BIG MISSOURI ROAD COMPLETE llnuse: Iking Hullt nt Mine for Officials of Consolidated Who Own Mine .'OR1A Dec. g. -The road from V id Mine to Big Missouri up tin- balrooi) River had bean let.''. i oik' day before the first ! i w 1 ii 1 1 The rusd was rushed ronsolldaled Smelters so that iniild be taken into the Big '' ..u winter ami shipments of i red ni t Ion of permanent bouses fot ha started. . Hint live Con niidated had re --.he Sunloch Mine were denied BANDITS KILL BRITISH CREW Gunlw.-iis Proceeding to Scene on Yangtse Hiver in China !:"' '. KONG, Dec. 3. - The British Siantang. whose home port is c -'ni. ws attacked by bandits on the Ysngtse River. Some tin inbers of the crew were killed '..i Lsllor held for 1100.000 -' .DON Den 3. Two British UI1- piucevdlng to the scene of n the Slsntsng. McGEER AND SUTTON SAIL FOR ENGLAND TO FlNANGEftGE. ' r- VER. Dec 3 O. O. McOeer ''i..i Button sailed from New J lCSUrtV to IIKuMliK with Rrltiah I which were separate. He did not suppose U,y could step the government from going ahead with the P.O.E. who would feel It was a good deal even if they gave v.v the whole of the Peace River lor block in order to rtlieve the province fund, for tbe purchase P ' if.c Oreat Estern Railway and of the railway. He thought perhaps -n.Mon P" here had sat atlll too long. He referred into the Peace River dl-- 1 1) 'he extra cost of hauling grain i in' Vancouver and did not think the ' 1 ' cf P'ce 'hould be pna I- : a .nowsllde yesterdsy on ( n :l. ,),- ,,,.. '. ,,... ld m order to "pull out the P.G.E " immenw! SUm t0 PU K -'"" r.part that it wa not NEW MEMBERS JOIN BOARD Organisation is Criticized but Pre sidrnt 1 niton Defends it Thirteen new members joined th board cf trade last night st the regole-monthly meetinf. Tbey were Stank Smith. J. II. Thompson. F. X. Bual. Harold Rtse. J. O Prarer. Earl BsrrM J J. Dun, Oesrrga Hill, fhoma Andrew Tom Oybbavn. Psul Armour, O. 1 Brine snd O C Walker. President Pulton said the canvassei had met wtlh some cr.tlclsra, one -which wsn that the bard of trade wa a political organization. That he dc nled Woatevsr tne beard might ha-. been st one time It certainly was n that now. He hoped the addition . the new members would have s go ; effect snd that the board would mil the organisation a more live one. BONDS SOLD" HIGH PRICE Province Now Has Ilest Average Keconl of year of any in Canada VICTOItlA, Uec. 3. Ail Iwiie or a million dollar of thirty rar four per ent boiuln wa Mild yrklrnlay on SfHS' 1M-I li a NndH-ale rmpued of Hie Koyal luuk. X t.. .tmett & fit. and IVimmI (liinUy ('. .M I lie lime of the rrrrnt ImhiiI Kale the gomiimrnt ajrrnl In tell a million niorr drhriitum hiulil Hie kjn-dimte ilrlre It mill the prior of-frrrd was MtlUlory. The atrrai; i-ut uf tlie money lo llrlll-li (ul-uiiiliiu for Hie rnllrr yrur Iijk bren rrluiTl to IJil li.v I Ills latest Issue this lieliif the loHrst utrraje uf any protlnie In Canailu. BAPTIST LADIES ELECT OFFICER .Mrs. I'. II. I.lnzry Heads (Ircunlzatioi lor (oiiIiir Vrar Hllli Mrs. lliurbrr r'rrtary Tne Ladlee' . Aid ot the First Baptls. Church held their monthly meeting a the noma of Mrs. P. II. Unsey last nigh. There wss s large attendance and th annual election of officers took plaor The foUowtat were elected for thi ensuing year: PrssMtttt Mrs. P. II. Llnrey. Vlcsvprsskient Mrs. B. Morgan. Treasurer Mrs F. Morris. Secretary Mrs J. Thurber. Pianist Mrs. Lemon. The retiring president. Mrs. W. I Hammond, wss appointed prass aerres pondent. The new .officers will have some In tereatthg work ahead of them as th Ladies' AM arc responsible for the Installation of the new ptwa In Um onureh. td.MKicKMi: Ai)ioritM;i GENEVA, Dec 3. The preparatory disarmament conference adjoilrned today until March 16. Railway offices this morning reportet that forty-one oars laden with grali bsd arrived at the Alberta Wheat Pool' Prince Rupert elevator during the pas: twenty-four hours. Captain O. W. Leary