25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Building MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVII., No. 10. KANUKHfcKb FOR OVERHAUL w r--i arrived in port at 10 o". . to ,y -the only poHl doubtful point hi from Vancouver and. whkn retnataa to be eenaidered la whether ai ...i aome 300400 feet oljany Dominion. ttHnj in advance of the I imbcr at the Ocean dock. 'optnloo of a self-governing Dominion In dock Saturday for over-j and particular war In which Ilia Ma-: r ijealy might be engaged, would propove !.: Ranger arrived In Van- W abouid be neutral. Out no one erar week with cargo from Mont-, aavaisced aueh a theory and t am (lad (olng up the rraser River. ,Uty have not becauae It would be the ran into mud bank on !mot untenable theory one could advance. ti ernoon 8be was refloated .8h a theory would mean that ther M 'i'. wuh the assistance of thould be In the Empire but. when f-t ;-oe and Droceeded to Nanaimo trouble arose, they eould etay wiuWe." I X -t aome 300 tana of coal for rremler Bruce and nu party aauea iai a; dry dock night on the Niagara for Australia, lie A t,e u tlnubed here, the Ranger ;n Bnice vuited the legtalature iroired to Vancouver to load cargo (t a orient wi AMno Ti An i u V fl FIERCE STORM ; 'I U.I OK Tilt IIMTIIN IIAKIIOU t II till" WAh III.OWN INTO MAT Kit AMI Ktmr iioAT i;.Miiiiii: hai naiiiiimv ir.m: 'KIUCUATC. Jan IJ Halt of the .in "iuae on the ThuraVon Harbor i " waa blown Into the water and the went adrift, the foreatry beat Kn- brln( aavt-d only wltll great dllfl- ' when a fierce wlndatorm atruck c dlairict on New Year's morning. r " i lunger Martin and hla engineer f : t for two houre to extract their l rjin the wreckage and finally I!.3!i..l'iH n niil anri run to the d of the Inlet for ahelter. At 8kldrgata, Oeorge Newberry's 1 ji broke looae and went aahoro but pl!'rv.y of help waa offered and the H waa aaved. Newberry and a (Hrnd atarted out In a amall boat after e launch but thla boat waa awamped lid they had to swim aahore. RUBYDOLANTO GET REPRIEVE lll.l.rTTIOS IIKIMI TAKKX I I CAI.I.V TO ItltlMI lTi:tV,HT WOMAN IHOM KINOMON I'KMTKNtlAIIV during the session yesterdsy and met the members. Premier Druce (lvtn( a abort addrcaa. ' 4 lout i tion or ti:n r:n knt in m:ttimi i.iri:NM;.H okikntaia 4 Adam Macklc, Impector of flahrrlea. thla morning an nounced the receipt of a tele- (ram confirming the reduction by ten per cent thla aeaaon of 4 OrlenUt gill netting llcenaea. The baala of the reduction will be on the number of auch licen- tea granted lait year. CAPITAL OF ROYAL BANK IS INCREASED l)lrrrlir lUlelo IUIe It by Ten Mil-llmi In llo.tMMl.otMi IHliI up fallal 1 4 S3ll,IHMI,OIHI MnMTtiEAL. Jan. 13. The ahare- ' Hiiii.i, ' T 11-. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE IlUPEItT, B.C.. THUIiSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1027 Circulation 1S7S Sales 52 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least. Phone 457. Pries Five Cents RICF DKM WAR ON PACIFIC 1 " " - aiivljd nurcni uoriLf io inncii luiiiYoi vjhlvu vlk nofner Reason Why Canada Should Have j Program .... of Defence JKUU VI nUJlUllUII iflVCI fllfldll JUI'CAIA 11113 fc OO : Dominion would have to call on his country if in trouble 4 j VICTORIA. January 13. Dealing with the question of pomti-l war on the Pacific Ocean for the first time since he landed In I N f th America, premier S. M. Bruce of Australia, addressing the! i . aihan C'luh yesterday afternoon, said that eventually "both Aui-i iraiian and Canadian trade would have to be protected by the whole j i f the British Navy," '"You in Canada," said Premier Hruce, "have greater trade than A ' 'alia, Sunitose there wan a war on the Pacific, lou would feel reply if I had to .cnd an Australian cruiser to help you. How 1 .can Canada today poMlbly