nesday. March 2, 102? eryinmg izyi Ever hear people nay H? Maybe you have cxperj. enced the sensation yourxclf. KilinPa nnfnrn'fi warning " inr ............ : 11a your eyes examined I'T'T ie eyes need help and I you :an get that help. ; We are graduate opticians ; and we can tell by cxamlna-' Hon which gives you no din-' J comfort, jUHt the proper J glasses to give you. We can punh those clouds away and lot in the sunshine and you mvd not be afraid you are going to lose your sight. Our prices are moderate. cJhWELLfcKp sTItC STORE WITH THE CLOCK lust Arrived! Ne w Sport iDresses and Hats Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Hox 327. fhonewv with 10 ur policy's Vevery man1 built on the lAVhcn ycu want fair and iuare coal service you will the right thing by your- lf (n cnmlnjr round to us. lie quality of our coal and conscientious service Sr H gk 'e you a cheerful heat- Ill home this winter. NAIMO WELLINGTON and IcLEOI) KIVKU SOOTLESS Lump, Egg, Stove and Nut Libert & McCaffery Phones 110 and 117 lr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgcrson Jllock Kay Service. Open Even- lllH Phone LINDSAY'S larlage and Storage I'hone f3 PnrtnRc, Warchouslnir. nnl I Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Santl and firnvnl. Vt Specialize In Piano and 1'urnlture Movine. iNGER, the TAILOR Suits made, to or- Ut in our nhop li low an ........ $50 223 Sixth Street CAP! RICHARD GOSSE IS DEAD I'lONr.F.K UMI OIKIlATOIt OK lllll. TIMI (Oil Ml!l WAS lil;sl'(). MIII.K Mill i:i(K('1l( OF AT lj;AST 15 CANNKIIICS ON' COAST OWNKI) SKEENA PLANTS , VANCOUVER. March 3 Capt. Richard; E. Oosse, aged 75. pioneer of the British : Columbia fishing and canning Industry ) and responsible for the building of at', least fifteen canneries on the coast.' died at his residence here yesterday, i , He waa chairman of the Co km Packing9 Company. One of the best known cannerymen oX Ilrltlah Columbia, and one whose connection with the salmon Industry continued over an exceptionally long period, waa the late Capt. douse, founder and chairman of the Oosse Packing Company. Ltd.. a large concern which i for some years has operated one of. .the largest groups of canneries In ' the province, and Is one of Its largest producers of canned salmon besides having Important Intereata In pilchard reduction and other branches of the fisher-it. Capt. Oosse also probably built more canneries than any other man In, British Columbia. If not on the entire Coast. Capt. Oosse waa born In Newfoundland In 18M. and started going to the Northern Labrador fisheries at an early age In I860, lie engaged In this fishery untu IBM. at the aame time working In the March and April sealing for filten seasons and for the last twelve years of this period waa master of bin own vessel, which waa lost In the Labrador disaster of IMS. t'AMi: WEST He came to Vancouver in 1687. before iru- first railroad, and the next year tried head laud flatting for salmon, using stationary set nets at Copper Point. Howe Sound. The catch falling to pay his grub bill, he went to the Fraser and engaged In the steamboat business until 1883. when he fished on that stream. The neat year he built his first cannery on Dinsmore Island, for noodmurphy Bros. In 1834 he built the Star cannery at Steveston for Coatello MrMdrrln a large plant, requiring 7&0.000 ft of. lumber. All out-houses were burned June 11 of that year. Just DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for (.raring I'rrmlls for the SrMn of 1917. Application for permits to grare livestock on the Crown ranees within any grazing district fit tb frorlBce of Brit-ih Columbia, must be filed with the , District Forester at Port George, Kam-Hoops. Nelson, Prince Itupert, Vancouver. , I or Williams Lake on or before Marcn J 1st. 1037. Blank forma upon which to submit applications may he obtained from (he Uiatrtrt Foresters at the above named places, or from tba Department of Lands jt Victoria. B.C. O. R. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria BC. Janusry 4. 1027. I.AND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ArPl.V TO 111 LliAsi: LAM ' In Prince Rupert Land Recording DIs-i trlrt of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of crescent Inlet, ' Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, 1 in the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: 1 Commencing at a pot planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains; thence southwesterly 30 chains: thence LAND ACT In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands 14 norea. more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E, Applicant. I LAN!) ACT. NOTK'i; or INTKNTION TO AIM'I.V TO rruniAsK land ! I TAKE NOTICE THAT I, Arthur Robert. on, Massetl, B.C., occupation Mlllman, intend to apply for permission to pur-. hnse the following described land: commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1U65, Q.C.I District; thence south lifty chains: thence east forty chains; thence north to shore; thenre following j lilehwater mark to point of commencement, containing one hundred acres, ! more or lew. .. . .. Located thli 30th day of December, 192(1. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. LANP ACT Bkrena Land District, District of Queen rHurltttn Ttlallds I TAKE NOTICE that sixty daya after date, 1 Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Unds for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 :acrc of land bounded m follows) Commencing at a pont planted at the 'southwest corner of Section 38, Town-lahlp a, (iraham Island, and marked I' AJO.'a corner"; thence east 180 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence I west 00 chains; thence south 80 chains i. nnmt nf i-nmmencf ment. being Sec tion 36, Township 3, Graham Islsnd, D C. I A. J, GORDON, Locator. I Diited December 17, 1929. 0 Gv ! I IS k?ft I WASH AWAY THE GERMS WITH THIS PURIFYING TOILET SOAP Countless germ of disease Turk about rruny of the innocent - looking objects you touch every day. You: can'x help touching these things, but you an use Lifebuoy Soap - - its gentle lather removes germs as well as dirt. "T7 CRM DISEASES , mi- L curried by tbt binds '' lifebuoy HEALTH SOAP j Purifies and Protects I before the building wo4 completed. Fishing started July 1. on June 19. as soon as new materials were brought in. rebuilding was started with 135 men working IS hours a day. Five days later 100 men ware paid off and can-making started; and on July 3 canning was started as If nothing had happened. Other plants built by Capt Oosse include the Vancouver cavnnety on Sea Island. Todd & Winch cannery at Ana-cortes. Esquimau cannery near Victoria. Beaver cannery on Rivers Inlet, two canneries In Knight Inlet. Sunny-side cannery on the. Skeena. and the Oosse Packing company's new BeUa Bella cannenr. after the burnlm of the ing salmon, said Capt. Oosse, except for the large number of power boats en- Applicant. f Cntnki., . VMng mhjne., TAKE NOTICE that Robert M r-arrie, " double seamers. etc. noth .: or .NT T .tm.v to PERSONALLY CONDUCTED I Avmi. nr nhnne Qnn for rtartlriiliir artrl GOT HER FEET WET CAUGHT BAD COLD completely Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup i t i NATIONAL GETS NEW EQUIPMENT! - ! it oMitACTi I.KT rou ,i.ocoioiivi:s,! 4V1I f IIIIMI'U k'lVlS lit' f'lU I J MONTREAL, March 2 Extensive orders for equipment have been placed by the Canadian National Railways includ ing' locomotives, sleeping cars, dining ' cars, .observation cars, passenger coaches and various types of cars for freight I service, all of which will be placed In! ; commission during -the early summer to; ' cope with the peak Of holiday travel ' i and to provide Increased grain transportation facilities fer ine season's harvest. I It is probable 'that) the strongest appeal to the public Is made by engines, jail mankind possessing a fascination for machinery. It will be recalled that ! when the 6000 engine first made its I appearance It received a warm welcome ) in every city and community, and at Montreal and Toronto thousand of ln-iterested individuals swarmed into the 'station to Inspect the new leviathan. : Judging from that experience, there should be great Interest .'evinced when the public will have an opportunity of I viewing the 6100 class because this nei ' type represents an. advance over the C000 class and will be the largest and meat powerful type In Canada. The 6100 clasa Is known as the Mountain type, the name being due to the facf that the original design was planned to meet conditions in the mountains. These engines are also designated "4-b-,4" thla being a reference to the wheel ! arrangement. These new locomotives will ! be used between Montreal and Sarnla j in passenger and manifest freight ser- vice, the latter being an Important fca-: Cure on the Canadian National Railways. Of the 6100 class 40 will be built in Canada, while an additional 13 will be built in United States and used in similar service between Sarnla and Chl- JLcVrr brothers LinuledToronlo J jcago on the Orand Trunk Western lines A modified C000 -class, four In number, have been ordered for the Central Vermont lines and will draw The Washing- ,u., ,u w u a h . :r l i . t , v , treal-Washtngtcn run. In addition to the passenger locomotives. 