of the flsherio patrol at Cumshewa Inlet has returnee to Vancouver where he will spent Christmas. grain. The people of the Peace had more right to a railway than the Hud son Bay. He suggested that.cojrnrrjVf oc appointea to report at tne next meeting. .. D , , O. H. .Arnold said he had tried to se cure a eepy of the Sullivan report but was told It was out of print. It was decided to ask that more copies be mads and one forwarded here. A committee consisting ot a. W. Nlckerson. d. 0. Walker. J. H. Pillsbury and W. H. Tobey be appointed to gather data snd report to the next meeting, the president stating that the matter would be dealt with by one of the speakers at tbe annual meeting which is to tv-.c tin' form if .. dinner. save Money mdln Mete Boston arU I wsy to bur ' to subscribe by Uk Larjte Upstair Dining Hull, . , it delivered daUy with newly laid dancing . -j Of twiM, you floor, for hire. s . tot a shorter period. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. sod nave it d PRINCE RUPERT The latest and hest for the s .J least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 3 PMNCE TtlTPEltT. li.C. SATl'RDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1027 Price Five Onie i RAIL l$fA Y mm BAZAAR ORANGE LADIES IS PROCEED iNG TODAY rne Lsd.a' Grant jlknevolent Asso-ation la hcldlng Its Sjirr.ual baaaar this .ernocn In the MstrsJpoL: Hall, a great rieiy o: useful and ! ornamental amies, tastefully srranfad, being offered jc the cue'-.m ot mspy sail era. Mrs. F. Barber Is sfh general charge ;th assMUau ss tfiflflns: dewing Table - Mr. J. O. Vtersck. rs. Rolls snd Mrs. Da vie. Heme C-oklag- Mrs . Wright Davies, :d Mrs. W. F. Anderson. Oandy Mrs. S. V. Cox and Miss Eliza-eth Jones. IU1 lies- -Mrs. J. R. Murray. Tea Room Mrs. V. Houston. Mrs. reddes. Mr. Ouyin and Mrs. Eastman. Bran Tub -Mrs. Brewerton and Miss icHaffle. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL KMii.iNii Liaciii; Division I. BU-mingham 0. Leicester 7. Blackburn 0, Sunderland 0. Oardlf r City 2. Aston Villa 1. Bverton 0. Sheffield 0. , Huddersfield a. Arsenal 1. , l&anchester TJ. 0. Bury 1. Mlddleaboro 8. Portrmouth 1. Newcastle 1, Liverpool I. The Wednesday 2, West Ham 0. Tottenham fi, Burnlery 0. Hiisoii,lI. . Blackpool 1. Port Vale C. Chaises o. south Shields 0. Orunsby 3. Barsnely 1. Oldham 4, Fulhsm 2, Soutlianipton 0. Preston 0. West Bromwiok 2. Nstts Far set 3. Bristol City 2. Manchester City 0. Clapton 2. Leeds 1. Notts County 2, Swantea 0. Reading 2, Wolverhampton 1. Stoke City 3. Hull 1. nl'OTTISH LIOAdLi; Ilitlslon I. Aberdeen 0. AlrdrieotUans 0. Celtic 1. Motherwell .2, Cowdenbeath 4, St. JSnnstonc 2. Dundee 4. Clyde 3. Falkirk 5. Dunfermline 1. Hamilton 1. Rangers 1. Hearts 5. Boncss 0. KUmarnock 2, Hibernians .1. ueen's Park 8. Ralth Rovers 1, Particle 6. St. Mlrren 2. 'PRINCE OF PACIFIC PORTS" IS CHOSEN Tlie committee met this afternoon uid chose what they considered to be the best of the slogans submitted, the nholee falling on one sent in by P. 1. Lhurey: "The "Prince of Pacific Portal The committee that madetnthe df-iistorf! consisted of F. O.iDawsoui (chalrr siarf). 'Mrs.' R. L. Mclntyre, iMlss-Earle, Archie Sinclair. John Bulger. T. Dlbb. W. E. Wllllscroft and P. W. Hart. SIR HUGH DENNISON RESIGNS HIS POSITION CANBERRA. Australia. Dec 3. The re-.vgriiitu.n of Sir Hugh Dennlson. Austrian ( .jmmlssloner to the United 6 i i Mitr."inc-. by Premiei Bruce. HAS Stewart Railway Is Sold byiSir Danald Mann to Old Country Syndicate VANCOUJEK, December a. The Portland Canal Hallway iina Iwttn ant'il iiv Sir Dnnult) Afnnn whn tinllt- in 101(1 lint n .vi. r operated it, tlie slump in mining and other business at that J me causing it; to fall inio dUuse. An Old Country syndicate is the purchaser. The Old Country intercuts have obtained large timber l iulits in the Urar Vallev and it is stated here that thev will recondition th line and extend it toward the interior with a view to