Mount Pleasant Baptist church, Van couveri when Miss Gertrude Amelia Lee became the bride of Alfred H. 811k, provincial police constable, of Biirns (Lake. The bride was the youngest daughter of Mrs. O. P. Lee of .Vancou ver. Rev. A. P. Baker read the nuptial service and the bridal music was played by Miss Marie Kortum. with Miss Llla Campbell as soloist. . The bride, given away by her brother, Frank Lee, wore a charming bridal dreas of Ivory crepe back satin in bolero style, the slightly draped bodice finish ed with a rhlnestone buckle In front Her yell was of Brussels embroidered net, arranged to her coiffure with wreath of orange blossons and her flowers were a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lllles-of-the-valley. Miss Dorlty Lee, the bride's nelce was bridesmaid and was daintily frock ed In a bouffant gown of shell-ptnk taffeta with touches of gold lace, and gold and floral bandeau. Carnations in shades to match her frock were car ried. Percy Lee was the groomsman. A reception was held at the bride's home, 417 Sixteenth Avenue West, where Mrs. Lee, wearing a dress of black canton crepe and mauve, with silver fox fur and corsage of violets and roses, assisted In receiving. The tea table, centred with a three-tier wedding cake, In flesh pink and white tulle, and sliver vases of rose-buds, was presided over by Mrs. E. A. Lee. Serv lng were Mrs. D, Varney, Miss Alma Bowman. Miss Isabel Mallard, Miss Perls Sherwood and Miss Marion Col pltu. Mr. and Mrs. Silk left tor Burns Lake, where they will reside. The bride tra veiled In a dress of rosewood shade ' crepe de chin and hat to match with " " tlli ' 1 . (j-- j- i ' O 1926 lNTk F'iruc Si. l ! pjjjjB TWmr j 1 c' 1 I i g 3 coat of French blue needlepoint trimmed with grey squirrel. HAZELTON PRINCE GEORGE sixty years ago by the Reld estate, and Is satisfied that be has ground which will pay for handling. Could Not Sleep Heart and Nerves Were So Bad - Mr, Ceo. Meek, Windsor, -Out-writes: I suffered with my heart and serves and could nut sleep at sight for colses in mj head. I managed to keep at my work somehow, until I lrgS3 to have diur ien which got so Lad I could not jo to my work. I was afraid to go out any place, for Terr often I would stagirer on my feet, and everything1 In froet of me would turn black and fade away. 'While I ww home sick a friend told toe to take c river to rise. lng invited to attend. I rot four boxes partment. In both lower courts, Mc-jaspIrint appears In the person of Donald's defence was that he did not ; Nicholas MrdalJ. who- announced his know It waa a minor to whom he sold j candidature last week, the liquor, was accepted although such I defence Is claimed not to be admla- District sawmill men are making fur- sable under the Oovernment Liquor ; ther representations to the provincial Act. Disposition of a similar case ; government In the matter of obtaining against one named Chipman will de-. timber supplies before the pulp and pend on the decision In the McDonald paper mill Is established. case. Claiming that he was Induced to In terest himself fn mining by a fortun teller in Vancouver, Brian Briscoe, who has been interested in the timber in- BURNS LAKE There will be a special meeting of the Burns Lake Board of Commissioners dustry for several years, will give his (next Monday night for the purpose of attention to hydraulic mining In the 1 1 considering the advisability of forming spring. He has secured a creek lease j a district Board of Trade. All citizen on Hlxon Creek, about one mile abov between Endako and Rose Lake and the old stamp mill which