10 switching engines have been ordered for service In the United States, making a total of GO pasanger and switching engine add ed to the motive power resources of Oi system. i: DIMM (MRS " The new rolling stock sh3Uld have a direct appeal to housewives, new features In the dining ears being of particular Interest. New diners to the num ber of 13 have been ordered and will be ready for the summer season. They will be two feet longer thin the present former r:.rt in J923. Other eanaerlea W- rl V Rhe OTr for which he got out plans and specl- ' wI ..daH to the fictions include those built In 1928 k"chen and pantries and de seating will remain but the by the Oosse racking Company. Ltd.. at capacity unchanged, Slunnon Diy. Smith Inlet and Hecate. ' cu out m g.r. comodatlon In the kitchen, will expedite He has either built or been retponslble j for the building of fully fifteen can-! Thet are-all-ateel cars with ln ,nterlor ln Afrtc,n mhogany and nerles. He first operated a salmon can- eery In 1B97 for J. H. Todd & Sons. Urk f"n 'n8. making a haudaome nd rMUre diner. Improvements in with which firm he continued for many !htlng and In ventilation make these years, and has since been actively en- tne ,a,t ,n Cansdun service. gaged in the industry on hla own ac- I The 30 sleepers, also all-steel, follow Ithe conventional lines and possess every WATfllMi IMir.STRV tll.OW L,, xht MZnncot During all tms period there nas been travelling patrons. very little change in methods of catch There will be Improvements and refinements In the five compartment-ob- eervatlon-llbrary-buTfet Vara designed gaged: but methods of canning nave for western service. These are of the changed rapidly. What he considered t "Fort" type, so designated because each the greatest single stride made In the! car is named after a fort'wlikh played industry were the invention of the'nome part ln Canadian history. With "Iron CUlnk(" doing away with hand the addition of the new order. :hc butchering, and the introduction of, Canadian National Railways will possess sanitary can machinery. Since the 30 "Fort" cars. "nineties he watched the Industry grow The new observation end oara wlrt be cut of Its "swaddling clothes" from the . two feet longer than the present type. tune when all work was done by hand, ' being 75 feet 6 Inches over buffer. The ertri?h"n under which; car. will include . comfortable, obser- (40) acres, more or less. Dated November 21. 192(1. j the work Is mostly 'automatic, the prln- vat Ion end, four compartments, a draw- JAMG3 FIELD, icloal operations belnz handled br "Iron ins room and a buffet. The drawing. vacuum room will be placed In; the centre of EUROPEAN TOURS the car1. . A halt: partition In the observation section forms an alcov In which the writing desk Is placed:. .and also permltiot a biUUm radio cabinet. There will be radio headphones at each seat and also ln the compartments and drawing room. The interior finish will Personally Conducted Tours have been hn m Atrinn Muhnimnv ;;UVrn7nTenrd, SfipvTtS? "Tm'Sf - this Summer, under the joint; tM(J1IT EinPMBNT me following described lands:- l.upervisiorj w we Canadian national whlle the new fre, nl equlpment miy Commimclng at a post planted at Railways 'and the Cunard 8teamshlp ' ,hl ' ,Ueh .-h - dlreCt .-.. Ppeal 10 the northeast about 1.000 feet wes- P corner Comn.n- Company to Qreat Orcat nrltain Britain and and Furone Europe ti rly from mlnera' cabins at head, o: tO; pub,lc tr,velng ancl otherwise. It play. Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20 and return. All transportation, hotel important " hl h, pan In transport- hains: thence southerly about 12 chains; nd .lght-scelug expenses Included In L, !zZT ".,,7 i hence easterly 20 chains: thence nor- . . , , . " One order calls for 1000 box cars Th, therlv about 12 chains, and containing jwrM- al Tel uuiee, Tnira tnd thfw rcprfsent ,n, new trtnd ln service. They are known' as CO-ton oesenpuve mcrBlure. . . -h . . . n f, 0 inches In height and will carry 2.000 ' bushels of grain. To appreciate thla 'point It must be remembered that the iftrsl. ears used In hauling, the western ! Crop .carried 800 bushels, and IhJs capacity lias bceii gradually - 'increased. Ms. Krnest Hall, Cardinal, Ont, : "V 1 be ' largely In bulk writes: "Last winter I got my feet grain territory but they are also coming wet and I caught a terrible rold. 1 ' Into general use on main lines where took different kind .of medlciue, but jatcel Is heavy and motive power plentl-none did me any good and 1 seemed to ful, the long train of" greater capacity be cettlnsp worse all the time. belng lhe economlc mDition of railroad One rhit "jfvfM rratlitg' about what jmen. ' your nieaicme had donb for