marketing their timber. Six months : go the deal was reported to have gone through but at that time it was denied. It had been suggested ;veral time Recently that a deal was in progress of STOCK PRICES WILD TODAY C.l'.K. Took Jump of Fifteen 1'oints ledterday and Active Again Today NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Speculation for Advance ran wild again today on the stork markewtbe sales tor. the ftat hour- reaetMn'-7004)00' with numtrtros' issues Jumping Ircm one to eight points. C'J.R. was sgaln featured after Friday's jump of nearly fifteen points to as high as 218. mainly on the reports of that company's various properties would be cegragated, which was afterwards officially denied. This mornings reports attributed tbe rnovciirent to a belief held by speculators that the stock had been overlooked. PORT WARDEN'S FEE SAMEASVANCOUyER- CIonp Vole In Hoard of Trade .Mrrtlng Adopts Report of Coniniittre On the part of the Port and Navigation committee of tbe Board of Trade, F. O. Dawson reported In favor of the adoption of the same port warden's tee for this port ss for Vancouver. The board had been requested by the Marine department at Ottawa to adopt this. I E. C. Gibbons suggested laying the matter over for a month and asking that tbe insurance rates and the matter of aids to navigation be coupled with this and the department asked to secede to the local board's requests In regard thereto. George Arnold suggested trying to get the nine pence a ton embargo removed. George Nlckerson said this matter had nothing to do with the aids to navigation. The harbor master got only the fees snd last year they amounted to $800. He thought It wise to make the rates uniform. After some discussion the -report was adopted on a close division by ohe vote majority. PATTULLO COMING TO ADDRESS CLUB The program committee of the Rotary Club telegraphed Hon. T. D. Pattullo asking him to address them on Thurs day next at their luncheon and he has accepted. He will arrive here on Wed nesday. J. V. Burke, president of defunct bank of Kenton st Portland convicted of misapplication of funds. Captain Archibald McLean Brunswick died at 6eattle. BEEfi of New . Charles G. Stlmpaon. general manager of the Baxter Pole Co., arrived on the 1 Cardena this morning from Vancouver ana win proceed tomgnt on tne frince John to Massett Inlet where his com pany la conducting extensive opera Hons. Mrs. Albert Moore and son srrlved In tbe city on tbe Princess Beatrice this morning from Vancouver to be with Mr. Moore who srrlved yesterday from Buckley Bay to receive medical treat-mru. 'ici'j OCAL BOARD OF TRADE DISCUSSES THE NEW PROVINCE nt k ew Province and Peace Railway is Discussed at Board of Trade Meeting Etsrsniilicc iipiHimiru ana .iiHiier vtiu ie runner Uisuc.smu at Annual Dinner of Hoard Early in January lUf.stion of the formation of a new northern province of ii'. Kupert will be a part will be taken up further liy the m annual meeting early in January, which will take the i dinner. It was informally discussed last night and Fulton expressed himself strongly in favor of it. He con-i.ntli important and feasible. There would be revenue uf-Hi-itfy a new province. He suggested that a resolution be niiitf the matter to a committee for investigation. The i uould have to be amended in order to bring it about. Mr Fulton aald Prince Rupert bad jSTRIKE TIES UP SHIPPING IN AUSTRALIA jj;Tfir U Settle Fall and Miner Will le out or Work Pretty Soon ' v,nraHsvJe. t. Imsmstass rue were completely ;i .! result of a deadlock of -"king to settlement of ' - . rksrs' tank . . -d that ISO vessels arc i Australian port am! u If the atria to pro - 'it uot only ith Wats out ' iter men. beta placed in an impossible position. No aoonar bad Mm Orand Trunk Pacific Hallway bsan Inltlatad than there earn a store Iran Vancouver to set a railway from Had Pais Junction. Then aoaMone luggsslwl the value of the Pases River sad again a