Tuecday, January 4, 11)26. A Watch to be Proud of During the many yearn we have been nelllng watches we have never handled an a-Hortment tetter than the new lot of Imported watches received thU Fall. Since the war, owing to unsettled condition, a great many inferior watches have been put on the bargain counters and many of tiem will not keep going more than n year. One of our new makes ha nil the steel parti of stain-Icks steel, which will not rust even If exposed to water. Prices from $ir.()0 up. Let uh show you! ,9 it? 4 Jewellers SlIIC STOHE Willi THE CLOCK THE Drraih of Lift l better, when Bftsibed hr healthful re-g. Luar JP1 pon EtrTri for fbtir Motive forte. YOUR NERVES y CONTROL YOUR health i Tot j-our rUh m Consult d. a. McMillan Calmer Graduate f HUtOI'lCA'TOR Room 6 k 7, Exchange Illnck Phone C'JI pAnioMCUROMrrm ; Service ASfATt - vrvrcc oniiNi. ' JO CEr THE COCRECT . Afr Service that hits the bull's cr Accuracy in quality as Well ns quantity These re our alms nnd achievements. In this season of weather uncertainty, wc nre meeting all fuel emergencies with Minute Man promptness. Our oal Is the most dependable. NANAI.MO WKI.MXIiTON nnd amh:hta sooti.kss Albert & McCaflery Phonos lift and 117 The Very Latest Is a Tom Boy Skirt We linve I hem! "Demers" . P.O. IJox 327. Phono 27 Indictments Show How Rum-Trial in Seattle Is Strewn with Graft I SEATTLE", January 4. How Seattle police and other law en.' forcement officers aided the .army of bootleggers, moonshiners and .mm runners in supplying reauie thirsty vh contraband liquor has finally been revealed through a succession of grand jury Inflct-tmenU by the federal government. ' i The devious source of the stream of moonshine and smuggled! ; whisky, its origin, its handling, its disposal and frequently Us seizure! ana return to the channels or illicit distribution have formed one ofi the most ama2lng revelations of, law violation In northwest criminal : history, ' . j And til along the pathway of the ' tors. rum drliye can be found gold m tainted, as menacing s the gold ot the pint that sailed the Bpanlth main. all who hare been lured by the pro mise of rum gold hare been stung by the poison which Lb us fie tut installed throughout lav enforcement circles. Thrre successive grand lury reports by th federal government, naming tlsose who, they charge, hare handled the liquor or taken part in It distribution and protection, show three main sources of supply. First there 1 the rum-runner, the whisky pirate that operate under fort r of night in .streaking speed boats that dash through the water of Puget Hound from Csnsdlan liquor cachet. ItllWIHH IIIXillT This traffic reached its height la IM. when floy Olmsted m the late and use 3.000 gallon per day ot wnicn rmnnit an psper The daw or me ursi dudikb-'ton of this notice Is November 24. IBM. DKI'AKTMEHT OP PCBUO WORKS. CANADA, Appllcsnl. By J. P. Forde. District Engineer. Agent. IX PROBATE According is frequent report. th moonshine wu brought intn 8&tt!: Is ' auto truck from nearby farm and ' distilleries located In caves, absntiaaed i Wrecked hornet. Matted rtpuUticnj. I firm, bams and in modern, specially : deaths, unhspplneM and crime form I built distiller!'. ! the wake of the rum flood. Police officer. sberi3 deputies, business men Tnese distilleries paid s flat rate to OfncUU. it is charged, for thf protection from arrest accorded them. saloons. flows eastwsrdly and drains into Dodg similar channels, but tnstesd of being Owe on th east side of Dig by I land, j . tiu. . . . BO. The water wui b oirenea iromi .u. ....... -V '.k. SH-,initr,tlon KIVr.KMOX AXI fSE Ki" "Vy ' TAKE NOTICE that Robert U in 10 th Witter of the Estate of Clark Currle, whve address Is 1416 8th Ave. M.anrSi Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a TAKE NOTICE thst by order of III , licence to tag ana use tuiy gaiiona Hon ir Judee Robertson, the 15th dsy of per minute oi waier oui oi nau crrcs. r"ember Ail 1928 I wa appointed unnamed, which flows southerly and drain Into Huston Inlet. Q.C. lslails Ammutrator of the estate of Clark :iSJrJ!.JrAMSi.bwt 1.000 feet westerly from tnliira t::.