Make the Old Car Look Like New! Give it a finish that will start bright 'and stay bright you can do it yourself. For this purpose we supgest Val-spar Enamels a combination of the finest pigments carefully ground in tlie famous Valspar Varnish itself. VALENTINE' VALSPAR ENAMEL Sun, rain, mud, dust, gasoline, oils rvrn toiling water jnm tie ft-Jiotar will not dim its fine lustre. Easy to apply, there are twelve beautiful colors to choose from. For Sale by . KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27; P.O. Hot tt7. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Hox 1363 I LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones 636 and 637 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel, i We Specialize in Piano and Furnitunj Moving, i ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to or der. in our shop as low as $50 S23 Sixth Street JUNIOR SOCCER the latter winning by 3 teams lined up as follows: t PAGE FOUR THE DAILY HEW3 Monday Mi. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus TVtl !, A. PINC-OOCTOR t MU5T BE OCT JlCGb SENT TO jEE HE r-vrv " FOR OF JAPAN Y J DOtsTT &PEAK EnCU)K' , NOW! f I i It MOW AM I TO KNOW WHAT "w Tv nc' .iyr I i I t V J I 1 ! THE MATTER Vth ME? to 0. The Borden Tom Steen. Albert Stiles, M. Larlln. Teddy Omie. Angus MacDonald.) Mike Qurvlch. K. Nakamoto, N. Cur rich. Jtmmle Lee. Ed. Butt. Roy Wicks.: Booth Douglas Scott Fred Cameron, Rudolph Nelson, Roy Morrison, Tom Krlsey. Reg. Collison, Alex Walters, Henry Dickens, Bishop Thurber, Tony Bu&sanlch, Oscar Wlngham. Borden won the toss and set Booth to play up-hill and against the sun and breeze. Booth took Up the attack out Walters put behind. MacDonald .tt off his left sing but Cameron cleared. Borden returned to the attack and forced a comer from which Mac-Donald shot over. Cameron next robbed Nina Out-rich. A spell of mid-Ik id play fallowed with MacDonald and. Kelsey both, prominent. SUlee cleared and Wicks made a nice run but rent behind. Lee and Wicks again got away but finished poorly. Dickens next threaded his way through the Borden team to finish up with a shot that Steen was glad to put over the bar. Booth was then pressing and Thurber and Kelsey had tries. The pressure con tinued and Wlngham, Thurber and Buisantcn combined "beautifully for Bussanlch to complete the movement with a fine shot to put Booth one goal up. Booth was In the ascendancy and Stiles cleared well and often. Steen fell In clearing a line shot of Kelseys but the defence scrambled the ball away. Lee tried to open up the game but Booth defence was sound. Lee again sent Wicks away to ton a corner. Wicks' tine snot was headed away. Half time came with Booth a goal up. Dickens was dangerous but the ball went behind. Stiles stopped Bussanlch. A free kick Just outside the penalty trea looked bad for Borden and It defence was sorely tried to keep the jroal intact. Mike Ourvlch who played a fine game at left half relieved the pressure but Dickens was bark and his long shot narrowly missed. Kelsey shot over. Steen cleared a tine overhead kick of Kelsey that might have beaten many goalkeepers. It was nearly all Booth's game but the forward shot poorly. MacDonald fouled Bus- sanich badly. At last Kelsey and Bus-anlch got Booth's second goal. Steen and Stiles defended well und Larktn did his share. Kelsey got through but (handled the ball, unnoticed by the referee. Even then from under the bar he shot yards 'Over." The gamecanie to a- clic with Booth still on the ag rreaaivn. -but unable . to add AO- the core Fnr the opening game the claw of football was good. With practice thi boys will keep their places better and heir combination will Improve. Jack Campbell referred eoclently, and D. H. Hartnen and W. W. C. O': Neil! were linesmen. Next Saturday's game