25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: Exchange l!ulldlnC MATT VIDKCK. Prop. VOL. XVII., No. 108. the number of farms which havo to oeea made available. "EX YULE RETURNS TODAY FROM MONTANA Hiurr Hat IWtii Ammj- l lir Month ! Oil rhN liurliiR t III h Time Mr nek u (;ulirr fUr having spent tho past flvfi itiw ut Great ttills. MonUiva. Alex c ono of Prince Rupert' real old m, returned to the city on the sa Alico this morning.' Yule u Interested In 'oil ground " Qreat Palls and went there la cou pon -with IU development. On a of eighty acres of lands he holds. ;uher was struck tout It lasted only dys, Experts said, however, that 'm likely to come through again and vuie U confident that ho has a big ftnee nupert may not look so very a a rainy morning but Mr. Yule that more business Is done Uan in most towns of Its aire the United Slates. He Is undecided l whether he will bo remaining 'or tho time being. h yacht Northern light, taking ft of American rello hunter to the lc Ocean, Is now on her way from lcrla to Juneau. Last night at 8 :k ahe wn a70 miles from Victoria. half a mile, observers said. Seaplane Whitehird Left Paris ca.itern time, reported that Nungcsscr passed over Portland, Maine. NKW YORK, May U. A report received by the French Cable to. that the trans-Atlantic plane in which the French aviators Nungc.'ser and Coli were attempting a non-stop flight from Paris itnnrkmTin LUNrfcKtWtt WITH STATES MlTTrll OC CKOhnIMJ IIIIIMlAIIV LINE TO HOIIK Is TO IIB IHS. ill km: WASHINGTON, May B. -A conference txn .au week la likely between re- zxjt iDvenuncnu to wont out uic fU'.s if Canadian resident born out-. CV vie ot the 1otrdcr. --" OTTAWA. May B, The department of unmoral. ;n la conducting investigations at industrial points on the Inter-rUc.il boundary to ascertain the num- ber of American cltlisen who enter Canada daiiy to ram a living. The lnvt! ju.jn la undertaken as one remit of K regulation making It difficult r Canadian born outside of Canada work (n US. while residing In NOTABLE INCREASE IN IMMIGRATION TO CANADA THIS YEAR ONDON May B, There has been a able Increase In emigration to Can-In the first tltfee months of this r at compared with the correspond-quarter of 1820. The first quarter aa wcr 10.243 compared with 6.263 'fear ago. Emigration does not reach peak utn.il May and It Is expected ' t le movement to Canada this year show an increase of at least 60 per over the preceding ycrr, and tho res for 1020 were 61 per cent higher 1 '..lone for 1023. n'.atcd at the ofTlccs of tho ot an Government In London that T good class of Immigrant la being Jrcd and that tlc desire to acttle Canada la ahowh by the fact that 1 have at the prevent time nppli :na from several hundred families Uc most desirable type In excess -to New York had been seen over New foundland failed of confirmation from every source and la not credited. , A Canadian Prei despatch from Hall-fax stated that at Cape next the wireless station operated by the Canadian government advUcd thla morning that no word of the flyer had been received. Ship at aea and other wireless companies are also without word- of ttw plane. Weather conditions here are bad. There ha. been a drUl falling which makes It Impossible to ace msre thaii Pish Ai Cold Storage C5, 13.4c and 7c. llayvlcw, 6.000 pounds, Atlln Fisher' . in- Jcs, la.oc iSjiu Yule. 2.000 pounws. 12.6c and 7c. lella, 2,000 pounds, 12.2c and 7e, Pacific Fisheries, Atlln Fisheries, Constable Bella or provincial puutc dlsUlct headquarters here Is being transferred to the criminal Investigation department at Vancouver and will leave Thursday for the south to take up his Constable Bella has been new duties. hfre about a yr, having come north with the detachment which last year took over Hty policing. PllUburg Chicago Boston . . Brooklyn Cfiwlnnatl New Ycrk t Rati m for New York Yesterday Morning But Had Not Been Sighted Today, - - - - -. LK IJOURGKT, France, May 0. Captain Charles Nungcsscr : t it mmi ntr i ...i '......!.. T.