-i:rrr;.i..Th.i5 ..tat. ar cabina at head of Huston Inlet. Ihe '"" ' ""rT-rj--.:. . ' water wtr nil will b be dlvsrtnl diverted from from the the I nereoy requirea o o iwnu wui., rlr verified to m on or before the loin usy oi jsnuary. im.i. .m oartiea Indebted to the esUt are re- to pay tne amount oi mcir ui-ebtednen 3u:red to me forttwlta. MOllXIAN A. WATT. v Offldsl Administrator. prince Rupert, DC Dited the 16th day of December. AX. 1MB . LAND ACT NOTICE OP IXTCXTIOX TO AITI.V TO LEASE rtlllEf IIOHE In Oraham Wand, 3ueen Charlotte Island Und Recording District of Prince iRupcrt. and situate at Ferguson Usy. iMsssett Inlet. Orshsm Islsnd. i takr notice thst Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver. DC j occupation Manufacturers. Intend to ap-1 ply for a lease oi scribed crlbed lands: lands: ued for Industrial nuroosea upon isntf described at bead of Huston Island. . ' T THE. DAILY NET73. " ' . . V - circulation. It Is the police liquor ; IW A copy of thu notice and an ap- warehouse orgsalattton. plication pursuant thereto and to th ; varlou police and harbor patrol men Wsir Act" will be filed In the office , ,, named in the Indictments are alleged of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections to the application may be j to have acted a guard to boats land-filed with th said water Recorder or ,Ukey at cMy wharf or to hare with th CoroptroUer of Water Rights. , Parluunent Buildings. Victoria, o C. ! accepted bribes for retunung seteed witbln thirty days after the first ap pearance or tnis notic in a ioi w IV Till: M TKr.MK COI KT Ol' ItKI TI-ll fin i-im i liquor or to have acted as motorcycle or automobile convoy to rum distributor. TO IIMI fONfKKNH Revealing that the government believe whisk? shipment come in to applied lor to lease i tniei. aioresoy . th following ae-i wrier nt pi tTTinV nnmmmrlne at a boat planted at th iae This notice was posted bit the ground on th 6th day of December. 1826. A copy of this notice and an application ' thereto and to the "Water Act, rursuant 014." will be tiled In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. , Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parllsment Buildings, Victoria. 11 C 1 within thirty days after the first ap-, pearance ot this notice in a local news- , paper. The date of th first publication Is December 20. 1926. ! ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. l northeast corner of D L. 1571; thenc PUBUC NOTICE Is hereby given to the , i westerly, following northern boundary of elector of the Municipality of the City ' ' said Lot to th northwest corner of said ' 0f Prince Rupert that I require the pre- t.,1 t Hn. wMifir. norviirru bhu unc oi me aaia eieciors si vna tiiiv H-Mterly. following tn nign na -' Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly 1 rhin.i. p,,int: thence south easterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 acre. mon or lMi. POWELL RIVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent. J. Douglas Wilson. Dated th November. U2 IN PROBATE IV THE Sl PHEMi: COI HT OF HIllTISlI ( Oi l MIIIA In th Matter of the Administration Act: and . ... . In the Matter of the Estate of Alberta Danlela, Deceased, lntestste. TAKE NOTICE thst by order of H Holier. Judge Robertson, the 15th dfy.oj December, A D. 1926, I was appointed Administrator of th estate of Alberta Daniel, deceased, and all P"ls having clslms against the aald estate ar hereby required to furnish same, pro-perly verified to me on of befor the lath day of Jsnuary. A.D. 1027. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re. quired to pay the amount of their in-nebtfdnes. to K'a!' WATT. rhm.ia1 Arfmlnlatrstor. prince Rupert, D O. 1 1920, Dated th 16th 'day of December, All. 1930, Clerk's Office, In th City Hall. City of Prince Rupert, on Monday, tne iutn asy ot January, 1927, at twelve o'clock noon, tor the. purpose of electing persons to represent them as Mayor and Aldermen and School Trustees. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated In writing; the writing shall be subscribed Dy two electors oi tne munici and seconder, and snsll be de-ivered firoposer to the Returning Olflcrr at any time between the date oil the notice and two pjn. ot th day of nomination; the aald writing may be In the form numbered S In the Schedule of the "Municipal Election Act," and shall state the names, residence, and occupation or description of each person proposed, In such manner as sufficiently to Identify such candidate: and In the event of a poll being necessary, auch poll shall be opened on the 13th day of January, 1927, at tne council unamorr, city nan, city of Prince Rupert, from th hour of 8 o'clock am. to the hour ot 8 o'clock p.m., of which every person I hereby required to take notice and govern htm- 10 per cent. on- a Government Bond Therfcebf the frr.se fca so m- Ctiiiwi iu6 in C2CWI1 money of the lmeret coupon on Frenph qavtrnn it 6r Boadt that invester who purchases thc aecurltle a short while ago when the yield was aruu:-.d T. are now recelrlr.g 10 on the r money. At the present on e th y!4 on these hiHi cn rise to 49. PartKultr regarding these,, attractive securities will t cent ub-s on revest. rjft. The Investment llou'se of C.tfi.Cordasco& Company wrr.t mliivo ex(u ivri.v iv FOKF.HJN (iOVEBVJF.XT AM. Mixiciptl imsy-Mafcll Truot BslMIng 291 MT. -MM!: MTKEET iHi.VTHK.tL t'.tN.tllA t iitiN or nut I Threuslj s. cfcaia oi &ao3-!r. b-i i and dlspensarle ! nested In the city. Smnt' 4rTnt Char-whlch were alleged to have been super-!1" proprietor of the Superior Plata hed by Frank nd John Oatt. wnoj00- 25,1 R"ro1 Areue. witb rum were among the Indicted men and whs were numbered alio among the former indictees, the moonshine finally reached the ultimate consumer, Police, it is charged, a-uarded these placet while the moonshine was belnif delivered, or stood guard on trucktoad of whisky. Frequently the police were forced to raid places, or oncers not In the em-psoy of the rum ring made seizures tGi liquor was stored In the pnHce llqwor vaults under the personal een- asXisMrstedfed king of the ram runners, j trel of Frank Son pie, who wu Indicted It received a sue mow wnen it , nn me ostit. essrsed witn aidinr in coast guard rum chaser were assigned to this kieslltjr. and was largely destroyed with the conviction ot Olmstad and some thirty aMe. The second indictment resesled In part the disposal of the whisky thst was brought la by the bests The tMfd Indictment, it la belle red, reveals In detail the distribution th last cstpSry. Oeurt ' order were formally Isseta directing the destruction of th booze. Ostensibly It wss poured Into the sewer and the empty bottle hauled away to the city's warehouse on Lake Onion. But It 1 bettered that the indictment will charge that frequently the wagon loads of empty bottles were macSiinory and the public omelal who mere disguises and that the barrel guarded It It also teres Is. It U be- j were half firil of full bottle with a I laved, the huge machine built up : covering of empty bottles on top. around th mootwhue trade M th iv v ir I in nilil sod third source a! tuofty.l This liquor was taken to the ware-which are a huge, etganlted. protected bouse. It Is charged, where another rnooiHtiMU saanufeeturtag ting and a 'ring wa In operation to purchase it targe amy Of Independent tUl opera-' back from the pottce. who are charged " with having "been In on It" and again WATKIl NOTICH I distributed K so the bnoUeggers. i.n iumon am. i r- I ,Tta 0fTfi, 'ffp:w5rt f TAKE VOTlCr that DeparUnent of , the other and ennfued IU aales largely Public Works of Canada, whose address to uptowi uptown liquor liquor den and apartment .s Ottawa, will apply for a licence to conspiracy was served E. K: Gasklll. deputy United 8taUs ', marshal, brought in Moe andOarl Hedges, his night watchman. Moe posted 2i00 ball sad was relewsed. Moe and Hedge were indicted by the fdeeral grand Jury along with the other j alleged members of the rum ring here, j H. . Emery, another of the accused.! was brought In by Csskitl and posted ! 1.500 ball. I Inst on e! the IsdleUnent return-( ed by ths second Olmsted grand ury will be dropped because an of the per-1 son named is it rfe reindicted last, week, was reported. This Indictment. named Ovorge Comstock. police beu- tenant, and five -tber. only two of whom were ever' arrested. . These two are Prosper Orafcjnlt and Herbert Fletcher. It la reported that Orslfnle Is betsg sought by deputy ! marh1a A k f villi I warrant. .MtTllt AtlKXT FleMher I reported to be the master under -cover agent of W. IS. Whltnejrs dry staff In the new indictments. Flet cher 1 said to have operated for Oat ! dry for many months a as aflCnt and! to have gathered muh of the evidence; that wa used to Indict 99 parson named in secret Indictments. He 1 reputed to have acted a a trusted lieu tenant under Otanated and to hare directed the landing of cargoes, to hare paid oaT varloMe police guard and others high In omelal life. J. A. Burns and Sever t Davidson, harbor patrolmen, were Indicted with Warren C. Brill and potted ball Tues- th stream at a point about 100 feet ; tie men to select customer, who or-1 dlT "T MlU "vother harbor guard, west of th northwest corner of Lot M.l6trta (k... uauar " bv Dhone ltm 11 indictment In the second ' subdivision ot part of tot iwrj. Range oimti OUMtM c ease v -nd will b used for domestic pur- Bonded liquor seized Isrgely found ! 'po upon the Und duc'lbed as Dodg I iU wwy back Into S the J2Z 32nd V'- dsv ol t? Novemoer. L : charged, through MILLION TREES USED AT XMAS TAKi: tiOOII CAKE Ol" i th. I "IHCH Alii: FROM C.W.WX various fish concern, along water- WATER NOTICE ioki:sticv txrr.RTs say this AX IXMOXiriCAXT UKAIX OX IOKKST WKALTH. IIOHIlVl.lt STATES USE TEN MILLION t iMirr.it.: i iiiki.mki iu OTTAWA. Jan. 3. (By Canadian Prcas). Forestry eiperts and conservationists in general regard the use of Christmas tree as an InJlf leant drain on the country's ferest wealth. A forest of 20.000 acres, leea than a town- atream i ship, would be sufficient In aiie tr pro- at a, pon about 200 feet from enore. rMt Canadian with Christm&s tree for-line. passing through twenty-four acre I tJ- sjrpiteu ur uiiuvr . rwv, ana ue seit accordingly. Qlven under Rupert, n.C .v hand at Prince this 31t day of December. EDWARD F. JONES. lutuming Officer. m .m m mm r m SdoderhamArts CANADIAN PY" RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by llm liiiveriuiiout of llritlsli Columbia, i . The Well-Managed iiome fp:HE i manager of a household is the purchas- 1 ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements arid inventions to male your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household- every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely ever at the present rate of demand. Under the direction of a competent forester the entire area would product irees: a one crop Is cut another wjuM be planted, says an article written in the office of the Canadian Forestry Association. Over one million Christmas trees. It la conservatively estimated! are used In Canada each C&rtstmas and the United States uses well over ten m'Jllon, some of which are Imported from Canada. The cutting and marketing of these trees constitutes a thriving, though temporary. Industry. ' The trees are, shipped long distances to supply the demand of the larger cities and In some cases; where the supply 1 not sufficient to ! meet the demand Christmas tree nu tcrles have been started. AX EXPLIITf VIEW Dr. C. D. Howe. jDesn of ."Forestry ' :he University of Toronto, when inter-1 i viewed, stated: "It Is easy to explain the concern of tree sowers and forest con- j i servattonlsts over the use and part leu-; iarir the export of Christmas trees. It ' '"is a response to sentiment and the trad :s easily dlscernable for it enter every norae. nosi i9pie. nowevcr, qo nut see the enormous destruction of young! spruce and balsam trees by forest fires.! I venture to ray that for every small ttee destroyed for the Christmas tree trade, a million small tree are killed In Canada each year by forest fires." "Let Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do its best. This new Brunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in a?d say I want to hear the ' ' " " new on these waste areas that are useless forest management and closer utilization for agriculture It Is beneficial to himself and to the community." . .Dr. Howe condemn' th ' cutting ot large trees for the sake of a tew feet of their top and the uneconomic distribution of trees that result in larger numbers of trees going to waste for want oil purchasers. It would be In the Interest of economy to regulate this needless wastage by municipal or provincial regulation. SPECIES ' .MOST 1E1 Canada but tn the United States many other substitute are used as thes species are not always available. Of the species mentioned balsam and cedar are known a "weed trees" a they have of the forest the case of Denrer. Col.. may be cited. Denver will use 40.000) Christmas treees this season aU supplied by the VS. Foiest Service from the Pike National Forest. The cutting of these trees opens up the forest and Improve It In the quality and quantity )f timber It produces. COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE-thst LIPSETT CUN- NINOIIAM & CO. LIMITED alter the ex- , ..,,.. plratlou of one month from th first Spruce, hemlock, balsam, cedar and KubUcUon 0f this Notice intend to Douglas fir are the tree chiefly used in apply to the Registrar of Companies for name to in approval approval of ol the the chance cnanre of oi c "EDWARD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT) LIMITED. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. thf 10th day of December. A.D. 1926. LADNEK tt CANTELON, Solicitors for th Applicant. PAGE FIVE 3 illE2iI!rSSSBV essTvVMassflpvfV ffj? I "'eltf' Lssh rMOMOoaxrui aw a atcoaoi V J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street little or no value except as Christmas trees. The cedar used Is almost exclusively an open-grown tree that might in time grow into. "ence post but the us be tactical and first check the bis": balsam has little or no value. Substl- 1 cause d the depletion of our future tute In the shspes of artificial trees forest supplies. The sale ot small trees I are now on the market. These are made during the Christmas season la good of wire festhers. paper and paint and business and good forestry. Most ot th j re chiefly used in tie large cltle trees come from farmer's grown-up where there Is a scarcity of real treev. pastures, swamps and watte land. It I As an example ot how the use ot the farmer can grow a profitable crop ' Christmas trees enters Into a plan of ! MILK FromHulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND Willi. 1MN0 CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Thone H57 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coat, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving.