Advertise la tba Dally New aea rough. maim TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance Mid Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime floor, for hire. Exchange Building NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the 51 AIT VIDECK. Prop. least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVII.. No. 81. VOL PRINCE RUPERT; B.C., "WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6, 1027 Circulation 1500 Sale 423 Prfc Fiv (nu -LJ ! RICH 0nZ BODY ON VANCOUVER ID. GUTHRIE AMENDMENT IS Claiming to be Wife, Woman Wants Details of Vancouver Murder NO FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH KILL-IMi OF .MARSHALL DOUfJLAS TWO MEN CHARGED PROFESS IGNORANCE OF CRIME VANCOUVER. April G. Stating that she wan the wife of " . hall Douglas, whose battered body was found early Tuesday i i.k in a local hotel, "Mm. Douglas" has telegraphed the police m I.o.i Angeles for particulars of the case. Information has been y. the police that she had been living with Douglas in an apart-r ' here. Hubert Moore and Angus Nicholson, charged with the murder Dt'Uglas. have made no statement other than that they could -: mber nothing of what occurred In the hotel room. A post-mortem examination of Douglas' body shows terrible it the Jaw. both cheek bones and nose being broken. .An in-w4) be held on Thursday afternoon. , INFLUENZA AT ALASKAN TOWN M Hints OlTltlir.AK AT HETIII.I. III'.-rtllllllD IIV AUUOK AKKHINU AT NOME K;. " Ajn.l An IRTlUttM p-,! erriout " proport iftu tn tbe tk '-i un the lower Kuskokwtm - r;o by Artaw Merrotl . ved here from Anchorage, f t UcQrath where Merroll sloppy" rerun Mid that practically all j ' Bethel wer atrteken, 'i - - u kuui 150 inhabitant. E.i - u GIVE PROVINCE INDIAN ROADS MIMlltll OF ITIU.IC MOItK MTU-IHI.AND (I.OM.II M.IOTITION i iniS i:mi nun ottawa DEPARTMENT ' TORtA, April 6. While he wa in c II n Dr. W. II. Sutherland, "f public work, announced qn hie return from the federal tie reached an agreement with Dr iartment of Indian Affalri whereat xn will be drafted veatlng the J n:ad through Indian reaerva-' tie Brltuh Columbia provincial ms'nt CLAIMS BIG COMMISSION uiiii.i:s AMi iii i i.. iokmmki.y or VAMot i:it ami sow or i:i- MONTON, MINO I OH Sl.tlio.IHMl "ORONTO, April 6 Claiming U00.- rnQ l ommlMion as the agent of E. A. Waiibcnr of Toronto and the Lake 6t. hn Power Si Paper Co. of Mlttasalnl, Qucoec. in procuring a contract for ' x aale of newaprlnt. Charlea Campbell, publiaher of the Edmonton Bulletin and former proprietor of the Vancouver World, has laaued a writ In Supreme Cjurt here naming both aa defendant. EXPLOSION IN WYOMING TOWN hiiiuf.e.n mkx Am: dead atjpaiico, TWO DVINO AMI OTHERS fEiti-Ol'SLV PAHCO, Wyoming, April 6. Thirteen men are dead, two are dying and four mora were aerloiuly burned as a reiult of an exploalon In the Producers and Refiner oil plant here thta morning, The exploalon broke window In town. tearing the frame of aome of them out Tho damage I eatlmated, at &00,000. in: pinedos plane di:trow:ii iiy iiiii: ROOSEVELT DIM. Arizona. April 6. Comratnder De Pine-do'a seaplane Banta Maria.. In which be arrived here tbla morning on a flight from Rome, caught tire when preparing to start fur Baa Diego and la be-lledrUi hav been troyed The aviator ta aafe but It U likely the long flight will have to be abandoned, t DEFAULTING PONOKA TREASURER IS SENT DOWN FOR TWO YEARS lieu Apni s. uin uuw. ior- nier municipal treasurer at Ponoka. who wat charged with the theft of aome !.