0( tobcr 6, 1927 TIIE DAILY NEWS . mmm TT mm THE LABEL IS FLED AND WHITE Local and Personal Arthur Tut Pbom 87S. mm a Undertakers. Pfcocs l. Deattst. Dr. J. R. Omh. peae6M e riilk."" Shortage WITH on the Carnation pantry shelf there is never a shortage of double-rich, absolutely pure milk for every milk use. For Carnation can be bought a month's supply at a time it keeps indefinitely. Jt even knens several days after the tin is opened, so that there is no waste. Because Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization, it meets every need for milk or cream. Undiluted, it takes the place of cream at one-third cream cost. Diluted it gives superior results in all cooking. It is the most completely useful milk you can buy. Order several tins or a case of 48 tins from your grocer, CARSATIOX JELUED RICB-One cup Carnation MHk diluted with 1 cup water, 3 level teaspoons transtioted gel-tin, '4 cup rke cooked in mUk till tender, 't cup sugar, cup cream beaten stiff, fruit to tastt. Soak gelatin in a Utile c) milk till tender. Add rut of milk boiling hot, rice and turar. When cool fold in cream and chill. Vnmottld and serve with any fruit and heavy cream. Lemon rind makes a nice flavoring for the pudding. Send 'or a free copy of Mary Plate's Cook Book. Address Carnation it ilk Products Company, Limited, Ayhmr, Ont. It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy Camati Milk "From Contented Cows" 0M Produced in Canada THE CHOCOLATES That Are Different 'sis ha.- been so frequently said of NKILSON'S Chocolates '::at thr have adopted It as a aloiran. The centres are delicious nd the chocolate coating is rich and velvety smooth. Thry sell regularly at from Toe to SI. 25 per lb., but In order to make them more widely known we are placing them on sale as a week-end special at 60c per lb. Take a pound home with you. ytc Pioneer Dntoftels j THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82 ,200 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home' 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. . Phone 51. Sample Room L. Martina-Manager. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Balllnri from Prlnrr liiiptrl. tot VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swans on llaj. AU rt .lUjf. HC T...rt Tuesday. a 3 fr VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Itiitnlale. Alrn iwy, etc.. 8 u" . tr PORT HMIPHON, ALICE ARM. tNVOX. 81 EWAKT. Walef Island. 8un-day, 8 p.m. f Ult'r rolnti and Port Hlnipaon. Friday Pm- , r 123 -Nm 2nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. r.rnt Pr'"0' IS.. .Vi Through tlrkets sold lo Victoria nnrt HMille at a rrdiued rate ana ttate rhwkisl throurli to dertlnatlon. I CUt tf, fry ffTr r. of a Tail, pbene 4. ,1 tf Si OJJJL l I I "'NKJfcttfr'I Sorted loan frtior 7. it j pa. Nick Oumch and daughter sailed last night an tlx Prtace am lor An VIC T. J. Shenton. inspector nt Balnea. tied teat night on the ITlnoe George tor Anjrot on onclal du P. Da vies, wireless matin of Um : Khthouae Under "-- wm . lett on ' Ws morning train (or "AcsMaHo on a hotMay trip. VbUI repairs at the Prurmeial Gov VMM wteaK havt betsl mi nlil i il C.rm. sttaeMtM will mshe at No. t shed mm d tp wterf. tf Tee. Dlain and ranrv cooking, aorrium. candy, 'dips tat men- won at Preebyterlaa r- on November S in Chorea HatL Hyde Transfer now Alberta stooUeM as TbMM eoaia are under eotw. water, bay oosl. lit a ttf 1e mmdo of Mr. Mafwag by orror Is of thon who am ay aiternoon to tht late e. Waltar Huh. lor At- m fey mm you IN A. K. of the Mra. U. B. King, who ant In tht aJty from Vancouver yeatarcbty Mn- lag to attend the funeral of fear Blast, the lata Mra. Waltar Huaa. win - ton aouth on the Prlaaa A meeting of tht Whist League wttfl ht htU In Olty Hall. Oetobar U it I PJB. League new open to at! organ! catlona In Frinot Kopart. All vtahiag to enter a team etahanuueate with F. B. Wenaig. aecretary. Ptune Black Ml. gtutty to a eharge of tura- lag- fcta ntocnobut in the mldla of a Maps without giriag tbe inriawry atgNal. U. B. Hochartar wae naei pi uaehr the Motor PaUHe Act hy trait MeOlyaBont In city Mr. ana Mra B. O. Moor, lavt of 8tutwUan Lake. wrU eU Mn on the Prince Oeorge for Vaacottver where n la their intention to apt an extendeg vacattao Ur. Moor hat brrn here ataee 1S48 and at sJaWtrat lent Lake ataot 1U. Dr C. Martua Barbeau. Dominion govern ment ethnotogUt of the Vtctor.n Museum at Ottawa, who waa engaged J in reMareh work durtnn the peat summer among the Indian tribe of the j Naaa River, will give a course of lee- j ture this month at the University of, British Oolumhra In Vancouver. Dr. ' Barbeau la regarded as the leading , ethnological authority on the Talmp-' aeana and other British Colombia tribes. C.ltl OK THANKS Walter Hume and family deaire to convey their sincere thanka to their j many friends for the many klrtdneawe and expression of sympathy 'received In their recent bereavement. ANNOUNCEMENTS Oyro Hoe-Down, October 14. Prince Rupert Drill Team Dance. October 21. Presbyterian Church Choir Concert. October 36. nupert Bast United Church Bazaar, October 27. I oral Order of Moose Anniversary Dance. October 27. ' Hospital Austnwy Halloween Ball, October 26. Hill GO Halloween Baatar. October 29. Presbyterian Church Baamar. Novem ber 3. Anglican Banker. Tuesday, Nov. IS. Moose Bazaar. Nov. 18 and 17. Established 1923. "' Office Hours: 9 a.mto 8-p:b. tmg&MXri: 9 a.m. ..to ,t1 p.m. Any evening by appointment J)rP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 10!) Vfc". MEMBERS OF PLAYERS CLUB PLAY NEW ROLE Subjected lo Poller- Plot While Tending .Meellnj ! "a