" riniwe mupert Mutily inews Tuesday, December 2, 1952 ® : . ota ® ; ra hy ™ . + a. ™ a, 6 “ee: Om +) ° oy . ox a : che OME AS tae fis! eat 4, ¥ et a een ae eee eee eee ee hee See rr ee er ete ose eT we al yat wt PS media Ad nde Gael Malo! te eu ee MiP Hew 4 FROM A to Z... YOU'LL FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR CHRISTMAS — xu2%«. BERBER ®, SB ate ys im a Pie Sy ee ift thot are always by come Choose from such femous makes os Frigidaire, Beatty and many others NEC ORG Ce AND... It's So Easy to Buy a Really Woith- CHOOSE THE CHOOSE YOUR while, Lasting Gift for the Home ... When GIFTS FOR GIFT NOW! You Use the Convenient | * Your Home * Your Family ceo | BUDGET PLAN | “ii: ene A Small Down 4 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ‘ y ; : is for Appliances y , 7 ao ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ % Cer: : a" * 7 ¥ » ¥ 2. RRMA AAABAEAAABADBE y ¥ " : ¥ AT YOUR Payment Will Take ¥ CONVENIENCE ¥ DESIGNED TO FIT YOUR OWN Care of Your Budget | y ¥ INDIVIDUAL NEEDS AT Pion Vecchens 4 ¥ %.iS for Bedroom Suite ¥ Beds, Bookcases Bign ; Pm eR Be ¥ kets, Bed preads and RE a eek pe 7 hs f ' : Peake seas ss an ~ i , St OF Otner B 9g RELUCTANT TO GO—The 3,000-ton City of Grand R (= y thot will be saying amshi rived.at Hamilton, Ont., to be ad * y Merry Ci tmo* ; i> crew mmanded by Capt. Stewart Bain E if their recipients form ritied it as “the ghig that does not want to die és PHONE 46 THIRD AVENUE WEST * eee : d \ Irs TO corns lays occurring en route to the scrap heap. The trip from gy . Benton Harbor, Mich. to Hamilton. a distance of 80 an CCCCE CECE CEC Cs ct £ cccee cree MGOLE SSCA EMT SE GY CTL LEC ECE ECR EC EC CCRC CNET TC NTT COUN OMEC CE CHC COL CC CHET EEE E y K nearly ¢é nth as sul ft I <4 > ye w Y l ] a i > ) 6 : : : : F . ge “ . y » ’ ae : bd ¥ ¥ y ove Letters Fubtisne e 4 : “ ie : 9 , “ BN > He t y ee . . 8 ? ¥ ¥ ” But Critics Take Dim. View | | ; : Y ge : z y z y + $ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ : : ge ; * ¥ e pint iy i : : 4 . JUNI N (Ul ine Tamous love t an » ¥ : y ¥ George Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell! ga zg x y ¥ ¥ ee hj Se ee 5 : ’ 3 ¥ y Pave finally been published in Britain. pe ’ y y ¥ y yiht eas i 2 a yee Pa : sald f% a r " ¥ f - % : y . y is for Ho ry | Hig critics take a reserved view of the result. F s for Chairs, and Cedars is for Desk nd Dining % 1S for tlectrical Gift : is for Furniture a hun- & is for Gas Range S$ and & Choir ° { Te in : - 4 = ative an be Ee act y GIFs nerr - cla ment: Under 72 : gm Chests, Carc ; r n Suit Dinettes. » aNd whether it be a Re- § dred and one practical y Gordon & Anderson’s ¥ iaawtias ag t y + at 9 ~ ais % ~ s het € j ’ IV- — = ‘ . ee ~ “ro » 'rigerator or an inexoen seful aifts for the home - i ; TAKE TO CURLING writes ir 10 M ( g& Tarpet ~ FID Curtains w L/roperie nnerware % r “ — z USerul g ts for the home Z Christma ; selection in ¥ ored g tts thot w : at ae 5 : f Credit , ; rinnt esive Kitchen Clock and for most every one ¥ alee : oie hh a .s . Se or ane and most of all Cred 1OZer r pra Ol ¥ th > ¥ cludes the notion § fore y ™mOsS fv me