-V. l I tr I r. to a 1.... 119 f. fa I l 1 J Ml If U aim liiiHiun vun iiujiijcm uii iiv.iv at u.io ounuuy inuiuiHK lull IX lilk II III for a non-stop flight to New York carrying five tons of freight in;1"" iliiillUU JJ 1 their famous uirplanu "Whitebird." n 1 rn7!7r.rin 1 rp WASHINGTON, May 9. The navy department at 2.55 p.m., r AKHUttto Al ; LATE SEEDING! GLACE BAY. NJS.TUp- to CML O'clCtSc I -n r1rl nf Hi ninmiin Nitbiul toon Usrcoiil Uarcotil wireless wireless a at O lack In. BsUsys. il its v. usatA Issued ttrfj. today. ' nM-dlm? seeding whl-h which this afternoon Day had not beciytincoromunleatltHi tiilUltpyPjEhatd!i!iht sd t-jHuj ruiigier pjarie Tv .titWui la tluf . J ' . lookout for ' ahlp with wetagesv're jsrdlng It. When the iplane loft Paris early Sun day morning the aviator expected to be at New York about noon today. ronTLAND, Maine. May 8. The plane sighted this afternoon flying eM Is believed to be a VS. scout plane. The coastguard officers here report the Nungwsir plane has not been sighted. UKITISII Mill' COMIMi iikiu: at i:i;k-;.ii to LOAD r.tlKIO D (IKAIN Tlie British steamer Queen-moor Is definitely booked to load Cargo of wheat at Prince Rupert for the United Kingdom or continent. She will arrive here on Saturday 'or Sunday. The vrs-cl Is a little smaller than the Kofuku Maru. the last ship loading grain here. FISH ARRIVALS Itit ii I of I'M. I "ill I'oiliuN or ll.illlitit Miid liv Trhr HimIh al i:Hiimgr 1'ixl.t) Hullbut landslngs at this port today total 121.200 pounds, five American ves sels hiving sold b'J.SUO pounds At th Flail Exchange this morning while ven Canadians dlsiioscd of 31.700 pounds. The sales were ns follows: Aincrltiin Uliiilistouc. 24,000 pounds. UanndUm I'lsh U Cold Storage Co.. li.uc. aim ic. rmfence. 17.500 twunds. Hoynl Pish Co.. 13.2c and 7c. Sherman, 21,000, Uooth rishcrlcs 13.0o nnd 8c. Yellowstone. .17,000 imUIUl't AUlIn PUhortcs. 13c nnd, 7p. . ' Arco. 10.000 pounds. Pacific rishcrlcs, 13.Cc and Be. CANADIAN Cape Spear, 4,500 pounds, and S.A. irnn rxitinds. PaCillO fisncrice, li.ou and 7c. vt a n 3.500 Dountls, Canadian Pish it Cold Storage Co.. 12.8 and 7c. .viiot J.. 10.000 pounds, Canadian IIKMMi or .Moisri iti; l..M IIM.AVK.il 111 I INSl IEA1II) (iCK- MINAIIHX WINN1PEO. May 9.-Snow Hurries and rain during the first tw? days of last week again delayed farming epera-tlcns over the whole of western Canada and while plowing and discing are now general, many plates in the three pro-1 ilnces ervre the belief that a decrease j will b9'h?wn In the acreage uto to j wheat. On account of the backward vprin. acecrUhig to. the third weekly would naye.jDeen general naa. oeen more 10 1 10 0 8 7. hlghrr- land, cltudy. 5Ktherindufroty.. night re tarding the diylnt-out of the lower lauds ou which there U still much surface water. On the ether hind In no district are the farmers exh'hltln any alarm on account of the prevailing conditions. On the contrary they claim that the weather Is providing excellent moisture which ensures rapld'gsrmlnatlon. In the Al-satk district of Alberta, the moisture Is said to be d:wn two feet In summer- fallow. In the Neepawa district of Manitoba, fall rye Is atttalnlng a good growth. The spread In the amount of seeding down Is considerable, varying from district to district. Between Carlyle and Cstevan In Saskstcchewan, 50 per rent of the seeding Is reported completed. This Is the highest percentage of any point. About 25 per cent seeding ho been .completed in central and southern Manitoba, 15 per cent In central and southern Saskatchewan, 15 per cent In cut hern Alberta and not more than per cent la the northern section of any of the three provinces, witn on Improvement In conditions feeding will be well under way during the coming week. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL WATI'UDA Y'.N M'Oltl: Anirririiii tongue Boston 5, Detroit 8. New York 8, Chicago 0. Philadelphia 10. Cleveland II. Washington 10, St. LouU 0. NiitlAunl league Chicago 6. New York' 4. Pittsburg 6, Philadelphia 6. St. Louis 0, Brooklyn 3. Clucliiivatl !,. Boston 0. M'NP.WS SCDItES Nalliiiuil League St. Iuls 5, Brooklyn 0. Chicago 4, New York 5. Aliirrliiin Iugiie Philadelphia 2, Cleveland 4. New York 0, Chicago 0. Boston 2. Detroit 3. Washington 3, St, touls 8. i.iivm i: STANDI!! .N'lltllllllll l.c.lglK w. St. Louis 13 Now York 14 Philadelphia 9 L 7 8 7 0 , 9 1 15 14 Aiiii-rliiiii l.ciigur ......... It . '7 Detroit ...11 8 Washington 11 10 Waslngton ,11 10 Chicago 12 U ' St. Louis . . , 0 . 9 Cleveland 10 12 Boston 4 17 Advertise In the Dally News. Pet. .650 .630 .603 .620 .526 .450 .348 .333 .007 .579 .524 .522 .522 .300 .453 PIUKCE RUPERT, D.C., MONDAY, MAY D, 1927 SEAPLANE FL YING PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A CU Ci KSPKNLAUB, GERMAN CLIDEPv EXPEIIT. in moto-lei3 glider, in which he successfully tried out the e pevimint of beicg towed, like, a raiJer, by an airplane, until ho released the wire at a height of 30 metres. British Prince Speaks of New Freedom at Opening New Australian Capital! ' - i CANUEHItA,: Australia, May 9. As a culmination of his tour! of the Antipodes, the Duke , of York formally opened the temporary Parliament Duildings at the new federal capital at noon today injj. the presence ot a huge assemblage from all parts of Australia. Many who were unable to secure accommodation were forced to camp out. The Dukc'a address dwelt on the advance made by the British Empire in the past quarter of "a century and the new conception of autonomy and freedom. Itepl7lng. Premier Stanley M. Bruce been, Australia is but on the threshold MANAGER OF ANYOX of achievement. In future millions of, DA Ml' TA lUm CHAM the British rare will people the land ln bAWii I J VI LU uUUil nvJTJbcra surpassing that ct the mother land.'" PRINCE ALBERT NATIONAL PARK OTTAWA, May 0. -A national park covering approximately 1,377 squurc miles has been established and Is named Ut "Prince Albert National Park." It Is announced by Hon. Charles Stewirt, minister of railways that the new park was created for the purpise of pernctu-Btlng' a portion cf Uie primitive foret end lake country of Northern Saskatchewan and to provide a recreational area. ASSISTING STEAMER ASHORE ON REEF PANAMA. May 9. A tug hat to the assistance of the American freighter Jacob Luriccnbach which Is aground on a reef near Qulnosnos I'olnt olf the Costa Itlcan ccant. 1'ioal provincial police headquarters have received word that a man named flnzallo was fined $300 last week for felling liquor. I Ensngi'iueiit Annuunird In Victoria Ellen Muni and Almi .Murklll of The engagement Is annunoccd In Vancouver of Miss Ellen Frances Mara, daughter of the late Mr." and Mrs. J. A. Mara of Victoria, to Atan Brooks . Mcrkill. younger son of Mr. and Mrs. jit. Diby Mcrkill of Vancouver, the ! marriage to take place shortly. The ' (room-elect is manager of the branch rf the Canadian Bank of Commerce ot Anyox. CONGRATULAlFoNSTO PRINCE OF WALES ON REFUSING TO ATTEND I VANCOUVER, May 9- "The Humane i biKiely uiul Uie AuU-wvij.Uui Oucltty of Vancouver heartily congratulates you i on ytur splendid and plucky refusal