You can't help touching Germ-Laden objects This Toilet Soap Purifies Door knobs, car straps, public telephones, money v :r hands are continually touching them. And so trj hundreds of other hands some of them perhaps not as clean as yours. Ph sicians will tell you that hands are a favorite means ct transportation for germs. As a simple protective measure, why not use a toilet i ap that removes germs as well as dirt? Because it is j wonderfully refreshing and cleansing, Lifebuoy is t ' v the favorite toilet soap of millions . . . used v-t-'uly for every toilet purpose. Each time you use L vuuoy, its mild, creamy, anttseptit lather will go J GERM DISEASES f J that hands mav carrv 'IU 4 J I) Lift Extmim aMtaa Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection) ira irca Ptilrrniritit - 1 r jpinjt Cough Smallpox Diptheri Scarier Fever t i-,,kef!pox Septicemia B .is M isle, Bronchitis T-plnid Dysentery Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Caibuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (akin Infection) Social Diseases Ctvabro Spinal Meningitis Tb wir Inflarnta fprradi it nnlsowa to Uke ry prccauuoo. deep into every pore to purify and protect. The pleasant hygienic scent o f Lifebuoy your reassurance of its antiseptic protection soon evaporates. Lifebuoy is orange red, the color of its pure palm-fruit oils. Get it today. LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProiects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto LB7S CANADIAN Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings c from Prince Rupert To li'f.'hikan, IVrangrll, Juneau and Skagwsr Novrmber It. 2Cj Decem- To moUVr. Victoria and Seattle November t, IB, 30; December tl, :id January 4, PKIXCESS BEATRICE. 'or ButedJle. East Bella Bella. Ocean Kails, Namo, Alert Bay. Campbell Elver, and Vancouver every Saturday, ! Tor all Steamship Lines. , . Fa" Information from W t OKCI1ARD, Orneral Agent, .rnrr of 4th street and 3rd Avenue. Wnce Rupert. B.C. Phone 31 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 BIAS BAY IS HEADQUARTERS FOR PIRATES Chinese IJrlttands Divided Into Two Distinct ( renins and are Well Organized HOMO KONG. Dec. 7. Bias Bar has been the heaoquxteri of p train since the King Dynasty, scoordlng to Chinese tradition. At Penghol and the islands around tba bay there are the ruins of several atone eastlea which can still be seen today. Those oaetlea vera built by the Chin auvtMritlss hundred at yean ngo as protection from the at'l ik.y. of enemies from abroal. As these isluuaa arc remote and seldom reached by the arm of the law during the Ming Dat y plratea. either local one or atrangera from abroad, made Bias Baj their rendezvous Du:ing the Manchu Dynasty pirate aruvitiea grew teas when for the fir. time in the history a governor, called The Penghcl Governor." was placed in tlie Penghol district. Unfortunately )..b local government passed away with tne Manchu Dynasty in 1911 and after u.i- revolution of the Chinese Bepubll: new governor was never replaced at Pmghoi. and pirates became active again. TWO KIMI OF PIRATES Roughly pirates In Bias Bay can be classified Into two different groups. The first group alms at steamers and bigger Teasels while Use second group attacks only cargo Junks and small craft. The first group has headquarters in Shang hai and Hong Kong or Macao and re- oatfe more eahaustlve reports of cargo sad passengers carried by various user, it is said that thousands of dsMara are spent la organising coup, The pirates hsve fixed rule for dividing booty, but generally the power Is in the bands of the chief who die- tributes the booty to his follower according to the work ttwy have done. Those wbssa work It to to rush the brmge. to attack the engine and the rates, rooaas art rewarded with bigger portions of the booty. The pirates have t Madid in cap taring a vassal thsi: abandon it and make good thoir eeeape at the small vim an of Tsichow and SbJumok. the nrroxii iikoip The second group ss not so eoterprls- mg and tbay attack only Use earge Jute which pass near Beat Bay. Tbey do not hate to spend large sum to orgaah-e attacks like the other group. Tbeir headquarter are in U SfeunUu sad Suakong districts In Bis Bay and the district are said to be mountain. cos and most difficult to eiptere. The notorious chief of this group is Kg Dal-kln, bo has spent naany years In the Bias Bay. It H also known that owners of cargo Jutrka passing Bias Bay frequently get to touch with him and pa? tribute. After the payment of trifeutte a secret password is gtven by the pirate chief. Sometimes it is in the torn of a password, while at other times the hoisting of a flag of certain color or of some article of clothing are used a alsmab). It Is a known fact that most of the cargo Junks from Chao-chow and Swatow regularly pay tribute to pirates In Bias Bay. TIMBER SALE X9390 Sealed Tenders will be received by th. nutrtet Frrreater not later than noon on the lth day of December. 