Wednesday. April 6. 1927 A Reliable Silver Polish Our Silver Polish fit guaranteed not to scratch the finest surfncj and will take off the worst kind of tarnish without much effort. J Tut up In glass jars at T-'c, you get enoujfli to last n year or more. , Also good ifor Cut filin and Mirror. ? .I1 ' i & CiEWELLEl6 lltt STORE WI1H THE CLOCK thTpioneer laundry kids COU.D C.UATAINS A NO BLANKETS I WE LAUNDER. AT PRICES THAT MAKE Folks poiioeR. i : THE cold weather flag is up. Send your blankets to us. Send your curtains too. We'll do them up to look like new. We are certain that we can please you. Our sen-ice is right and so are cur prices Pioneer Laundry I'hone IIS Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the i ausc of most of the ills that ! affect humanity. This is so self evident that It seem j hardly necessary to tell you. , If your eyes arc giving ' trouble, have them attended i to- -and at once. j OF AM. absurdities in the ,' kingdom of foolishness, j surely the loss of eyesight j through neglect is the most j inexcusable. ! DONT lose health amj effi- j ciency through neglect. Come : and seel Fred Joudry ! Registered OpiomelrM and j Optician j Room 3 Smith Mock j Phone 763 i rvUACKFROST.HERESYDURHAT.1 OUR. COAL WltLTELLHIM-x Two's companythree's a crowd. When you are entertaining Miss Spring you don't want to have Jack Frost hanging around. We'll send you around a ton of our coal that will ahmv the old rascal the way out. Call us. Albert & McCaffery NANALMO WELLINGTON' and McLEOI) RIVER BOOTLESS In Lump, Egg, Stove and Nut Phones 110 and 117. WOMANHOLDERS i OF HEAVY JOBS i.rwirr: or mtions rnovrx tiikv im- I.OK lYOMWMNKs 1 rlTHKIl GENEVA Anrii a t.. jr.. mat women wjihi a brain can hold down big Job without ' losing tneir womanliness I proved in the case of the League of Nations. Iu covenant require that placea In the secretariat which employ wine 600 1 people ahall be open to both sese on' a bail of equality. ) Englishwomen 'predominate In the placea hlaher tin.' uiu u , i wereuryjo Sir Eric Drummond, the seeary.general. u a niece of Sir lime Howard, the British, ambassador (A Waahlngton. Dme Itachaet Crowdy dlrectt the lm-portant aectlon which U devoted to the suppression of opium and narcotic drug and to other aoclal questions. 8he had a brilliant war career, having been in charge of the British voluntary aid nurae at- the front. Several thousand women were directly responsible to her. Dame Rachel U a Dame Com. maimer or toe Urlllsn Empire. She advise the secretary general on such' question a traffic In women and I children, child welfare and the auppre. nion of obscuie publication. Ml' M, t. Hocklnt. daughter of J.ieph Hocking, the English novelist, dlreita the distribution of all league document to all member atate. She U i a graduate of London UnJveraliy, aerved a a nurae during the war. and i tied the auff of the English mlnU- ! try or food, later going to Holland ai I secretary of the Interallied food com- miwion Doctor Oertrud O. Dlaon know, more about the tralU of the member or tb : League Council than anybody. It is the who dtambute official documents to the Council She la an encyclopedia of : information When the Coonetl U not ro aewion ahe h the big tak of editing ' .he Official Journal. Perhaps the most picturesque woman worker however, l Prince Oabrielle I IladKtwiil. dtacendent of one of the old' ifi arutocratlc famine of Lithuania. I She hai a colorful war career, after G'OVERN.MENT LKJUOR ACT." .iitki: or .trn.iriTio inn nr.r.u iKtMi; .NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVTN that on he Vtb day of April next the undersigned ntend to apply to the Liquor Control art for a licence in reipeet to premise elng part of the building known a laasett Inlet Hotel, altuate at Port lementa. Queen Charlotte Island. Pro-lnre of Brituh Columbia, upon the anda described Lot rive i) Block orty-four (41). 8ubdivlioo of Lot Seven unit red and forty-au 1140). Port lemenu TqilUU. la Thlrty-lhre ill) feet from front to rear on weat aide of aid Lot. a shown on a regHtered map r plan deposited In the Land Registry tflice. a i Ui City of Prince Rupert. In he Pruvtnre of British Columbia, and timbered 1079. for the aale of beer by lie clan or by the open bottle for oon- umpfon on the premises. DATED at Prtnre Rupert, 1th day of March. 1917. WARREN BCOTT, n L TINOIJIY. Applicants. "(JO VERNM ENT LIQUOR ACT." xitiri: or ai'plic.itio iok rov MAT tO 1 1t NM t.R Or HKtK Lit KM C NOTICE IS HEREBY CIIVEN that, on the loth dsy of AprU nett. the undersigned intend to apply to the Liquor Oontrol Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number 87J and Iwued In respect or premHe being part ot a building known as ' Central Hotel." altuate at the corner of First Avenue and Seventh Street. City of Prince Rupert, in he Province of British Columbia, upon i lie lands described as Lou Eleven (III, Twelve ill). Thirteen 113). and Fourteen 1 14 1. in Block Ten (10). Section One ill. Map No. 933, Prince Rupert Land Hfflitrttion District. In the Province ot British Columbia, from Peter Black to central Hotel. Limited, of the City ot Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prmce Rupert B.C., Jhia 18th day of March. 