railway tram It to Vancouver to proposed. The thing had reached a state where Prince Ilu-(ert muat do somsthlng and not tit itround Idly. J W. MoKlntey suggested that the board call a public meeting to deal with the matter. He btUswftf the Ubm was Mae for a subtle meats. Thai targtory .jsp tnitwtit In the new provtnee was s empire In itself Mr Pulton thought It a little early ret to call a public meeting. He ug-sested thai It first be brought before the public by the board ao that the people might know more about It before being aaked to declare tbsmsslves. V.tNllKIIIHMII MTAKTN IT The discussion sreae from the reading of letter from the Vanderheof Board of Trade which was as follows: "At our last general meeting the matter of railway ewtaiunneatton with l-aace Hirer came up tor dlecuasion and ! wu asked to write you to Inquire If your board was taking any further ac tion in urging that the logical outlet was by way of the Canadian NaWooal Hallway and Prince Rupert. "Our members feel that your board nan accompllahed good deal of work in thle matter already and think that tbe time la very opportune now to take up the matter actively again. If you have not already done ao. -We will be very glad Indeed to co operate with you In any way possible. vtUl'.UItltV !rK.KM M. p. McCa fiery aald he considered this matter very Important, the moat Important iutlr the city had to con alder. The south had been trying to gat It sad tbw provincial government was bent on sailing the P.O.E. Every body should know that in order to get. to Vancouver any line would have to cross ths Canadian National, the best railway on the coast. Money would have to be spent to lake the line to Vancouver. It waa the most unreason able proposal he bad beard, yet no body but the News had seen fit to take the matter up. Bran the president ot the board of trade. J rem whom tbey expected teftd la such matters, had mid nothing and neither had the mayor It nothing wav dOM here the people of Canada would think there was nothing here and no reason for the railway coming here. As fsr aa the political aspect waa concerned. Mr. McOaffery said Victoria wan in favor of ex tending the P.O.E. but this did not affect him. His experience wss that they were all the same. Either party in power would do the same. Tbey should take a stand irrespective of politics. Mr. Pulton then precipitated the discussion In ftgsrd to the Dew province. MINIMI TWO lESTlONS George Nlckerson suggested that It wss' hot wise to mix the two questions. Cruise of Baychimo in Farthest North and Narrow Escape from Cruel Grip of Great Ice Pack Wireless Operator Now ut Dighy Island Station Tells Story of Eventful Voyage in the Arctic in Summer of 1925 To see a great wall of rock afyead in the night and to feel the great cruel Arctic ice pack closing in and then to give death the slip with a merry ha ha, is an experience that does not come to many but it came to Donald Mitchell, wireless operator on the Hudson's Day trading steamer Baychimo, in the summer of 1925, and now a wireless operator at Digby wireless station. It was a nerve- racking time and Mr. Mitchell tells the story clearly and well in detail as follows: During tbe summer cf 192S t waa at- s- taebed as wireless operator to the SS. Baychimo." s small trading vessel i owned by the fur trade department oJ the Hudson's Bay Company The voyage which ended In suob a lisrrjv Sfcape from being caught In tbe j grip of the Polar ice. kegan whan the I Baychimo left Vancouver, B.C., on July i first steel vessel ever to navigate these waters and tbe Baktmns everywhere we went were extremely stlrpirlsed" ' a ni putzled as to tbe reason why a steel ship did not sink. Perhaps It would be well to explain here that to the north of Point Barrow (continued on page four) WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE BY MOOSE LADIES SUCCESS A whist drive snd dance given last night by the Women of Mooeeheart Le gion waa