1827, for tbe purchase of Licence XB493, south shore Drancy Inlet. CJt. 2. to cut 875.000 feet board measure 6f spruee. cedar, hem lock and Balsam sswiogs. Two (2) year will be allowed for re tr.i nf timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- fhier. victoria, or toe umwki fmviwi, Prinoe Rupert. B.C. NAVIGABLE WATERS' PKOTEO TION ACT. Canada Chapter 115 KevlsMl statntes -uf . BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & nsrirTNn OTTMPANY LIMITED. HERE BY OIVES NOTICE that it has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister oi Public Works at Ottawa un.-i in the office of the Registrar of ; Land Titles at Vancouver, British Col umbia, a description oi toe site ana plans of a cannery, cannery wharr and perquisites thereto, proposed to be built jn tlie lands covered with water fronting on Lot 1295 and Lot 1405, Range 3, fioart District, in the Province of British ! Columbia, which said Lota are situate at Johnson unsnnei in ine aaia rrovince. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first ion of this notice, British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company Limited wUl. under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of tbe said cite and plans and for leave to construct the said cannery, cannery wharf and perquisites thereto. DATED at Vancouver, B.C., this 15th day of November. 1927. JAMES H. LAWSON. 1318 Standard Bank Bldg.. 510 Hst!ns St. W., Vancouver, B.C. Solicitor for the said Company. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. Graham Island Land Recording putrict of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the west side of Rennell Harbor at the Head of Rennell Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of Erltlsb Columbia. . TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing ti Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Can-ners, Intends to apply for a hase ol the following described tacds: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of a creek called Twin Riven thence 4 chnlnv west thence twenty-one Miains north ttienoe 4 chains east: thence following contour of ihore line to place of commencement and con Tar sl, acres, more or less. . P S ;i. April! M. M Ecm-ih. Ai;er! THE DAILT NEWl " INDIANS TOLD CLAIMUSELESS Contributing to Funds For Seek injj Redress la Only Throw Injj Money Away VICTORIA. Dee. fl. Trie spending ol more money by the native for use purpose of getting their churn to the lands of the province forwarded Is just waat- tn H and tbey will be so advised Now that the sum of 1100.000 has been voted by Parliament to be used In lm- i prortag the condition of she natives i in tMa province, the lands question is' closed and any further effort to open wm be useless. W. E. Drtehburn. Indian oommts- skmer for British Ooiumuia has issued a frtendry warning to the Indiana tot shannon an attempts to appeal to km; aeorge or ts vhe Imperial Government or more generous treatment. All ln- nans la the Province will be toht that tbey will be wasting tlve.r money if hey contribute to any more funds to ! nance such appeals. "The deetsten of Parliament ab lutefy dMlbwBw te reoueets of the IndhMM for compensation because of Usetr lacs ownembip all over the Pro- 'ince ta final.' Mr. DitchbSkrn said. The new plan sjader whieh ilMhOOO 1B be spent annually for the befceflt if the InoMscs in addition to tfie usual ippWprtstteiis will atand and further ippeate by the naUves to the British luttsrsMUes are tiwlesa. In the bast In dlaa ta many district have spent a great deal of their money paying for he cost of sending chiefs to tjmSm o see the King and ask for more genre us treatment. We are warning the ncHaas now agfrtast atsrti eipesjdKures because they would Jut be a waste of money." TO INTO KM TKIUKS Ur. Dltenbwrn wBI commence Im mediately to distribute among the edu sted I mi fens who can rad them, :cpies of the report of the special earn mtttee of Parliament wMeh considered the claims of the Allied Tribe in June. 1920, and the rtnrameadatfcs jn which the preeeat Indian pottey la 1. In this way all the natives will he tatotmed of the final decisions of Parliament on their case. More money will be spent to assist the Indians of the Province next year than ever before, the Indian Commis sioner said. In the present flaoal year of 1927-28 1365.000 Is being spent for fineral Indian administration here. besides 1508,000 for Indian education Kext year to these appropriations will be added the new anneal grant of 100.000, making a total of at least 978.000. .M'EXMNfl THE MONEY The Indian Department la now work ing out details of the $100,000 expenditure which will be devoted to technical' education, provision of . hospitals and medical attendance, and In the promotion of agriculture, stock-raising. and fruit culture and In the develop ment of irrigation projects. Figures