ul te ‘ mM ; { be sure to find it ¢ rm r lis ywdon Mounties Ride} \.::: iS ‘ierdiy cred. voursbostt nioguariore tea ean Ete ae Ir on your list. Gente oe eee cet daumamed aeredys: kines: tre in Shaw & rienaly credi yours g gilt suggest: MO’ Wwtt @ ot Gordon & Anderson’s % Anderson's selection » MOS! or Ost desira : Mend Dg ; § without adding ar ¥ | * re t ¥ . ‘e nre. £ '* Cr worgon ¢ em ut adding jg to use at Gordon & An-# make your Christmas ¥huge Christmas selec- } comprises 2 great floors ¥ make Mother's pre pieiewd 4 lame as a rite . ¥f ” ¥ ’ . ¥ de On s yOu er on ce ae acess ga derson’s on all your gift ¥shopping a lot easier and #tions. Just come and ® the most extensive » ference for a practical ¥ lidantomeina 1 . as Sone Me 1g p& problems certainly more pleasant. % see » in the city » gift » from grumpy old man a es ; Like Veterans character,” writ I CCE CSM SIC CEE « ‘ OOOO CREE. OC OC HONE OC OICIIN ES ORIEN Ene IO OCS Eee CeO OEE HOCCES ” - ” sh s himself spiritu oP . i" ~ ¥ The Mou k to the ; sit ag y y g A V1 . } t I ua if er. bs y ¥ ¥ Ga} f rnal evidence 3 . y ¥ » ist rub? wir; h Ste . I ¥ & ¥ a : be ween hh nd 4 : ¥ y z an. atte ) ampbelk conld have’ peer Ng ¥ ¥ Yr ! two rink 3, chose n€ on the s without ¢ Ag } 4 ¥ ¥ th f the a the public moralit 3 a ¥ ; y ¥ ne ¢ c Author Rebece Be ’ ” y 5 Who challenge; any m Of in the Evening a ¥ » ¥ ¥ policemen to battle, the curlers the correspondencs ve ¥ ¥ $ iwrived at the rink shortly be- as a ned lake fia ¥ “ ¥ t wai oa 4 . ~ The pr eing absent. one of, LONG CORRESPONDENCI 2 > : e ¥ he spectator y from the The letters are a : far j f ' . Vv rc y i for Living Room . not ~ t Prinee Rupert Curling Club— Gollancz under th 3 ge is for lroners and irons %'S for Juver rurniture ¥ is for Kitchen Furniture » 'S S : 9 : y is for Mirrors, Mottres- § ror fur . > a ‘ . ( j > j i : : ; offere to vel the event. nard Shaw d i BR gifts to please the ind Gordon & Ander- ¢ and what more » Suites--Luxurious styles » ses. Mixers iusto few y jesty th Here is his accou: Campbell Co d- & : x . iil. 1 < he inne 2 ek ' oe : ¥ ; é y ‘ , 7) ee seugay Sie SEs oe e7 p&% practical housewife ' rargest » thoughful gift can you % by Kroeler, snyder, and ¥ M suggestions, but cer- # '9! ft approx 2,90 p.m 30-11- nce ne xcnan o . ‘ y Me ’ ; ‘ C 3 Y . cr . ee ; , Are ¢ ciith tary select ry yr rot wc i sla c ¢ . ¢ writ ; be,» A ” of the Hard | 1899 and continued off and or BR Choose from such fam : - “ ; 7 ave th an a gleaming % other Lamps, on eye y tainly well worth your § ‘ - ddler ere waiting | until 1939, reaching 1 BM ous makes as Beatt 3aby Cribs. High Chairs. ¥ New Chrome Dinette or ¥ u *» don & Ande ' re he curl- | 1912-13. when p oe a ee oetty = r ¥ ‘ = opening selection ¥time considering for#, |. ; { fae am as Morntw Rich ards “Strollers, and many, & Kitchen Suite Yes, @ , 7 ist Goz ae. ¢ PPT IRUEE, Footy cn. Phos Ry § Cn ee ae © ' ,' » Linoleum to brighten up ¥ some lucky person on ¥ gift iten ht oe 4 ; ee oe i Sampson, Sunbeam, »many other cesirable ¥ every woman will really ¥ your floors. Luggage for # your list Epes \ Hard Rocks taking . ' ' , 4 y UTS QC . } y' ¥ IOlly 1 f De Eve Jim Hick- Mrs. Campbell was a_ fa- © and others. on friendly items for the your qster ¥ welcome gifts for her ¥ |, oe y : vy ae Er oll se mous and talented actress. In &R ETE NEE ys mee 4 ¥ the holidays ¥ ein the thre arte he ame rolling : if ‘ : ¥ Le itel, “ Y ' wit} ee er took a| 2 letter to her in February, gm credit room » kitchen y y ¥ pant 1 a vel POCK ‘ 4 ae 4 aes vidi! wit? . yw , we . little sweeping. Then Sam Mc- oe go ere a 7 : “— FR ere ee CCRC CCC ERT GOS . CLC EMIS BL CT ECE CRN CC EC CHNMERMME CREME CCE CCR EEE C4UE EME CCK eT Cel CURES Phe of the € idler ‘ yk to the wore stella . epeates - in a” * i f 4 - times. In a typical passage the BR ¥ ¥ ¥ : ower, Same month, be wrote fe 5 ¥ : ; t i i fw ow > ‘ lett. ms : > : ) ve ' io aie a ; ICKi gs ‘ rock wa a it} y mac ! iisnn = 7 : fraction of an it hort Of| my final n netifi oR . : gectting over the hog line, Skip | tion my fir ti ‘ ph y z y Harvey Saidock wouldn’t think | purificatior y light tho pR , ¥ > f sata Sam we sea, my palm a e ce { ak . % : cee my garden of a , ¥ : NEXT Was million namele ys, my d w w 1 ea Eee Of wage, my night's drean m Bx : ¥ zy ¥ Hi Lop darling and my star Ea : : 4 ¥ : ee ¥ ” 4 ape = on ——- g% is for the Odd Gifts cnd? for Pictures. Pillow » § for Quality, but most & ts for Radios: Record y is for Stoves, Springs, ture ig event ie '* aw eet he : : of ; 5 ‘ \ i c > . » nd ‘ Taletal a: . ‘ ae | oes ng. OW: RCA F M h . BR Odd Picce: out-of. * plenty of fol would be ¥of all O is for quick, ¥ Players, Refrigerators ¥ Sofa Beds weepers, » abl id Table } : oe ee ay aes A .¢ c ide S , cky rock me as ; ‘ ‘ oe © pee i arvira r 2c & smokers, Scar's for your palbiha Wate oa aie 4a ecnanic ye the-ordinary items that % just too happy to get ¥ rhorough service you # and Rugs thoughtful ¢ ’ ft} : nla x ‘eg tended it 4 > ’ 5 > t ‘ it , a : ~~ met & ott t a ¥ pearQgomM, oO Many qi , _ vhere he i d , j ; ( Wins Medal he may just prove to be the ® such practical giit can always exp cttog ty gift ; for the home thot r dentate eins vukas te S ; ; : ; sut wa inable to get the full ; : , . ' | ‘ > - j . yu~we i Oa I ae eta as P . ‘ - right gift you are look. } And we must say, Gor- = gt Gordon & Anderson's v bring pleasure to the c heading ou won't ] h } j rigi 3 y 4 Ure ws ® - ' 3 S ¢ J * i fen Hill then took the honors in ~ ‘ 9 can’s sele * Dorcon zed ser. ” j ‘re # i ; Ten Kettl . Ciudttecs ‘Sacan cree By Saving Life §& ing for. Come in and®& Jon & Anderson's sel Persona:ized service our : entire family... We're § have a bit of trouble ' for th iddle by placing a ya : = > ‘ ’ oe yanter i he rings, Hodgson) oppawa’ cp) — 1 Rriticl b8 look around you're ¥ tion is quite pleasing ¥ specialty for Christmas ¥ especially proud of our finding something Suit- » AW/ ; I rit y We L 3 s a : oy ; 1 knock-out sl f . - ry ‘ ; - : ss : : eee hot wmpire medal has been awarded 4 velcome any time ¥ too | 952. * wonderful selections : able to LAC. Roland B. Gelinas, 25 ‘ A ive v ienueninl rmi ed to get one na of St. Barnabe Nord, Que py see 's00E"2's CM LE EE MEE SIGE SG EEO OCEANIC Re NE Ee ee GE MEE CCE Cig ee eer et CME TEE ELC CLC CEC MTEL LEE CMCC Ce QM CeIn ee . e p 1 guard anc Air Foree announced thit # , ” : ¥ i hot rock. Art), ao od ee ty vite 3) $9 ” v ¥ y i le Saved a lelow irman 1 o : ty ¥ % re DERE” LO HOO had been pulled into ir in- #f M x y ¥ i ] trast . - 2 aa y . His, ft , hot take duct of a jet aircraft b Hr » : : the: Ne © Darrow ard chipped ing revved up befc asite it M ¥ ¥ ; d of the Cuddlers in mak-|4,.