25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: Kxchange Building 31 ATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVII., No. 2. fUKl Court Opening Today in South Will Decide on Appeal of Sankew Special to Daily New) VICTORIA, January 4. The Appeal Court of Brifiah Columbia ;;nicd its session here this morning. Of a lengthy iinl ol appeals jc heard by the court, one of the most important and one that j probably get immediate attention ! that of Joseph Sankcy, Port v on Indian, who is under sentence of death next month for the r ilcr of Mixs Loretta Chlsholm at Port Easing ton on May 23 last, i j who is asking for a new trial. Chief Justice J. A. Macdonald presides over the Court of Ap Ti the other members teing Mr. Justice Archer Martin. Mr. Jus- - - Stlct W. A. Oallthtr, Mr Justice A. E. MARINES HOLD I MOB IN CHECK I kHI UAL IIIOIlANH IMlKHTtlt ((Mllll tKl 1KlTi:i IS AT- itMfT .it ioi.i:mi: HATTI.EI) KOUK IIOL'KS Ifcrte ItillUlirr Mooiidrd lb-fore OnW Knirrri With Canlone lr"p la ('hdhmh4 I r.-Mt. W jn 4.--A handful of BrV i R r. aitboul firing a shot i yesterday an Infuriated - .1 tt ; thousand ChlnvM cxx.ti - i ' i , .-M to durst into Mm Bl Outran Ul tbla city I; t". .,v anU-Brttlah apeeehee, .-. Chinese moved agatnst ; Ik ... , ;rUf. In thlr path "d a ' British policemen who i.f.: ground wnen atoneo. Tari 'v U ltra landed from war ahlpi Vaj jf . jo.ned tht police and. with i l bar., iki. their rifles aa m ei. hanging otowi with (be -, j moo but dldnt fire the thin i. .ding for mora than four hours u ' ' ue reinforcements rrt land- : (d. T T9 Dtuuhtra were wounded and tafc- ;)j hoapitaL The Cantoneae ' "' t;;:i.if took command of the 1 :a a;, a all la quiet today. CHELOHSIN HITS ROCKINSOUTH 'N MHAMilt llKTH IN VIM It'll.-"I HUTU I I.N HMMI4, ItlVIII AMI NtV.tUV IMJMl AMI M IIIINd ICMI'OltAltll.V m:iaAlHi:ii ' llock reef, midway between Powell Rt and 8a vary Island, during a heavy s n ;n Sunday, tha Union Steamship f a steamer Chelohaln, bound from Va mr to Orford Uiy. was forced to P- into B.vary laland, where aha U buw undergoing temporary repalro before r.'inuing her voyage. T.ie Chelbhaln Is a well known vesnel w Prince ttupert having been on a local :a for many years before being replaced by the Cardena. She la a steel Ship :;l 1.137 groaa tons. She was built In D"blin. Ireland, In IBU THISWASSOME D0WRY1LL RIGHT UllllTr;il III" HlMIKIC MIWIMI MAIIIINK mail Uy.TH tK.lKMMMI ON MAIIKYINd IONDON, Jan. 3. A wedding gift of 18,000,000, believed to have been one ' the blggeat presents on record, fell to Mlas MarJorle Bourne, daughter of the 'te Commodore Frederic O. Doume, nt of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, and Alexander D. Thayer, In- urance dealer, recently married In this t'ty- H was revealed that according the wuhes of Commodore Bourne, Mlas Bourne and her husband were to ' " helra to tne surprise bequest. wrtrr : PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPEItT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1927. tSSmiil UN mUKUtK PULP AND PAPER MILL IS TO BE Phillip, and Mr. Justice M. A. Maedoo-aid. Oa a majority decision will depend whether or not the lnd.r. geu nn trial aVaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKUlSlltwIl !asB jE!bR' aKi VISCOUNT WETMOfTII. bfir to the millionaire Marquis of Bath, la to rlalt America. He la unmarried, ao there It s chant ef an American ajlrl flndlnr her way Into one of the great aortal positloM of Oreat Britain ttii:.Mtv i m iiMin OtT AT rilKTY lllll.OW WISEMAN. Jan. 4 With the mercury forty below Wiseman last night vraa dependent for Ita supplies on the town of Settles, fifty miles away. A S40.000 Jire on Monday destroyed the eamps and the only store end adjoining warehouse. About one hundred and thirty persons line here. SECTION HAND LOSES LIFE NEAR VICTORIA Tlirre Men luped I'nhurt Mlirn They JiiiiitI I'rom IMml r Before It lilt (laMiline Ctxirh VICTORIA. Jan. 4.-Jumping from a hand car on the Canadian National lino north of here before tt colllcied with a laanllne coach travelling In the oppo site direction, three section hands ea- caped unhurt while a fourth. Otto Bensen, aged 80, auatalned head Injuries which resulted In hla death a short time later. tt KATIIKIl KITUItT. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, calm; temperature. 38. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 37. Rosewood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Anyox. Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Stewart. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Haielton, Cloudy, calm. temp. 30. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 27, oiih.HriMiv pitm. . temD. 22, LllklV.ll,-. u.uuwj w LOST, GENTLEMAN'S WATCH. ON Third Avenue, Friday nignt. rmur, pjlease return to Dnliy News omce. I 10.00 reward. Northern and PRINCE ANOTHER SHIP ARRIVES HERE limiriMi i:i;i(iiiT.u mixmii city HUM JAPAN IAT KVEN- 'r O TAIVO Mtltt' HAIL touav 1 Coming from sU73t. Jtruta, In-td of dlret from Eaglaed aa was ortglnaity reported, the tramp freighter. Welsh Otty. brioDgbtg to the Km ita XJne of London, arritau is port last rvtght at SJ3 to load grain. The resae: la at aacber In the harbor and win t rtt&alo there until torn- rrow when It la expected the will more Into the dry dock to start Uoinc- The V.'eiah City was met at Triple Utand and piloted In by Capt. J. R. ElferC Her master u Capt. S. Urttmer. The ves:el experienced bad weather and took twenty day for the pasaage. Having eeropif.rd loading at the elevator, the Ocean Transpert Co.' ateamer Taiyo Maru will aall for the United Kingdom or continent this afternojn. Her berth will aoon be taken by the , Ryska Mam. the lining of whteh ts be-' log rushed at the dry dock ao ahe may ! stan loading her cargo for Shanghai at the earlMt poaalMe moment. The Welsh Otty will load for the Cmua Kingdom or continent. LIFE OBIONTReIl" NURSE NO SINECURE Itally Itound Ofrn up at t a.m. and 1jI Inlll 3 pjn. Iluullne tiltrn MONTREAL. Jan. 4. A nurae'a life in Montreal la no rest cure. The dally riund starts at 7 am., not a mlnut.-;tji and ends at 1 pA. mllh Inter -a:a at half an hour for dinner and ii-t,ft Breakfast as eaten befcre gs-:j on duty. Howeter. at aome time 'x-iiig the day a nurse la allowed a -ee-iicur stretch off duly In which to rest. On Sunday ah la graated five on-ae uttv hour off duty, but Is expected : attend a church of her denomination during that time. It I on her meekly half day off. when ne leave all her cares behind her at 1 o'clock in the afternoon that the nurse splurge. If ahe has frivolous tastes and the cash ahe can shop for pretty things, go to the theatre, or In dulge In a matinee tea. She can pay oalto. read, study, sleep, or merely do her laundry. Whatever ahe wants to do. ahe oan. The nurse do night duty for two months at a stretch, from 7 pjn. to 7 m. This Isnt aa bad as It aounds. for once the patient have all been put U. bed. charta written up. and many other detail attended to. nurse are al lowed to rest, atretched out full length on a cot. It the patient are good and sleep through the night, a nurse ts In luck and gets in a fair amount of rest. Two month at one time Is urn-ally allotted to night duty. a&J when a nurse complete this term ahe Is granted two, days off before ahe need go on day duty again. During the three years of training, a nurae ha to put In t leit tlx months night duty. divided Into three periods of two month each, WIDESPREAD REVOLT ON SUMATRA ISLAND Hilrt) ln.iirrevtloiil.t lUte llrr Killed anil .Many ,rrelril Imrlng lut few llaja PADANO, Sumatra, Jan. 4. Thirty tniurrectlonbts were killed and many were arreated during the past few days In the Slloengokang dlatrlet. There, Is widespread revolt according to advices received at Dutch military headquarters here, ; . VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat ) B.C. Silver 1.87 1.73 Dunwell .......... 1.18 1.22 Olacler .03?; .07 Olsdatone M Jl Independence 07 Ji .09 Indian .03 . Marmot 00 ,n Premier 1.87 1.80 Porter Idaho 13 i4 Richmond lO'J .12 HON JOHN & MARTIN, miauter of agriculture tor Oman?, who 1 t receive a ::vsr eup from the New York State Fair Coaunlraon for. winning the poultry championship 21 year in succession YIC IOI.l:Y 71) TAKE ON Hi:Mt)l!l!.lTlK VANCOUVER, Jan 4. Vie Foley, the pride of Vancouver and former bantamweight boxing V, ehamplon of Canada, ts about to sign on a new and permanent sparring partner. Announce-tuent of the engagement of i their daughte.. Mary Aane (Molly), i to the popular little boxer. ! Is made by Mr. and Mr. 