will be between High School and Borden. SPORT CHAT Criticism Is said to have been direct ed aflnst the way th press of this it city has been reporting summer sport activities, it Is understood that the matter was discussed at an annual meeting- of one of the sports assocla Ileus. The Daily News does not Intend to take the defensive in such com plaints which are presumptious to say the least but a few observations may not be out of place before another season opens. In the first place, the editorial and rrportortal ta3 of paper Is perhaps tn a better position than thewe actively engaged and keenly Interested In sports . to Judge what the mass of the public wants in the way of reports of games. While lengthy ac counts of games might be of Interest to scene of .the players and fans we do not believe they are to the large majority of our readers. It la sate to say, further, that not even the most of the participants and tana want such long reports. We would Judge that one of the principal desires of those pro moting sports Is to hare the write-ups J' attract l&lereit In 1Uic i potts so as and willing to co-operate. LM 03 to swell the crowds and - the rate re ceipts. Same people may believe that object would be accomplished by I r a ittti ATkPtTPI 'ng,hy npotX but u u the Pinton o! I r Alillr llrr IMrll lhf DalIr Nw Uut &horl- IjJLuTVJULl Ui lil lLllj ports that everyone will read go further , j in creating interest. Some people seem llOOTII SCHOOL mat lOHIKNIto think that the games are played STREET IN" ROOD MATCH ON SATUtOAV AFTKUSOOX for the newspaper reports and not for the fans who view them. That Is an altogether fallacious belief. The Dally The opening game of the Junior Ne Ilslln to rrt in It re. Football League season took place on!, ,cd. u muukcs are made. It will Saturday afternoon between the old (always be gUd to have attention drawn tune nvais-Horoen ana uootn scnoois, to co-operation Is better than criticism and the (porta organizations jwtll always find the Dolly News ready I One of the most popular of summer pastuiMw Is tennis. Hie rapid growth , of this sport during the past few years jin Canada has been remarkable. It Is .a game that Is enjoyed by okt and young alike, and It provides as much exercise and entertainment as some of the more strenuous pastimes. Tennis played by experts Is a skilful contest, providing- thrills and excitement for the spectator. While Canada has not yet produced a William TUden or a Suzanne Lengien In tennis. Canadian tennl; stars have made creditable showings In the Davis Cup matches, the International competition for the world's amateur tennis championship. It It not being- too optimistic to predict thai w-lthln the next four or five years th Davis Cup may find a resting place lr he Dominion for a season or two. The Telkwa Jockey .Club Is busj completing the program of sports anr racing tor the May 34 celebration to be held on the barbecue grounds at thai point. The program Includes democrat races, horse races, pony races, slow race for Ford cars, tug-of-war by teams from different sections of the Valley, while a peclal feature will be a half-mile bicycle race for boys. At night there will be a big dance In the Town Hall and the committee In charg Is busy with detailed plans to make tt the big gest success possible. ! tt present plans mature. Canada will be the battleground- for the three series Davis Cup tennis play tn the com ing Summer, one to be played in To ronto and two In Montreal. Negotiations are under way to have the Cana dian-Cuban match staged in Canada. instead of Cuba, with Toronto as the erne. There is thought to pe a very food chance that the Cubans will agree to this. O 1927 Inrt. FtTuc Stmnct. -c. I past few months. Several thousand doftars has been expended and the rock