni TeSt! the flaherle. departmenu floaU. B0 pain, nn coatej ton pis, and l5i?J0i'rOWJng cc,nttn)r "f 1rt line U powered with an 8 hp. Palmer two feel'that I am" mpleS ' rifof ' J , S. ?, ? "Z0'1 CI" cylinder engine tronble." i B.C FliilFlNQ Til It. M, E Dated October 22, 1927, Apjillr int. ! .va. Aitenr HT C S3 If you are thinking about getting a good radio set for Christmas, don't spoil the fun with a poor loud speaker. For any set of five tubes or over, an R-540 standard eighteen inch Cone is the safest thing you can get. Made for breadth of reproduction, wherever used. Ask Your Dealer. Wctor Talking Machine OrarpjLnv of Csnsds.l liw'tej V Northern Electric il 11 Speaker j Mfllfj&& WW try his new boat Zapora out In tb j Those In the party Included Thor John-ame game. on, J. It. Pillsbury. Ed. Olbbon. and A ready market Is understood to be j Ax. strachan and their bag Included oiiermg lor sucn as coa. orui ana set many geese and ducks. Ha eon fisheries and Oscar i Thar Jahiunn LUUvlk. tbe latter recently opened In Prince Rupert, are said to be operl to purchase In quantities. Same of the halibut boats are. however, taking occasion by the hand to get necessary work done in anticipation !S ductlon "T"' ,aU Pro-!Prtng rush set. In. The halibut boa.ts "Adam and Eva." Louis is a fair representaUon of our nated ancestor, it sure must have been pretty th no poor Eva. No. doubt. Jf? i bumper aydlencftttf see txnjle tale 'hli first" th aPthe hi.- trlonlc art. Rough weather last week-end by no mean daunted all Prince Rupert nlm-rcds. Several parties went out on Sunday alter the big Saturday night storm had somewhat modified. Jack Lindsay and party on the Irene L. had their usual horseshoes with tbem and brought back some thirty-five ducks as well aa a goose or two from Delusion Bay. Dave Stuart and Dr. Cade cleaned ' nwl6ut boat W. Capt. Leon Saodvar. and Oslo, Capt. Axel pleen. are having annual overhaul carried out In Cow Bay While similar werk ia beln dome' on the Toodle. Capt, Lawrence Newell.' at the dry dock. Dr. W. T. Kergln la contemplating renovation of hi big power cruiser Pull Moon, the probability being that tbe work will be carried out during tbe spring. Plans include, it is reported, the raising of the pilot house and a change of engines. Alter a Portland four-day hunting trip md Observatory Inlets. Yqisx Selection Early Tomorrow A Kroehler Chesterfield Suite for Christmas Sold on terms or for cash Barrie's Home Furnishings . 1 3rd Avenue Phone BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 MOFFAT'S Electric RANGES The result of forty years' experience are confin ing imitated but never equalled. Fitted with or w:iti" Lurninjr attachment. We buy direct from the manuu be Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Hupfrt