nee La.t Night i A new plot was provided last night I for the Prince Rupert Players' Club for which they will not have to pay anything hut perhaps, a few small t.:,e; a. p.iiLti .ai-Wa.As members cf I. CRAVETTO Agent Halro Uocheda was found guilty In city police court yesterday afternoon on charges or driving an automobile without lights and without being able to produce his license on demand of a police officer. He was fined t5. with the option of seven days' Imprisonment, on each of the two counts. BAPTISTS HAVE CHURCH SUPPER Scheme Presented for Renovating Uulldin and Co-operation is Urged Activities and claims of the Church rwotay presented at a big annual con- gMgaUonal rtJly at the Baptist Church last evening by Rev. W. P. Price and P. H. insey .tohowtog the serving of a botratimi Wooer bv the ladles at which (fy hundred members and friends sat dWn. Mr. Price spoke of the need of greater co-operation in church activities and urged tbe claims of tbe church on those present. P. II. Linasy presented a scheme for renovating the building and expreseed the thanks of the congregation to tbe Ladka' Aid Society which had unjer-tahen the responsibility of putting In pews winch would greatly Improve the interior. The following program was much en- Joyed by those present: Pianoforte duet Mrs. P. H. Llnzey and Mlaa AM McKlnley. Song R, Howard. Ptano solo -Miss Enyd Morris. Hesitation Mrs. Hlbbard. Piano aolo Miss C. Morgan. Song Mra, P. C: MUler. Piano aolo Mtes Helen Hampton. Song Mrs. C. Larlcln. Piano solo Mlf A. McKlnley. Recitation Miss Adella Thurber. ( Cornet solo Thos. Wilson. Accompanist W. Vaughan Davles. mm i tbe theatrical organisation attended their annual meeting and dance In the Daughters of the Empire Hall last night I the police were busy outside the scenes i Provincial Sergeant Hanna took the I numbers of their automobiles parked on Fifth Avenue and tomorrow morning six of the members will be called upon to play roles In city police court, answering to charges of parking their vehicles on the public highway between the hours of 6 pjn. and 6 a.m. which Is contrary to municipal statute. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders are asked for clearing and rough grading of about one acre at the salt Lakes park. Plans and specifications may be seen at Ormes, Limited. Sealed tenders to be in tbe hands of C. H. Onhe not later than Saturday, I October 8, 1927. W. T. KEROIN, 234 Chairman. Parks Board. Advertise In The Daily News LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Atlln Land Recording District of the Casslar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 600 feet easterly along tbe shore from the north, west corner of the Skylark Mineral : Claim. ! TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc-I Ms ugh ton Fraser. of Atlln. occupation a.j. una eurveyor, acting as agent lor the Engineer Oold Mines Ltd.. Inc., Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands; Commencing at a pos planted about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 225 feet: thence easterly 100 feet; thence southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.5 acres, more or leu. ENGINEER GOLD MINES LTD., INC Applicant. II. McN. Fraser, Agent. DatedAugutt '9.J927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Al'I'LY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte. Islands Land Recording District qI Prince. Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Graham Island, Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that somervllle Can nery Company. Limited, Vancouver. B.C., occupation Packers, intends to apply for a lease or tne touowing aescriDea ianas: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571. Q.C.I.; thence east 30 chains; thence north 2j chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence west following low water mark. I 30 chains: thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and contiin in; six (6) acres, more or less. SOMERVILI.E CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant : Dated August 31, 1927. I m vis New Fall Styles Mew Patterns Imported Fabrics Tailored to Measure YOU have your choice here now of the pick of the world's leading mills beautiful new woolens from England, Scotland and Ireland tailored to your individual measure in suit, topcoat or overcoat at one standard price. These new Tip Top fabrics are the finest we have ever shown. Tip fell m ONE PRICE It's wise to buy now, at the height of the season, when you want new clothes and get the correct styles for Fall at the lowest price in all Canada for which good clothes can be sold. Don't forget, you have your choice of any Tip Top material in the store, made as you want it, at this one standard price. TO MEASURE 20S 4th Street Prince Rupert Weekend Specials Saxony Wool in 2 oz. packages. Black, White and Colors. 9P Per package AUV Coate's Crochet Cotton White and Colors. 1 fl Per ball Fine Quality Nainsook and Long Cloth. Value to 50c a yard. Q-f ft ft 3 yards for Jaeger All Wool Vests Swiss Rib, Sleeveless and Opera style. Q-fl CA Each Spun Silk Best quality pure Silk in a big range of col- ors. Per yard Special Wc have a splendid variety of Ladies' Hats, Coats, and Dresses. H S Wa raft i n LO tS 3rd Avenue and Fulton. Phone 525. Office Hours 0 to 9 95c Silknit Princess Slips in Black, White, Peach, Orchid, Maize, etc. Q9 9 Each Mandleberg's Wool Gaberdine Raincoats Sizes 36 to 44. The best Utility Coat on the market. Reg. value $27.50. QOfl CA Vu-n.eevr lid Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug' Store i Phone . Lady Assistant