a most successful and enjoyable affair. There were some 150 couplee present, all enjoying themselves to the full. Winters at cards, were ss follows: Ladles' first, Mrs. Jos. Ratchfard; ladles' tecond. Miss Bessie Derry: ladles' third. Mrs. William Dmieett; men's first. Mr. Lamb, men's second. Nils Johnson; men's th rJ D. H. McDonald. Delicious refreshments were served. after which dancing waa enjoyed. Music was by Mrs. , R. P. Ponder1.! orchestra snd QlUls Royer was master of cere monies. Mrs. F. M. Crosby presided at the door while the committee responsible for the success of the affair con sisted of Mrs. Jack Ratchford. convener. Mrs. Jce Slaggard and Mrv L. R. Parry. EFFORT TO COLLECT MONEY FROM DOMINION NEW WESTMINSTER. Dec. 3. Efforts to collect from the Dominion government sums of money believed to aggre gate several thousand dollars will be made by the Fraser Valley municipali ties. The money is claimed as taxes on lands that revert to the soldiers' settlement board. EDMONTON GRADS WIN BASKETBALL EDMONTON. Dec. 3. Ths Commercial' Orads defeated Minnesota Bankers of Minneapolis In the first game for the International Olrls' Championship, the score being CO to S. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 1.48ft B.C. Silver ........ 1.41 1.4 J Big Missouri ....4. 30 .30 ft Coast Copper 1300 16.00 Cork Provtnee 10Vi Dunwell 22 2i Independence .03 V, .05 H Indian j08 .07 L. and L .00 Leadsman .03 a .05 Premier 2.33 236 j Porter Idaho .41 ,41 I Richmond lit. .12 Sllvercraset .0S M Silversmith 21 22 1 6ur: Inlet 01'; .02 SAN FRANCISCO 1ARU FINISHING 8 loaded with stores tcr the company's Third (train diuat of Season to '.rad'.ng pests along the northern coast Saj n Jlonday Three More "V0?.? Catling at '. ... the , Xstand - of i, Unalaska , w , fori ! "oats Within Fortnight " bunkers, and Teller. Alaska, where wsj It waja expecte(1 at tbe elevator this to-k s supply of reindeer meat and dog;mOTIllag taat loading of the Japanese feed (dried fish), we reached Point (ttithttT San rrarieUco Mu with a Barrow on July 28. At Point Barrow trul, cirgJ 0, grtln tor tht Uruted Klnj- e stayed a lew facuis and took aboard or continent would be finished by s number of Eskimos to assist In work- today. It will ke Monday, however, be ing the sargo. The Bajshlmo is the; Cwe VBe vtttel MlU- It Is reported, though not confirmed iftL lb sf4K.jnsnajemejJs tiouowing mm doh wui dc am iimir ly to load wheat fer the tnlted Kingdom or Continent: December 6. British tesmer Atnderby: December 8, British steamer Warlaby: December 13, Ohio Maru. DENIES REPORT MINING DEALS Dale Pitt of Premier Says They Have Not Purchased Silverado VICTORIA, Dec. 3. Dale Pitt, general manager .for the Premier Gold Mining Company, telegraphed from Stewart today denying report 'that tbe Pre mier bad purchased the Bllverado and that money paid by him tor the Sil verado is to finance the Dunwell. Also be denied that tbe Porter Idaho Is to be combined with the Prosperity and Silverado. P.G.E. PAYS FOR OPERATING Increase in Amount of Freight Handled Caused Itecord Iiusi-ness VANCOUVER. Dec. 3. Operating revenues for tbe Pacific Great Eastern Railway during October show s surplus of $7,037 ever operating expenses. Freight accounted for the increase, which constitutes a record for tbe road. BAD WEATHER HOLDS UP CATALA .SALVAGE, No further Report up to Noon Today on l'ro;;rrM of Operation at Mist lland Wreck Up to noon tcday there had been no further report on salvage operations at the wreck of the steamer Catala on Mist Island near Port Simpson, Bad weather is understood to have been seriously hampering the progress ot the work. CANADIAN SENATOR RECEIVED BY BRIAND PARIS. Dec. 3. Senator Raoul Dan-durand was officially received received yesterday by Foreign Minister Brland.' ii i , iWMots in (nr. VANCOUVER. Dec. 3, The tugboat Famous of Belllngham was refloated from a reef near Turn Point by tne Vancouver salvage boat Skookum.