-COO of municipal fund, ha been sen-tenced here to two yeara In Jail. Bush wai arrested at Port Wortli. Texaa, on March 31. flsHrrivals Only SS.ll" PminiN ( lUllhut HHng Landrr Hrrr TwUy nh arrival were much lighter today with the two Canadian boat getting better price fcr their catches than wa received by the 'wo Amr!cn boat. Sale were aa follow: Anirrlran 8uiuet. 23.000 pound, to Booth Flh-erle. 13Jc and 7c. CunailUii Point May. 8.&00 pbuntU to AUIn ruhtrles. 13.7c and So. - Tetrel. 600 poundiV to Canadian Plb ,t Cold Storage Co., 13 Jo and 6c. lor lrllrry Omaney, 31.000 pounds, to Royal PUh Co.. 12.8c and 77c. UIUM.OS ItKI'OUT. S a.m. DIOBV ISLAND Snow, calm, banimetcr 29 42: temperature. 37: ea amooth; S pjn. tteamer Catal paed out. southbound; 6:45 p.m. poke eteamer Tanana. Seattle for Ketchikan, 80 mile from Ketchikan. DEAD TREE POINT. Overcat. calm; barometer. 29J0: temperature, 30! c amooth. ntlLL iiARDPa-Overcat. JUht 8.W. wind; barometer. 29.40; temperature. 40; aea rough; 8 pj. apoke iAmer i. niM Anvox for Vancouver. 104 mllea from Vancouver; . 8 p.m. fcpoke ateamer Apex, Anacortea, lor K.icmaan. 343 mile from Ancorte; iu pjn. nni.-. tuir jLorne. towing barge Pezuta, atormbound at China Hat! 11 n.m. achooner Ollford and launch mo ana Mac heltcrlng at Bull Harbor. NOON ninnY i3LAND.-8now. light N.W. wind: barometer 20.43; temperature. 30; tea obacured; noon, ateamer rrince George, paaned In. DEAD TREE POINT-Calm. baro- on q- lmnerature. . u. ea UlCbCI. ' j tlllW.1,1 - BULL HARBOR.Overeat. iresn p.w. wind; barometer 20.82; temperature ij NEW MINE ERA AT ALICE ARM in m:si; ix oi'i:uatin'i ritori it. TII.S TIIIH fi:t() H IIKINO rm:itiCTi;n According to preaent Indication the; picacr.t year will mark a new epoch in ; the hutory of Alice Arm aaya the Alice Ann Herald. It will be the commence-1 a-cnt ot an earneat eudraror to Uereiop our latent mineral resource and from ; the resiilta attained Out year there will) be no turning back. Alice Arm la; better kjwsn on the outaldc at the! preer.t Un than at any time tlhce Itj came Into exiatence. Our wonderful! reourte are known and a iplcudld future I predicted for the cmp. Prom, now on. the Importance of the camp wlU grew each year. If development' work I continued, no power can retard' It growth. The district ha an abundance of the moat needed world' metals, and these will be extracted. More properties will be developed this year than baa been the caae for a decade. The1, properties will be developed on a blfijer . acale than heretofore, and the first con-! centratlcg mill will be operating In the' district before the year end. j Some big mining deal. - Involving I Urge sum, are already being planned. which. If successful necessitate the ex- pendlture of vast sums of money. ror the past thn year the mining1 Industry of Alice Arm h shown an Improvement each year, and each year, the improvement la greater " SUSPENSION BY SUZUKI ttl.1.1. KNOWN 4APANKM. CON. ( l.ltN I INANIIAI. TKOt'llLi: i.M Firr.N inti'itKi IIIKtO. April . It Ii llabllltle of .rolintely ion.o-m.lxK) )en. Hie well known Mitukl linn of exirtrr ami ImrMirtrrs aiiiinumrd temporary upeiilun anil that llirre will be no a)nient of lilll at prrM-nl. Mipenlon of Ihe firm whlrh run-lrol (rum lt) to wtrnlv lar;e ullilUrlr ha hetrrrly aflretril the ktiH-k market and iuhvU a drop ill jru un Die rrhange. MllHkl iftntrnN I lie fleet of hlpo lieurlng that name. rrnil nf wlilrli lute rwllnl here