PAGE F0TJ3 TO THE uaILY rv7& BRINGING UP FATHER By George MVa Special Value , i VPI I &StS,1 1 1 I L ,J J when I 1 iSSSttasr I II, , 7T? -sr. Sandwich Plate $6.50 This sew article Is gaed quality ailvtr plate satf tk kaadk screw tit ed-Jt aaa. alaa kt aaad witk a small yiaa. diak ia Mm eettre far' oti-ree or Aradian aad clvee. ar a plaia eak or saadwjeh plate. Seswi far oar mew catalogue. JOHNgUUGER- ri I U -Inivni i CDC STME STORE WITH THE CLOCK Neglected Eyes " NEGLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seem. hardly neceesary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eye tight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DO NT lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 f INDIAN SUMMLRYgET IN YOUR i uiit wia crNM soon re be r rem coai enn fob tuc the V-CONE!- .CONE!- X V i CCLD COLO GREY GREY 7 OAWH j The Fall months are fall ing behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" dub today arid get your bin ftMed right away. Our slate-free coal " will ' give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand aad Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Having. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCC jlA as L ANCER. Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street te:-. I CRUISE OF BAYCHIMO IX FAR-' TIIEST NORTH AND NARROW ESCAPE FROM CRUEL CRIP OF THE GREAT ICE PACK i ecu tinned from ps-f one I itbe mm anrth-rly point of Alaska , stretch wt unesplored continent of ; sat, i iti 1 1 aft, presumably m for aa the Nana Fate. Nov la the abort Arctic the fiet of cob and ocna o Ml the tee off the iu southerly edge beeocaea broken up sad Is pushed north nl-Uiifonunatety through broken up in this manner there H ho outlet from thai part of the Arctic Ocean and thretith the month of July August and September these floe of lee. some smalt, l"1 some very 1 large, are carried " east aad west with varlaaU current created by I a? wtnd might bring large Ocea of Ice jiimliU la act the coast aad R fare badly with aay b caofht in tan chips' raKarnt !a these waters most be ever cn the alert As a feaeral ntie the lea strata down oa Point Bsnww about (he third week tn ,naliartii r and the oradal tailing guide fires Srptrmbrr IS 'as the lamtt for safe aaHaallon After ' this the wuter freeee-up seU In and this . part of the Arctic la sot aartg hie. amono ice nn To retan to aw aarratrte. we left Punt Barrow the uiw rrealinj and jwlnf to orraatonal foe and the fac( (that we bad co worm oar war -.hroofh aeTeral ficMs of lee It was not tmul ulT 0 that we reached Beiachei Is- knd. While workla through one of Ue orflFts..the afp ptiaebed ajatoat a paiflauauly heavy' patch of Ice and a few places en the starboard haw. were aemewhal but not seriously, damaged. From 8kiM pofaas onward the vbfagt raa smoothly and we cased at' the pot on the route entered. lajMUag stores at each post sail cailecttag the furs they bad accumulated during the previous, two yeavra. It is worthy of meauon that the schooner "tady Kin- derIey which was to hare made the voyaje the previous year was caught and rushed to the Ice off Bar raw and tMs meant ' that so suppGei had reached the company posts for to yean. It wffl therefore be readay understood thst our arrival was a wet- come advent to the men at these loeHy outposts of civilisation as moat of them were badly in need of piuililuiis aad Tuel. Abler pec than the presea writ er's have already described this part of tbew ortd so I win not attempt to so. The whole dHtflet. howerer. la sun a more or less unknown und and full of interest to the explorer and the prospector. On August 19 we reached Cambrblge Say. Victoria Land, the most easterly point of the Toyaae. The Esj allium his the dsMincUoa of being the fjrtt steamship to negotiate the Deate Strait w htck ties betaeen Victoria Land and Kent reunstaa. Three tfaya later we thrn- o the posts earaute aMftr s1lf uiand, uxrc we wa.ted fcr tbe ic to pen up more At two pm. we tried conttBoe oa oar way hut the wind -ra-uag auictty round to the went aad coeamenced