dav January 13, 1927 ERFEGT jrfk HOND Iparkling I rilliancc If voti are tdnnnlnrr In nnr. Srhnae a diamond for vnnr. nelf, or the engagement ring, we Invite you to consult uh. As an authority of precious ntones, your purchase from us, it a diamond, In your assurance of getting the best. Our selection of diamond aro net in beautiful mountings of latest designs. Perfect diamond in n range at J2."i.00. $r0.00, $J25.00, and $ 150.00 JOHHguwBijr . rlPWPI I PPS . . - . r i imc siokt wan THE CLOCK, Closing : Out I SALE NOW IN FIJI.!. SWING Many Itargaln In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT ladles Iteady.to.Wrar Ihlrd Ave. Phone 631 VXD HAVE SOME FUfTi LCAll WfNTtRS BLUFF-J RFwCltNOTHE FROST C R GOAL'S HOT STUFF,'! and .Mcl.KOI) IMVKU , 't 1 IJUhano , 1 Old boy Winter has a brr" good noktrr face but I'le h gh heat from our coal an make him change his cx- re?.3ion every time. Order oal today and let us Mn you bent Winter's hand. KANAIMO - WELLINGTON Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 nnd 117 'Demers" January Clearance SALE NOW ON I'honc 27. P.O. Ho 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 03 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or, Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize. In Piano and Furniture Moving. 'PACIFIC COAST ' DEMANDS SHARE ' WHEAT TRAFFIC W.llKltTA AMI lti:il l-ll (OMMIilA MKN (OMMt IN OIIHK Of VAN- I otvr.u ma vote this week ruperts percentage Suppcrt of prslrle farmer tn the c:tjr$ effort to certaln why the bulk of ttit Osnadbin wheat crop la (hipped vu United State part, wi promised by cmnlnrnt prattle resident at neettng tn the office of Mayor Louis D. Taylor. My the Vancourer Pravlnce. K. A. Blatefcford, M lIa. for Edmonton. 5l J. K Cornwall of Edmonton, ana P. A. Walker of fort Saskatchewan, me; Mayor Taylor and Aldermen F. E. Woid-ttte. chairman ot the cltlc committee. P. W. Dean and It E. Almond. A a result of 'he meeting, tb committee will seek Information from the Hoard ot Trade. Harbor Board. Shipping Federation, ahlp charterer and E A. Woodward. Independent elevator owner "We have been fighting along these Unci for fire years, but condition do i.ot seem to be Improving." aald Mr Blatchford "We are just a aniioua for the ettward movement a you are a t will bring prosperity to our farmers. I would suggest that when your information U complete, you place it be-..re the new Harbor Bisrd and ask far n explanation." Ou a suggestion from Mr. Blstchford. a i probable that elty will delegate .me member of trx ommlttee to attend the annual conference of the United WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AMI I'OK TAKE NOTICE that Robert M 'Jurrl. ahjM sddre la Ml 8th Ave. Wtst. Vsncmver. B.C. will apply for a licence to takt and use fifty gallon per minute of water out of small creek, uiinsmed. which floa southeriv end drain Into Huston Inlet, QC. Islands, about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' cabin at head of Hutten Inlet. The water will be diverted from the stream at a paint about 300 fe.v from snore Ij'ne. passing through twenty-four acre npiica i or unaer iee. ana win m uwd for industrial purposes upon the UnO described applied (or to lease .! besd of Huston Inlet. Moresby J I MS oa This notice was posud on tbe ground un the Cth day of December. 1924. A opy of this notice and an application punusnt thereto and to the "water Act. 1014." will be filed in the office of tbe Weier ttecorder t Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with thld Water Keoorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. DC within thirty daya after the first appearance ot this notice in a local newspaper. The date of tb first publication ks December 20. t. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. LAND ACT JL. .. Miiim or itiTiiiv to trn.v to t i.i:am: i.m - In Prtuc Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuat oa : tie north shore of Crescent Inlet, Memby lUand. Queen Charlotte Island. . the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half mile from the bead uf the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE last Jsmtt Plttd. of Prince Rupert. B.C. occupation Marine Brcker. Intend to sppiy for a lease of -.he following described lands:- Commencing t a post planted on the n.irfi shore of Crescent Inlst. about on and a half miles from the hesd of the i Inlet: ibenrc aorthweiterly 30 chalnK hence southwesterly 30 chains: then I touthestterly 2o chains; thence north tssterlv 30 chain, and containing forty 1 401 arm. more or lew. JAMES FIELD, ustea nemoer 37. mzo. I.A.ND ACT. Applicant. OTIfK Of lTETION- TO API1.T TO i.i:.hr UMI In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B C and situate on u isiana in uoa itiver spproxunsieiy opposite Block One and Two ot Lot 21W. K. 6. Coast District (mosUy tide flat urroundlnt small tslsnd). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River. DC. occupation fisherman. Intends to appir ror a leas oi in ioi lawlne described lands: Commencing al a pot planted. 300 feet north of nortnwess corner poai ot Lot 3109; thence 1.000 feet southeast: iheuc 300 fstt westsrly; tbence 1,000 fret northwest; thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acre, more r Inn. JOHN BEROMAN, Applicant; Dslert (Vtoher SO. IM .MINERAL ACT I CI IITII ICATi: Of IMI'UOVLMr.NTS I NOTK'i: ! Juantta. Anyox. aranby. Alamo, Rodeo. . Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 3. and Monte I Prartloiul Mineral Claims, situate In th Atlln Mining Division of Casslar Dl-itrlrt. Where located- On Wann River, 'Taku Arm of Taglsh Lske. viva, fftTirr th.t I ChsrlM V. Bob, Free Miner Certificate No. B9768, mtend. aixty day from th date hereof, , . n viininv liMircler far Certificate of Improvement, for th pur-poo of obtaining a Crown Grant ol th above claim. And further tske notice that action, .....i.. .Iu.Hnn aa mint ), rnmmanrtd jbefor the issue ot uch Certificate ot ! improvement. . j Dated thl 1st day of January. A.D. 1027, ! H. McN, FHABKR. Aeent. ! NAVIOAHM'l WATERS PROTEC TION At 1 .. rTiti'Tii us Kdwsnl Llpsett, Llmfted, ot the City Ot Vancouver, nrrcuy givra hwhi .. ha under Section 1 J th ld Aft de-posltid with the Minister of Public Work t Ottawa and in th office of , the District Registrar of th Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, a descrip-I tion of the lte and th plan ot wharf I proposed to b built In th Harbor of IPrlnc Rupert In front of Lot 3, Dloek ICI. Bectkrn 1. Map 923, I And Tak Notlco that after the explra-iintt nf nnn month from th date ot the first publication of thl uotlce, Ed-w.-ird UPtt Limited will, tinder Section 7 of th ld Act, pp!y to th Mln later ot public Work at his ofnc In th City of Ottaw for approval of the sola iltc and plana and for leave to construct the mid wharf. Ditetl at Vancouver this JUh stay of Dcimbtr, 1B2. QUICKLY BANISHE "I suffered years of agony through bliud itchlntr piles," says Mrs. W. Hughes, of Hochelaga St., tJontreai. "Pain, loss of strength, complete misery, wis my daily let until I came across Zam-Buk. I know now that there h nothing on earth to equal this grand herbal healer. Since it lifted me from misery my earnest wish Is to make Zam-Buk known to all sufferers." toe. bo. Moves Pain Like Magic! n r v. wrj-jjs. Farmer of Albert. The conference will be held In Edmonton on January 18, and. Mr. Blatchford Mid. It will sfford the city an excellent opportunity to obtain the viewpoint of the prairie farmer. About one thousand Albert farmer will be present. Ill TEKT ELUVATOIt Co reparative figure shawing train kblpped via United SUtes ports ana Canadian eilles acre submitted. .Alderman Woodslde ssld the whest pool had obtained the government elevator, at Prince Hupert for a rental ot 1100 a year, on the claim that It would assist the pool's Oriental trade. This elevator was being used for shipment to the United Kingdom, and not the Orient, be declared. "It looks to m ss li they were tryms; to tie up that elevator." he said. Mr. Blatchford submitted a report to the Dominion bureau of statistic, showing that ot lCW.4G3.3Za bushels ot Csnadlan whest. 61 per cent had beeu shipped through United States ports; 33.9 per cent by Canadian Atlantic ports, and S 1-3 per cent through Canadian Paci fic ports. Of this, he said. 39.4 per cent wa sent through Montreal, S-S through Vancouver. 9 per cent tbrougn Prince Rupert, and 3.73 per cent through Quebec. At present, aald Mr. Blatchford. 34 COO .000 bushels of Canadian grain are iu storage in the United Btate. Lake port shipment from August to December 13. 