during the pat winter fur grain. imprIssedby canada women I.AOV UII.I.INOUON TAVS PIIKTIY Tllllll TK AT lt:C i:i'TION IN lll'.K IIONOIl AT tJt AI.U lM VICTORIA, April B. "Since coming to Canada nothing haa Impressed me more than the aplrlt with which tho women of the Dominion combine In the Interest of the community and their Increasing effort In the caune of charity and the care of those leas fortunate than themaelvea," said Vlscountesa Wit- llngdon, wife of the Oovernor Oencral In addreaslng the Quatlcum Reach and District Women's Institute at a recep tion In her honor onTueaday. three'chineseare arrested and dope SEIZED FROM VESSEL VANCOUVER, April 6. -Three Chinese members of the crew of the transpacific steamer Em pre of Asia were ar rested and twenty-seven tin of opium valued at 92.000 were aelred thta morning when custom officer conducted ahot'her raid of the vessel. A week ago, 110,000 worth of drug were .sel'tcd from tho same liner but no arrest were made then. It la believed that the men taken today were lutereated In the other smuggling attempt. Lots of people think the world . owe then five or' six living.. Time to unveil the fly swatter. TURNED DOWN A TUAFFIC OFFICER In Singapore, Straits Settlement, with new traffic directing attachment The automatic arm are of rattan, with little reel at the end which refract the light bf approaching motor cars Fabulous Values n - 1 J J a toi mbcnaaiea Given cnowins Near VICTOI'.IA, April 6. The opening up of a body of ore ricar-.Quatsino on the west coast of Vancouver Island whose value in copper, without taking count of high content of gold and platinum, is estimated at between $.5,000,000 and ?C0,-000,000 by the Consolidated (Trail) Mining & Smelting Co, ir reported here. Ore is now being taken from a pocket running over $100 per ton which will more than pay for development work it Is declared. This discovery is said to be responsible for a recent rise in Coast Copper quotations. MIVI:T KMILfoV AT i I'F.klMi HMDlll ANII AUMH AUK IlKMOtll) PEK1NO, April C Army troops ! of Marshal Chang Tuo Un, Man-churlan war lord. ant armed police raided the Soviet embassy this morning. Six Russian and from fifteen to twxnty Chinese were taken to the police statlou and a machine gun. fifteen rifles and a quantity of ammunition wa temoved from the embassy. VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE TOUR TO NORTH Part) routing In June mi l"rliirrss .Mary Mill Hate Trip r Teu l.ii VANCOUVER, April 6. The annual excursion of the Vancouver Board of Trade thla year wUl take the form of a crulre up the British Columbia coast a far north as Stewart It Is. announced. Making the trip aboard' the ateamer Princess Mary, which I being chartered for the purpose, aome seventy-five local business men and their ladles will be away from June 19 to" June 28. They will arrive In Prince Rupert on June 31 ind spend a day there before proceeding to Stewart. Other northern Industrial points will also be Included In the tour. . . VANCOUVER EXCHANGE , Did. Asked Wheat 1.4414 Dunwcll 1,38 1,40 Olacler i .08 U .10 Howe Bound 37.50 39.50 Independence 0 .0951 Indian r -0i)i .00! J Marmot j-lOU .11 Premier 317 2.30 Porter. Idaho SVi Silver Crest ...!. ... '.07 .07?; ' Coast Copper -18.73 10.00 J C L . . ! Quatsirio Sound WOULD HAVE CANADA AID tllWKIIAN CANADIAN" I.F.UION PA! ICKMILl'TION UEtiAltll- inU china mkvici: MCTOKIA. April The oalrlian lir.nirli of the C'aiiailLin I-glun mimnI a rrviliillmi at Itunrun