PAGE SIX Tins advertisement is not published ,r displayed ay tlic Lienor i: n)rol Hoard op by Hie Wovcrnmenl oT llriiisli . Columbia. Jif Jif Specials Jif consists of Soap Flakes at 23c per package. With every package we will give one china hand painted cup and saucer free. So why not take advantage and order a dozen packages? Classic Soap, 17 cakes for $1.00 White Swan ' Soap, 20 cakes for fc $1.00 Mussailem Grocery Co. Ltd. 117-12.3 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many canes of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. " Present neglect may mean future trouble. PA. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist aiO Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Uirch and Spruce Per load $6.30 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c FirelighierK, 18 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer l.'J'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE HUY 1101TI.ES. MILK From Rulkley Valley fresh milk and whip-pint; cheam Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone G57 THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Janunr ju ,J g 1MS3 jlJLi H.JWJU1I.I CONES WILL BE . EXTRACTED BY Start Riffht ISLAND PLANT COMPANY rittIM KASTKIt.V CANADA is ur.iiiMt rxni:i)UTAKiv(j rito Be on Time! JIXTl.II I OK SKIDCCATC SKIDEOATE. Jan. 13. It has Just been learned (hero that company from Eastern Canada Is coming to Skldeeite In let to put up a plant for extracting Sitka spruce seeds, The place will be the nrst of Us kind to be erected In Central cr Northern British Columbia Durma the seed cone season. It will cm. ploy one hundred men. The residents 01 tne Islands hope the company will be given every encouragement as the un dertaklng win be of1 much benefit to inese parts. WlliKI.KSS Ktl'OItT 8 a.m. Did BY ISLAND. Clear, light N.E wind; barometer 30.24: temperature. 28; IN PItOHATE IN TIIK M 1'ltKMl; toritT Of liltlllMI CWLI'MIUA In the Matter of the Act: anrt T In the Matter of the Estate of Alberta i-umcis. ueceasea, intestate. TAKE! NOTTrrR that h .t ir.. Honor. Judge Robertson, the 15th day of December. A.D. 1926. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot Alberta Dunlels. deceaspri nri oil ni. having claims agalntt the said estate are ""'"j m luraisn same, pro perly verified to me on or before the 16th dav of Jamiarv A n iqot u parties Indebted to the estate' are re- "." hj me amount oi tneir in debtedness to me forthwith. NOItMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C D.ltpd the 16lh rlov nf a i- ' " " 1928. A DANDY ! JAPANESE CHINA CUP AND SAUCER FREE With One Package of "Jir . "Suds in a Jiffy" All for -,(. Get a dozen or half a dozen while they are going. 40-50 Prunes, per lb 23 lb. box for CO-70 Prunes, per lb 25 lb. box for . v PURE JAM SALE many and they have to go. 12'2c $2.9". B C. Butchers & Grocers Limited j Phones 43 and 571. THE SALE 01' ALL SALES (lualily I'irjst, Price IjisI Jlen's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $.".'JH Men's Tweed Suits $'J.Jj Men's Tweed Overcoats $!!.8:i Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts 5if,.j Men's Overalls $).j;, Mpii's Wool Hose 29c MANY OTHER HARfJAINS Come and nee. We set a hard pace for others to Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Itlock Phone 575 DENTIST George Rorie CHARTKREI) ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 143 Second Atcnue West, Prince Rupert sea. smooth. with the water. none better lai&g BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, fresh Si. wind: barometer 29.82; temperature, 36. i sea choppy; 7.15 p.m. spoke steamer! Citala, at Shushartle, northbound; 81 p.rn. spoke Amur towing Riverside from, Blubber Bay to Ocean Falls 20 miles: from Ocean Falls. ; DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.- 64; temperature. 24. NOON DIOBT ISLAND. Clar. calm: baro meter 30.24; temperature. 32: sea, smooth; 8 ajn. steamer Prince Charle passed In. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 23.- 72; temperature. 35. KELLEY LOGGING CO. PUTTING IN FIRST RAILWAY, ISLANDS THE HANKRUPTCY ACT. IN TIIK. ESTATE OI" JOHN' CIIAKLtlS CJAVMJAN Authorised Awljnnr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. John Charles Otvlgan. of the City of Prince RutM-rt. In th Provlnro nf ArttliH wic ucuciib vi ni creditors, ana that H. F. MacLead, Esq.. Official Re- 10c celver. has appointed me to be custodian .,.,-1 of the estate of the debtor until the i nrst meeting of creditors. j Notice Is further given that the first meeting or creditors In the above estate will be held at the of fir nf th Of flrll Nabob, Empress or Malkin's Best I Receiver, court House, city of Prince i,i,ri....... T., a n 4i iRupcrt aforesaid, on the 24th day of, Mrawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... ae( January. 1927. at eleven o'clock in the Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tin 73c I forenoon. . i .. To entitle to vote thereat .,.i,, T , 11 you proof Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... 0clOf your claim must be lodted witfi me iseu rium dam, 4 lb. tin 5l)c ,tJfi!'"rat """""s " new Thpp .Tm. 5.,.f i ,t L .Pr.0X'e. t? H8"1 the meeting j u 1 ' must, oe loagea wiin me prior thereto. first-cIaKS HtnrV. Iinf wa Yiuva I Aur further take notice that If you ' which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me or with the trustee when appointed: otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thle lum aay 01 January, ivfi. JOHN L. CHRISTIE. Custodian. LAND ACT .NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO to i.i:.w; LANll In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that nobert M. fhirrl , of Vancouver, B.C., occupation fish packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:-i Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner about 1,000 feet wes terly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence westerlv 2d i chains; thence southerly about 12 chains: t viiriicc ruiLpriv ji rniini' than.. tlierly about 12 chains, and containing acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E. Applicant. i 1 tTTTT TtTTtttl 1 COLD SNAP IN THIS DISTRICT !KI.K MUtTII HINIIH ACCKNTt ATM (IKNtKAL IIIEKlMi t'OMIIIIOVS LAST NKillT AMI THIS MOKMMi With a strong and frigid north wind blowing, thermometers In Central and Northern British Cslumbla took a downward Jump this morning both on the coast and In the Interior. Smlthers was the coldest place recorded in this pan of the country and for low temperature Its record of 25 below at 8 a.m. was almost as severe as in the Yukon and worse than at Telegraph Creek. The following figures show weather conditions at 8 am. at various points on the Government Telegraph line: SKIDEOATE, Jan. 13. The first motor' Prince Rupert Clear, light north railway to be built on the Queen Char-, wind, temperature 28. loile Islands is being put In by the , Terrace Clear, windy, temp. IS above. T. A. Kelley Logging Co. to connect the ' Rosswood Clear, windy, temp. 14. camps at Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island,! Telegraph Creek Clear, calm. temp. 14 below. Columbia, formerly carrying on business ! 'v. Smlthers Clear, calm, temp. 25 below. Alyansh CT ear. calm, temp. . Alice Arm Clear, calm .temp. 19. Anyox Clear, calm. temp. 20. Hazeltdh Clear, calm, temp. 10 -( , Burns Lakectear. calm. temp. 10 be as Rupert Table Supply Company and : Nahlln Clear. tcalra, temp 6th day of January. 1927. make' an au- I Whltehorae-Cftar incnzea assignment or all his property ; oeiow, 1 below. notici; or intention- to apply to!w. . 1. lUlllOIIIIItt, calm. 4S below, temp. 46 Dawson Clear, calm. temp. 42 below. Selkirk and Sfewart River Temp. 40 NEW OFFICERS MOOSE LODGE itoi:it ixt;fTi:n dhtatou I'OK 19!J AT ANNVAL .MKKTIM1 LAST MfillT The Moose Lodge tfWt ntght elected officers for the year 1927 as follows: Past Dictator B. J. Bacon. Dictator OUlls Royer. Vice-Director Sara Haudenschlld. Prelate Jack Judge. Secretary Percy Cameron. Treasurer Thor Johnson 11. uerrv (two vearsi anri w 11 nf 01 alien 1 Montgomery one year). In Graham Island, 3ueen Charlotte 1 Delegate to 8upreme Lodge. B. M. Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bsy. 1 81mPn or (alternate). MasHett Inlet, Graham Island. 1 The Installation of officers will take TAKE NOTICE lhat Powell River place on February 2 1 Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C. , : occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply lor a lease of the following -de-; scribed lends: Commencing at a Dnst Dlanted at the northeast corner of D.L. 1571; thence I i westerly, following northern boundary of 1 I said Lot to the northwest corner of said ! (Lot: thence westerly, northerly and rasieny, louowing tne nigh tide mark or PRINCE CHARLES IN FROM ISLANDS; JOHN WILL TAKE SERVICE rergu.wn nay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point: thence south-1 njR " steamer lcmcr Prlnee Pr,nce rhrl Charles, rant capt. easterly to the point of commencement. and containing ISO acres, more or leu. Edward Mabbs, arrived In port at 0 POWELL RIVER COMPANY, ' o'clock this morning from Vancouver Agent. J. Dougla1sTWllson.!n, Queen ch" Po'"" n1 Dated 4 th November. IBM j on Saturday evening for the I north end of the Island . returning here I a Vli 4 f T IjAtNIJ ACT ! for overhaul on Mnniliv Th Prinr. John wjll then take the run, leaving here on Tuesday night for the south end of the Islands and Vancouver, sailing from Vancouver Saturday (January 22) on the regular service. The officers and 1 crew of the Prince Charles will transfer to the John while the officers of Prince Charles remain in Vancouver for their annual holiday. C. P. Davis la acting as chief engineer on the Charles and Purser Norman McLean of the Prince George is relieving purser. SKIDEGATF Islsnd residents were pleased to A I. II. W. M. IIKOWN .capt. E, Mabbs. Chief Engineer C. tee 1 F.i j respectfully, solicits your vote !D"Tl n Purser ,Ber(t Robson back and influence in his enndi. dature for ALDERMAN for PJ27. 4. ALI). W. J. (iRECR Tor Re-election, PJ27. A continuation of your con fidence for this next terni Is respectfully solicited. 4. f 4. a f f aboard th i Prince, Charles 'recently, Mrs. N. - Schaeifer of . Lawn Hill Is 1 down and is going to Bandsplt to visit her son, C. Bruce. Capt. Pete Hanson and Ross Morrison made a prospecting trip and reported finding a good deposit of coal at South Bay where they will probably remain for a while. So fsr as British fashions ere concerned, girls girls again. The advance spring- styles show a definite .reactlou agaicit the masculine modes. MANY WOMEN USE SIMPLE MIXTURE Women appreciate the quick action o: simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc as mixed in Adlerlka. This remove OAS from the stomach in ten minute and brings out surprising amounts of old waste matter you never thought wis lu your system. Adlerlka stops that full, bloated feeling and makes you enjoy sating. It u excellent for the relief of obstinate constipation or anted atomach trouble Ormes Limited. Druggists. Advertise In the Dally News LAND ACT NOIIU; or INTKNTION IO AITI.V TO TO l-UCUI W; LA Ml In Prlnre Rupert Land Recording Dl-trict of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm o. Tmaoo Harbor. Moresby Itland. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province ot British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Jaairs rjeld. of Prince Rupert. DC, oocupatlon Marine Broker. Intends to apply lor permission to purehase the following described lands:- Commencing at a post planted on the north shore ot Siuth Arm of Taaoo Harbor, Moresby Island. Queen Chariot u Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, about 0 chains from the end ot the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chain north-wteterly: thence 10 chains soutnweote: ly; thence 10 chains southeaster!), anu oouUlnlng twenty (20) acres, more 01 JAMBS FIELD. Applicant Dtted Noveo.ber 2). 1920. THE HANKRUITCY ACT. in Tin: iistati: or iikmiv iioiii.kt. .ulli(rL-s AMlgnor. NOTICE IS HSK20Y OIVEN lhat. Henry ItabarU. of the town -of Port CTemenU. In the Province of British Columbia, did on the 4th dav of Januarv 1C27, make an authertred assignmeni o: all hts property for the benefit of his creditors and that II p. XfaeLeod. Esq.. offirlal receiver, has appointed me to be rustudlan of the esute of the debtor until the llrat meeting of creditors. . Notice is further given that the first 01 creaiiork :n tnt anove estate imrcu&g will be held at the on ice of the Official Receiver. Caurt Houe. City of Prince Rupert aforesaid on the 21st day .ot .Januan. IM7- at eleven o'clock In the I forenoon. j To entitle you to rote thereat proof jef yur claim mtmt be lodfed with me before the meeting t held. I Iroxles to be useil at the meetlnc must be lodged with me prior thereto ! And further take n slice that at such ! meeting the creditors will elect the permanent trustee. Aur further take notice that If you debtor for have any claim against the Trustees-Fred Soadden .three j RS year.,, I which jwj are emiiiao 10 ran, nk prooi .1.1m M.H.. h. fiurf 1 m w Hint .1.11 iiic or with the trustee when appointed: otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.S.. this I Oth day of January. l27. ALEX CONNON: Custodial! If any segment of the Spine u in an nbnotnul powilon (iibl'jxilior.) prrwurt ! rrcvluctd on the nerve mill i (hit point snill ducat develops. T.100 T. rut kick TrwT T.HtAST TaltmCl l.UVU t.TOCH T. JMAUIKTUlI'll T.sovat t. Arroou T.IOVUUMU. T. C.AtXXJ . N ThcChiropraclor -zMW - tilrviVC. d. a. McMillan Palmer (t'raduate CHIROPRACTOR Rooms C & 7, Exchange Hlock Phone C'Jl ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our whop as low as $50 22.-1 Sixth Street Our Clock arc nil Kuaranlt'cd timclaTpcrK. Vlult uur ('Imi Room. St'c the heautlful CRANDPATIIER CLOCKS CHIMES CLOCKS WALL CLOCKS. Doens of different dolsiw In Fancy .Man lei Clock, Clotkj from Sjtlj.-, up Max Heilbroner Diamond SpeclalM 327-52U Third Aunt WESTHOLME THEATRE TO.Mf.IIT ONLY, 7 and J p.m. Blanche Sweet In - The Far Cry9 HLANCHE SWEET. JACK MULHAI.I, HOIIALT HOSWOItTH, JOHN SAINPOL1S. WILLIAM AUSTIN, MATII1LDK COMONT nni others COMEI)V-SWELT AND PRE1TY. AESOPVS FILM I'AIII.ES Admi.Hiion 35c and 10c PRE-INVENTQRY JANUARY Wc can promie you lia renins Ralofe. Space U Hmilcd. V can only mention a few Item. We pay no expert lo put on a dale for us hut we gie hl rr muneralion In greater values to our customer. Sale Starts - January 14 and Itrminntes January 22nd. DRESSES All new colors. Values to $7.60. for .St.t). Palance of Dresses in Flat Crepes, Satins, etc Take them away at V price. COATS Some wonderful new Coats, value $17.50 to $ID.G0. All to he cleared at V4 off. Children Coat at same reductions, off. SWEATERS The very latest, including Jaejjer lines. Ladies', Children's. Roys' or Girls', per cent off, UNDERWEAR All lines to clear at very heavy reductions. JaeKcr, Turn-hull's or Watson's. Silk Vests from Watson's make. Silk Illoomers from .SI.OO. Watson's make. SILK HOSE Monarch Green Slrlpe. Kijf. $1.2., for 7."r Holeproof Pure Silk Hose and other lines. Vajues to $1.75 for .t.'J." All Wool Cashmere 1 1 we, various colors. KcKuiar '$l.lfi for fier pair --,r Chlldren'M Cashmere Hose, any size or color, per pr. 10c Hathrohcs at 20 per cent discount. Coroetx of all description. at special prices DRESS (iOODS Special Tallies 30c yard, 73c yard, $1.23 yarJ Flannelettes, Towels, lledspreads, ..Curtains, Curtain Goot' lljankets, Cretonnes Sheets, nt reduced prices. All lines not specified from 10 per cent to 20 per cent Discount. No reserves. CASH TALKS IN THIS SALE CUT THIS AD. OUT. The H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone !). .ltd Avenue and Fulton St.