120. tor United States centre were 1 0S.782 .005 bushels against B2.433.9M through Canadian centres, This Is a difference In favor ot U-8.A. port ot X3.3tt.0V9. MVS MAVWil.lt Ki:HlKKI Mr. Blatehford told the meeting that h did not understand the necessity of the permit system of grain shipment. It took the grain out ot the hands ot the farmer and placed It under control of trader, be ssld. The system Is not applied to Fort William, he declared. "What bearing on the situation would th tppolntratnt of the new harbor ccmmUsloner have" asked Aid. Almond. "A good general manager li all that la required." replied Mr Walker. "The bjsrd Itself, however, can be of great assistance In the matter." In reply to a remark of Mr. Walker. It was stated that grain ahlpped from Alberta via the Panama would reach the United Kingdom almost as quickly as that shipped from th Atlantic AUverilt In the Dally News. 1.ANI) ACT, , , y . NOTirK or -intention io' AI'ri.V TO LKAMi LANI. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Nrsto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of Prlnc Rupert, B.C.. occupation manager. Intend to pply for a lease ot the following described land: Commencing at a pot planted on the south side ot Ntsto Inlet, about one mile from Its he,d; thence south 6 chains; thence wcvt 16 chains; thence north 6 chains to i-tiore: tbence east 10 chalna. more or leas, following th shore line to point of commencement, ana containing 7 acre inor or less. JOHN DYB1IAVN, Applicant. Dated November 33. 102A. IN PRORATE. in the si riir.ME rot itT or British riiii'Miiiv In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In 4 he Matter of tha Estate of William i t Miicnen, uecenseu, intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot HI Honor, H. E. A. Robertson, tha 18th day of December, ft.D, 1920, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of William T. Mitchell, deceased, and all par. ties having claims ngalnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish seme, properly verified, to me on or before th 32nd day of January, A.D. 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate ar re. Sulred to pny the amount ot their In. ebtednes to me forthwith. NORMAN A, WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE that LIPafcTT CUN. MNU11AM te CO. LIMITED atUr the expiration of one month from tht first nublicatlon of tills Notice Intend to apply to th Regiatrar ot Companlt for the approval of the change of name to "EDWARD UP8ETT (PRINCE RUPERT) LIMITED. DATED at Vancouver, BO., thl 10th day of December. A D 1926. LADNEH A CANTELON. UolKltor tor tin Applicant. 73175 DAILY KEJB PAOR FIVE MANITOBA LAKE FISHERMEN HAD S LARGE HARVEST I WINNIPEG, Jan. 13. Fishermen on , Lake Manitoba and Lake WlanlpegosU: : hve htd an exceptionally fine "hr- ' vest" during 1926. In Winnlpegol tbe catch was much better than the previous . ' year, and although Lake Winnipeg, did not mk uch a good showlnj. the 3.- ' 1000,000 limit wai paised a month ahead : i of tb allotted time. According to S. J. Wlk?r. dominion' Inspector of hatcheries. 30.000.000 white' fish were under incubation tn 3aktche- ; . wan hatchery at Part Qu'Appslld and Dull Harbor Uad 08,000.000. Lake Win-1 MpegoxU had 1 10,000.000 eggs. All J I these were of whlteflsh which practically ! the only useful fish In these waters to j i spawn in the fall, he stated. The fWhi 'will hatch in May. 'INTERESTED IN ! i CO-OPERATION HOKKIMi or 'ciMDI AN WHEAT POOL lilt ttt h ATTENTION' Of CI'UOI'K REOINA. Jan. 13. European nation are taking a keen Interest in the (level -cpmen of the co-operative euterprlze in Canada. Considerable interest was aroused In Swltsierland rccenUy by an article written by Oeorge Keen, general assistant secretary sf the Co-operative Union of Canada, dealing with the Canadian whet pools. PoUswing a request from Switzerland for further infanna- tlon. application for wheat pool data were received from organizations in Sweden and Poland. A soviet agricultural society In Mo- cjw also has written to the provincial government asking for particulars of Xtxtt pool crzJniMtlon and operation. The Russian society asks that the weekly bulletin Issued by the market branch of the provincial department of agricul ture, be forwarded regularly. v PRAIRIES HAD HEAVY LOSSES FROM HAIL IN YEAR JUST CLOSED WINNIPEO. Jan. 13 Heavy loase 'rom hsll on the western prairies during 1S26 were experienced by tbe underwriters, according to IL H. Campkln. Retina, ' secretary of the Cansdisn IlaU Underwriter. Some companies, he said, lost considerable more than the sum tatal of tbe premiums received. The s-orst spot were western Alberta and south central Ssskstchewan. Only in 1116 and 1931 was tbe damage by hall heavier than In 1926. Mr. Campkln came to Winnipeg to attend an executive meeting of the Canadian Hall Underwriter tn preparation for the annual jneetlng which takes place In Montreal oa January 25. At this n-.Mtln. Km V, . ,1 rs'u ... T-V for 1936 ranged from 4-7 per cent In Manitoba; 4-9 per cent In Saakatchewan and 5-12 per cent in Albert. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB MEETS YESTERDAY AT MRS. ORCHARD'S HOME Th Ladles' Musical Club met yea-J tcrday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Wallace C. Orchard, Musgrave Place. The subject of study was "Modern Rtisslsn Composer" and Mrs. Orchard ard.Mrs. A. T. Parkin were In chare? i the arrangement ot the prognun hlcb was as fallow : SooRi-tjO Can, Th fathering. Pland j aololittsiUri . i National Anthem." and "Russian Rag." Mr. B. J. Melllah. Solo "Te Hav Yearned Alone" I tTschalkowaky). Mrs. S. D. Johnston. Piano Solo "Prelude tn C Sharp Minor" (Vodcwskll. Mrs. H. c. Fra&cr. I Pper"Modern Russian Composers," Mr. A. T. Prkln. Violin Solo "Chanson Trlst" (Tsch-alkowskyi Miss Marjorle Lancaster. Piano Solo--"Schereo Valse" (Mon-tkowakl). Miss Lorna Tito. IKITII. ARRIVALS. Prlnre Kuert James Rood, William McOlbbon. J. 11 J.lhlMuin. A. Sutherland. J. W. Kin. b. M. Bnon nd Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Fsdyen. Vancouver. I IVnlnil Alexander Orant. Chllllwack; II. H. Boyd. Prince Rupert. Saoy Mrs. A. Rosang, Lewis Island. Advertl.--e In the DtUv New. The Well-Managed Home, HTHE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the great- ; est amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. " ' Advertisements tell you what is newandlood in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. . Every manager of a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely MARITAL SEA NOT SMOOTH KlVOItfKS OltANTEIt IN MAMTOUA it kino la.'tt i:t i:kdi:i kkcouus or iokmi;k yiiks WINNIPEG. Jan. IS. The sea ot mat rimony In Manitoba was a Uttle rougher during 1926 and more domesUc wrecks ere tossed on the reefs of lncompstl-j blllty than tn th previous year. This tat ot alia Irs U revealed by divorce statistics which show that while in 1923 83 couples were released from the marriage; tie. In 1936 the . courts gav'-"lt(y coupIes'Hhelr. fr'eeaom. A comparison based on the fiscal year lifuies confirms tbe tendency toward an increased number of divorces in the province. In the year ending April 30, 1923, there were 110 applications tor divorce, ot which 66 were successful. In the twelve months April 30, 1926, there were 143 tppllcatlons, of which 93 were granted. Without exception the court ot the province were busier tn 1926 than In 1923. Suit entered In the 61 county court ft the province numbered 7.876, ot which 3,637 were In Winnipeg. Criminal statistics for Manitoba show that tn the assize courts during the 12 months ending April 30. 84 cases were brought to trial with a .total ot 41 convictions, o ALTERATION IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE The S.S. Prince Charles sailing from Prince Rupert 8,00 pnt. Saturday, Jn. ary 13, for Queen Charlott Islands, will call at Massett Inlet porta only, returning direct to Prince Rupert, rrly-Icg here tome time Monday, the 17th. This boat wUl then enter dry dock for annual overhaul. Tht S.S. Prlnc Joht will leve Prince Rupert Tuesday evening, Jtnuary 18, for Skldegate Inlet and southern port on Queen Charlotte I, lands, proceeding through to Vancou. vt r. Leaving Vancouver, this steamer will replace the Prince Charles In the Queen Charlotte Island service, 'calling at all porta on th Islands, both north and southbound. 13 t Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do Its best. This new Brunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, Is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in and say I want to hear the new The v M0MO0a,AM AM S1COSII J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue. Corner Fifth Street Store For middle aged and elderly icople. children and weak men and women. VINOL with Us iron and cod liver peptone. Is a wonderful aid In con-ditlons-and general weakness, anaemia, loss of appetite ! and physical exhaustion. , Price, per bottle - - ; $ !.!!" Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggist Three registered PharniacUts 3rd Ave. and fith St. Phones 82 and 200 Subscriptions takn for all magailnes.