lul nlghl rriue.lliig the Cu'u""ln S-rrninnil to drfrny Ihe entire rot of lraii"irl. maliilrimiKT and trrut iiriit of ull Imperial rnlre 'turn Intallilrd to Cuii.iUa from any cuiim-nliatMierr due l erle In (iilii.i. The rr-olutloii, which III lie fur-uunlnl to Prrmlrr Kin;, (mints to ll.e lait that Canada hai lar;r trade IntrrrsN lit China uhli h are likely' In rvpind. iiImi tu the large nuui-Iter of Canadian In China being prulrteil ay Imperial triHip. DOPE SMUGGLERS ARE SENTENCED I'rank Marino (iris Two Yean' lnirl-Minment and Itumlnlr One Vrar I'rnm .MagMrute Miaw VANCOUVER. April 6. Convicting; them on charges ot conspiracy to smug- j gle narcotics. Magistrate Henry C. Shaw yesterday afternoon entenced Trank MaNno to two yeara' tmprtsor ment' and Dominic ChrUtoft to one year In Jail. JIMMY McLARNIN WINS BOUT FROM 'FRISCO ITALIAN LOS "ANOELES, April 6. Jimmy M'c-Larnln, Vancouver B.C. lightweight, was awarded the decision over Tommy Cello, San Francisco Italian, after a ten round bout here' last night. BY BIG INCREASE IN LOG SCALINGS I'KOIM CTION OK POLES AMI PILES .L0 I P. OISTKICT HKESTLK,H KKPOUT'MIOHS Showing an Increase of nearly fifty per cent, the log scale for Prince Rupert forestry district up to March 31 .this year tctals 1TJ76295 feet aa compared with lit year Ictal at a similar dite of 12.491.414 teet. The acale for the month of March. 19Z7, was 6,050.071 feet as a;alnst 4,430,612 feet In Utrch, ( I 1928. Increases were shown In red ccdir; and spruce while hemlotk was down I sll.htly. Camparatlve scaling figure for the month of March In 1220 and 1927 ftllsw: 1927 1920 Douglas Flf 43.504 Red Cedar 1.407,341 203.108 Spruce (cast) . 3285.104 3.7133G8 Spruce (Interlori 42363 141.453 Hemlk 131U57 1 ,313.131 3alMm 34IJ14 43.1 14 Cypress , 274 Jickplne 3400 30.393 Ziith' .: 403 171 Totl 6.850.071 4.490.612 Increases are also shown In production of poles and piles this year. There have been 365.713 lineal feet of polss cut In the district so far this year while last years total to the aame date was 63.088 feet. Hemlock pile are down from laat year' total to date of 31.443 lineal feet to 7.645 feet but a big In crease, more than enough to account for the deficiency. Is shown In the" production cf cedar pile which Is up thl yer to 59.729 feet from last yeara 11.-125. Comparative figure for miner forest products In March thl year and last are a follow: 1927 192C Poles, lineal teet ' 31.633 37.173 ?lles. 6pruce 350 Pile. Hemlock 3.754 3.316 Piles, Cedar 28.435 3.050 CoTdwood, cordi 70 40 Shingle Bolt, cords ... 34 Ties, Pine 116.781 68.464 Fence Posts, cords 2 Pulp wood, cords 93 OCT II KIK'S AMENDMENT TO CONKEnENCE LOST OTTAWA. April 6. The amendment of Hon. Hugh Outhrie. lder cf the opposition, to ' Premier King's report on the Ij.--crl.rl Conference was defeated In ths House of Common .yesterday afternoon by a division Of 122 to 78. MARY McSWINEY STILL RESOLUTE Still Dliiiiin or llcr's and Yulrra'x Taitlim un Entering Pail DUBLIN. April 6. The attitude of Miss Mary MacSwlney on the -eve of the Saorstat elections to the Dall shows the aame fortitude she exhibited during her notorious hunger strike. The section cf the Republican Party of which Miss MacSwlney and Count Plunkett are leaders refuses to enter the Dall on any condition and holds out for the full Republican claim. DcValera's 'vlng of the party would enter If the-oath of allegiance to King Oecrge were abolished BUYING GASOLINE BY PENNY IN SLOT llnjIMi .Machine Itejrtts Had Money and ran be Adjusted to Market Price LONDON, AprU 6. Just a simply as people purchase matches from slot machines, so motorists c'at now purchase gasoline on the' Brlat'ol-Weston-super-Mare Road. By Inserting a shilling In the alot the motorist can get that amount of gasoline. The pump reject spurious coins, and can be adjusted to meet fluctuation of prices. It Is considered, the 'first of it kind, and is In operation a( Cleeve. . . i , .. 