'y. ; Canning of this city. The manage" wUT takVTpJaee" " "very shortly in Holy Rosary Church. I SEARCHEDIOR THREE YEARS I' HANK ISKOItKlAV flMX Mill; AN I ( IHI.IHtlA IN E.TTI.i: !i:ATTLI Jan. 1-Aftrr a Miiirh Iw tlirre jear thruiitlmut North Anirrlra for hi lfr ami tno rlilld-rrn, frank llrodlean lat nlht resirhetl a Mirrefiil end to hl qurt. Ill Mlfe left him In Mind-Mir, Onl., In 1923, It la alleged, taking the ehllilren hoy, aged h, and a girl, acrd 10 with hrr. jt riirUtmaa nirnlng a telrgrani Irum a dlvorre bureau here Informed him that hla wife had filed aiilt for legal Mwratlon and the. rutmty of the ehllilren. Ilrodlgan hurried here and wtlil he will fight to be awarded the children. HARBOR BOARD ASKED TO QUIT I.IU T.- Ol, KlltKI'ATKK K AND S. I. I'ltKNTtlt KKMdN AT lti:iJlT Of KKPAUT.MENT VANCOUVER. Jan. 5. The Star this morning said Lieut -Col. O. H. Kirk-patrtck. chairman of the Board of Har bor Commissioners, has mailed his resig nation to the Federal Oovernment at Ottawa. The action was taken, he said, In response to a request received over the week end from the minister of marine and fisheries. S; L. Prenter. member of the Board, who also re ceived a similar request, said his resig nation would be forwarded In dus course. Ne'ther of the commissioners have any Information a ta when their resignations are to become effective. Application Made ay BUILT NEAR KETCHIKAN I.O.D.E. PLANS TO CELEBRATE MILL DKVI-K MIME .MEANS OK Oll- l;i;VI.j Jl UlLKE (OMEDEIIA-TIOX TORONTO, Jan. 3. The Imperial Order Daujhlera of the Empire are ..ikln; plans to celebrate the Jubilee of Confederation and the "Echoea' Cbrutaias number contains many practical augguticn for e3mmemorat.nj the h.ttcrtcal event. The national commit-tie l.OX. favors a national serviee of ihanksgivlng Ju'y 1 O be held almui taneoualy throughout Canada; a lun-chesn or a banquet on the ev of July 1 In each provincial capital at wh.cn the salient feature of the progre&a of Canada since Coofederatlod csuld be expounded and an exchange of cordial leilctutlcn from province to province could be extended. Living picture of Canadian heroines, the staging of hlatorleal pageants, the evolution of the C-Pit. w.ta a dominion film showing the driving of the last aplte;! the trek of the United Empire Loyalist into Canada: a.enea in the Hudson Bay trading posta; the Father o. Coniederatlon In council In Char-lotvet-.wn. in Ottawa, In Quebec are 3isg the outstanding Incidents aug-ge ted 'far special cjmjejiorauon on t.ie part of mejabers of the order In celebration of the Jubilee MOVEfo"UNSET' EDMONrON MAYOR January 10 l lute net by Mr. Juttlee ford for llrsrin; of Argument lu Application EDMONTON. Jan. 4. Argument In the move to unaea; Mayor A. U. O. Bury will be heard by Mr. Justice Ford In the supreme court chamber on Monday. January . 10. at 10 ajn. The flat which grant leave to have the matter some before the court, was granted by Mr. Justice Ford. Nell D. Maclean, K.C presented the application on behalf of Jos, A Clarke, a defeated candidate for mayor In the civic elections of December 13. That Mr. Bury Is not qualified for the position by being a property owner or by having a sufficient business tax assessment, U the ground set out In the motion. Mr. Clarke, the relator, filed his personal bond for I2O0 and Messrs. Lemplere and Neher were sureties to the extent of S103 each In bond for the coat. Mr. Maclean atates that the papers are being filed at once and copies served on the Interested parties. Mayor Bury and the city clerk. Mr. Bury a -qualifications were scrutinized by the city officials and duly approved before his election we affirmed by the returning officer, and he wUl also receive notice of thia court action. wntKUiss iu:roitT R a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barometer 30.04: temperature 38: sea. smooth: 7 pjn. tug Cape Scott left Prince Rupert southbound: 1130 am. spoke steamer Victoria bound from Seattle to Ketchikan 202 miles from Ketchikan. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 29.-76; temperature, 30. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Part Cloudy; baro-mtr 30.12: tpmnrturit. 4A: sea. smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.-80; temperature. 