was operated i north and south of Burns Lake are be- The death occurred recently at Prince George of Murray Long, three- Sergeant Walker opened a provincial , year old hod of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. police office at Fort St. Janes, last week. ; Long of Parilng. The youngster suc- Oame regulations will largely occup j cumbed to what seemed to be a severe the time of Constable E. Forfar, who j cold. came from Hudson's Hope to 'take 1 , charge. The weather ha been so mild here i since Christmas with heavy rains that ' The recent soft weather has caused all the snow has been removed from the Nechako river to rise to such a the sidewalks In town, '" point that it Is feared Inconvenient If not damage will be caused. The mouth j The season first carload of timothy of the river 1 frozen solid and slush ; seed grown In the Lakes district was ice, a It comes down, packs solid, this billed out from Burns Lake last week, causing the level of the water In the Much more seed' Is being held at Fran- aij& T pgLJspS 3 Jjeina absohttclu sure on the Subject ofQualitij THE HIGH QUALITY OF Baker's Breakfast Cocoa is Tpt an Accident It it the result of a judicious selection and blending of cocoa beans, of which there arc more than thirty gndei; of most careful routing, t very delicate operation; and it further preparuion by the best mechanical procetsc (no chemicalO which preserve the deliciovj natural flavor and aroma and attractive color of the bean- WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Esublulied 1780 DORCI IESTEK, MASS. Canadian Mill at Montreal Dookt of Choice Recipes sent free cols Lake, Orassy Plains, Danskln, Ootsa Lake, Wistaria, Colleymount and Uiiclia Valley awaiting the opportunity for cleaning and shipping. D. J. Moore, government agent at Fort Fraser. suffering from erysipelas could not be accommodated at the local hospital so went on to Hazelton for treatment. and by the time I ; mail to that territory. had used theia the pains and noises in 1 The hospital here Is full of patients my head eeaW and the lady superintendent. Miss l- and X was able to get a good night's rest. Although that was six years ago I have never beru troubled vrith. that complaint again." Price 50e. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ofprie by The T. Milbum Co, limited, Toronto, -Out The civic election contest here If beginning to warm up. activities being centered more especially la the fight for the mayoralty between Mayor Taylor and AM Pittrarm A new fllriermanl Growth of the Lakes district In recent years was Indicated by the fact that sixty sacks of Christmas mall waa sent in to the poe,t offices south of here. Not so long ago a single sack was considered a good consignment of L Prtngle . is having a busy time lot- owlng her recent recovery from an stack of bronchitis. FIXTURES FOR CRIB LEAGUE ,(IIKI)(I: Hi't SMIlMl It Alt III is bM Hi nv r. r i:u- MIU, KM UlTAKY The following will compute the Hat it fixture In the second half of the ;rlbbage League season, the schedule Una released by the secretary of the rague. F. E. Wermlg. the winner In Oil half to play off with the Canadian (atlonal Operator, winners of the first -aJf. for, tht Dawson Cup: 4AMA11V .0 Knights of Columbus vs. ON. Operating. Cold Storage vs. Dry Dock. ,8t. Andrew vs. Son of Caua.a. Moose vs. Orange Lodge. Prince Rupert Hotel va. Canadian Legion. C.N. Mechanics vs. Grotto. 