pue.wthat has been such a nuisance to baseballers especially, will be a UUna jf the past. The additional thousand Jollars that will be spent by the city, an the promise that It will be rflru- jursed by the Fair Board and the -porta organizations; IwtU put the finishing .touches, to a sports field such as has long been the hope of players tnd fans alike. ' RIFLE RANGE Scores were made as follows at the .hoot of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Association on the McNlcholl Creek ranges yesterday, there being no spoon swarded as the necessary number of jiarksmen were not present: 300 500 600 Til. it. M. Lamb 39 33 33 94 W. Brass 39 31 31 81 a. V. Wilkinson .... 28 39 31 84 I. Dnkles 31 30 30 81 X W. Cameron 26 37 33 76 i. Wilson 33 35 3 71 In The Letter Box M TKn L tl l UKT Jdiaor. Dally Ness: Woul you through your paper convey -fly most grateful thanks to all and everyone who either by gifts or services aelped to make the Ridley Home bazaar i success. This combined effort of all ;he churches tn Prince Rupert to help -r.e children . a proof of what united ork can acrvmplUh. A further sum of 30 has been kindly donated by Mrs. O. Friaaetl. Yours truly ' " R. M. DA VIES. In. Sec. of Ridley Home. LOCAL NEWS NOTES D. M. Docker, forest ranger at Buck ley Bay. made the round trip to toa-n in the Prince John at the end of the a-eek. T. H. "Johnson, manager of the Can adian FUh & Cold Storage Co, returned to the city on the Catala last night after a business trip to Vancouver and other southern centres. Union steamer Catala. CapL A. E. Dickson, arrived at 6.43 last night from Vancouver and sailed at 9 for An jot. Stewart and other northern pons of call. Passengers on the veoel Included w. J. Walker, Mis. Beveridge, Hans When sport fans go up to the Aero- Benjulst, C. E. Walsh, T. H. Johnson. polls Hill grounds toward the end of W. A. M. Brayne, Reld McLennan. B Uils month for the .first games of the Bacon, Miss E. Brooks and Miss B season they will receive a pleasant sur- Brooks for Prince Rupert; Mrs. Windsor. prise on viewing the great Improve- Mr. and Mrs. A. Jensen. R. O'Connor merits that have been made by the city and H. Shannon for Wales Island: Miss as a result of quiet but extensive work Heckland for Stewart: Nlcol Thompson, which has been going' on there for the Mr. and Mrs. M. Dunavltcb, 8.. Oorthey Her Table Linen is Her Pride. Its snowy whiteness mint be preserved. Therefore every time she washes it she puts Recldtt's Blue in the rinsing; water. It makes all the difference between having the linen just clean and having it really white and attractive. Reckitt's Bag Blue In th handy bai ith the Bhi and "P 0M Bt.i lagkt. '. Wanted For Sale For Rent lot In post office block. 12.200 00. ' Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 IPPORTUNmft 1500 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walkers Music Store. FOR SALE. OAS BO AT. COULD BE easily converted Into trailer. Phone Red 311. UO and H. Dube for Anyox; Oscar Flint, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pickett and a us Strombeck for Alice Arm. Henry Edenshaw arrived from Massett oti the Prince John Saturday afternoon and will return to the Islands on the new seme boat which was built here for him at the Suga boatbuilding yard. John McRae and Alex McRae re turned to the city on yesterday after noon's train from Terrace where they tpent the aeek-end with their brother. J. C McRae, who recently acquired land at Kltsumkalum, a Libert OUbertson. mho sustained a broken let tn the Albert Moore logging Buckley Bay. arrived In. the rtty,voa the PrUice , Jobu Saturday af ternoon and has' beeh admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment. Rev. James Otllett, Indian agent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, came