1927. CENTRAL. IIOTLL, LIMITED. Applicant and "Transferee. IN PRORATE. 1 1 tiii! si riiKME roriir or rtniTtMi tOl.t Mill V In the Matter of the "Administration Act", and In the Matter of the Estate of Paul Oerhard Ludwig, Deceaaed. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order Of HI Honor F. McB. Young, the 4th day of April. 1B37. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Paul Oerhard Ludwig deceased, and all partie having claims against tne aaia estate are nereoy required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before one month from this date and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN ALLEN WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 6th day of April, AD. 1937. RANKRUI'TCY ACT. ISTXTi: Or W.M. MOKflAN. I.OCKK-POUT. IU:.. AUTHORISE! AWl(lNOK Tenders will be received by the under-aimed up to and Including April 1st on the oek of William Morgan, i.. .im at Ijirkenort. fin.. consutlng of Orocrrle. Hardware. Drugs and Drygooas. mvrnwij be obtained from the undersigned or aeen at tne ssm awn. m v of the Canadian Credit Mena Trust As- soclatlon, vancouvrr, ii"i ,ut. any lender not necessarily accepted, any ALEX. A CONNON, Trustee. , Wince Rttpert. D C. WATER NOTICE NOTICE IS ItEllEnV" OIVEN thkt HI Honour the Lieutenant-Oovernor, ,ct British Columbia, by and with, the advice of His Executive couiicll.Tia.i been pleased to order: THVT the reservation of the unrecorded waters of Brown's River and Mo-flight "reek, tributaries of ItoUli Kiver, established ursun to Order in Council Number 008 approved the Uth dav of June. 1931, b cancelled, The cancellation of the said raserv,. linn will bw effective on A?"1 DATED this "thrt-yfMwcftjgl. uinisUC Ot Land. i 65,000 SCHOOLS TEACH CHILDREN TO USE LIFEBUOY 65.000 Schools are turning soap-ihr children into eager seif-wuhers. This ii being done with Lifebuoy, the all -sufficient Toilet Soapwkh the germ-fighting lather. The secret i) the kiddies like it. You'll like Lifebuoy, too. UfrjClKH DISEASES A ' I uar bs ctnicd kf ikiluikh.'' Ljt fjttnu Itaitmt IN PRORATE. LBJ10 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects I D it 1 I ll.Jtin X lAYCTiHUUKTC UUU1CU MUUW T3CI CU? HBWB PAGE FIVB SEES DUNNING COMING LEADER i.nir.itu. .tnr. rr is situ had WAV AH rOr.KVATIVF.K n- sr. ttmn n v.kk n.v.iTF.i j OTTAWA, April 0, If Premier Krng of Canada auddenly -were to. retire from public life, the nett Prim MlnUter of Canada would probably be Charlea r Avery Dunning, minister of railway In ! the Kjng cabinet, a man who came out l to Canada a an Immigrant lad froui England and waa "Ilred" from hi first , Job a a farm hand and told he "would ; r.ever make good- In Canada." , This assumption 1 based upon- the present Prime Mlntater retiring from ithe party leadership while hi party la In power, and upon Dunning being; 'the choice of the Liberal Party of Canada to aucceed him. Dunning, however, after but two ahort setslons In the I Canadian. Common, itsnds pre-emiuent among Liberal front bencher a sue cesser to the leadership, and, while there would be courtesy call to Ernest Lapolnte. minister of Justice, and may be on or two other. Dunning- seniors, the Minister of Railways, without much doubt, would be accorded the crown, j CAXKKKTATIVE MOKS"t ' It 1 remarkable that while the Con-sctvatrve. me the retirement of Arthur Mel i! hen, have been casting i about rather anxiously for a Hone to ilead them out Of the wilderness of opposition benche In the Commons, the Liberal, If they were suddenly pre-ripitated Into the came fit. Immediately I could place their hand on three any one of whom is regarded In Canada as of leadership caliber. They re Dunning. Lapolnte and James Robb, president minister of finance In the ; Kln government. . Ernest Lapolnte. although command-j in aU the requisite ablirtles of a i Dominion political leader, would be i eliminated from the triangular leader-which In England abe invested the rem- nlp j-ace on racial grounds, so close aant of ber fortune In courses of observers of Canadian political . events book-keeping, stenography and type- i believe. No more able leadership was writing. Master of several languages he fver witnessed In the Commons than applied for a place at Oeneva and la j that Witch he gave the Liberal party now a member of the Information see- .during the succession of crtxes