others, so Another order called for automobile thoufeht I would set a bottle. After carSi ma belng bullt m the Unllct, i MuS? ! tv '0ti' ht0niJl 'stat" tor service over lines In that I caonot praise praise nrc 40 Ue lonSt 10 ,Mt hlgh "nU 8 fret j wiae ana can take tnree tier of smaller automobiles. Tito Importance of this industry will be realized when it Is stated that In the spring season when deliveries are being called for, the Can adian National Railways has ln service 1 360 to 1 00 automobile cara each day In too highly, as I believe that If It were ith manufacturing area. Borne of the not for It I would be an Invalid to- I automobile cars have end-doors so that day." j Price 85. bottle, large family alti 90o, put up only by The T. Milbura J S9.i LhP'todj Tcronto, Ont. they can be loaded with -busses which could not be swung through the aide entrances. On other order given to a Canadian Tli e : Well-Mail LAND ACT 1 XOTICK OF INTENTION TO API'LY TO to rrnciiAsE l land I-..M In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dl-i trict of Prince Rupert, and situate on 'he north shore of the South Arm of i Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island, Queen i Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, ol I Prlnre Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine , Broke.-, intends to apply for permission , ' tc purchase the following described Unds : I Commencing at a post planted on the 1 north shore of South Arm of Tasoo liar-: bor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte . Islands. In the Province of British Col- I umbta. about 5 chain 'from the end of the Ooverument trail: thence 10 chains ; northeasterly: thence 10 chains northwesterly: thence 10 chains southwestcr-' , ly. tnence 10 chains -southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or i less. , JAMES FIELD, I Applicant. Dated November 29. 1923. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." no tice i nerooy given aieure. uaicotiu j Smyth. Edmund Langla. Harold Hansen ; and Albert Moore, that there is owing 1 o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the Cord Ills Group ol : Mineral Claims, Prince Royal Island. , Skeena Mining Division, the sum of 1393.88. and that unless .said persons pay: their proportionate share of the ecrct of j such Assessment, together with all costs I of advertising, etc.. to the Undersigned , a' Butedale, B.C., on or before May 12. 1027, application will be made to the Oold Commissioner, Prince Ruicrt. B.C . I to have their respective Interests In the : herein mentioned Mining Oroup of Mineral Claims vested in the under signed. DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB KOSKI. plant la for 200 freight refrigerator cars. These are largely capacity cara and will j be UMtf chleily tar packing house pro-1 ducts from Winnipeg and Toronto plants, i They are equipped with brtne tanks j and provide the moat adequate form of railway refrigeration. Altogether these order will have a wide, effect, not only In Improving service on the Cniulln National Railways, but because cf (lie l.rKe amount of work provided at various plants Advertise In thi Dally Newe Canadian Wpacific aged Home HPHE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion or the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She, must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her -home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and in- ventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility, for the family's welfare should mafe a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely DEMAND POE FIVE "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'TIIK DAINTIEST HKEAKEAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui Prince Rupert, IXC. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Goast 'Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtihlkan, Wrangrll, Juneau, gangway February 21. Mnrrh 7, 1. SS. To a nrou er, Vctiirl:i, heallle February S.I, Marc It II, . IT.lVf F.S! IlKATKK K. For llutrdale. Kt HNIa Itella, (Wan I'alM. Nainii, Alert Caniplirll Kltrr, and anrouvrr every .Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Inn from W. C. ORCllARIt, tleneral Asent. Corner of 4th Mtrret and 3rd A en lie. I'rlnre Kuprrt. II.C. Alabastine Wall .Decoration Color lathe molt effective and least costly of all forms of decoration, ami Alabastine in addition to being economical ia permanent and easy to apply. Made in twenty-one artistic tints and -also in white, with full directions on each package. Price 75 cents' a package. Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2.'r Third Avenue Prince Itupert, H.C.