17 Cold Storage Va. OH. Mechanics. Moose vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. CJ4. Operating vs. Sans of Canada. Knight of Columbus vs. Orange Lodge. St. Andrew's vs. Canadian Legion. Dry bock vs. Qratto. H Knight of Columbus va. frlnce Ru pert Hotel. (3 rot to v. CJ. Operating. St. Andrew's vs. Dry Dxk. Cold Storage v. Orange Ledge. Moose v. Canadian Legion. Son of Canada va. CJ1. Mechanic. -Knight of Columbus v. C.N. Me chanics. Moone vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs, Bon of Canada. Dry Dock rs. Orange Lodge. Cold Storage v. Canadian Legion. St. Andrew's vs. Orotto. Il llltl AKV 7 Cold Storage vs. Prince Rupert Hotel St. Adrew' vs. C.N. Operating. Moone v. Dry Dock. CX. Mechanics y. Orange' Ubdje. Knight of Columbus v. Canadian Legion. , Sons of4Canada vs. Orotto. H Cold 8ttrrigek.vs.(KnlghU ,'Colum bus.' Mow vs. St. Andrew's. 1 C.N. Mechanics vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating v. Dry Dock. Son of Canada vs. Orange Lodge. Can-dlan Legion vs. Orotto. 21 arotto vs. Cold Storage. Knights of Columbus vs. Moose. St. Andrew's v. C.N. Mechanics. Prince Rupert Hotel va. C.N. Opor atlng. Dry Dock v. Sons of Canada, drange Lodge v,,Canadlan Legion. 28 Cold Storage vs, Moose. Knights of Columbus vs. St. An drew' . C.N. Mechanic vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Dry Dock. Son of Canada vs. Canadian Legion Orange Lodge vs, Orotto. Mtitni 7 Cold '.Storage vs. Sons of Canada Moone vs. C.N. Mechanics. , St. .Andrew' V. Prince Rupert Hotel. . C.N, Operating v. Orange Ledge. Dry Dock v. Canadian Legion. Knights of Columbus vl, Orotto. 14 Moose v. Orotto. Bt. Andrew' v. Cold Storage. O.N, Mechanic v. Dry Dock. Prince Rupert Hotel va. Orange Lodgi CJ4. Operating v. Canadian Legion Son of Canada vs. Knights of Col umbu. 31 Cold Storage vs. C.N. Operating, Knight of Columbus vs. Dry Dock Moose vs. Sons of Canada, " St Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge. O.N. Mechanic vs. Canadian Legion Prince Rupert Hotel v. Orotto. V anted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. FORD SEDAN; GOOD mechanical coedlUOQ. 1275. Term Pnose 93. tf TOR BALE. -Cadillac roUr, with Borsch tto and coll; sult-Mc for boat. Phone tt. tf FOR SALE. PAIR OF BLUE FOXES. Apply O. II. Udd. Sea new Apart-rr.ertU. tf FOR BALE. SELF STARTER FOSIi Delivery, good condition. 20. Phon 83. U FOR KKNT FOR RENT THIRTY ROOM EQUIP- ped hotel. Oolng concern. Write Box 342 Dally New Offlce. tf AUCTIONEER IT IS A BUSINESS TRANSACTION TO please. If I please you. please tell others. If I don't, tell me I I 'buy. sell or exchange anything of value. Phone 774. O, F. Brine. Auctioneer. SECOND HALF WHIST LEAGUE MT Ol' liA.MKH to 111: ri.Avr.n in: ti:kn mmv ami march 3 i ItV hrXUKT.lKY The following schedule for the sec- OT14 half of. the men,' section of the Fraternal WhUt League irha '-beert re? lcaed by the secretary, F. B. Wermlgs' JAM'AHY 20 Knlghta of Pythias va. St. Andrew'. Elk vt Moose. 'Hon 'pf Canada vs. I O.O.F, St. deorge'a (City) vs. (it. Oeorge'ir (Seal Cove . 27 St. Andrew's vs. St. George' (City). Moose v. KnlghU of Pytbia. I.O O F. v. Elk. St George's (Seal Cove) v. Son of Canada. iMtitr.wtv 3-Moose v. St. George' (Seal Cove). Elk v. KnlghU of Pythias. IO.O.F. v. St. Andrew'. St. Oeorge (City) v. Sn of Canada. 10-St. Oeorge'a (Sal Cove) v. IOOF. St. Andrew' v. Elks. St. Oeorge'a (City) v. Moose. Soli of Canada v. Knight of Pythias. 17 Knights of Pythla v. St. Oeorge' (Seal Cove). St. Oeorge'a (City) v. I.O.OF. Sons of Canada vs. Elks. Moose v. St. Andrew's. 24 St, Oeorge' (Soil Cove) v. Elk. I O.O.F. v. Moose. St. Oeorge' Clty) v. KnlghU of Pythla. Bona of Canada vi t. Andrew'. MAItlll 3 St. Oeorge' (Seal Cove) v. 8t, An drew', Elk v. St. Oeorge' (City). Son of Canada vs. Moom. I.O.O.F. v. Knlt ht of Pythias. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDY B ur te got tho Oinuln Look for the word "miDV Bull by til drillKiilt ANOTHER HIP. REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES I -IK Ton Utility Eiprea Chaasl I 823 OO H Ten Light Drfltery CtMuwta 010 00 Touring and Itoad-ter 1 BKjOO Sport Roadster I tMM Coach and Oaupe 1 020 00 Sedan tllMIX) Landau 1118300 r.r.i c.ns n iim I rord Light Delivery, open body 73 00 1 Ford Light Delivery, panel body 1 1 MAO 1 Ford Light Dctlrery. starter equipment 124000 t Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment 1300 00 t Oldamoblle S-paaeger Tour lng. 1923 I WO 00 Term can be arranged on both new and used car to suit the pure ier. KAIEN CARAfSH D-aler in railllae, Mr Ijiiililln, iMaland, rnnllae OlilMnubllr and f'heiralrt Can. Phone Hi TAXI Phone f.7 Tnxl (Call CeorKC Paul or Gun!) Six nnd Seven Pascnirer Rtuile-bakers at your dinposal nhy time, ROSS UROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Illock. (Acros from Empress Hotel) TIMBER SALE X8607 Sealed Tender will be received by the District Forester noti later than noon on me loth day of January, l77. tor trie purcbe of Licence X8607. Uurke Chan nel. Restoration Dav. C.R. 3. to cut 1.000.000 feet board measure of Spruce, wraar ana iirmiocK sswioga. Two (3) year will be allowed for re moval 01 timber. Further particular of the Chief For ester, Victoria, or the District Forester, mnce itupert. u.v. TIM HER SALE X8371 Sealed Tenders will be received br the District Forester not later than noon on the 3lst day of December, 1020, for tbe purchase of Lice us X837I. Yakoun tiny. Massett Inlet. QC.I., to cut 460.000 feet board measure or spruce. Cedar and iiemioca sawiogs One (I) year will be allowed for re moral of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For. eater. Victoria, or the District Forester, TIMIJER SALE X5793. Sealed Tenders will be the District Forester not later than neon on the 3rd day of January, 1037. for the purchase of Licence X8703, covering two areas In Ooat Harbor, OR. 4. to cut leei ooara measure of Spruce, Hemlock. Cedar and naimm u,inn. One (I) year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief For. rmrr, viciona, or me District Forester PULP TIMHER SALE X8I10. v.BjeAld Tflder ntfk'd. "Tender on X8440," will be received by the Honour-able, the Minister of Land, at Victoria. II.O. U0 to twelve nVlnrlr nnn MM IK. Tat-iav, j. PAGE FOUR THE UAIL7 POLICE ADMIT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I THIS IS M"f BRQTrtEK-CAM """j I CERTAINLY- I fTnCLAD ) I fTl "" L A A I TLL PLMAE MAQQlS )Q tA-FALLN Arr., A WELLS DROWNED VQU POT HIM TO VMORKT 1 W6XLOOANV- THAT'S- Hi I oW. J TO KNOW I COT HUH JtPpt)' W CANT VeMiC HJK akjV Kiunor wrux-wii i ro DP- COMB DO AN WAKE. HIM UP : . 1 M T HE CAN START ZZTT A W ! 4 TFCf ' iC CAN FlRC H'Ni 1'IOM.Klt RESIDENT OF IN'TEItlOK Lj inightnow! s , ) .x . . : I -Cta 2: rvr LOSES LIFE IN SKEENA RIVER IIV WHICH HE LIVED SO I.OXO Though the body was not found, the provincial police have admitted that J. D. Wells of Usk. a well known pioneer prospector of the interior, was drowned recently in the Skeena River The Omineca Herald writes as follows There was general regret and real sorrow felt when It was learned that James Daines Wells, popularly known as "Jimmy" Wells f Usk was the vie tlm of an accidental drowning acci dent Christmas Eve. Deceased had been at a dance that evening and had left about a quarter to twelve, and presumably he started across the Skeena In the row boat now used as a ferry. Mr. McDonald, who lives near heard a call for help and heard a dog bark but he paid no attention to it. The next day Jimmy did not turn up and the ferry boat was found in the middle of the stream and empty. The old dog which was always with his master got home about three o'clock. A search party went out and in spite of their best efforts the only trace they got of the missing man was his foot prints In the snow leading to the ferry and the prints of the dog. WELL KNOWN Fim itK James, p. Wells was one of the best known figures on the lower Skeena river. He arrived on the river from the- west coast of Vancouver Island between twenty and twenty-five years ago and has been a prospector, explorer, land taker and miner. If there is any part of the lower interior or even any part of the Interior that was not visited by Jimmy no one has been there yet. He had a thorough conviction that the Usk district was the richest part of this vast interior empire and he spared neither time nor expense In telling the world about it. But Jimmy was like every other romantic prospector and rover, he was more often broke than flush. He located -many claims in the surrounding hills and he made a number of deals. He still held numerous claims, more or less promising, and at no time did he ever lose faith in the district or could he believe that there was a more noble calling than the one he was following. Jimmy Wells was e. picturesque fellow and lived In the present but for the future. He was exceptionally well read and like so many of his calling he worried his head and at times muddled his brain with the deepest' of subjects. But he was happy and be seldom. If ever caused another any un-happiness. LIVED ALONE For the greater part of his life he lived alone, but recently his brother Amos took up quarters with him and everything seemed to be breaking a little better than usual with Jimmy. His loss will be a great one to Usk In fact to the whole of 'the lower river. " Wells was about fifty-five years of age and was never married. He is survived by a number of relatives besides his brother Amos. When the disappearance of Wells was reported to the police at Terrace Constable Service Instituted a search and an investigation and came to the conclusion as reported above. BURNS LAKE OFFICER IS MARRIED IN SOUTH Con-lal.le Alfred II. Silk wan VrilIel li .MIhh (Jertrmle r at Van- router Ceremony . , A pretty wedding was solemnized last Monday evening at 7 o'clock at The Christmas season was a happy time for the nurses of the Hazelton Hospital. On Christmas Eve, the nurses had their usual Christmas Tree and there was an abundance of gifts. Tho ; whole staff was entertained at Christ-! mas dinner in the residence of Dr. H. ' C. Wrlnch and on Wednesday the girls ' were allowed the night off. Miss Jean Burns, who Is home from Vancouver, where she Is attending school, la suffering from an attack of measles. The pole camps are all active and hauling is general, both of ties and poles. Arthur Wrlnch returned to the Duthle mine at Smlthers on Wednesday after having spent the holiday season visiting at his home here. The. case of John McDonald, who was cqultted both by the local police mag istrate and the County Court judge on charge of supplying liquor to a minor, is being takeen to the Court of Appeal by the attorney general's de- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c SITUATION'S WANTED CHIROPRACTIC WOMAN WANTS WOHK BY THKUOUR Pit. It. K. EYOI IKON or day. Box 11. Dally News Office. I IIIKOI'RACTOK hf(J UtnUK FPU SALE omce visiu nea " - TOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN - Ute. we are authorised to sell several . rr 'pJG,n,"lt .. Ph0M 85 omc mue lot, some comers, harbor vlrw. and osi sewer. Prices low and ten- Residence Dlatfc 253 Irom eiOoo riiunthly. Enquire T. McClymont. tf IH)AI(I) FOR SALE. THREE ROOM HOUSE BOARD. - THE INLANDER, MV Avenw Phtm m ' with fi harbor view. BuUt I9M, 1X000 on term. ThU U a snap ItKSTAUHANTS at the price. Thro. Oallart. Ltd - . - - tf mum i:.ts t'.wr. Mrs Unger. Proprleue- FOIt SALE. FOUR IRISH SETTER Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. pup., thrr. months lL (thorough- f;K nm, rnoaeU Mr la. bred I 125 00 eeeh to clear. Phone . Vhont Black 700 Oreen ww. V1FW LOT AND SMALL BUILDINO: yrrC?- 7 Orahem Avenue: low prim easy jjV iJiliy term. O. O. Walker. Beeead Avenue. " T Vnromrr Ttiwrtay FrMay Setuntaye . OJ.R. D-t 17 rim mail u j- Artk LOU I Fouml.f MAIL SCHEDULE 01 l or I he I jiI MotHteya. WeiliiMKlnya t. M)iVaneouer on Mondays W Saturday by CHH im.i. 4: niler Sunday Wedaeadsy . Tu It. KlniMn and sm Klirtp Sunday To Alaka Coin! Dt It. M To oeen Clurlol- Ix 4, 18 IN-rotllMI Irom Die lJt Tufwlay. Thurw!-y : B at :m; Irent tnennrr Unrtaa We1ndi) . . FrMay OJVR. Dee. 11 9 Horn Anjo. A Mr- Aim, rmirt iTrmler Te-dsy . . Friajn Irom It, Hlpn aiwl N. Ht T TUtmttf Alka Pulnlv IX. 11 finm tfatrn ClMrlnlle DM. 18. 30 IM (OI(7ltlVt Oraham Ac Atlln Ave . . 3' IM Ave A 8th Bt 9th Ave A Fulton St ft lii Ave Thompson llth to Sherbrooke Ave. i? UUi Ave tt Conrad St 3 8th Are. At llsy Cove 9 lh to Hoys Cove Circle . 3 Ui Ave. to Cotton 8 If 6th Are A UcBrkle 81 . J Oovt. IVldaa. Ocr Wharf a OTP, Wiutrf I' O T P Station tod Ave to 2nd Bt 10 tnl Are. At Fulton Bt 10 Srd Ave. A 6th St. 10 Sunday collection same a r.U day only. STEAMSHIP MOYEMEN lor Vancouver Tuesday Cardena . . . Friday -a. Prince Rupert . . Saturday as. Catala I Saturday a Prlnreaa Deatrlre Dre. 17 a. Prince Mary . . I mm VaiuiiiMer Sunday- aa. Cardena Wedneaday Pr ItUert 10 Friday- u. CaUla Saturday Princes Ileatrlce Der. is a. PrinceM Mary Dec 27 - as Prince Mary Fur Port Mmon and Nam lllrrr Sunday- a. Cardena Irnin 1'i.rt Mmpwin nml N'n.i It It r' Tuesday- -e. Cardena ...... For Menarl, An) in nnd Alice Ann Sutiday- as Cardena Wedneaday -a. Prince Rupert ' I ntlll fcfMnrt liimt itlm tr Tuesday a. Cardena Friday as. Prince Rupert . I'nr Jtieen f '.arlnttrs Due. 18 Prince Charles . t'tnm (Jneeii Charlnllro Dec. 10- as. Prince Charles Dee. 20- m prlnre Charle I'nr AliKka Dec. 13 . Princes Mry . . Dec. 29-. Princes Mary . rrnm Al.nkn Dec. 17 m. Princes Mary LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon Is Apaly U t"' In I'rlnre lii.erl Land rtecnnin1 inn, anl KllllSIf si Jriivvsv iijnn ' Cliarlntte llnnrH. TAKE NOTICK that SotiiervllU niniipsnv. Ltd.. Vaiienuver II. P. . m Flh Parkeri. Intends 10 apply fc 111 roi iw nr ieiTiriii mnii 1 j Ciiininenciitr at vt planled r or January. 1027. for the pur- i mtiioi corner or the Tow cnase 01 I'llip Licence X8440, to cut ''Inlm. Mllnwliiv tlie easterly Imiltl ijiimer suuaieti on oraham Ilatid, ! noriiieriy iiirei iii,ii 18 i-twin Queen Charlotte TalnnH rii.i.i.t I lioi llienvlerlv 11 elmina in huh Thirty year will be allowed for thal,"llrl! Iheiire oultiiale-rl.v luiir iciiiuvai 01 me umber. hit mnrs is rnitini; inenrs All tender must eomnlv with n. rtly I tt rhains, more nr le- tlon 18 of the "Forest Act " ipniiit of eomnieiirnnent, snil contsm The highest or any tender not nece. m Fifrther particular may lie har the Chief Forester, Victoria, BO, more nr Im. SOMF.IlVll.l.i: TANNFIlY COd LTD.. Appll Per f l. N utien rar preniDcr yin, ivt.