contained In the report of the parliamentary committee which considered the claims of the Allied Tribes of B.C. show that since 1871 tbe Federal Government has spent 10,800- 300 on tbe native of this Province. The expenditures rose from $500 In 1871 to this year's appropriation of $873,000. Man in the Moon PROVIDENCE can't be on the Job all the time. Thert are bound to be some auto wrecks. The man who urges you to be a patriot la usually a demagogue. HOME it said to be Jest little on the way frozrr' badminton to t A PESSIMIST is a man who refuses to milk a cow for fear the mflk may turn sour. ITS up and be doing Or down and be done Just choose which you lrke You're bound to be one. SOME people seem to be short of everything, even cash. SHE was short of hair Her aklrts were brief And as for her cash Twould cot tempt a thief. She was short of stature Her speech it was curt. Her temper so short. She could treat you like dirt. THEY sy that golf la conducive to NOTICE LAND ACT. OF INTENTION TO APrLY TO LEAKE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate on tbe southwest corner of an unnamed bay, on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province cf British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Massett. B.C.. occupation a lumber" man. intends to apply for a lease of the lotlowlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Orshsm Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province cf British Columbia; thence 4 chains southerly; thence 10 chains easterly thence 4 chains nor tJ'erly to the shoreline: tbence following the shoreline to point of commence-titent. and intsining 3 acres, more or ""Td A ROBERTSON, FAGZ rrva profanity. But It la played out of door whereas badminton is played Inside. AT badminton be often played And we record with solemn word That though he was a fiery soul He never once had cussed the bird. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert I LtfUEK 7, 1917. There has been much devastation and death In the Naas Valley aa a result of recent floods. Omelal reports of the disaster hare been received by Indian Agent C. C. Perry from Miss P. Capper, field matron at Alyansh. At meeting of barber of tbe city In the Empress Theatre last night. It was decided1 to make a small advance in tbe price of balreutting. Tbe session of the Supreme Court As- Ulces here came to a cloee yesterday with tlie iicaflhg by Mr. .juiMce dement of a number of minor civil WAS NOT DRUNK BUT FACIAL CONTORTIONIST Grimace of Sergeant not lllm Into Trouble and Alw Caused Arqultlal LONDON. Dec. 1. The spectacle of a court-martial being convulsed with laughter and convinced of the prison er's Innocence at the same time was furnished at Aldenhot when Sergeant William Henry Burden. 1st Royal Ulster Rifles, was arraigned for being drunk in the sergeants' mess. The Regimental Sergeant-major deposed that the prisoner grunted and grimaced to such an extraordinary extent that drunkenness seemed the only explanation of hi condition. For tbe prisoner it waa urged that an. other sergeant waa singing an old Irish song, called "The old sow teaches tbe little pigs to grunt." The refrain comprised a combination of grunts and squeaks, with comical facial contortions. j Sergeant Burden, the prisoner, was do-I Ing bis best to render the thorns wor-I thtly. and succeeded so well that be i was put under arrest for drunkenness. ) The court-martial directed the accused jaergeant to 'repeat forthwith his rendering of the tittle pig's chorus. He I did so resdUy. The court, from the preudent to tbe Junior subaltern hardly attempted ts conceal xhe:r la' nter at the result The eour nar .np in part recovered its grt i"y a-ru; d se prisoner hehhessy! .s-S$SEMaK ' '. aM: The Safest Spirit in all Emergencies Keep It Handy THREE STAR n y a 1 U WOO I This advertiserrent fs not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia se ions now TILL CHRISTMAS The wise shopper shops early! Our complete stock of Hardware f:Yrs a range of Gifts that are both beautiful and useful. We invite you to call and inspect our specially selected stock of Christmas Gifts 1 Aluminum Roasters Waterless Cookers Cocktail Shakers Tea Tots Coffee I'ots I'yrex Ware Silverware Electric Curling Irons Hair Dryers Percolators Waffle Irons Egg Beaters Toasters Carving Sets, etc Let Your Christmas Gifts be the Useful Kind!1 STORK'S HARDWARE DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BItEARFAST POOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., It A Prince Kupert. B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . . SaUlngs from Prince Kupert. l or VANCOUVER. VICTOBIA. 8 vans on Bay. Alert Bay, etc, Tuesday. ' I p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butedale. Alert Bay, ele Aatntdav am lor PORT SIMPSON. NAAS RIVER POINTS. ALICE ARM. ANYOK "" STEWART, Walee island, Sunday, s p.m. US tnd Avense. It M. HMITII Agent Prince RuuerL Kr