over from Massett on the Prince John Saturday afternoon to meet Mrs. Glllett and family, who sere on tbeir way i Iks -from a hoUday trip south and wyu whom he returned to Mtf,rtt the same night. Leaving shortly after 1 o'clock and returning to town soon after 5. Skipper George Frizz!! and Doug Prlzxcll entertained a party ot young people on a trip around Eaten Island aboard the Laura r. yesterday afternoon. Those making the trip, beside the hosts, were Ms Etanda Marsh. Miss Caroline Mlt- ctMU. Mlsa Margaret Palmer. Miss Win nie Thomson. Min Jean Orieve. Miss Evelyn Dalby. Oeorge Mitchell, sid l . - . . i . DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for lest than 50c FOR SALE A CAR AT VOIR OWN I'lUCK. We- have on view at our oftfee. Third Ave. East, one 1933 Ford Sedan, upon which we Invite you to make a sealed bid. Members and employees of our firm will not be allowed to bid. On May 24 we will sell the car to the person who has submitted the highest offer up to 8 pjn. on May 33. This la a bona fide offer, and we make no reservation. Bid what you are willing to pay for the car. If you cannot drive we will teach you All bids will be placed tn sealed envelopes, deposited In a sealed box. and opened and examined by dls. Interested parties, on the evening of May 33. Make an Offer S. F. TAKKEK. I.TH. IUKII DEAI.F.H. 119 FOR SALE OR CHARTER. TWO 48 x 13 seine boa ts. SO h p. 35 hp. marine oil engine, snap at 1.350.00. 3 seine winches, heavy type, low price. New and used machinery, boat and engine business for sale or trade for Prince Rupert real estate. Apply 315 Second Ave. J. Field. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON A TUN Avenue. Harbor View. Price reason able. Phone Black 404. tf FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND ' WANTED tuiwrrn orko rvn rp hi A v vni'wn Article, Loit and Found, 4c 1 out of unnamed stream which rim. . WANTED. - HOUSEWORK. WASHING, therlr and drains into Oreen lSeu cleaning, by the hour. Plone Green ?0.c?lni ot northsert tame M' Coast District 283 283- 110 110 water will be diverted from t) COST DIAMOND STICK PIN, FINDER please return to a. D. Hartlln. Royal Bank. tf BOAKI) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOR KENT FURNISHED SUITES FOIt RENT. Block,, Apply IL S. Wallace, Ltd. DKKSSMAKING 830 Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 130. PIANO FOR RENT. 15 00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 078. EXCHANGE tf NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa. dopulos and Marris. 839 Third Ave. Phone 846. tf AUCTIONEER RESULTS. PACE VALUE AND GOOD Judgments Residential sales solicited. Oramophone records exchanged. I buy. sell or trsde. Phone 774, O. F. Urine. Auctioneer. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKEIt. FOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. C. Siylth. Drrxel Rooms, 139 S ind Avenue Phone 580. llliU'TV PARLOR Marcelling Manicuring Scalp Trestment MRS. I. HKK 857 Third Avenue By Appointment. Phone 637. DOMINION IIRMTIRE rAflltNOl: - Ieourdy A tlarnoii. pewprletMii 44 Third Avenue Phone lUjri 4 Furplture of alt aoru bought, sold oi Exchtnged. UPHOLSTEKINt. rUKNlrUKE lUCFAIKINCI; UP1IOL-stering of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603 O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS noon eats cut Mrs. Cnger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. Oarnt Home Con kill Meals. Phone BIsrk Too TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passena-er Stude bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. FOOL ROOM .Meeker KlnrL 'ITJ11"- Slm " (Acnutmn Empress Hotel) Art A Phinips. brief stop was made at Port Edward. Irvvffttf . - I PRINCE RUPERT TIDES" sreamer prince John. Capt E. et4 e7' uaoo., smTea at Saturday alter-; . ' , T(CM..r 11 ll.