in 192S turn. when Premier King was seeking a seat Prom the sUndpotnt cf the Interna-1 by which to re-enter Parliament. But uotul public. Miss Vera cA, Ward, an the widespread opinion in Canadian EnglUh girl, holds place 6f (pedal political circle Is that since the death Importance, for an gtnrrtl secretary of of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. no- other French the information section, ahe (eraenally , Canadian can hope successfully to lead furnishes all doewncet and communl--), Domtnlon party. que to tee press, , KDMIJ4 rori LVU Mlaa Florence Wilson ot New iron. Despite hi age of alxty-elgbt years. organlred tb great league library with Robb probably would give Dunning It several hundred thousaad voluinej. ;clwr race for which were donated after ahe had ; would Lanolnte. started with a few books, after eomplet the leadership than As aucceseor to Field log at the head of the Dominion lna; her serrtcs a librarian to the Amfrt- itrrs.urr. Robb has won the respect of can peace delegation to the Para ooa-1 political mend and foe alike. As De ference. Uhs WUaon ha Ml Oeneva comM a good rinance Minuter he beeause her place waa needed or a citl- ,ptiit Dut .eioom in the House, but tm of aotne oouotry wMch l a mem- d,, debate lacks the sweeping eloquence ber of the league. Advertise In the Dally News. NAVH.AIU.E WATER PROTECTION ACT, of Lapolnte. Robb years and the lack f 1 rof a certain fir of ora ton. however. would count against him. Dunning, the man to whom most DeoiJe would concede the Canadian Premiership in the event of Premier KSr (IIW'Trit US. Iiunga reureinrm. is oui ivji I UASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, hereby i years old. Premier King Is fifty-three. (Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and (eight. Dunning is an Englishman by at the office ol the District Kegiatrsr of (birth and betrays ft in speech with a rffiH ,r,?lal,gut nasal accent which 1. Irritating vrnntion of the site and plan of theiupon first hearing, but Is forgotten wharf and pier proposed to be built ouupon ecotid and third. He U of the Massett Indian Reeerve. Number One. on Oraham Island. Province of British Columbia AND take notice that after the ex- of one month from dale of the filratlon irst publication of this notice. Mawett Canners Limited will, under section Seven of said Act. apply to the Minuter of Public Works at hi office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of site and plans, and for leave to construct aald wharf and pier. DATED at Prince Rupert thl acth day of February. 1937. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED. . By its Solicitors. William. Manson ti Oonntlet. medium beiihth, round-faced, pink- icheeked. lolly of temperament and generally what the women would call a "hauU.ome man." But he ha qualities, despite that. Dunning succeeded a a farm hand. then a farm owner, and first came Into the public eye lu his adopted province of Saskatchewan by organlzln the farmers Into co-operative pools for mnt i-vmnnrrstlve .msrketlnc of their produce.' ,'8ucb ' rrhiarVabW f 6rganlrJng ability did; he ilspUy tlwt the -8&skkt- cheian . Government of HIS Appointed I THE st ritr.MK Vol UT OF imiTMIl'hUn a royal commissioner ft investigate I'OLliMIUV I aelcultdra,, credits and, vgralif market- ' In the Matter ot the Administration lng ln Eorope. Then he 'joined the .Tf ....... .v. t- v Ssakatchewan Cabinet and in 1933 be nt mr rasivri v .o v. -t"' ' I Bowman. Deceased, Intestate. came Premier ot Saskatchewan. llonor F. McB?Young. the34th JTTL Tt directed politically to such h good effect February. A.D. 1937. I was appointed : Administrator of the estate of Joseph that today the Liberal organltatlon ln F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties Cheat Drovlnce Is called the D' hereby required to furnish same. prolnlng machine." and few Tories have got eriy venjiea. to me on or oriore me h tne duorl 0r legislative halls in tne. 24th day of March. AD. 1937. and all Dartlei to the estate are re Indebted ludebted u I red to pay the amount of tneir in-ebtednesa 2 to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, rtfncf Rupert, BC. Dated' the 34th day of February. A D inn IN PRORATE. IN TUB SlTlir.MlTrOl UT Or ilKITIH ( Ol.l'Mlllt In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate ot Helnrieh Ferseh, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by orders of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 38th day ot March A D. 1937, I was appointed Administrator with Will annexed) of the ratal of Helnrieh Frrach, Deceaed, and all parties havmg claims against the aald t state vare hereby .required to furnish tame, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of April, A D. 1937. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required, to jJay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 30th day of March, AD. 1037. last several years KNTKKUl C.UIIM5T IN I9t In 1938 he came down to Ottawa to Save Money at Don't Delay jotn uie Aiug as ....... "ih.,he. th4, BENPS NOW! Save Money . at GENUINE Thi.s remarkahle unloading is rapidly nearinjj its objecliTe that la, reducins the Tasl stock by one half. Never before have the public of Prince Rupert had uch an opportunity. Never such a splendid stock at such prices. Remember, every article in the store ha been sensationally reduced. Every article in a positive bargain. TAKE ADVANTAGE. ' i't Delay Dresses 409 Different Styles Our range of Dresses alone, hundreds of different styles, will enable you to form an Idea of the magnitude of selec-tfon offered. Hundred of dresses in every wanted material and style; sizes from II to 4ft and the prices are tut sensationally reduced that you can now buy an attractive dress for , New Millinery Dresses Third Ave. tome say Premier King xearea. is now j m n from the Commons, leavlnz Dun- j U hlng the cock of the green chamber, so j far as up and at 'em rough and tumble parliamentary scrapping la concerned. Of course, young Mr. Dunning hasnt told anybody he intends to be Premier Of Canada some day. But. after study-lug a little his meteoric rise tn the Canadian political firmament and understanding somewhat his temperament one would say that his keenest ambition today b to occupy the Premiership. And that doetnt Imply that he is out to knife tbe present occupant, for from ail indications he la as loyal to his leader a any member of the party. Somewhat of art afterthought, perhaps. -,1s .the recollection of a remarkable performance .or. his this season. The Liberal Progressives of the West had formally demanded of the Government a low tariff declaration. Dunning told them the Government's own supporters that nobody would point a run at the head Ot the Minister of Finance and get away with it. He figuratively told them to go to Hades. And when the vote came every one of the Liberal Progressives who had threatened to bolt voted behind the I CTavenunent. Dunning s stock soared Railways. He came down heralded as aj cocky" type of young politician froml vifJARI.E WATERS PROTEC the Wet, .who would need a few trim-' TinV VtT mlng on the floor of the House before i liujvui. he was put In hH, proper placf. Well, this comparative youngster took his, . ... . V ( I H,. Seal on tnv iruij tenures iiu v" - veyed tlte Tories across the aisle with a Jaunty air which seemed to Invite trouble from all and sundry. Por the first week or so he grinned back amiably at the numerous op-position members who tried to get rise out of him. Then Arthur Meigheu, master of satire, prodded him one night and Dunning undertook to cross,. swords with Mm, Meighen gave hluuaa. fine an oratorical lacing as the moaV ardent Tory could desire. But a day came not to oig afterwards when Dunning again took on Meighen, and even the Tories admitted '"honors were even," An uir-biased opinion would be that Dunning trimmed Meigheu by a shade that day, which was aoate accomplishment. touh;h mm nrsMM! Dunning hasn't had many verbal duels across the floor with Tory Member since thai night. In fjet, the opposition t not having mtieh of him. Aud Meighen, who barbed tongue KAC. rflAPTt.K IIS William J. Crawford hereby glvei notice he ha. under Section 7 of the aald Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and ln the oziice of the District Registrar or me unu BegJatry Distrlet ot Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert. B.C.. a description of the site and the plan of wharf proposed to be built In the Portland Canal on Lot 4007. District ot Casslar. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date ot publication of this notice -William J. Crawford will under Section"? of the said Aet. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In ihe.clty of Ottawa for approval, of the site aud plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Stewart. B.C . this 3rd day ol March. 1917, '77 W. J. CRAWFORD PAIN in BLADDER Promptly fated by SANTAL MIDY Leek fee were "MiOT Hold by all .druggist Raincoats Silk Underwear Every article in the storeat Cost or Less J. BENT'S PfHs9BiBSBBlBa ' Spring Coats Suits Third Ave. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes Phone CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Ry an Expert. Sunday Appointments. Open Evenings. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.1V 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Doek Engineers, Slaehlnists, Roilermakers, Rlaekamlthss Pattern- makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WEI.DINO. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S3