to I cable despatched to the Prince of gone Wales by the societies mentioned,' fol lowing the receipt cf press reports stating that the Prince lud declined to attend an exhibition at Madrid last week. ' S', '(. -f c 4. national development Is not rushed fast- . er than the wheat growers of world are prepared to endorse said, and concluded with a reference to Ituesla which is becoming again a great wheat producer but there was no fear ' tf overburdening the market. He stated that during the past fifty years the v nest tup;.ly had almost doubled but I there had never been a time when there had been a great surplus. Sometimes tha price was low but the grain was dways used. VTL1N OA.MK KEMiltVE HAS KEEN CANCELLED The Atlln district game re--ervc has been cancelled as from this date according .to Instructions received at provincial police headquarters here. The region affected lies between the Tsku and Stlklne Rivers ncrth and south and from the International (panhandle) boundary fifteen miles Inland. The area now open to trapping,, after having been closed since 1924, is about 5834 square miles. WELL KNOWN COUPLE MARRIED ON SUNDAY Mix Clara Nlrkerson Heronim llrlde of Jack steven at quiet Ccrrinony In I nltrd Church rur-onugf . A wedding of considerable local Interest tcok place quietly yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the presence cf .i few relatives and friends at ths Ur. ted Church Parsonage. Rev. George O. Hasker officiating, when Miss Clara Nlckcrscn. Caugh'.cr of Sheriff and Mrs. S. A. ::icfcCK;n, 7U Fifth Avenue West, became the bride cf John Robert Stevens, elder silt of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevens, 2175 Atlln Avenue. The bride, who wore a dainty costume of ross ge:rgette with hat to match, was attended by Mifs Maydo Larkln, who wore a becoming frock of mauve georgette with hat to match. Both bride and bridesmaid carried bouquets of Ophelia rises. The gmom was attended by Clifford Cam eron. Owing to the Inability of the groom- to leave his duties at this tune, the honeymoon is postponed until August when the couple plan to make a trip to Nova Scotia. They arc taking up residence .on Atlln Avenue, Westvicw. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have re- HUTCHINSON, Kansas. May 9. Tornadoes swept central Kansas late Saturday night resulting in the death of 50 persons. Approximately fifty were . Injured and property damage Is estimated at two million dollars. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat . B.C. Silver Coast Copper ...... 9.00 9.00 Dunwell .......... Surf Inlet ........ Sliver Crest Independence ' i.'.v Indian ,160 a he entered the room saw irown's body lat Carman, Manitoba, and Puddlecombe'a jOlacler j on the floor with a bullet through the , father Is director of the Ottawa Conscr- I brain ond a revolver beside him, vatcr yof Music. Largo Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and beat for the least. Phone 157. Pric- Fiv C-nte SS A TL ANTIC " WHITEBIRD" LEFT FRANCE SUNDA Y HAS NOT A RRVED International Bureau Formed by Wheat Pool Conference at Kansas City Closing Meeting KANSAS CITY, May 9. The international wheat pool con-conference at its closing session Saturday night voted to establish a permanent international bureau for co-operative marketing to act as a clearinghouse for statistical information in regard to development plans. George Robertson, secretary of the Saskatchewan pool, in an address said he believed the time was not ripe for the formation of an international pool but recqpimended the formation of the international bureau to assist in building up the pool idea. "We must be careful that this Inter- . i,"HlAK DEMANDS Bid. Asked 1.54H 