-IP.ll, Mir m noon from Muwtt ... Inlet and saOed at High .. i-n . It otlock the same night for Vaneou Her inbound earjo for here Included i 100 tons of toal for PhUpott & Eviu wiaie outbound she took a conatderable quantity of lumber to be used In the construction of the Uataett Canners new esnaery at Masswtt. She took a full list of pUMecgrrs to the Islands Luuutuuf H -j some 4a locgshore- High men -mm wui naa lumber aboard a tteasner at Queen Chariot u City this wk. 22:13 pm, ver U the Queen Charlotte Islands. 'Low a'it 15:43 pm. UEfiNF.lltr. MAY II mt 1031 ajm. 2243 pm. 438 ant. 1634 pa. TIIIKlllV. MtV It IlflS a-m. 2335 pm. ltr 531 axn. 17:13 pm. Its a 176 a 7.1 16 4 ft, li" 8 " Ti " 174 ft. 19.1 - 7- " . It - WATKK NOTICE .... IHtEKNIOV AMI lu lady to relieve for lew weeks in dusi- TAKb NOTICE that rw- ..,.. ness office down town. Apply Box 39, company. umKed, whone addreu nT.r Da.,, New, office. . .V'.n2'Mi? LOST LOST. A1RETMLE POP. THREE months old. Answers to Jimmy. Reward. Finder please phone Blue 600. SMALL FLAT FOR RENT IN WALLACE ( at a point about 200 feet from a n bill K. j ... merclat purposes upon the land drcv as application to leai by tppUtia' This notice was posted on the pcla on the 2nd diy of April, int Iro of this notice and an appltatir tf suant thereto and to the wui be filed in the office ot iu tu Recorder at Prince Rupert Obiteto to the application mar be tiled said Water Recorder or aiih Uwqs trailer of Water Rights. Ptrtejr Buildings, Victoria, B C vlthla cr days arter the first appearance s! iii notice in a local nesspaper Ttetu or tne nrtt puDiication or tbatutv. April 31. 1937. uurrxa AppOai ' By H. V. Morrtvouw. Aj LANP ACT. I.KAK LAMI. In Prince Rupert Land Reeortwl Ih , IM.,, a. . ...... ., ...... w. i iiivr nuiKih auu m.usu chains east of northwest corner r. 68. Ranee 3. Coast District. Comtanv. Limited, of vaaeotmr. sr. Dattoa run tanners, in mot i described lands; Commenclne at a nott kb'a chains east of northwest ux a Eisti 3. Coast District; thence nars I ttu to low water mirk; t heart rut I chains: thence south I tiux tvus w aw v lJV-ue w - - ment. and conumini t son, cm less. OOSSE PACKINO COSfrm Liurrm Per tt lljmwt Dated 2nd April. 1127. LAND ACT. .notice or IXTESTtO io mf LEASE. LtD. In Prince RuDert Land Recorta trlct of prince Rupert and :: ' chains east of northsest corner m 68. Range 3. Coar. DUtfi TAKE NOTICE that Oor Tn Company Limited, of Vmtzm " ration hsh Canners. laa P i . , , r u .sum. . . Commencins at a Dovt Kit ' chains east of rlorthsest L 3. Coast District: thence scjO S a tnence east io cnains: x- -'rz. chains: thence west 10 ". ,7, seres, more or less. , OOSSE PACKIo '1" per a MoertMS rvtrf Snrll 1ST! UND ACT notite or l7EVTin T" , LEASE I-l. 1 n KiriFw x. Liswi Kjssu.u . V Recordlnr District ol P " and sltusU on the.sou j - c TAKE NOnClf that C B C . occupation x . j f sv-vr fer SaVAs I -T 1 " Range 3: thence south ID ' west IS chains Jhencer..- 1 thence easterly along sSrre r. commencement, and cc: more or less. . . -rj OOSSE PACKING CC Pee "fchas. L :bfT- Dated April 7. 137. QUEEN CHARLOTTE l& DIVISION TAKE NOT'CS that H. T toninit rv bhratcart. f-"rta- apply to the Minuter licence to prospect 'JTt and natural gas eyver and ft lowinr described landv ft - " gate Inlet, Orahara -trf Commencing at a P",.Hr northeast corner of Sec- t ship 3: thence w - As 80 chains south: thence .Wfc thence so enains ponu, r QUEEN CHARLOTTE l& DIVISION take Notice that a f Portland. Ore. phytft apuiy td the Minister licence to prospect for St attd natural tas over tod lowtnf eevnbed Undv sltui gat4 Inlet, Oraham U..-. ' Oouunenclng at P0' 11 southwest corner of Sectio" a ship Ii thence SO tluw 80 rsiltn Berth: tneoce thence so rutins souin. r maiMiaiBSfiv Locsteu March M. "asl