B; r 1A1EY LOSES CHANGE VENUE fi'rial Will Take Place at Prince Rupert in November the Court Decides VAN'X "OT'VER. Oct. 8- The court of I Jn ted the application for a "i venue in the new trial for n the ground that tbey had no i ii over the second trial which be h id :n Prince Rupert. The ae-"! n on November 33 there. Justice Macdanald, In handing judgment of the court, declared tr-.-re was no preoedent for such n;; ''.l t und in the statutes of isda or the laws or England. Ac-'''K'y 'lie application of the appol-' Sankry. was dismissed. WRRISON GETS A DIRECT SLAP H-'ourt of Annual Decider There Was Miscarriage bf Justice in His Court VANCOUVER. Oct. 8 Expressing the S tt that ttwr h&d hivn m luta rrtflPH I''' i.i-Mic nii a mlxtrl1 thv nnurt of ,, '.ii has sent back to the cupreme xtrt (ur re-nearlng, the petitions con-'ii in.; the custody of the three young IC'.Mdl n of Edward M MnCabe. a aea- 1 'in tue Dominion Government ' .itaci E cvi.n. Mr Jiutlce Morrison I1 d:;o :Hr .'it dy of the chliu- - - . .-..a-.. .. H nisay Macdonald, leader of the party, said that i ivuring the demand in regard to Kussia, it was wo row-. I1G POLITICAL FIGHT BEGINS lictines to be Held Tonight and Tomorrow Nitrht at Nelson a ;i ' a Tlie pollU'-al cam- : ihe two candlOataa. M l uid. Liberal, and Dr. Conservative. Is well un-j. K'il a meeting Is being ot the Liberal at which "ill be Hon A. M. Man-general, and Mrs. Mary Tnorrow night the Oon- noJd their opening meet-Simon Praser Tolmie. rRaniaer. and Rev. Canon conservative member for " the chief ipaHsfi ire expressing oonl.clenie mdidate will win on the "f" iitN(i; .ks m;w amiuv limit iinriari: (UltloTltN KAKOVMiY FARM. Oct 8. Foreign Minister Brrand has sent Instruction to the French ambassador at Moscow to In Ion. the authentic that the French Qov-ernment no longer considers Christian Rahovsky persona grata and that they desire that a new Soviet ambassador be sent to Parte. PRINCE RUPERT BACK FISH ARRIVALS A total of 77.104 pounds of halibut ss sold at the Fish Exchange this morning, four American Teasels disposing cf OS 400 pounds at bids ranging from II. lc and 7c to 16.6c and '8c. while three Canadian sr4d 11.600 pounds for from lS&e and 7c to 16Jc and 7c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMERICAS Eclipse. 24.000 pounds. Dooth Flab- Mies. 11. lc and vc. ! Lltuya. 15.000 pounds. Canadian Fish At Cold Storage Co.. H 5c and oc. Adding ton. 30.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 11.7c and 6e. Rainier, 6.500 pounds. Booth Flshsr-i, 18.6c and 6c. - CASAItlAS Nuba. 3,500 pounds, Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co.. is.se ana vc. Rlnsrleader. 6.500 pounds. Atlln Flsh- 8 A. 1.000 pounds, Ww. 180c and 7c. Atlln Fisheries, Itrimlm to C.X.K. Veowl, Krrenlly tVrrt'krd In Sejmour Narrows, are About Completed nepairs to C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, which sustained extensive damage when she struck ripple rock In Seymour Narrows in a ids " month ago. will be compeiea m our-rard dry dock at Vancouver about the end of this week and It Is reported that the veswl will resume service out of Vancouver next Thursday night, arriving here on Saturday morning next in place of the steamer Prince Charles on the week-end service to Stewart. A glU. Rupert sister arrived , ft in IIIKTII. son was born to 844 Summit Ave. at the Prince General Hospital, ociouer o. Miss Norah Carter. R.N. of Montreal j of the late Mra. waiver mmic . Hie c:ty trom tnc mv vij r.'iu. at KauUoopa and taker, it to the of hu parents at Prince Rupert. Counsel for the father alleged that the i.icl.ei lu not a fit penou to look after the boy. air. Juit.ee -iorrlou esprested the opliJor thai the lather should not hare Utr.et: the law inu hit own hand and that the child itiould be ith 1U mother unlets It was ahown tha. the mother was not a proper pencil to be en masted with the custidy of the boy for the father read sffldavlta h: noted that Ilusflia had taken no effective steps to j from residents of Kamioops to the et- pcighnorly communication with the states of "I'ntil the Russian Government makes its rela- v it h the Third Internationale clear, that desir- ;n never be taken," he said. (act that the mother, on oevcral oc i caalons. had left the child alone In tb home and had not --' until early morning. The mother asserted that she had always