1.75 1.90 10.00 1.40 x 1.43 01 V .07 .07U ,09 .10 .07 .07 'i .00 H ' .11 Advertise In the Dally News. ON CHINESE liUITISH Wll.l, ACK Kilt 1'KNAI.TICS Milt HIltl.KJN OITKACES AT NANKIN LONDON, May 9 Sir Austin Chamberlain, foreign secretary, told the House of Commons today that the British govt erpment had decided to present appU-catlons for penalties for anti-foreign outragss t Nanking and failure ob the uninese nationalists to ooserve we conditions ot the Hankow agreement would te Inexpedient however fully Justified. COLONEL PETERS IS BEING BJRIED TODAY Cornier Commander Military District quelled Indian Cprhing .Mouth of Skrena VICTORIA. May 9. Colonel James Pciers, 74 years of age, retired commander of military district eleven In British Columbia, died at his residence here Saturday evening. Colonel Potcrs was In command of a battery of the Royal Garrison Artillery despatched to the. mouth cf the Ske'cna River in 1&3S to quell an Indian Insurrection. He was a veteran cf the northwest rebellion In 1381 and was given charge of "C" Battery, Reg. A., when It was fcrmed two years later and r-cnt to British Columbia with the first troops to cross Canada. He Is survived by a widow and six children. A military funeral Is being held today at Esquimau Naval cemetery. MAX PRIEBE OF HYDER DIED VERY SUDDENLY Kciiialns Drought . Here uml t'urwurdril tu Kochr-lcr, Mlnnrtu, fur Interment , s The body of Max Prlebe, who died at Hyder last week, was brsught down from atewart on th tpmr Prlnre George last night and was placed on this morning's Iratn for deMvefy to Rochester, Minnesota, where relatives reside and where interment will take place. The late Mr. Prlebe succumbed last Wednesday to' heart trouble while at u.frV Knrt hwn t Hvrirr xtnfc the sided in Prince -Rupert since childhood. I returned faU o m8 He had njrnuy F. G. Dawson left on this morning's The bride has been on the forest branch I tnere rrcm Rochester where he' nU tralii for Montreal where he will attend a meeting of Uie board of directors of the Canadian National Railways. He will be away about two weeks. Young Doctor Shoots Another and Then Tarns Gun on Himsdf and Blows Out His Own Brains MONTREAL, May (X -The shooting of J. F. Puddfecombe, an interne of the Royal1 Victoria hospital here in the arm and neck last night by Dr. Frank Brown, who then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide in the former's room at the hospital caused excitement here. Brown who was employed in Quebec was visiting Montreal. He called on Puddiecombo and locked the door of the room. What passed between the two is not known but the visit ended in Brown firing two shots, and the victim staggering from the room and calling for help. Beth of the principals were young Dr. W. a, Webster ran for aid and graduates of McOW. Brown was born here for some time and the groom Is on the Inspection staff at the local eleva tor. TORNADO SWEPT KANSAS LATE SATURDAY NIGHT a 'part ot the winter visiting with his mcr.her, brothers and sisters. MINISTER OF RUPERT EAST UNITED CHURCH SUDDENLY BEREAVED Rev. Evan Baker, paster of Rupert East United Church, sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver whrie he w&s called on account of the sudden, death of his foster-father. Sam Llcdttty, a well known ' resident of 'th'o southern city. ' The' late Mf. Lludsay was at one time the superintendent of a provincial Jail at Vanoouver and mora recently was In charge of the Vancouver Heights old men's home. MISSlOVAJlli: iioni VICTORIA, May 9, Twenty-one members of the United Church of Canada missions to China are here aboard the President Taft. They vacated their posts in northern and southern China after from 6 to 25 years in th service.