,iday January , 192C. -'l - . . sy , ,. I , b , , i 1 at t.fii ETPuveTi I M Lin tiJ&SiFZ MMMaji&iaildS 'TfJE Amalgamated Breweries arc ready to supply health-ful, refreshing, and absolutely pure Deer for the New Year's festivities. Early orders will be appreciated. 5 UCfA i r At All ml Government Stores Amaliamsted Rrrel at NilUh xlumMa, In hkh ml a-aurf. sll lbs Vanoniter Hrnl Ltd.. Halnlty Urrwtot umfa:7 rf Canada, 1.1 i Waaimliultr Beewwr, Lid.. Mltrf ftprtnjt j. .iu7 Lid and tktarla rWtili IWlt Ca-. Lid. Thi ad-. .rtif tnent i not puMih;d ct d..rLycd hy ;he Liquor Control BoifJ or by the Gjvemramt of British Orthophonic Music in $10.00 Cash Your Home for Z The Orthophonic Consolettc Model We will put thi exquisite " uslhophonlc model In any !' Kupert home for a mere j.jynwnt. o there' no anyone to be without . i-llou Orthophonii . i ti.vw h wtmdT ! millions of mu i l prici may h iM'rfod of mimt . ; and hear it! No - DEMAND vs.oLfd "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "Illi: IIAINTIKST IIKKAKI AST FOOD." Smoked Dally !y Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'rlnrc Uupt rl, .C WASH DAY SUPPLIES (.AI.VAMZKD Tl'llS (.AI.VAMZi:!) 1'AIUS dAI.V ANl.KI) CLOTHES LINK 1'ULLHYS (iALVANI.HD WIUK CLOTH KS LINKS WASH HOARDS AND WASH HOILKHS EASY VACUUM EI.HCTMC WASHERS Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue I'lionc 101 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mtlllncs from Prince Ituprrt. V.tNCOUVKIl, YICTOHI.lt Mwanson IUJ and Alert luy, itc, Tuesday, 3 p.m. "or VANCouvKK, YICTOIIIl, Alert lluy and wanon luy, etr Nutuiday, 8 n.m, lor pout HIMI'NON, ANYOX. AI.M'B Alt.M, HTKWAKT and N Klver "Siineries, Sunday, II p.m. .I" nd Avenue. It. ,M. HMITII. Atent. Prince Rupert. H-C. Local and Personal Arthur1! TaxL Phone 78. B.C. Undertaken. Phone 41. Moose Lodge. Nomination of officers, January S. ,Mls E, R, Btuart U sailing on the Garden thu'afUrcoon (or the aouth. Duy Telkwa coal because it'a higher In B.T.U.'a and la better furnace coal. tf Full stock of fir timbers, dimension, ablplap and flnlrh now at Albert ii McCatfery's. tf I . 1 Teddy Hutehlnt wa admitted to the general hospital on Sunday to receive medical attention. Today's train from the East due at 3.30 this afternoon is reported a being an hour snd a half late. M. P. McCafferv aaiif this afternoon torta on a brief business trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Nkkerson. AUln Avenue, will sail on the Cardena today to spend a brief holiday In the aouth. R. Hopkins of Anyox arrived in the city aboard the Cardena thw morning from the smelter town and will proceed Bast by tomorrow morning' train. A smoke scare caused the fire department to be called out at midnight Ut Bight to the residence of Rull it Smith. 400 Fourth Avenue Wet There was no damage. The report yesterday of the 8t. An-drrw Hogmanay dance on New Tear's Eve did net contain the name of Mra. J obn Bremner. one of the membera o' the com mitt re In charge Hi many friend were glad to Walter Smith back on duty at the CJt-R. ticket oAce yesterday f olio win an llloesa which though brief, mlgh' easily have been more serious. Tit. nn RM f Ih. PrirW 01. 1 !CNA aSectrnc eertatn atetions be tween here and Jasper went into street , on January S. The chance doss not al- ter the time of arrival and departure of trains st Prince Rupert. j Trappers! Call and show your fun ( to the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as w can guarantee to give you higher price than anyone else. We j bare big order tor all kind of furs, i especially mink. Wm. OoMbtoaso. ; Second Avenue Pttoae S23. tf ' 8 D Macdonald sail this evening on ftfe Cardena for Victor I where he will sttsnd a session of the executive of the .Trade and Labor Congress. It is un-Iderstood that the executive will meet n. J. Melllsn. manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Com merce. left yesterday for Toronto to attend an annual meeting of managers. ArTI.ICATIOS Hilt i:i:it i.ki;mi: THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Buy Rupert manufactured shingles from Seal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. tf Native Son of Canada whist drive and dance, Metropole Tall, Monday. January 10. M. L. Slepp, 3S. Custom officer, his been confined to his home for several days with Influenza. The4- lnstallatiou of officers in the local Knights of Pythias lodge baa been postponed for two week. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. J. D. KcPbee, returned at 11.30 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and the Haas River and will sail at 8 o'clock thi-afternoon for Vancouver and wayporu C. A. Bjornatsd of Walhaila. NX).. R. Martin of MlnneapcU. and C W. Swanaon and J. O. BJornstad of Vsk, who have been here for the past couple of days on business in connection with the affair of the Bkeena River Lumber Co . Ltd.. will return to Uk by tomor row morning' train. CANADA PLEASES WOMEN MIGRANTS f'OI(ltrl'OXIr..N : Ktd ltl ll IIY CWK. IS (.'O.U 11.1 MEXTAHY UATIIIK THAN CRITICAL MONTREAL. Dec. 4-It frequently happen that when ' new-comers to Canada lake pen In hand to express I their views, itrmfne of surround- j lags and differing methods lead them ; to ezprta criticism rsOser than write comptUnt-BU. Miss Uabel Durham. Superintendent Woman Branch. Department M CotoniaaUon. Agriculture and Natural Reaoureca, Canadian Na tional Railways, wrttl Of from London to W. J Black, the director, at Mont real, has a happier experience to relate, and with bar report to toe Director has forwarded a series of letters from women who migrated to Canada and found conditions entirety to their Uk- During the season Miss Durham came in contact with a targe number of Navoo, Ltd. armed In port .TT 'TTL about S o'clock yesterday afternoon and took out two empty lumber aeows which will be taken back to Vancouver. travelled across the Atlantic and proceeded to destination indicated by the Canadian National Railways, all were Peter Black, Jr. who was attend ' "actortly P ese the University of British Columbia lo , Vancouver, will now remain in the city , to assist his mother in condtteting tb woroen nave since written to Miss Dur ham. "I do like Canada well.- writes one. who adds "I am lo t nice home.' affair of the Central Hotel and the "1U llke ng l Prtnc Rupert Goal Co l"" 7, hosne here and the people are so nice. A chance In the :ime table of the '' etV " K1nc1, 1 right glad I csane to Owned M1X.MHI) MTl .tTIONS Again. "I have got s splendid situation here In Calgary and I llks It very much and I only wish I had ootne out to Canada a few years ego. You feel more free here and everyone la so kmc' to you. It is quite different to the Old Country." Another writing from Bdasooton reporting a pisssant situstlon where the cemfcMte of the stall are looked' after concludes: The railway Journey was most interesting, wonderful forest and prairie scenery. I though the system for meeting and net ping traveller very sOaetent; on is so glad of tt tn a new country." "It I very nice here and I like the farm," write a neweomr. from member of the provincial government J Saskatchewan 'for a conference on various matters. Another after praising the hostels at Montreal and Toronto states: "Although I have teen In Canada only a short time I do not think I shall want to settle in England again.' "The way are a bit different, but one get accustomed to them." writes a Mr. Melllsn will be Joined at Edmonton correspondent from Hamilton thanking by S. K. Campbell, former manager of miss Durham fee help and courtesy. the branch here, who will also attend the meeting. '(JOVKHN.MHNT LIQUOR ACT" Minn: in' "I am comfortably settled," 1 a recurring phrase. There Is one enthusiastic letter from a man who writes to thank Miss Durham for the kindness shown by Canadian National Railway omeiala. "I can assure you the way the officials care NOTICE IS HEREBV OIVEN that on .. ror fnr th- th lm aiw. fmiii,.. "u. no no neraon person the 1st day of February next the under- atgned Intends to apply to the Llqucr, should ever need to trry over the Control Board for a licence In respect' trIp to Canada, and I also hope you to premises bring part of the building known as Central Hotel, situated at the rorner of First and Seventh Streets. In ths City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Eleven (111 and Twelve will have the pleasure of aendiug plenty of English blood into this nice country, which Is great." All the letter are of like tenor and 1131. Thirteen 1 131 snd Fourteen lit), all Indicate armrrciatlon and content- In Block Ten (101, Section One (ll.mn. ulth ,tn crt' Canadian lire "ie and condl-ish miinl. City of Prince Rupert, Province of Brit- Columbia, according to a registered tlons. map or plan deposited in the Land Reg- istry umce ai me wuj 01 i-ruicc nurinn, ... rnvmn nnilTfi aforesaid and numbered 023. for the, PI AN ROXINf, ROUTS DUAIHU 1JUU1 J sale of beer by the glats or hy the open bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED at prince iiupert, u.t;.. mis 3rd day of January. 1837. CORA E. BLACK, Applicant. Office Hours . . 1) a.m. to G p.m. Saturday !) a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109 FOR FEDERAL M.PS lTgl.laiirs Want lt rnilUni Kimhii hi Ottawa Piirtlsiiient lluliillngi OTTAWA, Jan. 4. The Journal tho following; "A large recreation room, equipped j nun uuiiatu tttoirn, lauies suu some gymnasium apparatus, may be found on the ground floor of the nous of common If certain parliamentarians! have their way. I There Is a movement on foot w' remove offices on the ground floor of the Centre block, south of the com mons" postomce, and to ' utilize the space for the benefit of 'tired" legislators. Some of the parliamentarians are I complaining that the heavy dinners which they eat, and the sedentary life Of the law maker tends to Increase their girth and to soften the muscles. Liberal members .declare that they want to work off the extra avoirdupois jby boxing. Conservatives, too, are In (favor, The Progressives look favorably I upon a quiit place when tity can play m fe Jreshhmv MSL A lh& roaster BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Ha produced Minerals as follows: IMacer Hold, 77,G(KJ.0i&; Lode Gold, $122,808,-t.-l; Silver, $7i.l I l,U'.7; Lead, $8!).2 1 8,007 ; Cop;er. 8 107.142,0 i7; zinr, $:59,025,47; Misrellaiuoii-i Minerals, l,5 4.87 ; Coal and Coke, 273,0 i8,J5:; Hiiildtug Slone. Uriek, Cetnent, etc., $ii.J05,880; niakuig ils Mineral Production to Mic end t'J 1025 show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted lo discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining Heporls and Maps mav be oblained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.Il. Practically al! British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which develoj-meiil work ha been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer lo such rcr ports. They arc available without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria. B.C. Reports covering each of the six ' Mineral Survey Districts are published oeparately, and are available ou application. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of billiards and smoke a cigar or pipe In comfort. IIOIIX AKKIVALS , Savoy Harriet Leask Ketchikan: C. Reddlch. j Nsdlna River; Mr. and Mrs. R. Oarner. j Oceanic: M. Msnulett. city. i Prime llupert j Mrs. A. C. Aldous. Masters Alan uvl ( Mont Aldous. Vancouver i Central M. Kallagher. Keno. j NA VIC ABLE WATERS l'ROTEC-T10N ACT ii.s.c rii.PTi:it lis Edward Llprctt. Limited, of the City of Vancouver, hereby gtves notice that ho baa under Section 7 of the said Act de-paslted with the Minister of Public works at Ottawa and In the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, a description of the site and the plans of wharf proposed to be built in the Harbor or Prince Rupert in front of Lot 2, Block Ci. 8ctlon 1. Map 933. And Take Notice that after the eiptra-tlon of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Edward Lipseit Umlted will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the ssld site and plane and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Vancouver this 11th day o: December. 1926. notici: LAND ACT. OP 1XTKXTION TO to i r:i: uixi. APPLY lu Prince Ruccrt Land Recording Dis irlrt of Prince Rupert, and situate at Nrsto Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation manager. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south side of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head: thence south 6 chains: thence west IS chains; thence north 0 chains t shore: thence east 1Q chains, more or Ires, following the shore line to point or commencement, ana containing 7 acres, more or less. juiis uxuuAvn, Applicant. Dated November 33. 192. LAND ACT. NOTICK OP INTENTION Tt) APPLY' TO I KASti I.AXII In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, DC. and situate on an Island tn Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2199. R. S. Cojst District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River, DC, occupation fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of Lot 2109: thence 1.000 feet southeast: thence 300 feet westerly: thence 1.000 feet northwest: thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BERGMAN. Applicant. Dutod Octobsr 30, 19:0. The CANADIAN? PACinc Store New Year Special! A regular $1.25 Thermos Bottle and a $1.00 Lunch Box The Two for $2.00 Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists Three registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and 6th Et. Phones 82 and 200 Subscriptions taken for all magazines. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services )k Sailings from Prince Rupert To KeUhlkun, tt ran sell, Juiieati. Skacwiiy lec. 3'J, Jan. 10. 31, To Vancouver, tletorlu, Seattle lanuary t. II. ZH. PKIXCKSS ItKATItK K tor lliilrdale, Eat llrlla Bella. Ocean Kails, Naniu. Alert lUy, t'aiupbell Klver, and Vancouver etery Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull Information from IV. C OlirillltO, (iettrral Agent. Comer of 4th Street and 3rd Airnue, Prince Rupert, II.C. 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap Medium Heavy Duty 90-125 H.P. complete with self starter and new battery, only used eleven months. Excellent condition, bargain price. Write A. E. AITKEN, 10121 101st Street, Edmonton, Alta. Advertise in "The Daily News"