to pile tn the lee aad for the weand tint e were una iflul to tbe diffrrent winds from day to CUy. return to oar anchorage. AB through Even in the middle of August a change . rleteat weatertr sale Mew at Bersehel Island oa August 31 This far we had beea faaared with extremely mild weather and from Her schei eastward had fcund the wateat leaaarkaMy clear of ice. The ship had cevcred a greater distance lhaa any other Teasel had done preriously to the short sraion of narigatton that pre-vans la this regtos. In the ordtnarr course of events we sWM had two dear weeks in which to round Point Bar row aad the distance from Herachet a hit i two days' run a dear of ice. x there was every reason to be opti- matte fa r safe passage back to the Behrtog . BAKKEIi BV ICE PACK On September 1. baring her huitntss and with a valuable cargo of skins aboard the Bavdme ft Hetaohl IsUad at 2M pa. on the last lap of the homeward 9urnev. From the time we left the abetter of the sand cptt at the 6JE. paant of the island the chip had to back ber way thraegli oeary :ee Worming m and out we got aunor. around the iamad but oa the northwest poiat heavy Unpassahle ice packed tkgfat onto the shore aad canptetely barred the way Beluctaatty. therefore, me were forced dock to abetter under the lee of the ex. aaadsplt as we couM not remain lr our posttkm off the Islsad for fear of being crushed ia the Icepack aboald the wind ehaage aad bring more toe- fleet pressing inshore. On tbe tnoixiog of September 2 a 8X w nd sprang up and commenced to open up : oe ice We lef: our anchorage am ara r.s. safe: rcurA Tie aad aUed the Ice ht tight eo the eoaat and we were tafia compelled to wait and hope tor a oBaag of wtnd to ope R aa agam. Septefaber 4 aad S we atteaapted to .et through but the Ice berrstr rs- malced solid and wiiiajiialiai. OrthcjJicnif Fox Trot Vocal frcan that date. WhB arWaraid uadar the lee of the seutbaaat aaadsplt each day a party would set out fsam the ship and eras the bntnd hoping to ftad aa baprwve-maaft ta the lee coadnhma. Day by day our thsores af getting tbiniagli were da in Hi j aad Caatila Corn well asake amaagemenu for si hands o1re ashore sIkMM the ship get frcaen in. PKErtKm TO HIVTTK On September 0 we tried yet again but inchcrage (or another attempt we were stal naaale to get through and the fouawaag day a atrttrty wind piled ta the see yet Mm. GOT MfXAflE yHROinil The Baychnao was by this time the only ship in the ester u Arctic z:4 -o lear radio maf I had o tt :tk he high mountains c4,alwlk4nd pick up some 'hip :n h Psc.ftc -a ,r. of the ES! c-a. rutttocu on 'h Pacific shor of A-a. v OV 't rr, 5 static iuudlMuwa. the aaartatat f the Arctic night at this wm of the year, ay the fact that X had but a kw apart: set to work with. I had for the past week or so beea unable ia to effect asiataaiiinllia with the out-jde world. Otar poMUoa waa an be- , - oesir.f critical and oa the asght at : Sept was st 11 t.i captain gave aa la-. tmctioaa to transmit the "SOS" algaal .' .o attract attectuw 1 gave ttse rt a ! much bagger load than it was ever in- teaded ta carry aad was tartaaaH m ha ring my calls sacked up by several tethns. Taaafea so the n agipratlaa of -he O. S. navy taUoas at Oardoea aad Kodak, aad a laaailin of ehtps tradtay aa ta Alaskan coast. I was able to iratntalw fairly regular fommnnlritMfi On Sunday. September X. we left our Records Just a Memory Paul White ma ii and Hit Orchettra Harold Yates Cooper Lawley iGene Austin ' -VcfcaLja . : Fox Trpi PaUl Whiteman and His Orchestra or Golden Slippers Old Time Southern SongDig hit t Doet with violin, banjo, Vernon Dalhart and guitar and harmonica Carson Roblson Fox Trot Polly Jutt at fascinating at "Sola" Zez Confrcy and Ilia Orchettra Charmaine Waltt B. F. Goodrich 2Wt2 Silrertown Cord Orchettra Vocal Lewis James 25M Inttro. Victor Salon 2fiJ4 mental Orchettra to se. through aafl by aooa were thirty miles woat of Thpchot lataad. here alaa. oar laugjess wt agaan barred aad as K would hj teag) uBsate to anchor at jen aa epostid pes tl ton we again re-rurned toSrild anchorage By how :ere were !ew among us had any .icpe of get'..n clear this jwar and hat ing to wul'.er as far north a tats wm r.o pleamn'. p.