4'- Some Alienists' Idea ot a sane man la auyoue who cau still write a check. MARGIN FISHING PROBE TO COME NORTH i MACKENZIE COMMISSION t lMslir.S VANCOl VEIt SESSION CANNMIV ANII DKI'AKTAIKNT )HTCEKS i:O.XEICATEII SO I'Alt VANCOUVER. April 6. The MacKen tie commission which 1 investigating alleged breaches of the fisheries regulations with complicity cf departmental officers, concluded its Vancouver alt. tings yesterday and adjourned to sit later at up-ccast points a far north. It la understood, as the Skeena or Ktas River. The commissioner stated he was satisfied that considerable Illegal fishing tad been done but the evidence so far given had failed to show that cannery owners or officials of the fisheries de partment had committed offences. The commission left last night aboard CO S, Malasplna for Smith's Inlet where scaslcn will be held aboard the vessel at various canneries In the Inlet and at other points along the coast. It Is pcsslble that further sessions will be held at Vancouver upon the return of the board. SCIENCE LOSES IN DEATH RACE HEALTH V ALAHKA ESKIMO. KEPT ALIVE DV RADIO t'OH WEEK. FINALLY SlCCl'MUS SEATTLE, April 6. Science lost a race with death and David SeplUu., Alaska's wealthiest Eskimo, died oil Tuesdsy at his Arctic home on St. Law rence Island In Bering Sea according to word received here by Jonathan' Wagner, chief ot the Alaska division of the United States Bureau' ot Education. The aged Eskimo, who had been kept alive for a week by radio advice for hi treatment, died while an airplane winged It way acrsss the northern wastes In the effort to reach the Island In time to take him to Nome for an operation. VOTERS' LIST IS INCREASED PlttNCK It I PERT HILL HAVE AIIOCT !,-iOO ENFRANCHISED AS LT OF RECENT PERIOD OK Rtd-ISTRATION i Prince Rupert provincial electoral district will, have the largest numbec ot voters In its hlstcry as a result of registrations which closed at the first ot thl week for the next court of revision to be held In May. Some 800 or 900 new voters have been registered which will bring the list here to well In excess of2.500. Prior to this period ' of registration, the total was 1 84 1 Prince Rupert rtdtng Includes the city of Prince Rupert, the Queen Charlotte Islands and auch points aa Hays-port. Port Simpson and Smith Island. FIVEBOATSfO PATROL SEALS ANNOINCKMENT Is MADE IN VAN". TOl'VER UV .CHIEF INSPECTOR OF FISHERIES OF WEST COAST OPERATIONS y VANCOUVER, April '0 Major. J, A. Motherwell, chief Inspector ot fisheries tor the British Columbia coas, announced yesterday that five Canadian Government vessels will patrol the west coast ot Vancouver 'island In May and June during the migration of fur seal. 1I.M.C.3. Patrician. H.M.C.S. Armen-tlerr'e and H.M.CJS. Thleval will Join COS. atveiichy and COS. Malasplna, taking over "seal punching" duties from United States craft at the forty-ninth parallel. 'll,vJ A soft answer donesn'tturn n away as much wrath a a hard. look. Being popular doesn't leave muclt time for makliut real friend.