°..,-— , aR “ rf y ‘ —s ‘ 4 flight - 5 » ¥ ¥ two for Cuddl bt ¢ an a ¥ ‘ “ Geo-re Simpson folliwed The airman an air fran ie 3 4 e ¥ : oes "ei technician now station it Si. FF os ‘ . 4 sneaking a rock on the 12-foot: <° . , eae ; 7 5 ¥ t ¥ ting. The next shot Burgess: Hubert near Mi ee got - ; ie % 5 ¥ » knocked out the Cuddler iii medal for “meritoriou f ice on es af “ » sar pedi race pees. booe at North Luffenham, Eng few 7 j ¥ laying in, counting one, Simpson *” * ‘ ea are fis ¢ z ¥ y ( n't take that and promptly November, 1951 y = i; ¥ e ol the aed ‘Sewer’ te «| The citation said LAC. Gelin oR $ : , Z e knocked the Hard Rocks’ rock . a eee cr 7 f : ; 2 5 4 ° : ‘et out. ereehed. Wap . Oiler ae ii zis for Vanity Lamps, y's for Washers—Beatty, % is for one thing only #-is for Our Yule Decora: is 10f ‘ futcl } ok i and hung to them until the ge jfs " 46 o ty, \ ? ’ ¥ fan Hutchinson. todk ‘a’ dim | OPS Bune on to then ae UNMATCHED ¥ Vanities . Vacuurn & y < jon OS. we think they 71PPERS view of the circumstances and|@m¢ine had been stopped. de-' Ye sani > : atin, wthe finest, either auto- ¥ Our Xmas >pirit.. we're & ' 1 y at : not knowing which rock to take |SPite the fact he was partialls BUDGE TERMS e Cleaner s, Wenetian ” * are especially nice this them on gE whi I LO ta ee Z ‘akira ie . ‘ ; a 4% ” we have tnem ¢ cut first, decided to take two|Grawn into the intake * Blinds, and, above all, & matic or wringer models x just chock full of it, and year... the entire store i . we have with one shot. The ice was given anc % Values... the best yc y = i j x ~~ Toilet to him and like a veteran he | Saicock’s next was a little short o will find in la tat Bee also Wallpaper. ft it’s our job to moke : pairahg eiey dee. y Garment bog drew his first rock through the|of the mark and Hard Rocks UNEQUALLED y ul £ oe t y your Xmas as merry OS ¥ oe te ieee aes weer ¥ ¢ Shaving Kits narrow four-Toot port to get the | then took the lead, which they fe . a % this end of the province, = &? % traditional with this ¥® Sets, 10 two rocks. never relinquished, and eventu- SERVICE and VALUE c s0rdon & nde ei 2 , * . bhinas : ee or Gordo & Ander we can make it ¥ merry season and other thing Saidock followed with’ a tre-/|ally won the match 7-5 elt ee ; v ¥ i ar mendous shot, narrowly missing} Not downhzarted, Cuddlers Z 961 Sy to KIIOWT TOL Taal ¥ ¥ x Hutch’s rock. Hutch then drew|again challenged the winners values ’ y ‘ ¥ 2. guard, sewing vo the chances|and plans have been completed ; i k oo ’ % : vm mogragernarnerhaen ee of Cuddlers for the first end.! for another game this Sunday. #% Ve TE EN Mag AME ENE ME MEME LENE 8 NEN 8 8 EN SNE MMM NUEVA NNN NNN hr Dern ar ar erb ar yah arn hart ar ir rach arnar nara ( wera at