-ospect Wtnter in th: jt -r. r. land uenh of the tlmbet -.r. j n-.u- w. z-a to lire ahoard s Vicfbr 20SS1 3WI7 On a Dc3w, Dew, Dewy Day Fox Trot Nit Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra Duet with gu(tar Jim aiUlcr-Charli FarreU My Blue Heaven 20964 2082S 2t5J9 21777 Alto the latest Red Seal recordt by famous Victor artislt t Victor Teliae ff. Q g of Canada. Machine Co. J lEESSp fl, i limited f F anted For Sale For Rent ateet ship, aa qaarteia As the aaaatb of i dose, young ice ight on the surface 11 and It reaUr 2Tth were fme aalM Xth a party watch DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per vrord in advance. No Advertitercent taken for !ct than 5Cx owneaiet that mm i triipti a donag node for scene of us Thee as aafte a laaaiiiiiii I miles ar so fsam the coast .be native from Heesohel at .n a store of meat lor the slaad rtara1 ta the land though the wiad had bad to be found to the other. Par a few attautas - ia to ttv ihaefca that at vataat aarBtg at the wat- whrn ta aaUvaa are oat huinma; of the soyal rsniiwsn Mounted PoUce khkdly teed irnnemmnnn in the poUee mriacks to a father andxr Th few Eskimo eaaiip oa the fctlaad are buaUy engaged atakmg afcta dota-ng and muklaka sel-bJ4t boaUl far Js. anal ace we definitely ahandoawd all aaa of aeaaaax dear eaprdlUoas eouai Immtdlslth; he org i aii id to html aartboo la the ameaataai aa the aaam-ad These meeetsan at ban ten than wham a few feet do m a 1 1 lan aal mm aad kehat. KEtllY TO" START y The in wn Saptiaaait drew to of th aaa, aaow a setting In Tet the Mth. Mth aad daps aad aa th bad uuand the state taeort- ig very iitue ice and lota Of open later. Ooaslnc a late ha the season he news was hard to baa ere but Oapt. .'craven (the master), aad Capt. FteJl-er (th tee paUti. head 4 Hesitation wd It was drddta that if the wind vnuuael faaoMbie we would aaak oor etleenpt the aest day. Meanwhile the captain puarhiMd at tfet ttwVCshafl assay saoreei ttasamg peat could 1 ttapped aad dampened to waater ap the it betweeu Bersehet aad Poaat Bar- On the afternoon of -September w laaid farewea a Hersonel aad atartedi' loaT at fafll speed. At 7 pan. w anchored 30 ataVa I the hdand a there .ana atill some leefaad it to unwrte to It la the dark. Early e again pruts ad aa at speed, aseatlag wry little ate. By a Ipm we we U0 mUe from Kirwlbal Iweatedy we eowM not tura back aa w r Juat aa liable, tft bejaawa tijaagl M v get back to Heeacbd as w r-nriog to oo oa to p4nt turjww weuid mean ahiadbwlaa; (fee aalp iat UtlrmptlDC. taexptracd of real Arc- Itlc cendtttees at wc an were, ta walk Uhe 200 miles Meag that barms try 4aaast th Poaat Barrow w hank to TW- lafhelarieveri elated the oUager w were ta. AH through that atcht tieamlajg ahead aad the aext day tcbrr 1. -wm be for our lnecstoTtss The . in strong anrtawet and would be slowly but sawefy parahu down the heavy packs of lee tn the north of Barrow. M ICE UITII ICE It bad now baeame a race whethet ae could fat round the Point Ufore tn ice waa dea-a. rendetlag ft Oc Eaeh hour brought ua nearer the goal tad towarft adgMfaB large pans of see vert S4ghert Dodglag xhat to part then to starboard betweea the ice our stout Mete Mp ptugrtd ateadary against th md- The stokers were working at a ' .-ttaeedoue ptteh aad the eblrf engineer had opened the engines to such ex-Mnt that despite the head wtnd the ahis as maung ll kaoU. agahast ber neual peed of S Darkaess came upon ua aad a blsndiag anew-laden wiad cut the faces of the anxious watches on the bridge. maaained aaotionlaai. tryiag to realu-t eaarUy the poatttoa we were in. when tahmtly ovtr the one etUlnoei of the aajht was heard ta piesrlng howl of s Xer was the bowl of a hanky aaore a drams than that on t . oar oari aawswhare not far away m a camp it vrttlS3Bat. Turaiug sout-iweat and "sarwiag slowly sioag th rda of the lor after a Utile while a '.:tA gllsacoer at light appeari a which gradually became clsani . ttU eager eyes aaaae cut the lowlytng coast rA aortheni AlaAa and hoanaa amry uluaaiaated It waa Point Barrow the asost ht-thrrly settlamtwt of aad 4 mjt. fcuntf us saiety aaehore oo la awn-trn side of the point. Away ta th distance loomed th toe- ark slowly Inb trul it held no penis far us bow. Atiead lay s clear run to th awhrtog Sea and Pacl-fV Ocean, and thus it happened that aar gall sat ttuk veaari had been ah3 Irani th crutches of th Ar.