left come one in charge of the child or had been visiting ftlends but a few doors sway. WHEAT SHIPS FOR RUPERT Number Said to be Fixed to Load at This Port During P'all VANCOntlt. ihi. . In sraln (.ililng Hrele here it l aM-rr-talned tlutt a iiHmbrr of irwels have lieen fUril on liehftlf of le Wheat IHmiI to earry rraln from ITlnre llu-rert. Tlie flrt or tltwe Miauld arrive at llial port In about lo wk anil frn that lime on there Ixmld be htdj arrival at tlia Mrt. Vaneviivrr l etlng t do a lilK buliH.t If the hlj nn he Mi-und. In autlrlpatloii if the big flow uf rain threiigh IMelfle mail) Iramp frcljclitrm are lirmlrd I hit way. COAL OUTPUT AHEAD 1928 Pirn Telkwa Collieries Made Slight (Jain Over Output of I Last Season VICTORIA. Oct. 8 The output of aoal by British Oolfcmbla Collieries In the first eight months of the year aggregated 1.818.11 long tons compared wtth an output of 1,153.681 long ton, In the corresponding period of 1926, an increase this yar of 158.873 long tons. The figures for the eight months period flM DI1M MCVT JuTEJrv J"1 complied by the pro- Uil Allll 11 LAI If CCIV I vtnclal Department of Mines and have been Issued by Hon. William Bloan, minister of mines. WhUe production, during the last two or three months, has been approximately the same as In the corresponding months a year ago. the long spell of cool weather In the early months of the year was chiefly responsible for the In creased output over a year ago. Up to August 31 ot this year. Vancouver Island Oolllerfs produced B60.240 long tons compared, with 787538 In 1926. The Nlcola-Frlnceton district alto showed an Increase production a;tregatlng 124.549 long tons compared with. 104,-498 tons in the first eight months of 1926. In the East Kootenay district production was 020,883 long tons this year as against 561,077 tons In 1926. Coke production In 1927 amounted, to ,ong ton comPared wlth 6iW In-!53884 Mr. and Mrs. W11B 1U The output of the Telkwa Collieries during the eight months of this year Is 702 tons, which Is slightly more than for a similar period of last year. Advertise in The Dally News Jan. .. Feb. ., March , April . May . June July ., Aug. Sep. . Totals 1927 1926 1927 192S 8.54 10.81 B4.8 16.5 8-51 9.97 58.7 44.1 10.64 7.44 G6.9 53 935 8.5 100.3 65 3.68 6.72 IV& 84.2 3.91 6.95 94.7 ISO 1.93 4.89 175.2 95.4 4 09 5.93 178.7 119 9.62 1.09 99.1 170 6717 62.30 1011.4 .7775 TWO MEN ARRESTED FOR BANK ROBBERY NEW WESTMINSTER, Oct. 6. Two men, alleged to be the bandits who held up Frank Brlggs. teller of the Dank of Montreal at Agiiilz Tuesday night, were arrested at North Bend last night and remanded for one .week. Despite resistance. Constable O ties of the Provincial Police, arrested thttn single handed. WKATIIKK ItKI'OKT. Terrace. Rain, calm, temp. 45. Rosewood. Rain, calm, temp. 44. Alyansh. Rain, calm, temp. 42. Alice Arm Rain, calm, temp. 43. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 44. Sttwart. Rain, calm, temp. 42. Hazelton. Rain, calm, temp. 40. Telegraph Creek -Foggy, temp. 38. Smlthers.Foggy. temp. 42. Burns Lake. Foy, temp. 38. Whitehorse -Cloudy, calm, tfmp 3 Daw-. : CI ud .a!tn. U.mp til. TAXI Wmln Boston Grill I 25 anti Ambulance large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand Exchange Uulldlng PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bent for the MATT V1DECK. Prop. least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ' v.. I. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THMCSDAY. OCTOBER C. 1927 price Five Cents TY IS OUTSPOKEN SECOND BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME WON BY YANKEES British Asks and Labor Party Treaty withU.S. Trade with Russia lamsay Mactlonald Makes Plain That Present Position I " of Soviet is Untenable BLA( KPOOL, England, October G. The Labor .v. yesterday called upon the Government to reopen i itions with the United States with a view to the rat vt of all outstanding political questions between deluding a drastic reduction of naval armaments, ! OTek i of t he seas in time of war and the conclusion of ' v outlawing war between the two people. T party also asks resumption of normal political adin relations with Kussia on the basis of a re al re lation of non-interference with each other's SHERMAN CASE IN LIMELIGHT Mother and Father Having Lively Tilt Over Hoy (irandmother tiitn Custody VANCOUVER. Oct. 8.--Thise-end-a-hall year old Wilde Sherman, nu of Tboinaa and Elsie Mac 8brnui. Uj ordered by Mr. Juit.u- Aulay Mirrisou to remain :n the custody ol his pater- , nal grandfather. Un. W. H. Shcruian. of Prince tlupcri. until alter the actnn for Judicial aruaratloii of hla parents ' oomes up next month. Coui imI lor tlx mother d Aimed tht I the had udUl1i1 the child by a TITLED LADY FLIES: Countess Drogheda, known as the flying countess, who leads new flying craze in the Old Countty. Improved Weather Conditions Here This Year Indicated by 'f ilTni Figures from Meteorologist While many other parts of the world have suffered from exceptionally unfavorable weather conditions this year, a compilation of of ficia meteorological figures for the year 1927 to date shows a much improved record here. Though there has been a slightly de creased amount of rainfall during the first nine months of this year, it is in greatly increased sunshine where a'considerable improvement has been shown. During the summer months of July and August this year there were over 350 hours of sunshine, the month with the least sunshine being February' when 58.7 hours was recorded. Last year the best month was September with 170 hours, while in January, 1928, there was but 16.5 hours. March and September were bad months for rain this year but June and July compensated for them, putting the 1827 total slightly below that for 1928 In precipitation which Includes both rain t and snow. Figure (or each month so far this i year, with those for corresponding ! months last year for purposes of com- j partson, follow: I Precipitation Sunshine Inches Hours IS ARRESTED Taken by Police at Door of La bo r Convention Room and Documents Seized l.os AMiKI.ES, Oct. 6. The arrest last night at the door of the convention room of the American Knlrrulloii of libor of MU Kimh, said to liea Communist propHgamla agent and the seizure of Communist document frustrated a plot to Influence the action of that labor organization, according to police officers. CONSERVATIVES IN OLD COUNTRY WOULD LOWER VOTING AGE CARDIFF, Oct. 6, The National Con servative party conference today passed by an overwhelming majority a motion savoring votes for women at the age of 31 instead of thirty. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Rid Asked Wheat '.hi.. 'Maty B.c: snver14 ..'.Vi'.'i ""'1JB: 1 1.40 Bit' Mls&uri :."' J0 Cort Proirtnce ' .3:'r ' 1 ;03V4 .69 Dunwell 30 M Gladstone .14 Independence .03 .05 Indian .03 .06 H L and L 10V 10 leadsmlth .06 Lucky Jim 29 Vi -30 Porter Idaho J7 .27 H Richmond IS .18 Sllverereat .05 Silversmith .16 .17 Simloh .60 .65 T iv 4 75 Pittsburgh Pirates, Helpless Against Opponents' Onslaught, Beaten by Score of Six to Two PITTSBURG, October Two fatal innings the third and the eighth sjielt the .second defeat by a score of 6 to 2 for Pittsburg in today's world merles baseball game with New York. Three Pirate hurlero were unable to stem the terrific onslaught of the Yankees in the sweeping bid for the championship. Two men from down Gotham way outplayed and outgeneralled their local opponents whose performance was such that it even dUgusted their own .supporters. Pittsburg scored in the first and eighth frame on scattered hits. It was the pitching of Pipgras, who was aided with sriinn fielding, that largely won for J the Tankeca. holding the Pirates to seveu MU Vic Aldildge, Pittsburg pitcher was driven from the mound In the eighth. Tomorrow the scene win shift to New York where the next three games of the series will be played On their hon.e grounds, the Yankees are being looked for to win th- next two gamee to give tbem the worlds honon. Should, bewever. the Pirate? come to In the strange land and take two of the gaBMs return will have to be made to this city to decide the Issue. Yankee, 6 runs. 11 hits. 0 errors. Pittsburg. 2 runs. 7 hlU. 2 errors. HKST INNIVUS Aldrldge and Oooch were announced as batteries tor Pittsburg, while Pip- eras and Benanuch worked for the Yankees. Yankees AldrMge started wltft a aasrre ball. OorcUa first Can Tip rjytnli M Barnnar. Ksetug singled to centre With count one ball and two strikes ' Ruth swung wild and fanned, the crowd howling. Oehrtg walked and Aldrldge threw out Meusel at First. No, runs, one hit. no errors. t - Pittsburg Pipgras commenced with a fas: ball. On the fourth ball pitched Uoyd Waner smashed a three bagger to left and scored on Barnhart'a sacrifice fly to Ruth. Paul Waner lashed out a vicious drive but It went foul by Inches, then fanned on third called strike. Wright filed out to Ruth. One run. oce hit, no error. !si:COM INN1NUS Yanks Lazzert splashed a hit on Aldrldge'a glove. Dugan up. and on a hit and run play fouled, and on another similar play Dugan fouled out to Gooch. Bengough fouled out to Oooch. Pipgras lined out to Orsn- tham. No rune, one hit. no errors. Pittsburg- Pipgras threw Traynor out at first. Orautham singled to centre Gehrig got Harris, grounder and threw Hpj out at first. Grantham making second. Oooch fouled out to Bengough. No runs, one bit. no errors. Tlllltll l.VMMiS Yanks.--Combs singled to tight, ball bounding out of Orantham's reach. Koenlg singled to centre and when Lloyd .Waner let the ball go by. Combs scored. Koenlg going to third. Koenlg scored on Ruth's sacrifice fly. Gehrig lined out a two bagger. Meusel got a hit to the Infield. Oehrlg making third and scored on Lazzerl's sacrifice fly. Meusel made second on throw In. Dugan filed out.. Three runs, four hits, one error. Pittsburg. Laarerl took Aldrldge'a line drive. Laser! also threw L. Waner out at first. Barnhart singled over second base. P. Waner filed out to Meusel. No runs, one hit. no errors. rOCKTH INNINGS Yankees. Bengough lined out to P. Waner. Pipgras fanned. Combs fanned, swinging for the third strike. Aldrldge was using a curve shoulder high. No ruus, no hits, no errors. Pittsburg. The crowd cheered for Pirate rally. Wright eent Jong fly to Combs who got it Traynor doubled to left centre. Grantham fouled out to Dugan. Harris sent a high fly to Ruth. No runs, one hit. no errors. FIFTH INNINGS Yanks. Koenlg filed out P. Waner. Ruth walked on four pitched balls. Gehrig nted out to L. Waner. Ruth going to second. Meusel tanned swing ing on .third strike. No runs, no hits. no errors, Pittsburg. Plpgraa threw Oooch out at first. Aldrldge fouled out to Bengough. L. Waner filed out to Combs. No runs, no bits, no errors. Aldrldge using curve delivery almost entirely. SIXTH INNIMIS Yankees. Aldrldge still using In curve. L. Waner grabbed Lacwrrs long drive against the wall. Dugan lashed out a single to left on first ball pitched. Bengough filed out to : I. Waner Plmrru singled to rtaht. MUCH LOOT IS DISCOVERED BY SEATTLE POLICE "X Cat HuTglar" Supposed to Have been Taken With Loads of Goods SEATTLE. Oct. 6. Loot that required i. furniture van and several automobiles to take away was discovered last iilght at the home of Arthur Zaeharlas, i elty light department employee, asserted to be the so-called "cat burglar" whr stealthy robberies of Seattle - hmtehs have baffled the police for jionths. CANADA ACTIVE WORLD RADIO His: Conference at Washington Will Hevise Radio Convention of 1912 WASHINGTON. Oct. 6. The Canadian representative was elected vice-chairman of the conrmittee ot the whole by the international radio conference and as a result Alex. Johnston, deputy minuter of marine and fytherlea at Ottawa, will preside over convention meetings nrhen Chairman Hoover Is not present. Four Canadian delegates will take part In the deliberations ot five of the ten committees which will revise the London radio convention of 1312. Flfty.twonatlons are participating. IS POSSIBILITY Important City Only 83 Miles Distant Has Been Evacuated by Manrhurians PEKIN, Oct. 6. The possibility of the fall ot Pekln before Shansl province I troops Increased today with the newa that Pao Ting Fu. an important city 65 miles southwest of rektn, had been evacuated by Manchurlans. The evacuation Indicated that the anti-northern leaden had won a major victory. MEXICAN GENERAL FIGHTS FOR LIFE TremeiiduiM Odd Fate Arnuffo Gomel In Final struggle (Today MEXICO CITY. Oct. 6.- Brought to bay. General Arnu'.fo Oomez Is reported today to be preparing to give battle agatmt tremendous odds wtth his life st stake. Reports yesterday had said that he was already executed. F. tit 1. 1 till itcroKT ., : , NEW YORK, Oct. 5. The Mexican consulate was advised today that Oen-eral Arnolfo Oomez. chief surviving rebel leader, has been captured and executed & SIXTEEN YEAR OLD SCHOOL BOY VICTIM NELSON. Oct 6 Joseph !Duan reaching secmo L. W,er , ixten year .dd scnool boy, ' 1 ;::t:un.l oralysis here, (contiuued on page six) Ntgneux, a succumbed