maintain that ab la equal with Australia, my great country We made effort In the Oreat War but our f for la were aa no thing when compared with the etforte ' made by the people of Britain. Todaj ' they re bard preaaed becauae of what they did. If we In Auatralla feel tha wt have sot to aaaume some of thU MI.IIT IKOM Mil Til AMI tlOCt ada ahould alao." 1 IMM'K Tl'KIY I After UUn that all the ImporUM " i pHrtiejeseatrtd by the Dominion had oovernmeat nerenani been (ranted before the Imperial . t Canadian Ranter. Oapt. trrenre waa held. fmatt Unit went on Word haa reached the city tht Ruby Dolan, aentenced to five yeara' lm- prUonment for the killing of Jamea Donald In a New Year brawl at Stewart lat year, will be granted a Yeprleve nd reieaaed from Klngaton ienlteiHlary alter having apent several months there. " Is understood that a collection la be-'4 tskrn up locally to bring the woman uftck to the province. A'ver'lar U '.lie Dully News. holder of the Royal Dank of Canada thla morning voted ,to Increase, the capital by ilo.ooo.ooo to sto.000,000. The paid up capital of . the bank now etaiwla ti aao.oooooo with a reserve fund of an equal amount and undivided pro- fit. a E. Nelll, general manager, waa elected vlce-preaident. VANCOUVER EXCHANHU Wheat : . . DC. Slher ... . Dunwell Olaclcr Gladstone Oranby Independence . IndUn a. Marmott ...... rremler Porter Idaho .. Bllvercrcat Richmond Did. Asked. 1.3Hi 1.87 100 1.4J 1.40 .09 i .10Vi .Wt -33 33.00 37.00 .10 .101 .04 -05 .10 .13 1.03 1.03 .13 Wt .03 54 -08 .1151 .1 Its terrible to be a highbrow and ashamed of It, but It's worse to be a lovbrnw nad prourt of It. MAURETANIA'S TIGHT SQUEEZE, when, after seven years' absence, in .which she had steamed nearly 2.000.CO0 miles, she returned to Liverpool, she had, for her overhauling, to be taken Iiuo dock with only 10l inches to spare on either side. Some may recall when the gigantic liner sailed into Halifax harbor and drew up to dock, where she had never been before, . under her own steam. ' Search for Drifting Schooner in Queen. Charlotte Sound Has Been Given Up Without Result VANCOUVER, January' 13. Search for the schooner Oregon Kir, reported to have been drifting helplessly off the British Columbia coast since her sails were brown away more than a month ago while bound from Shanghai to Seattle, has been abandoned by the tugs Cape Scott and Roosevelt which have been seeking for her in the vicinity of Queen Charlotte Sound for the past week it was learned last night. "We do not know the reason for abandoning fhe search," said E. F. Cribb, manager of the Pacific (Coyle) Navigation ' Co. Ltd., owners of the Cape Scott, -unless the ther aearch far her would be usele&i owners figure that the achocner has untU aome definite word of her where- been blown further out to sea and fur-. abouta had been picked up." MAN WANTED IIKMtV sMtKTII, IIKAII Ol' MH'TIW HIS AI.IIUITA LI MUM t CO, ( IIAUIICI UITII MtlNlt-I.IM1 M:tV YORK, Jan. 13. A rnirral alarm ha tirrn lirtwdrut HmiUKliiiit Caiuila and Hie I'nlted Malrt for the urreot of llriir) rrttli, irrldent nf the bankrupt ntlirrn ,lhrrta l.umbrr t'o. Mil., Iroin New York City ami Seattle where he I rlmrged In an liidliiiiirnt liundrd ilimu J r-Irnlay with nwlndlltig the lUmllton National Hank of New York of not lri than SI.Mi.ihmi liroiili u rrles of "kited" rhrrk, Srrrlh I uImi hruil of the ilefum-l silk Srpurr Mllli Mil., which rr.itrd a Mmnlll at ljurrn Cliur-little ci:v, M.ltKTII DKMK8 VANIOt rVER, Jan. 13. "They liioru't got a leg to ktund on In IhU nitlon ugaliitt mr." mU llrnry Srrrlh ut III rrMilmce here todny. lie annoimceil Unit he rectel to leiite wllliln u few lii)S for New Vork lu face' the ulmllliig cliurgra rrxirletl In lrr lclali lic lo lime' been laid iigulnt him there. A Srottlr leiiilh iiioteil UiiiIh Mhiiln, who, wltll H. W. linker, It' leinporiiry mehrr, of t tiV sonllirrn Aliti-rla Co.,uHiiylng:"'rhl looks to me like mi liiniraiice eoiupiiii' giinir anil Miiiielioily has to be the glial.. 1 inn t'omliifril that the rhargrs utalut Serrth are wit limit fun mint Ion." Srrrlh. who It a plnnerr Culgary liniilirriiiuii, ha llieil In Vunroii-er mill seuttle hlnre 1910. Using the most up-to-date machinery a baker can make 470 loves In about srvpn minutes. OTTAWA IS STILL TAKING EVIDENCE ON FREIGHT RATES OTTAWA, Jan. 13. Taking of evl-i drnce before (he railway commission U'l If Southern City Will Not Come to Terms This Port May Be Acceptable Wheat Pool director predicts what may happen if Board of Harbor Commissioners refuses to lease elevator CALGARY. January 13. Regarding the possibilities in the event negotiations between the Alberta wheat pool and the Vancouver Harbor Board fpr a lease of an elevator collapse on the appointment of a new board, Ben Plumer, wheat pool director, says that the pool offers no threats but, if the Vancouver Harbor Com- ! mission does not wish to have pool wheat go through that port, there are other outlets such as Prince Rupert. He also intimated that a United States western port could be considered as another outlet. Mr. Plumer said that the pool directors had not considered tak-.. . . . . i . . -., iag drastic action for no reason waa the general freight rates case continues, pp 1 1 rnnM CTPAMCD. British Columbia and Alberta hare now ITLLL rlUlll Oir.rtlULI, S 5i DROWNED IN FRASER thewan. commenced examination of A.i 3. McDonald, traftlo adviser of the pro- I nee. SEVENTY-EIGHTH MONTREAL THEATRE VICTIM IS DEAD MONTREAL. Jan. 13. Ernest Robl chaud. ajed 16. the seventy-eighth vlC' Mm of the Laurler theatre fire panic to save which occurred last Sunday, died last Hubert Young. Aged 31, Loot UN Life llefore Eye of fellow Workmen at New tVextmlnvter YrMrrday NEW WESTMINSTER, Jan. 13. After ; swimming 150 feet against the strong current In the Fraser River when he was knocked overboard by a falling tie from the steamer Robin Ooodfcllsw here yesterday. Robert Young, aged 34, sank before the eyes of his fellow workmen and waa drowned despite their efforts him. night from burns and pneumonia. Advertise In the Dally Newa. Strong North Wind Caused Considerable Damage Last Night on Local Waterfront Boats moored -along the waterfront suffered considerable damage last night when a fresh northeaster swept down from which ther had no protection. Many of the boats had no one on board while others left their moorings and anchored In the harbor or wen; down to Seal Cove for shelter. At the Prince Rupert Yacht Club not a line was broken although Shef Thompson was on duty most of the night looking after his fleet. Both at Cow Bay and the Dry Dock several boats suffered dam- age and many minor repairs b necessary. will now Two craft went adrift during the night but hae since been recovered. Various estimates of tho damage to the different craft run from 12.003 to S4.000. Among the boats which suffered damage were, the Pair of Jacks, Ver-na, I.W., Cape Spencer, McKay, Deth-une. Valorous, Jock. Reveille and Ttlnfio. seea why ntg:Uat!ona could not be re- opened with the new Loard. It waa Vancouver that would lose If negotiations for the. elevator there faUed, he aald, for wheat would follow the line of least reslstatice. 1 Regarding a telegram sent by Seattle to Oeorge Mclvcr. sales manager of Cat. adlan pools, suggesting that the pool hip through that port and offering suitable rates and accommodations, Mr Plumer said that, aa far as he knew, the pool had never discussed with any Seattle representative the possibility of shipping wheat that way. FATHER OF LOCAL LADY PASSES AWAY The 1-ite John t'urtl of VUtorla Vllted I Here Some r'our Yrir Ago Mr. O. I. Smith It Diiughtrr i John Curtis, father of Mrs. O. 1. 1 Smith, 308 Seventh Avenue East, died yesterday at hla home In Victoria. He was sixty. five years of age and had re- aided In Victoria for thirty-seven years. having come from Kent. England, where he waa born. lie waa In the service of the provincial government until recently when he was superannuated. , Beside, his daughter here, deceased leaves to mourn hla losa a widow and thre sons Horace i Heinle I who waa here four yeara ago and took an active part In baseball and other athletic, anil Jack and Harry; both resident In Victoria. The late Mr. Curtis visited the city some four years ago. Nearly 12.000 .husbands are . reported mlwUuj from londnn. ' BILL REGARDING FRUIT PRODUCTS INTItODl CEU IN I.E;lLTl KK 11 V ATTORNEY OENXHAL TORY COMPLAINS RECUSE HE CAN NO T CRITIC IZK VICTORIA, Jan. 13. A bill waa Introduced In the legislature yesterday by Hon. A. M. Manson. K.C. attorney-gen eral. Intended to overcome some of the troubles met In handling fruit products. It mikes provision for the keeping of records by all mercaatlle agents, the books to be open at all times for Inspection by an dfflcer of the government and all the moneys received by the amenta to be regarded aa trust funds for the benefit of those concerned, and other provisions. The blU was given Its first reading but will not be further advanced until those concerned have been heard. H. TJespard Twlgg. Conservative, Victoria, continued the debate In reply to the Speech from the throne and complained that the speech offered little to criticize because of the fact that there was little In It aa to what the policy of the government waa to be.- Mr. Twlgg. In connection with the enforcement of the liquor laws, said that 1120.000 had been aet aside for thU wark by the government while the customs Investigation had shown that tlOO.000 was contributed to some per- 'sons to ,see that the laws were not en-"tfcrcei He demanded a thorough I examination of liquor conditions In the J province. PREMIER COATES MAKES ADDRESS PKEMIEIt Of NEW" ZCALANII. REKUti: CANADIAN CXI' II IN .MONTREAL. I'UCES CLOSER TRADE RELATIONSHIP MONTREAL. Jan. 13. Announcing that he would have a conference with Premier King at Ottawa In the course of the next day or so on Canadian-New Zealand trade. Premier J. O. Coatee of the latter Dominion, addressing th! Canadian Club on Wednesday, pointed out that closer relations could be brought about not so much through legislation as by Industrialists and merchants. He said that Canada at present was selling five times as much to Nrw Zealand as she bought from her. HUGE ADVERSE TRADEBALANCE KIXOROEII IN OREAT IIUITAIN' lOlt 19:0 COAL STRIKE WAS L.UMSELY KESI'ONslULE LONDON. Jan. -13. Oreat Britain had a huge adverse trade balance allowing for re-exports of more than 433.000.000 sterling last year. It Is the biggest adverse t.ade balance alnce 1819 according to Board of Trade figures today. The tctal foreign trad. Imports and exports combined, dopped r328.O00.000 below last year. The situation la being ascribed largely to the coal atrlke. NEW COUNCIL PORT SIMPSON Indian Agent W. E. Colllson returned to the city after having conducted the elections at Port Simpson. This year there waa the usual contest tor the position a If I always being considered a high honor to serve as councillor. The various dutlea f the council are very similar to the duties' 'of the city municipal bod lea in arranging for the policing and other aervlces for the community for the ensuing yesr, Erneot Dudoward waa elected, as chief councillor for the year and associated with htm on the council board will be Kezeklah Wealey. John Bankey. William Dudoward, Henry Pierce, William Bryant. Thomas Ooanell, David Johnson, Matthew resit, Philip Oretn. Jamea Henry and tloiw.