-uc and bai r-waded Pctnt aarraw on OBtoher 9 'Jar It'est deu an record that any ihtp bad pamed tan potnt mm th eastward With thankfal heart I anwrilr aaaded th key tn th rat;? csbin i:ui laJormed th mea oa aatrh at Cdova aad akdmk. who were stsrdlng by keen ly lisning :a to oar argrem. "OK Uir- liaac safe'.y reauatad Point Barrow A!. well " and jCf relief to all oa IXA news waa uur easily lauapaw- the ioeed on when the QUITS WORK Famou Woraan From Mlnlna Camps b Gafna; ta VuUn Again Kate Byaa. noted pioneer af ta ataay a grass co it ia th wUM many a for cat trail east foot tea or perhaps tens of thuusands of daaotaar oorthiands m doe I otherwise, u gotag -north an ah hopes to iwtau those ataay faaalllar acmes down the Yukon a to Dewaoa than which ah hrr- ledf Is no leas known. Ua Byaa sailed yestardaw afternoon on the Prtrjcaas alary for Vanoourar4 Vsttl Bh u to irisJt th latter ell connection with court actiona arls- ag' enf of thr afahtng m ma of th ! msr Pifuumi Wipaia aboard which! a wet a nephew- en of 'Boy' wtahat abc raited la about a month s time. VRas rtaan . . . . . 7 ' . - I Mat utaan'top sa which place ah Itved ia for an even twenty rears. going tn over the -All Canadian" route via Telegraph Creek and Aula wtth the "Bush of at- and tearing on Armistice Day ltis nine years ago. alias Been will spend two months m '.be Yukon and wni be n ingnalad by her -bedyaaanr her two husky rephews. John and Charie Kyaa. Btew-srt packer. The boys ar gcdbg south with her. -if a cant all after to go we all stop- aay Mm Kyan. "aad I weal let them week wall I aaa han-aaying- Uaa Byan waa for fifteen year fady Boat laapector in the Yukon. Bat that was only a part of bar pietanaatra career ouch a one that will probably stand enm ailed by any other Canadian And Mis Ryan says th 1 "through now. "I hare stopped aad th boys will have say this wossdertwj a laasn Ulm Byan wiB return in the spring to Stewart where she baa rW far the past, several yeara-a ptoiater town About msdnigbt the engines were sud- such as she knowa so well and lovet aa y tvogmed aad a lew secaed later the telegraph rang for -fuB astern" ahead of ik lay a solid waB of ice. TT mI AMrH mxat iweaty feet or mure above the aea leyel was a sheer , barrier of m rhtt muu . . c crusora j the atranrea-'. h:o afloat. This was trie ; -Pdar Paca." dread ty aJU Arctic nav:-estcrs. for hi ru rentleas grip many tout ahtp hare bees crushed and ma.-:? rallir.t raer, bare periihed OfT POIXT BtKROtl Wriere ure A.-e w., -.rappea I' i1-ir z -- passed Uim cm, J C Lanclev arrived in -h ?,tT fioai Setchikau on the Princwat Mary yv.Tcii a!-ernoon. PAIN from Bladder Irrifatioc? Seen asssd b SANTAL MIDY ' Bswsr ImlUIIens Lack for tu word 'stlDy - it : s' 'r r t Rslisisd kr WASTaTJ -.: S-.. Se: A to k m-.t, Vai Co;.etio:j. ; 4t HP at hp b tr Pribr 31 t.f bank b? 11 s! r, -s j, ton s.ui lam bom dat; V -Bstu- POK SALE lth hu h titOQ. ti Arv y h FOR ftA!' i 3 :ta3 v WAN ire ""M candi: - s-jVooo ( raigad P;i Bo Gcjd pond -Kmoo ( rrmrd O. P. !' POR RtrjtT Singar w Mudc w POB narr v lert rir wee or ir- tyOVhZ POR BATH Ar ' BCtiCH OF Kc fM Jy Hew O- pMfNcr. hi rear rsy J. R A Oo s' : l:l- Te-er.5 Two tx-ri FAl Fi N tx..arbt ."vd f PUfer ! To C1-. I'trtiiori 1 1' CHRISTf- CIBRtaTMAS TOYi sortiDrnt re plsrtng tr' custemers '' of early bu;-sele-ttng Tol!' gllU. We ' au Eve A. V KEV7IF rbn I Everv O IHM.f tR I a THE IOI ' tB See our Koihfr? Ov CHIMNEY II. J. 7 MS Oeaersl II'""" Furnaces and p.'.r' c Cri'.-nn- OnDtery Pi '-Phone Bed MS I)OMIMO ft RVtTi x. ir-oi KIM - V.'. v. .-. - Pbne K i 'ii: