PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS i . '. We Wish to one and all A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year Ruperarmacy Phone 91. We Deliver BIG REDUCTIONS For the Wintry Weather The "Hanaco" English Raincoat, guaranteed waier-prooi, reg. $9.50. Sale $8.25 Men's Raincoats, rog. $12, Sale $9.50 Child's Slickers, reg. $1.85. Sale $1.00 Come in and look around Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Perfect Sight A matter of foresight Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper , lenses. Present neglect may mean future1 trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) You Need Something for the activities of the Festive Season Buy at Montreal Prices and make your money go farther ' Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. .Miller, Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per load $6..r0 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 560 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. 'argument over ! diet of bears WHY It IILACKS AM) CINNAMONS CAT CLAY HKKI(K "DENNING II" lOll WINTER MONTREAL, Jan. 3. Whether the black and cinnamon bean of the Canadian north woods and the Rocky Mountains eat clay "with malice afore thought" before they seek their dens for the long sleep of winter or whether the presence of large quantities of clay In the bears' stomach during the late fall and early spring Is merely an accident of diet, have long been questions of dispute among Canadian liun- ters and naturalists. And now a new angle Is given to the controversy. To those unacquainted with the habits of the bruin family, It may be surprising to learn that -the bear does fill his stomach with clay before retiring for his long winter snooze, but this Is not news to the man who has "skinned out" a bear which was caught either Just before he "denned up" or Just when he emerged after his winter hibernation. When bears are killed at either of these periods, hunters claim, they are Invariably found, to have large balls of clay In their stomachs. The Inquiring mind naturally asks "why and how," and there are almost as many answers to these questions At there are hunters and naturalists. One theory Is that Nature has taught the bear to eat large quanti ties of clay before retiring for the winter In order to prevent undue shrinkage months when the hibernating animal eats nothing. Major Fred Brewster. M.C.. naturalist and outfitter of Jas per National Park In the Canadian Rockies, where bears are almost as plentiful as dogs around an Indian reservation, has little patience with this theory, he declares during his visit to Montreal. MAYOIC UUEU STKIl'S TIIEOIIV It's simply a matter of food." Major Brewster declared. "In the fall, after the fish and berry seasons are over, the bear becomes a meat eater. Gophers, marmots and other small animals are his food and to get th'cm out of the ground Mr. Bruin has to dig with teeth a&d claws. In doing so he gets large quantities of clay Into his mouth and swal- WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND L'SE. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company. Limited, whose address is Vancouver, B.C.. wm apply lor a licence to take and use 100.000 gallons per dav of water out of Unnamed stream, which flows northwesterly and drains Into Captain's Cove at head of Captain' Cove. The iratr will be diverted from the stream at a point aircut 700 feet from mouth and will be used for commercial and domestic purposes upon the land described as Lot 1253, Range 4 Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 4th day of November, 1926. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and t.. the "Water Act" wUl be filed in the office" of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller o'. Water Rights, Parliament Buildings Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The dat of the first publication of this notice Is November 10, 1828 OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LTD. Applicant. By J. P. Strang, Agent THE SALE OP ALL SALES Quality First, Price Last Men's Mackinaw Coats, lest make, all wool $3.t8 Men's Teed Suits .... $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.83 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.19 Men's Overalls $1.93 Men's Wool Hose 29c MANY OTHER BARGAIN'S Come and nee. We set a hard pace for others to Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue .Many Hargain in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT Indies' Keady-to-We'ar Third Ave. Phone 631 .fee ..s Do vou take l(east Br your health? If so, use ' ' ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quality for over 50 years. Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flavor is improved by adding the juice of an orange. ROYAL YEAST CAKES low some of this with his food. There is not time lor this to be eliminated from the bear's system before he "dens up" for the winter, hence all the bears tuned late In the fall or early In the spring have these balls of clay la their stomachs. Then, when the bear does commence feeding In the spring, his diet consists of what we call 'bear cabbage' and other lush vegetation which Is nature's own spring medicine, and the clay disappears. The Nature teaching' theory U just about as sound as the belief that porcupine? cd throw their qui Us at passing enemies. The Rockies are full of 'quill-pigs' but nobody ever got a quill Into the clothing or his flesh unless he got close enough to be within reach of Porkey's tall and once that reaches either man or beast, the tiny barbs on the quills do the rest and drive the quills in to the victim's flesh. Advertise in the Dally New. WATER NOTICE. nivi:i:sioNrANi ic TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. whose address 1 P.O. Box 1700, Prince Rupert. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 4 W0 gallons per day of water out of an unnamed creek which flows northerly and drains Into Nesto In let, about one mile from the head of the Inlet, on Its aouth shore. The water wUl be diverted from the stream at the natural outlet of a small lake, about 060 feet from the mouth of the creek, and will b uwd for domestic and Industrial pu. poses upon the 7 acres of land described a unsurveyed land for which lease is applied. This notice was posted on the ground on the 23rd day of November 1928. A copy of thl notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objection to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller or water Rignu. Parliament Buildings, AT OUR WINDOW Prune on Sale for One Week Only Two sizes 40-.r)0 Size Regular 17Vic On aale, per lb 12V2c Or 25 lb. box for $2.95 60-70 siw y Regular ISc .On sale, per lb. 10c Or 25 lb. box for $2.35 This is your last opportunity to buy prunes cheap. Get a 25- lb. box now B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phonen 45 and 574. iHHHBHBlj Closing : Out LOOK ! SALE NOW IN FULL SWING SPORT CHAT - Tonight will see the resumption of the billiard schedule with the Moose and Orotto meeting In the first of the series of games, The Moose at present hold the- cellar position In the league Just one point below St. Andrew'r while th Orotto hold second place with a one point lead over the Oyros. The con test so far ha not been at aU one aided and Interest should be keen lu the opening games as they might easily cause a shlfUng In the positions. With a rink already constructed by R. C. Mutch and only suitable weather now being wanted, there has been considerable activity In hockey circles in Smlthers recently and the prospects are reported to be the very best for organising a hockey league that wlU rupply suRlclent material to make some exciting contests during the winter. Those who have been planning the league report two dozen players available to make up the teams and these wlU be drawn together for making up a ; schedule of games to run at least twice each week. Should It be decided toj take on any outside teams, the best will be selected from the four teams to j represent the town, although at present I the high cost of outside game rises a! a barrier against foreign invasions. The protest of numerous fans, the mayor and the Chamber of Commerce of St. Louis against the transfer of Rogers Hornsby. player manager, to New York has so far proved of no avail. Commissioner Land la has responded to the appeal with the Information that It Is entirely outside hi Jurisdiction. Hornsby ha made a nam for himself which McCraw figures will be a big drawing card for the Giant. The New York Athletic Commission ha issued a sanction for a testimonial boxing show In aid of Sam Langford. who Is now nearly blind. Sam, who was born in Nova Scotia, wa very charitable to worthy causes needing help lh the hey-day of his career and. now that he 1 old and penniless, say he only desires 8S00 with which be may start a shoe-shine stand. TORONTO WOMAN HAD ODD PLEA Wax mi IVd lu Taking Article I rum Kilobaud's More, That die "Lilted" I'rum Otlirrk TORONTO. Jan. 4. I By Canadian Press). An unusual plea wa entered by the lawyer defending a woman In police court here. She wa charged with ahop-Ilftlng from several department tores. Counsel explained that the woman's huiband wned a grocery tor and that ahe. In the full feeling of proprietorship, became accustomed to helping herself from the ahop as a matter of course. This habit," the counsel pointed out. "developed along other lines and to the extent which this charge point out." The court after considering the fact that ber husband was weU off and that she obviously had (to urgent reason for pilfering, fined her' ISO and ccU; complete restitution of goods stolen, and placed her under a 1200 bond to keep away from fhe stores. Comrade Stalin Is probably right In his conclusion that If he and hi fellow Bolsheviks can's communize tb .Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after ! Ruaalon peasants, there Isn't much use the first appearance cf this notice In a i . - . 4 ,, put ubjlcation of this notice is Decern- ber 1. 1928. JOHN DYBHAVN, Applicant. MINERAL ACT CEUTU ICATi: OP I M I'ltO V KM O'TM notici; Juanlta. Anyox. Oranbv. Alamo. Rodeo. Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mlw.ral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located On Wann River. Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that L Charles V. Bob, Frve Miner' Certificate No. B97C8, Intend, tlxty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant oi the above claim And further take notice that action, I under section 88, must be commenced I before the issue of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated thl lit day of January. A.53. 1 1927. I II. McN, rnASER, Agent. (pending good money trying tlonlze the world. Snow may look beautiful in the coun try, but It 1 a nuisance and a Dig expense in the city. It cost almost a much to harvest a crop of snow u the city a to harvest a crop of whes- In the country. SCHEDULE SECOND HALF OF BILLIARDS The following schedule for the second half of the Billiard League season I re leased by the secretary, tf. II. Lone: JANC.tKY 4 Moose vs. Orotto . 7 Oyro v. St. Andrew. 11 Orotto vs. Orand Terminal. H Bt. Andrew v. Mooe. 18 Grand Terminal v. Oyro. 21 Bt. Andrew v. Orotto. S3 Moose v. Orand Terminal. 28 Orotto v. Oyros. ri;ititi!.KV 1 Grand Terminal vs. Bt. Andrew. 4 Oyro v. Moose. 8 Orand Terminal v. Grotto. Jl 8t. Andrew va, Oyro. 5 Orotto v. Moose. 18 Oyros v. Orand Terminals. 22 Moose vs. St. Andrew. 25 Oyro v. Orotto. M wan -1 Orand Terminal v. Mocwe. 4 Orotto va. St. Andrews. 8 Moose v. Oyro. 11 8t. Andrew v. Orand Terminal. f I'LAYKKS Moose Don Brown (captain), Jack Judge, Joe Brown, J. Hlllman, It. Parr and J. May. Orotto Oeorge Waugh (captain), B. Jelich, J. Andrew, Dr. J, A. West. Joe Beesley and J, Hamilton. Orand Terminals Charlie Balagno (captain), P. O'Donnell, Frank Zleman, H, Corbett. D. Howe and J. McLean. Oyn-WJt. Long (captain), W. J. Nelson, Ben Self. Prank Aldrldge, Angus MaDonald and Alexander Harvey. St. Andrews S, D. Macdonald (captain). Fred Pyle, Percy Tinker, M. M. , MacLachlan, Bert Morgan and 8. Dar ton. II M - lnV I Have yon heard boat IVnit Pens Is scientific preparation put np In pastille form, which provide an entirely new and ef. fertile treatment for ronght, co Ida, chest and throat trouble. Tep contain certain medicinal Ingredients which, nhn iilared npon (be Itwijrne, Immediately torn Into vapor, and are breathed down the. air passages to the June. On their Journey, tbey soothe the Inflamed and Irritated membrane of the bronchial tubes the delicate walla of the air pa'-tares and finally enter and carry relief and heallnir to the lungs While no liquid or solid ran get (0 the lunir and air paages these Tens fame tret there direct, and heallnir commences rfcEE TRIAL 5 "!V. mmmmm marakirjn artlels, writ across It tie nam an of th't papar, aa4 mall It (with la. stamp to par rtturn pottara) to rap Co., Toronto. A fr trial paakat WlU tbta bo aoot Ton. All drta-glsts ana stores aall Ftp. 25 box. peps WON PRIZES FROM THE BEAN JAR The bean guessing contest 1 over at! Bent's and the best guesaer I Miss It. McCann. of Port llaney who came within one bean of guenamg correctly j the number of bean in the Jar. Bte i rrta the diamond Tina V? in ITtrvaritt 1 MacKay and Mrs. Thos. McMrekin tied In their gues. both estimating the content of the Jar at 8.350 while the correct number wa 8.400. They wUl be awarded Use second and third prizes, a wrist watch and a gold nugget pin. The only design anybody has ua Uve flapper today are those she painted there herself. High Low High Low High Lew PRINCE RUI'ERT TIDES Tl KMAY. JAM AKY 4 1-59 am. 19 4 " 185 pjn. 23.4 " 7:41 a-m. 84 " 2034 p.nv 22 " l lMitV, JAM AKY 3 2:48 am 19.7 ft 14-40 p JM. 23 4 - a a.m. 8 0 " 31 6 pjn. 20 - Till ItsllAY. JAM AltV 6 ZM am. 19H ft 105 pjn. 31 S " 9:10 ajn. 7 7 " 31:47 pja. 34 " LAND ACT j M)TI(K or INTEVriOV TO APPLY TO. TO I'i llUltM: LAMI In Prlnoa Rupert Land Record ma Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and altuale on the north abort of tb South Arm or Ta'-oo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen OharlTtte Uland. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Jamea Field, of Prince. Ruprt. B.C . occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for permtaoion i t- purchase the following described ' lands: Commencing at prt planted on the , north shore of South Arm of Taaoo Hsr- i Nr. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte' Islands. In tbe Province of British Ool-j umbia. about S chains from the end of' the Government trail: thence 10 chains nCTtheattcny: thence 10 chain north I westerly: thence 10 chain southwesterly: t pence io chains southeasterly, and ' containing twenty (20) acres, more or, leas. JAMES FIELD, i Applicant. Dated November 29. 1920. BEGIN The New Year Tuesday, Januarr 4, 1917 RIGHT By Saving Money You can do this In our Basement Store where you v.:' find a fine assortment of China, the latest Dinnerwarc Johnson Uro. "Pareek"; also a fine line of G limn ware Wale GlasRefrom $1.00 per dozen up. Stem Glasses for wine, ef' from $2.00 per dozen. We invite you in to keep yourelf (KMtt-d on the new jrood not necessarily to buy hut to look around our store. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 327-523 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 snd 9 p.m. BUCK JONES - in "30 Below Zero" With EVA NOVAK. PAUL PANZKIt And strong cast COMEDY "SNOOKUM'S PMYJIATir SCENIC "SUN AND SNOW I NTEItN ATI ON A L N EWS Admirtkion ...... 35c and 10c Ran ad ian National Q7ic Largcfl "Railway Syflem in America Steamship and Train Service a. I'KIM't) Mtl'KUT III lie rUINC i: ItlTt-KT lor t AM III t I K. U'- TOKIA. M:TII L. and Intermediate mlnl fTM h I KIIMV at a.m. sjj. rilKM'i: KITI.KT fur XTMt.lKT and ANYO, tti:tlM:Mi IV. 1 pm .. pKINCK C'llltl.r.! for VAM'OL'VCR tl OI I IA' riltlUOTTt I- UM'H. lurtnlthtlj. PASHIAfilU TltUNi Li: ttt PHIMT. Ut Pi:itT turn MOMiW. VHItMlitY and fctTt ltlilY al IIJO .u. lor HUM I (ll OIMii:, i:iMOVTO. tUNMI'M), ail point jilefn Canada, I nlled Mate. AUKNCY AU. OCMN HI ) M-llir I.INKl. I'm, Canadian .National :re for Money Order. lufeUn Ctirqum, rlr alwi for jour neat shipment. CITY HCkir Oil ICE. StS TIIIIIU K.. ritlMI: Ut IT.UT 1'lwi.e TUt Kehidcnce, 211 Fifth Atenue Wtrt P.O. llov 217 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed SuiU made to order in our shop in Prince Kupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGEIt, Culler $50. 00 Prince Hupert, H.C. CLOSING Out SALE CASH ONLY MEN'S FURNISHINGS, ROOTS AND SHOES, RURREIt CASH ONLY FOOTWEAR, ROYS' CLOTHING, ETC Everything in our Men's and Hoy Departments to lc cleared out at wholesale cost or Jen. For wime time pat we have realied that the Men's Furnishing huKlncH In thl city has leen overdone. Therefore we have decided to clear out Ihe enllre slock and make a real pale of it. Sale Starts Immediately and we shall make an effort to clear all goods out by the end of January. Terms are cash, no exchanges, fend everything to b sold at our wholesale cost or less. Positively no profit on any article. We shall submit our code cost mark to u reliable outsider" in case anyone should doubt the price as being wholesale cost. Dry Goods Department January Clearance Sale starts thU week. We will have .bargains a-plenty for cash only. Watch our windows. Our January Clearance Hale wjll be the biggest event ever. The Universal Trading Co.