Jlllllfl. May 9, 1927 THE DAILY. NEWS PAGE TLREE mm f r A "POKER HAND IN EACH PACKAGE For Mother! SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY A Day Remembered by Everyone ear make aure that your jtift to her reflSetn the love : i.rr. Give her Vage & Shaw's Chocolate, "The Candy t . : 'Hence." They are packed in three different nsiort- ASSOUTEI) creams 'oinrn hard centres ASSORTED NIT CENTRES ami in 1 lb.. 2 lb. and H. lof-. , tmes JLtct. Jic Pioneer Dmcfisls THMD AVE. O SIXTH ST. 'TELEPHONES 4,200 foadian National Steamships Co. Limited uvnn 11 il Prince Rupert IIS V 'AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.I 2.0 Ton rinntini; Dry Dock m-8, MuihinM, ItoihM makers. Ithu-ksmillm. I'n makers, Founders Woodworkers hie. i:ij:ctkic and aci:tyi.i:nk wu..inq. handle nil kinds or .ir 1-liiiit in equipped to MAKINE AND COMMKKCIAL WOKK. l'MONKS 43 and 385 Sovereign Life Assurance Company , , , . ., i , : ruin, (in in vour v own lite u world on -his own.' l.'ie the boy a lite solves 111,1 certain on colicy maturing nt-a th'- I'roblcm. . , , Enquire for full particulars about Children's Policies from G. P. TINKhK Local and Personal Arthurs Taxi. Phone 078. B.C. Undertaken. Phone 41. .Presbyterian Fall Bariwrii November 3. Moose whist drive arid dance. Friday. May 13. 112 Oet the Big 4 habltl When thlnklnz ot a Taxi, phone 4. tt HlnM-H rrliullt like new at Mc-Arthur's Hliop More, tt Norway's Independence Day, May li Celebration. Commodore Cafe. Tickets." 11.25. 108 Hans Bcrqutst returned to the cltv on the Catala last night from a trip south. Old Time Scottish Dance, the last of the season, In I.O.D.E. Hall on Friday. May 13, at 8.30. Frank Rice, B.C.LJ3. left this morn Ing for Port Esslngton and will bo away a couple of days on survey work. Attention! Knights of Pythias Omnd Re-l Hon In the Boston Hall June 6. Once a Knight, always a Knight! Mrs. Beverldge. 818 Third Avenue, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. The name of Mrs. Morrtssey was unintentionally omitted from the list of names of those helping In the Kldlcy Home bazaar lust week. E. II. Slrnpacn, manager of the Lnh-gra Packing Co.. cannery at Maasett. arrived In town on the steamer Prince John at the end of the week. CI us Strombeck, well .known Alice Arm mining mtn, wa a passcuger returning north last night from Vancouver where lie spent a part of the winter. Ed. Hyde, Indian agent at Hazel ton, was an arrival In the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's .train. He returned to the Interior this Oscar Flint, well known 'Alice Arm mining man,, was a pessenger aboard the patala last night; returning north after having spent the winter In Rev. R. C. Scott. United Church minister .at QueerT'Charlotte City. going south from there on this week's trip of the, steamer Prince John to at tend the conference In Vancouver. R. F. McNaughtsn. CNR. district passenger agent, i sailed lait night on the Prince George (for Ocean Falls on company business pic erpect to return to the city on Wednesday's boat. Motorshlp Belllngham. cipt: J E, Anderson, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan, bringing a carload of halibut for transhipment Bast over the Canadian National Rail ways. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Casley arrlvtd In the city on the Princess Alice today from Los Angeles,. They expect to remain here for the summer as Is their custom. Mr. Casley Is proprietor of the Empress Hotel. Held McLennan arrived home on the Catala last night from Vancouver, where he has been attending the Uni versity of British Columbia, to spend the summer vacation with his parent Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, the Cedars, 94S Borden Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pickett were pas-rengers on board the steamer Catala last night bound from California to Alice Arm. Mr. Pickett Is a well known pioneer .mining man and wlU remain at the Arm for the summer to continue development work on Ills holdings. Nlchol Thompson, prominent Van rouver business man and past president of the Board of Trade of that city, was n pashenger aboard the steamer Catala last evening for Anyox. He will call nt other northern mining centres and will pay a visit to Prince Rupert later In the week. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Picnic, June 20, Established 192.1. Office Hours: 1) a.m. to fi l.