fAGR SIX f1 I Whi Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING BASKET WEAVING, etc Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue ( Opposite Third Street) Phone - - - 234 Dried Fruits FOR CHRISTMAS JUST ARRIVED Glaced Cherries, per lb. Glaced Cherries, per half lb. box :wt Crystalied Cherries, per lb. ooe Mixed Peel, cut, per lb. :t5r Orange Peel, per lb. . . Lemon Peel, per lb. ... li." Citron Peel, per lb ."Of Bulk Raisins, 6 lbs. for Currants, C lbs. for itr? Black Figs, 3 lb . for . . rOf Prunes, 25 lb. box .. $2 15 We also have greatly reduced prices on all other fruits. Please telephone us your needs which will have our immediate attention. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson 1VJ for .ens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION . in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 MUST NOT RUN WATER PIPES Residents of Prince Rupert U1 be givro M more areks to tee that e-posed vater pspea are covered sod ' Ue expiry thai time. U it la Soiu that Up art Mill betas aliened to run to prevent freestag. Uve water wUl be abut off forthwith. Sucfc a uie decision of the city council las mailt folloainc the receipt of reports that a aoortase of water supply lor the city waa Impending and that, accordingly, no wmale could be permuted. The natter waa brought up when WUfrtd -Orettou appeared before the attjr noMBrtl protesting that water aup-ptjr to some of hla houaea abould be cut off because tape were allowed to run when such practice waa general throughout the city. The premlaea referred to. it waa pointed out. wre aback on Second Arenue. seat of the Junction, where pipe were ripened. AM. Perry pointed out that, in aum- mcrUme. precaution were taken to guard against a waate and shortage of water. In winter tine, there waa even greater fire riak and. if the present weather kept on. there would soon be a ahortate which might make It impossible to ftfiit Area unless the strictest of economy was observed. Nouow had been published and the people had been given all summer to nave their pipes protected. Eighty per rent of the cases had been met but a few had not compiled with the warning. Thai waa a case where the public' was to be taken care of and. no matter how auch any Individual might be paying in taxes. that did not make it any the more right for him to break the taw. He suggested that two weeka'more tune be glTen and. If the water waa stall allowed to run. then It should be cut off This was aeooBded by Aid. W. J Greer. Mr. Oratton signified his wUllngnea.- of taking the necessary precaution., but he wanted to be assured that everyone else was doing the same. Aid. W. J. Greer painted out that the co-operation of all etUeens In this matter was desired. No dlscriminatioi. j in favor of or against any person or persons was proposed. City Engineer H. A. McLean pointed out that the department waa trying to be fair In the matter. Mr. Oratton i had been warned but he had tailed to that the water acarclty was to a larsi do the necessary work extent due to the fact that the Sha- Ald Brcwn thought that the two t watlan Lake power plant was runmne weeks' notice was fair He pointed out to full capacity, open taps, of course. Beautiful Silver Tea Sets Just Arrived Among others we have one 4-piece set hand-engraved all over, English make at $50.00, which is a beauty; also another English Set, 4 pieces, engraved, at .$25.00. Other values $15.00 to $75.00 the set. We are glad to show our new slock. i i E 7BH cJEWELLERp THE STORE WITH THE CL0Cr APPJLES FOR THIS WEEK Fancy Mcintosh, per box . . $2.7." Crated Mcintosh, per box . . $2.2.' Fancy Jonathans, ier box 82.7." "C" Grade Jonathans, per box $2..0 Crated Jonathans, per box Sji2.2.' Grimes Golden. Delicious, Yellow Newton, and several other varieties at reduced prices. With every box of Apples sold at the above prices, you can have 2 bottles of Heinz Catsup for .'Op 1 bottle, regular sale :10c U bottles, regular sale 85p Local Fresh Eggs, per doz. . . 7(c B.C. Fresh Firsts, per doz. . . (iOo B.C. Pullet Extras. 3 doz. 1.1.' Every egg guaranteed We are selling 150 Jb. Fresh Ground Coffee is week-Per lb. rOcu or 3 lbs. for $1.4." India Ceyton Tea (highest quality), per lb .- Our Xmas Fruit, Candy, and Biscuits, etc., are arriving daily. Stock up now and get the best. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45 and 574 pontrtbutlng to the shortage. If there was a water shortage at Woodwortb ' ake. more power would have to be developed, at the dry dock at a higher cufct. It was all a matter of dollars rnd cents insofar as the city waa concerned The council decided that the two week' notice should be tiiven. Adver- Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street. It is not what you earn that adds to your bank account, it's what you save. In buying your! groceries here you save from 10 per cent to 25 per cent. Milk, 3 for :IT?' or per case $..."() 49 lb. Sack of Flour $2.00 10 lb. Sugar 7."e 2 lb. Butter, E.C.D J).'c 14 lb. box Butter, E.C.D. .. $.!) Capital Butter 45? 3 lb .$t.2.' 14 Jb. box Capital ,;5.K.- Remo Potatoes, per sack . . 8 1.1)0 ! China Boiled Oata, pkg 4it Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, or Pep, 2 for 2."f Corn Flakes 10 Old Dutch Cleanser 10 f White Swan or Royal Crown Soap, 6 for 2."c Palmolive, Fels Naptha or Lux Soap, 8 for Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. 50c High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 00? Bacon, Swift Premium or Shamrock in piece lots, per lb. 48p Sliced 55? Phone 301 $5.00 orders delivered free in City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McBride Street urvu leaning at Vancouver Priced THE DAILT NEWS TuesLv mm f ' Dependable adio Socket Power Sec the Universal A-B-C Socket Power Unit in action before you buy. Hear the difference it makes in reception. Note its quality and the features that make it so convenient and satisfactory. Works perfectly on all standard sets and eliminates all bother about current supply. Absolutely automatic, silent, dependable. Also comes in A, B, A-B and B-C units of equal merit. Ask your dealer to demon strate them. His Master's Voice, Ltd Halifax Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Calfiary Vancou?er Llwenients w this c!Tei .ished in the papers will be pub- PYTHIAN SISTERS1 SALE won toy Attala Dytohavn. Sack of sugar donated by P. Lltiaey won by Dave Eastman. Basket of fruit Ittnated bv Sunrise Grocery -won by Un. lions. Cake plate donated toy Mrs. Hart won by Mrs. Hoss. Buffet scarf donated by Mrs. Shenton.l won by Pat RatoMord. Table oentre doftated by the lodge won by Mrs. Hoss. Six electric glofces donated by Ray Love won by Mrs. MoOuUough. Table centre donated by the lodge won by Mrs. Howe. In the evening the ladies were joined by the men and waist was enjoyed the winners of the prices being: Ladies 1, Mrs. Leek; 2. Mrs. Hoss. Men s 1. W. Burktn: 2. D. H. McDonald. The committee in charge were Mrs. Leek. Mrs. S hen ton, Mrs. C. J. Stephens, and Mrs. Hoss. MISS ROSANG MARRIED TOE. ARTHUR THOMPSON The weddljuj took place last night of Erllng Arthur Thomson to Mlas Svea Nora Rosang. both of this city. Rev. John H. Hanson officiating at the home of the bride's father. The best man was E. O. Hall and Miss Roele Rosang, sister of the bride, -was the bridesmaid. There -was a large feumber of friends of the contracting parties present and after the ceremony a dance was held j which was kept up until late. ine Driae was the recipient of a number of very beautiful present. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will live In the city. THE FIRESIDE CLUB HOLDS MEETING AT BAPTIST CHURCH The first meeting pf the Baptist , . 'Vj Fireside Club since - ya organization - - ej "rrigfiK iTJnb -ao2; lU'TSsffl puggesti was held around' l the open fireside with the President Most Modern Drycleaning Plant R- w. Howard m the chair. The club is endeavoring to present to the young people In particular the foursquare plan: literary, devotional, social and recreational. Last night being literary a very enjoyable program was given. After the opening exercises and business: of the evening. 3. C. Brady. MP nud Mrs. Brady gave a sketch "Aa You Like If The sketch was verr forcefully presented and the iy.-r.. : " yd' o,d appiWUiVHl R-IS thoM present A piano solo tor Mtas Srady and one by Master Arehlt I Thompson brought the program to a ' close. Refreshment were then served, i Next Monday the club will ntve a OF WORK YESTERDAY irZZT - and all are Invited to make them- The Pythian Sisters held a sale of selves at home by the fireside. work yesterday afternoon at the Boston ' Hall which proved yery successful. Tea . NOTICE rtrCTf U?' T th"e IN THE MATTER of an application a musical of considerable in- program Xor iuUe of a ProrWonaJ Certificate terest. Mrs. Moxley sane and violin of Title far the East half of Lot 3027. solos were given by Mtas Dernioe Ross Casalsr District, said to contain 830 and Mis. Katbieen Bulger with M j " SryVf of the .oa. of the arfaret Olkthrist and Miss Olive Brass Orttfloste of Title covering the above as accompanists. j land having been produced . to me. It A number of rsfjlea decided " m lDWnlMn " ttie ex- " " were oecioea as as -ir plrmtton of cne month from tbl nm ,0,,aw, I publication hereof, a Provisional Certl- Box of spplss donated by Mrs. Blake fleet of Title to the above land. In the name of MADELINE UINTON. The oMg lnal Certificate of Title Is dated the 30th September. 1913. and Is numbered 4470 1 Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert B C 17tb October, 1927. H. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of TtMea YOD ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Arenue Next Royal Bank Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order In our shop In Prince Rupert as low QSS AA as VUUaUU I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street Dollar Day Sale Commencing Tuesday, November 15, and Clorr-. ... Nicht, November 19. u WO $ VAKI) GOODS DKPAKT.MKNT Kcd Bordered Uuen, rett- 35c- Sale. 4 jrartU Kitchen Towelling, reg. 25c. Sale. yards . Kitchen Towelling. rg. 40c. Sale. 3 yards Extra Special Barneley Towelliatc rR. 25c. , White Cotton, M" wide, rear 25c. Sate, f yard Pillow Tubing. 40 and 42 wide. reg. V. Sale. - 91 inch Sheeting, reg. 11.90. Sal 1 and 1-8 yard 81 inch Sheeting, reg. 55c. Sale. 1 1 yaraa White Cotton. 36" wide. ret;. 40c. Sale, t yards , Good quality Pillow Slip, reg. 35c. Halt. 4 for Good quality White Flannelette. 6 yards , Unbleached Cotton, 36" wide, 7 yards for Unbleached Cotton, 36" wide, reg. H5e. Sale, 4 ., Canton Flannel, reg. 40c. Sale, 3 yards for Special Bargain in Sheeting Jewniiai . Striped Flannelette. Sale. 5 yards Ximona Cloth, reg. 85c. Sale. 2Vi yards Valenciennes Lace, to clear. It yards Stc, or 25 . Wool, atoorted colors. Sale. 7 halls for Wool. 2 oa. balls, to clear, rog. 50c. Sale, 6 ball -Feveral shades Double Knitting Wool, reg. 40c. Sal. Shetland Floss, rag. 15c. Sale. 9 balls ........ Saxony Wool, popular shades, rog. tee Bale. 4 h,. SPECIALS IN CHILDREN'C WEAR Children's Heavy Flece-lind Waists, reg. 65c. Sa .. Children's Sleepers, sites 0, 1, 2. 3. Sale Babies' Wool Gaiters, in Black, Red and White. . Sak Children's Wool Mitts, in Blue, Red, MaresM and , 50. Sale, 8 for Children's Wool and Cotton Drawers, rg. 75 ;, pair. Sale, 4 for School Specialties 7 Scribblers. 6 Pencils. II. Crayon, 1 pkge. Envelopes, 1 Eraser. All ti LADIES SPECIALS Ladies' White Flannelette N'ightKOwna, to cleui w, Ladles' Silk and Wool Hose to clear, reg. $1.50 i , Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose. reg. (1.00. Sale, H.V Udiea' Lusea Silk VesU. reg. $1.45. Sale Extra Special for Ladies 6 Lawn Handkerchiet der Puff, yard Fancy Garter Elastic, all ! ROYS' AND MEN'S SPECIALS Boys' Tiger Brand, 2-piece Suits, reg. $1.25 eai h v Boys' Wool Shirts, reg. $1.45. Sale Boys' Grey Flannel Shirts, reg. $1.86. Sale . . Boys' Penman's "71" Shirts and Drawers, reg. $1 each Boys' Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, uuf 22 ; 86c to $1j0O. To clear at 2 for Men's Heavy Working Sox, res. 30c. Sale. 4 for Men's Worsted Hose. reg. 65c Sale, 2 for Extra Special for Men 1 Tie. 2 Handkerchief. 4 Buttons, all for Clearing off Girls' Winter Coats at 20 ner rent less We have only a few Ladies' Heavy Winter Coats Ic't hi:he are clearing at 23 per cent Ickk. Thin is a br.up THESE VALUES ARE FOR CASH ONLY Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 613 3rd Avenue and "ih ftrtf WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. JOHNNY Id HIES ite Pants Wle" LEILA HYAMS, WALTER LONG, HENRY UlKKOtt- GEORGE KUWA, RUTH DWYER and others LUPINO LANE COMEDY "NAUGHTY BOV "HODGE PODGE" "CONGRESS OF CELEBRITIES" Admission ..... 35c and 10c H an ad ian National Largel Railway Syfiem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from IMtl.VCK ItlTEKT for VANCOIVEK. V1CTOKI.V tlTT and intermediate points, each 1K1DAV. 8.00 aJn. For HTKWAltT and AnVox. each MKlXt:sliAV. 10.00 p.m Tor NOKTII and SOIT1I qiXCN CIIAIU.OTIE IsLANHS. Ttu. l'ASSEXdKK TRAINS LEAVE I'UIXC'E III I'EIIT t Each MOXDAV. WEUNEXII.W and HATl ltDAV at 1150 aJn V,r 1 .eu i ' " UEOKUE, EU.MO.VTOX, WINNIPEG, all polnta Eastern Canacln Statea. AGENCY AM. OCEAN STEAMSHIP UNEH. Use Canadian National Exrfs fnr Money Orders, torrW chr , etc, also for your next shipment, W3B3'S5v5W,rMi m CITY TICKET OFFICE. 828 TIIIHD AVE, PKINCE BUPEKT. rbnns