f ACE SIX THE DAILY. NEWS Fishermen Before buyin? your neit engine, come and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Siies IS h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sixes from 6-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AM) MARINE SIPPLY CO. Phone fcHO Cow Bay I'n'v.-e Ku;iert. B.C. 1 Xmas : Specials Brazil Nuts, lb Xit Almonds, lb Filberts, lb Hot Chestnut, lb :w? 1. It. Peanuts, lb 20f Walnuts, man., lb 2oC Walnuts, California, lb. 4 Of Shelled Almonds, 2 lbs. for !j? 1 ." Mixed Nuts, 4 lbs. for $1.01) Chrystalized Cherries, Cellophane, lb 7." Glace Cherries, Cellophane, lb 50r? Raisins, lb. luf, or 7 lbs. for 81.00 Baiaina, 25 lb. box . . 8:1.00 Prunes, GO-70, 2 lbs. for I!."? Prunes, 25 lb. box . . $2.15 Prunes, dry pac, 5 lb. tin ft.'f or 2 for $l.fS5 Dates, 2 lbs. for 2.V, or 9 lbs. for $1.00 Mussaliera Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Thor Johnson for Tiff iVi .ens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND-CLOTHES 11. S. WALLACE CO LTD. for Coats Dresses and Millinery LARGE FRONT ROOM TO RENT Suitable for Office H.S.WaIIaceCo.Ltd. 3rd Ave. and Fulton, Phone 9 WARLABY HERE TO LOAD GRAIN , Aindcrby Alo Expected to Arrive This Yeek for Cairo Prince ROperr tosrrta pus ship of tne mm the BrtUsh steamer War-la by. arrived id pen at 8 30 last nigh'. direct from England under ballast and : now tied up at the Alberta Wbea: Pool's Prince Rupert elevator where formal preliminaries having been carried out. she wUl (tart this afternoon or to-snarroa morning loading a full carjo ol grata for the United Kingdom or continent. An uneventful voyage ou. u resetted by the War la by which belong to the Ropner Line of England. oa-ier a! the "pool" vessels. several of !i:ri. have loaded here She Is umreb'. em. low In build and de-ugn to the otr.r -pool" Boats The next and flftb vessel uf iht w. sen here will be the steamer Aiude-af the same fleet as the WarUby :.. Is also due this week tut whose u-Unite time of arrival had not dc-learned by the elevator n.aiiavejneu" t this morning. Hallway offices ihu- ni'.,r...i. repjr ihe arrival of 89 car,- u! irra i. fr.rr. prairies since noon yesterday Ove: hundred carloads are or. t:.e divlsioi. route to Prince Rupert The Wallaby arrived her ;! rec: Newcastle. England, u! : a royaz . 42 days. 8he came Pauan jOanal. Her master i- Cap-. Hod:, land there la s crew of thirty-three ov-I The vessel li of 9013 tons register a jwa built only this year on the Tvm aiver T Uanon assistant inspector of -u--oms. arrived In the city Irani Victor. n '.he Prince Euper: th. morning Circle S. icnic nams THIS WEEK ONLY 28c Per lb. This is Swift's Premium Cure and is not salty. We have only a limited supply to sell so get yours early. They average from three to five poundi each. Esrs Pullet Extras, per doz. r."f 3 doz. for 81. Fretih Ground Coffee None bet ter for the money, 3 '. for $1.15 B.CButchers & Grocers limited Phones -15 and 574 OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND ROYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS i Htill on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. R. Miller, Proprietor Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCCT Aft as V"UlUU I. ANGER. Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street VaLftS TT m m "wasssegssgs-' mem trap Give the family a welcome change, something original -add a few "OXO" Cubes to your vegetable soup. They put in the rich goodness of beef, and impart a distinctly pleasing flavour that is "different" DAWSON COLD EXTREME TODAY I . The thermometer at Dawson dropped ' oday to S3 degrssj, below zero and at Ste wart River it reached 6. White' -lorsr registered 50 Zo weatr .., ah reared Ulterior pc.nts wnere It hi taagea:eo locally the thermometer oannat be wurkiiig well. The Oovemmeng Telegraphs report at 8 o'clock this morning icilows: Haysport Snowing, light wind. temp. 38. Simpson Snowing, north wind. temp. 28 Stewart Clear, calm. team. 18. An yox -Cloudy, calm. temp. 20. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, temp IB. Alyansh Light snow. calm. temp. 16. Roaswood Cloudy, wtndy. temp. IS. Terrace Cloudy, windy, temp 12. Hazelton Cloudy, north wind. temp. 8 Smlihers-Cloudy. calm, temp 5 be-1 low. I Burn; Lake Cloudy calm. temp. 8 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton St. and Sixth Ave. UUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND SAVE YOUR CENTS FOR XMAS ; We Can Give Y'ou Still Lower Pricen by Using the Coppers Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for 7:ic Pacific and St. Charles, tails, per tin II? B. & K. Rolled Oats, Ts .... ."7? ra:ry rlour, 10 s ; c Robin Hood Flour, 49's .. ..." Market Day Raisins. 4 lb.' for ."!)c below. i eat. graph Creek Clear, calm. 31 be-; low. Cbestey Clear, temp below Nahlin dear. temp. H besaw. Whltehorxe Foggy.- calm. temp. W below. Stewart River Clear, north wind. M below. Dawson Foggy, calm temp. 62 below. ... PEOPLE HAYE GOLD FILLED TEETH Adtanre of C'lilllzalion Into Nsrthern Wild 1U IU ItraatKiras tDUONTON, Dec. 7 CleUtaaUon. ad- Tanclng with steady strides into the Arctic iwgloo and driving barbarism back towards the north pole, in inflicting horrors and mjmrla on the aborigines such as they Bad never experienced in the "good old days," according to a traveller wbo reached the city from the Waterway It all started tost summer, mid the pUsrUU - ttln""lt dntlw- " Jerker of fangs." as the Gskimon labeilad him. made a flying trip on an Aklavlk steamer. The dentist left In the was) of the boat a number of renovated molars, glistening with gold, but he also lelt a deep and s biding desire an the part of the rssof the population to be able to flash the same sunny smites which those with the gold -encrusted teeth Hashed on the tligutast prorocs tlon. Back In the Barrenlands there was an old Bskimo w'.tb all the Instincts of a Baraum. and to the dentist he bled himself, when the latter was about to depart on a boat bound for Vancouver. "You scuem the whole works to me." he said to the dentist, attar he bad given the outfit the once over. The dentist explained the modus oper-a&di to the od native: seme money changed bandst and now tbc first graduate of the UnlwrMty of Aklavlk" practices his unholy rites. Every night, the traveller says, shrieks of horror and pain may be hoard coming from the medicine man's Igloo, as some unlucky "husky." whose teeth are in perfect condition, to having the best otherwise maltreated by tne new 'puller ol tangs." GJLLETT COMPANY NOT AMALGAMATED TORONTO Dec 7 George H. Mac-farlane. president. E7. W. OlUett Co. Ltd.. manufacturers of Magic Baking Powder and other weU-known food products has today authorized the statement that tne owners of the contratlln Interest in tne stock of bis company nave not sold, ei changed or otherwise disposed of their stock, that no negotiation have been or am now pending to that enS. and that they do not Intend to sell or otherwise dispose of their holdings In his company. Mr. Macfar- lane further itated that no merger or consolidation with any other company has been or is being considered. This statement has been authorized because of the jnanv rumors that have been circulated recently to the effect Cluster Raiains, 25c pkjr. for U)(kiof thm mll"d' Punttt1' laul1 " Currants, recleaned, per lb. 17f Bulk Dates, per lb lie (llace Cherries, Ms lb. pkg. . . ll.'lf) Shelled Walnuts, per lb. .. f-ago and Tapioca, iter lb. . . i)r Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin lOp Corn Flakes, per pkjr lOf Graham Wafers, 1 lb. pkg., each l!4c Weston's Oval Arrowroot, 1 lb. pkg 4:;r Comb Honey, each Fresh Ground Coffee, iier lb. !!) Selected Ceylon Tea, per lb. ."I)r Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb. U0e Citron Peel, per lb i'.Uf Cowan's Cocoa, Vfe'a 10 Fresh Prunes, 4 lb. for :Wf Campbell's Assorted Soups, per tin i4( Heinz Catsup, per bottle tIDf? Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . 1 lt Shamrock Hams, whole or halfJ per io i . Cooked Ham, per lb -4J Capitol Butter Bricks Alt? 14 lb. box for $;. E.C.D. Butter Bricks 47c 14 lb. box for SUM) Brunswick Sardines, S tins for it)(! More prices in a day or so Come in and look us over ORDERS LP TO $3.00 DELIV ERED FREE Phone 301 sfwaWawB Me that VV. OifejjjEolLtd.in process ofibeing EbferW was; to be merged or combined wilh some' "other corporation. These rumors arc entirely contrary to the 'fact. Ill IXNGTII Of UEHIDKNCK Occasionally those applying for positions In the service of the National Revenue Department, or officers seeking promotion, do not appear to grasp the meanlnK of the questions put on th? form provided by the Civil Service Commission One candidate, coming to .ue question fj' ttc length or residence in Cai.jdu replied 'Thirty by fe.rt.v lee Tne Nc-x ;.. Revenue Re-Irs i Advr",j m The Dally Wtwt ALICE ARM One hundred pounds of high grade molybdenum was shipped last week by G w. Bruggy from the Tidewater Molybdenum claims, four miles down the inlet from Allot Arm. The ship-meat was mad lor the purpose ofmak-lug a mlU less, the on beta takes from a ledge uncovered dating Ue year by WtUtam ltePariaue Plaaa ate beta prepared for the putting Into opstHInn ikxI year of the property whan M a .nost promising one Jusepb Wells returned at the and of as: week from Stewart where he has ei. supervising the construction of dam on the Bear Riser. Haas .-rsei. who wa employed on the . .3: am k li til Constable William SaUtfc At. vox was here on official ci d of the week Harry Owen who hss been hi r xk bouse ut the T L. Houate) : . camp, lei: Iksi week lor hie inir.r in Wales where few jatD -.c "i.f wiutar. restaurant and hoislhssp sri. ,:. busy lur:ne the past wee ,t - . . trie Ice harvest In amietpa- . Ii8 slimmer season. lsurti ' . ,, -. now generally setUutg dw the winter. At Fa.cjner wUl operate :! a :.- muaa down the Inlet . i. A.m. during the winter. Be will re .n: men emplcyed taking out ,.ru- aiid hemlock logs ss aetl as Alice Arm today him more anu on .ha: srround than was ever bedsre re-orded so early In the winter. Construction of the new gov Moment warehouse at Alice Ana will be started mmedieveiy with Joseph WeUs In shaft. It wlU be built opposite the etheol and will measure 40 by 90 feet. In It wUl be stored the tools of the ittbUc works department NEARLY DECAPITATED COLLIDED WITH TAXI HHKKTTON. Dec T Running out to 'xteb a southbound street car on B-Ttb Street at 1O30 on Thursday nigtrt. WU-llam BrasU. an employe In Ramsef neat department, collided wttn a tast edan going north, was nearly deoapttated he craebad through the right front glass door, and died shortly afterward' in the Royal Alexandra Hospital. His daughter winntfred. who accompanied him tram out of the avenue, wttlcn comes to a stub end at that point, was asm rushed to hospital, where It was found she suffered severe bruises to both legs. SYNOPSIS Of L'ND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant unreserved, surveyed 'rown laivts may be pre-empted by t'.ritlsli subjects over It ysars of sgs. ltd b) aliens en declaring Intention o beeoms Krllhuh subjects, condl-ilonal upon resldencs, occupation. Jid Improvement tor agricultural luriwaea Pull information concerning rera-.atloiia regarding pre-emptions la given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Hsrtss, "(low to iTe-empt latnd." copies of ihlch can be obtained frse of charge t addressing ths Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C. or to any Oov-srnment Aitent. f fteeords will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over 1.000 board feel ir acre west o( the Coast Hangs and S.00O feet per acre east of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be uddresied to tbs Land Com-mlesloner of the Land Recording Dt vision. In which ths land applied for Is situated, and are mads on printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions muit be occupied for five years and Improvsments mads to value of S10 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acrsa. before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information sse the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." C PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unressrvsd Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes: minimum price for first-class (arable) land la ti per acre, and second-class (erasing) land 12.40 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leass of Crown lands Is given In Bullstln No. 10. Land Series, "Purchass and Lsass of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or Issssd, ths conditions Including payment at stumpage. H0ME8ITE LEASES Unsurvsysd areas, not exeeedlng XV acres, may be leased as homealtea, conditional upon a dwelling being erected in the first year, title being obtainable after rsildenee and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES for grazing and Industrial sv poses areas not exceeding lit acres may be leased by oas perssa or a company. GRAZING m Under the Orating Act ths Fror-tnoe la divided Into gracing aistrteta sad the raags administered under a Oraslng Commissioner. Anting grazing permits are Issued based an numbsra ranged, priority bslBg given ts established owners. Btack-awBsra may form asdauas for rang management Free, er partly tree units ars available far settlors, safepers and travsUra, as ts test I Weekend Wedned; HOCKEY SrriCKS at :iUf Each We will ell one of these splendid Hockt -above price to every customer who purchasa Coffee this week. Thic applies to any line in in. GROCERIES Pure Maple Syrup. Eastern Townships, a new line at new lew priews. Quart tins lf H jrall. tin SI. To Gall, tins K'-' Tee quality fs esjual V the lewt obUinabre in Quebec. Fig Ban. per lb 1C Gi Direr Snaps, per lb.. . li'r i'eerleaa and llovls Cookiva, 2 pkjrs. for "'t Chocolate Kclairas,. pr lb. UU Glace Cherries, per lb.. . -Iff JohJtaon's Fluid Beef. re. UM. special i)lc ChriUnHM Plum Puddiaaa made by Chriatie Brewn Co. We have two eisM arriv- iojf in a few days. Union Hand Cleanser, the biatlteet value ever. 2 Una fer IWp Pels Naptha Soap, per carton TUf Cowan's UiMweetened Chocolate. Vi lb. cake .... Ur Cowan's Sweetened Chocolate, 4 lb. cake iTOf New Dates in bulk. 2 Ibe. ."f COMIIINATION SPECIAL 1 only Bath Mat ttllr with any of the following;: Assortment A tins Malkin's Peas H tins Malkin's Corn 'I tins Refugee Beans 3 tins Tomatoes. 2's Per dos., S.r() Assortment It 3 tins Quaker Peas, No. S ;t tins Quaker Corn 3 tins Refugee Beans .1 tins Tomatoes, 2's Per doz $1.75 Assortment C 2 tins Pumpkin. 2Vs 3 tins Spinach. 2's 3 tins Tomatoes. 24 2 tins Asparagus, 2Vs' 2 tins Malkin's Refugee Beans Per doz., Assortment I) 2 tins Sliced Peaches, 1's. talis 2 tins Roeedale Pears, l's, talis 2 tins AprieoU. l's, tall 2 tins Sliced Pineapple, l's, tails 2 tins Fruit Salad, l's. tails 2 tins Royal Anne Cherries, l's. tails Per dot., ?2.K." Rupert Table Supply il Phones: WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Douglas "Soft Cushions" A modernized comedy of the "Arabian " UI v DOUWLAS MACLEAN. SUE CAROL, RICHARD I WADE BOTELER, ALRERT (IRAN and a bevy of beautiful girls COMEDY AESOP'S Admission . i : MOFFAT'S Electric RANGES The result of forty years' experience are coitiinu.io ing imitated but never equalled. Fitted with or burning attachment We buy direct from the manui Thompson Hardware Co., Lti 233 Third Avenue. IWIi i Special AN APPLE liV . r, 100 boxra V : , than . nuali. . Pat-Ked I54i box Exlra box ' hex 8i This is thr thir season, and v fldent will m , Aguia. JAP OKAS.,! s Per box ... xi.m; This is the .. . ' or Japs this . L-ontioer it a which m shal. man Kmpt enr rape. Special We have 2i .... t' above. l Ajou Vear and wonder; . basket ... Celery, pgr heat: Cauli flower, r LcttU'., r Ttma'.M. p't Hubbard Suun-' Genuine Spain Ibh Choice li.C ..: : Parsley, per lu: 10: BrUHMel Sprou: ME,T DE1T We boufht NY at very lirw pn end. Visit ou: i, It thin week .: Blade Hone P lb Round Rene I'll ii Mound steak, i -Sirloin Steak. -Liberty Steak. : Rnmp Roasta. i Veal Steaks. i Lef Veal Roas: -Shoulder Veal, i Porlc Sa usage, i-Loin Pork Roa Freeh Side I'-' PROVISIONS Maid of Clow: Butter, in sir R.C. Egfjs. A i every egg n doe. for SI-15 Finest New Z- . a per lb. :!0' U10 121 1 - 'M'J. Maclean in "CLOSE SHAVES' FILM FABLES 35c and 10c .