40. for All Water Power Rights, Also Timber Leases, Revilla Id. JUNEAU, January 4. The International Paper Corporation on Monday filed application with the Federal Power Commission In Washington for all water power rights and timber, leases on Revilla Gigcdo Island. An application covering the same lakes and streams was included in an application filed several weeks ago by the Sellar-Bach Company. The International Paper Corporation plans to construct a pulp and paper mill with 250 ton daily capacity at Thome Arm near Ketchikan if the application is granted. Circulation 1503 Sales UF AGAIN Jack Tar Will be Maid and Hairdresser Aboard Duke of York's Warship Precedent for British H.M.S. Rencwn leaves for Australia with Duchiss and her companions 1 as passengers PORTSMOUTH, January 4. Bluejackets will act as maids to the Duchess of York and her two ladies-in-waiting when H.M.S. Renown leaves on Thursday to take the Duke of York on his official tour of New Zealand arid Australia. As women are ordinarily bar red from warships, the forthcoming voyage will set a precedent In the British Navy. The Duchess two travelling companions will be the Countess of Cavan and Mrs. be no female sen-ants, the Admiralty has decided that Jack Tar, always a handy man, will be well qualified to run things as they ihould be on the high sea. The blue-si jseket1 work wUI Include hair dressing in which Marine W. R. Uden ha taken a peclal courae In order to qualify for this r particular tak. 1 The Duke will represent the King at the opening of Aurtnairt new capital ! at Canberra on May .29. 1 ' Twenty-five year ago. ; the present Sing and queers JhentleDakeandJ Duchesa of York, made a- lmllar.trlp to , Auatraila. ' i . i DUKE OF YORK In kilts at a dinner given by the Royal Scottish Corporation In Londan. ALARM FELT FOR . BRITISH TANKER trv-rl Being Two Wcekt Otrrriue. iSrarrli ship Han Been Sent from Toklo TOKIO. Jan. 4. The British oil tanker Toco destined from San Pedro to Yokohama Is two weeks overdue. A ship hss been despatched to search for the mlsslr.g vessel. NOTICE TO .MA KIN Ell. The deputy minister of marine announces the establishment by private Interest of a fog signal at Oraves Point. Oranby Bay, Observatory Inlet. Details are as follows: Position. On end of loading dock, Oranby Bay, 130 feet 223 degrees (S. 18 degrees W. mag.k from Oravea Point. Description. Siren, operated by electricity, glvea one blast of 3 seconds duration every minute. Remarks. The fog signal la main tained and operated continuously dur-' Ing thick weather by the Coastwise 'Steamship and Barge Company. Iarge' Upstair Dining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor, for liire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and hut, for the least. Piwne 457. 300 Price Five Cenls Navy will be set when John Gilmour and, as there will - - . "im T Tit ar mrnm AI M U H iyi A k K T I j 1 1 j lllilillVli 1 ttm g m t. saa jav tfm I'M 1 I AJ Ili" jfltj f J 1 l"". !. UMHurs iu mi.mv T .SEATTLE AlCTION MlK RATS I.MPKOVE SEATTLE, Jan. 4. A special sale of the Seattle Fur Exchange showed an sc- tlve market on all fresh Items, excepting wolfes. which lacked demand, declared jJose Agnew, general manager of the ct.iicero, Agnew's figure and comments were a follows: Mink were the principal offering again, the entire offering being told at a $12.60 average. The top price was tzo. Red fcx showed more activity and the few hundred on hand were sold at an average of 120.23, the top price for the best lot being 2l. while several specimens brought from Hi to 140. Cross fox were an Inconsequential of-. ferlng. Muskrat showed an Improvement. Blue fox sold very well, one lot containing all grades bringing $83 average. Practically the entire collection of this Item waa sold at an average cf 131.96. The next regular sale is January 28, at which one of the largest offering? of the year 1 to be auctioned. iONEisScT BOY IS FOUND CALVIN WHITE KEM'VKII fKOM .MOUNT HOOD BIT NO TKAt'E Of LExLIE IIKOMNLEE PORTLAND. Jan. 4. Calvin White sixteen, one of two boys lost In a bllz-rard on the slopes of Mount Hood on Saturday, was found last night by a search party. White found shelter under a log waiting for the storm to cease. No trace ha been found of Leslie Brownlee. aged 20, the other lad lost In the blizzard,. DONKEY ENGINE CAUSED DEATH CONTKACTIMl ICOH IIKOKK AM TWO MEN MIOWKUII) WITH fl.YIMI IKON BELL1NOHAM, Jan. 4. William Dab-cock waa killed and h)a brother, George, critically Injured on Monday In a logging camp at Wlckersham near here when the contracting rod on the donkey engine broke showering the men with flying pieces of iron. Lord Wllltngdon has seen the Royal Winter ralr. But wait until he see Toronto In Its supreme effort In the Canadian National Exhibition. With a diplomatic minister In London. Canada will be politically and unelaliy th equal of any of the powers. j