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment D5FP Renny DENTIST Exchanjc Hlock. Phone 100 The Woman Driver The joy I get out of motor ing is in having a peppy, responsive engine. My husband tells me that one reason why my car operates so well is because it's equipped with Champion Spark Plugs. C7itnfion it iht ktiler tfHirb H"? hrcautt ill domhU'UMfed cilliwuiif lit em in tulntre ennuructian mnA It tp' rial analytii tUctrmdtu C'Hmfim X for I'nrdt 80.' Cr oihf r than Fotla 90 CHAMPION SparlCPlugs WINDSOR, ONTARIO A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT nesday morning's boat. Matt CoUlson, Indian, was fined 50 by Magistrate McClymont in the city polite court this morning for having liquor In his possession. night on the Prince George for Ocean Falls on company business. Dan McLeod was charged before Magistrate McClymont In the city police court this morning with selling liquor and was remanded for eight days. Don 6'Hara was fined 2S, wtth the option of thirty days' Magistrate McClymont Imprisonment, by In.fhe city police court this morning fof drunkenness. Capt. and Mrs. F. T. Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stamford of Dljby Island sailed last night ori the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart, returning to the city tomorrow morning. Among the round trip passengers aboard the Princess Alice -which was. In! port this morning was Frank Bourassa of Butte. Montana, an uncle of Miss Irene Bourassa .of the local Government telegraph staff. Constable Skrogg of the,' local detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for Skagway .to escort a shipment of liquor across the Alaska- Yukon border. G. H. Miller, general auditor for the White Pass & Yukon Railway and Navigation Co.. and Mrs. Miller, were pas sengers on the Princess Alice this morning returning to Whltchorse after having spent the winter In the south. C.P.R. freight steamer Princess Ena, Capt. Palmer, making her first call In this port In many months, arrived at 8 o'clock this morning from Alaska and sailed at 10:30 for Port Edward, where she has a coal cargo to discharge be fore proceeding south. The werloat Lincoln, formerly mi American halibut schooner until an explosion last fall here when her owner captuln. Martin Fofland. -was killed, since which time she was acquired Dy E. It. Simpson of Maseett and W. J. Moorchouso of the city and convc"ifl Into a fish packer, will letvvc about Wednesday for Massett where she will be operated out of the Langarn cannery. Joo Dcmers Is taking conunand of the vessel. ' C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. C. C, Salntcy, arrived ajj, 10 o'clock ' this morning from Vancouver; sailing at 11:30 for Alaska ports'ThevcsHel had a total of 93 pessenger going liorth. most ot them being returning em- ployfea of the White Pais Co. although tnero were row rouna trip tourists, these including Miss Daisy E. Tendal, Miss Alethla Tendall and T. N. Horsley of Wellington, New Zealand; Frank Bourassa of Butte, Montana; J. Robins of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Cortea S. Qulckel and son of Alberqueque, New Mexico. Passengers debarking here from the Alice included Alex Yule, Mr. and Mm. V. D. Casley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sterlings, Douglas Stortings and D.i Redmond, while the following went north from here on the P. D. Mulholland, provincial forester In charge of forest preserves, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train after a trip to Prince George district on official duties and sailed last night on the steamer Prince George for Victoria. Major Walter Carruthcrs, officer, com manding the Salvation Army in North ern British Columbia and Alaska, and Adjuatant William Kerr, financial officer for the same district, returned on the Princess Alice th!i morning to their headquarters In Wrangell after an ex tended visit to. the city and central in terlor. William E. Dltcliburn. chief Inspector ot the Department of Indian Acalrs, arrived In the city on last night's train. Ilhe has, been on a trip to Ottawa and Montreal on official duties and Is taking this opportunity of visiting central British Columbia agencies while returning to his headquarters in Victoria whence he will sail tomorrow evening on the steamer Catala. KELLEY CURTAILING LOGGING OPERATIONS Otrr Production Is Cause of- TriiiMrary Partial Close-Douii Otlirr Industries (oiil In lie .Utile Owing to over-production and decrease in the quantity of pulp-wood being used at 'the Powell River paper mill, the T. A. Kcllcy Logging Co. is curtailing Its logging operations on the Queen Charlotte Islands for the time being. Some two hundred men have been on the payroll and half or mom of these. It Is understood, will be laid off; According to word received on the steamer Prince John, in from the Island on Saturday, six of the com Dent forget to visit Mrs. Friz- Ipany's ten camps are being closed mil's Money Raising Sulc. 113 I down. The men are coming to Prlrce Ilupert and Vancouver following the Mrs. Alex McRae. who ha. been on a I cessation of work, holiday visit to Vancouver and Powell The curtailment of the Kcllcy Co.'s Rlvtr, will return to the city on Wed-.operations, which have been going on steadily for practically ten years, comes fortunately at a time when the Islands are looking to fishing and canning to make up for the loss. Every cannery on the Queen Charlottes Is ex- pected to be operating this year The Baxter Pole Co. and the Albert . A. Woodland, manager of the Im- Moore logging concern are continuing pcrlal OH Co.'s local branch, sailed last operations In Massett Inlet. I NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional certificate of Title for Block five (5). subdivision ot the South half (Vi) of Lot three hundred, and seventy-four (374. Range five 15). Coast District. Map 1137, Satlsfactorv nroof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land In the name of Sidney Wlllmorc, the original Certificate of Title Is dated 30th June. 1915. and is numbered 7833 I. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. 6th April, 1837. H. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. (JUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that H. F. Leonard, of Portland. Ore.. Dhvslclan. Intends to apply to the Minister of Lands for a and natural gas over and under the following described lands, situate on Sklde-gate Inlet, Oraham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Section 30, Township 1; thence 80 chains east; thence 80 chains south; thence 80 chains west; thence 80 chains north, to point of commencement. Located March 14, 1S27. II. F. LEONARD. A J. GORDON. Accnt. LAND ACT MITICi: Ol' INTUNTION TO AITI.Y TO LEASE LAM. Iii Range 4, Coast Land District. Laud Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oossc racktn;': Co. Ltd., of 321 Howe St., Vancouver. B.C.. occupation FWh Packers, Intends tq apply lor a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253. Rang 4; thence ncrth 5 chains: thence-east IS chains; thence south to northeast comer Lot 1253; thence westerly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINQ CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. luted April 7. 1927. "PUOVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT ntlM'i: KITEKT ixKL'TOKAL IIISIItlCT MAI Ki:V.IK ELECTORAL IHSTItlCT NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall, on Monday, the 16th day of May, 1927. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Courthouse. Prince Rupert, hold a sitting of the Court ot Revision for the purpose of revising the lists of voters for the said Electoral Districts.1 and of hearing -and dctt nnhttnc ahy and alt objections to the retention 'e-t any name on the said lists, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant for registration; and for the other purposes set 'forth In the "Provincial Elections-Act" Dated at Pilnce Rupert, B.C.. this Glh day of April, 1927. NORMAN A, WATT. 114 Registrar ot Voters. LAND ACT. MITIt'K OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Masett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Masett Can-ners, Ltd., of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commenclnz at this post planted at vessel; .Mr. 'the northwest corner of our site at Flnneghan tor Carcross. Mr.. -o. &Wc?ZZX Mrs. J. Johnson, A. J. England.'R, Tay- thence northerly 3 chains: thence we- lor, E. Vernor, V. cnmnoim and V. u. t'riy 3.35 cnania, more or less, io point Hansen for Ketchikan: M. Plndy and ;LcS?rSit C0"Ulnl"S 0ne C V. Bangham for Juneau; W. Kerr, THE MASSETT CANNERS, LTD. and W L Carruthers for Wrangell, and , ..A?pi'!:a.nt , . , . u, . Per P Loren:"en Agent e- n ,'tuhi, foi SKaiway. 1 AjJi.u iU ,9J7, Lodging for theNight It, III'.,... i . . t.i.j Will dEDs 101 7"H U ri. Be Seeking v ran w -k Ufa Refuge beds are hard poor comfort for the man of 65. Yet what can he do about it without an income when his earning powers have dwindled to nothing? Destitute, a pauper, his lot is pitiable. Guard yourself against just such a bleak old age as his. Put a portion of your savings into a Government Annuity, and face the future with assurance. Anticipate YOUR 65th birthday with visions of retirement on a comfortable income. Any man or woman can buy an annuity of any amount between $10 and $5000, for a lump sum or in small convenient payments. Your annuity is tax-free and cannot be forfeited, stolen or seized by process of law. It is YOURS, payable for life through good times or bad. Backed by the resources of the entire Dominion, a Government Annuity is t!i" safest investment you can make. N1V1.1. .Ill' I vi mm mm nil out Coupon una mau u TO-DAY Canadian Government ANNUITIES Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa THE HON. PETER HEENAN, Minister Send today for full information Annuities Branch, Tin. 31 Department of Labour, Ottawa. Tltase send me Complete Information about Canadian Gorernment Annuities. (Print clearly) BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Phone 525. lly an Expert. Siimlny Appointments. DEMAND Open Evenings. "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BHE A K EAST r'00 D." Smoked iltallibytt M$ W Canadian Fish & CoH Storage (a, IX Prince Rupert. H.C. Advertise in "The Daily News"