anyiningi The clock will be wound on June 20 and when the hand stops, it will point to f the lucky name. ; Be sure to enter before ' ' June 20. . ' IIIHIM I Al ll.lir lH (Jewellers .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK SAfi S OUR. IWMR CANT BE BC AT Ask the master builders of this town where to go for lumber and they .will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is. expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Purnltum Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine Block of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street .ion. Sakamoto shot past after High were threatened and Kami Mlwa then cleared. Nina Qurvlch missed a good chance and Stiles stopped Mlwa when dangerous. MacDonald played well for Borden and spoiled the High forwards repeatedly. Smith forced a couple of corners but the Borden defence cleared i their lines. Lee got away and MacDonald shot wide from Wicks' centre, while Lee headed Just over. Kane saved well from Sakamoto. Mike Gurvlch sent his forwards In action but High came back and Smith hit the upright with a good try. Halftlme came with no score. Kami sent Borden back and Larkln repeated the clearance at the other end. After a spell of mldfleld play- High forced a corner that Smith placed so well that Steen had to save. MacDonald shot too high. Borden were forcing the game and Lee narrowly missed after Kane had saved from MacDonald. Morrison stopped the Borden forwards five times In succession. Thomas got away to centre well but Stiles cleared. Play alternated but poor shooting on both teams gave the goal keepers an easy time. Full time came leaving the score sheet blank. Jack Campbell referred and Cecil Hacker and Jack Campbell (Junior), were linesmen. Teams: Borden Steen. 'Stiles. Larkln, Fong. MacDonald.-.M. Ourvlch, Sakamoto, N. Gurvlch, Lee, Batt, Wicks. High Kane, Mlwa. Morrison, Allen, Smith, Johnson, Sakamoto, Smith, Thomas. RIFLE SHOOTING M. M. Lamb Winner of Kpoon nt Mr- Mrliull Creek Range YeMerUa)' M. M. Lamb won the spoon at the McNlcholl Creek rifle ranges yesterday afternoon with a score of 98. The fol lowing were the scores: 200 500 600 Ttl. M. M. Lamb 33 33 33 D8 W. Brass 26 30 34 00 O. V. Wilkinson 24 31 29 C4 R. Wilson 30 27 25 82 R. W. Cameron 24 29 20 79 P. Russell . . 19 26 26 72 H. B. Eastman 23 25 21 72 B. Wilson 17 15 25 57 PLANS COMPLETE FOR EXCURSION MW'V PROMINENT VANCOI VK.U M hl. NF.SH MKX WILL UK IN HOAKI) OK THAllK PARTY COMINO ON 4l!NK 2i Vancouver papers report arranee menu complete for the cruise north of the Vancouver Board of Trade party which will be here on June 23 aboard the steamer Princess Alice. The largest and most representative ktoud of Van couver board members which has ever made a trade mission trio will visit this city and. Powell River, Ocean Falls. Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Alert Bay, Englewood, Bella Coola and Campbell River. i Included among the "visitors will be Robert McKee. T. S. Dixon. W. . Payne, L. Laird Oordon. Walter Wright, E. H, Banks, E. 8. Learn, Leonard prank, W. O. Btlckney. J. E. Stebhen son, W. Holt, J. W. Qehrke. James Qallo- way. Earl A. Smeed, Philip P. Brown, C Slmson, Chii. F. Chapman, Mayne D Hamilton, W. C. Woodward. J. F. Keen O, F. Stafford. Oscar W. Pearson. II T. Young, John Anderson, T. If. Kirk McDougall, John Drucquer, J. T. (McCay J, L. Noble. n. E. Jsmleson. J, 87 Eckman, E. II Bell, Nlchol Thompson. H. A. Stewart 0. M, Ronton. Roy W. Brown, Charles Sutherland, W. J. Twlss. A. A. Ross, Brentou 8. Brown, a. A. Campbell. D W. Orlmmett, W. J. Blake Wilson, Oeorge Hewitt, Herbert J. Pendray, Walter A J. P. D. Malkln. R, II. Balrd Eric Davles. Frank Wilkinson, A. J CmpbH, Alfred W. McLeod, Thos. K PAGE FOUR Milan T... . l1 . Br BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu$ Attention!! AA TOLD YOO-I TOOK AN ELEPHANT ...iMa, DAUGHTER DAUGHTER i l6 RIGHT' RIGHT' I5fl fsAY, KAJAH! VJILL -B uS$y ZjjJ, NEITHER ONE THlNKIM' IT WA MINE An" WHEN I &-Z3k P""- TME HAJAH HAJAH OUGHT OUGHT TO TO U-OU TELL ME WHICH OF THEM if i Cot home. i fdumo another -U, KN?TH"i;iPNT OF TrtRTWO ELEPHANT M i 'LJ- CU! F I FOHANT WAIXIN' TOR ME1. NfWJ I r -J Prince Rupert DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE l MtNE.THEY LOOK MUUM. frUIVf. Students! i j n n ' sa A, s - - r-j v V cx?e our winuowi a ne.iu-tiful watch will he jriveh away. absolutely free. A large clock dial has spaces for the names of boys and girls attending school in Prince; Rupert and writing on the exams in June. . . All you have to do is tp come in and have your namt) put on. You need not buy NO SCORE IN JUNIOR GAME 111(111 SCHOOL AMI IIORIIEN NTRF.KT P1.AV VKKY CI.OSK C1AMK High, put up their best performance on Saturday when with a nine-man team they effected a draw with a Bor den eleven. High played down bill and Stiles and Larkln had to stop Smith and, John. Oray, J. C. Dill, A. C. R. YulU. W John son, H. J. Gagen, John W. dold, A. D. Ferguson, J. T. Elson. A. R. Portway, Homer J. Moore, W. a, Murrln, W. R. W. Mcintosh, W. S. Buell, A. McC. Creery, J. B. Thomson, Hugh Dalton, A. E. Pollard. Harry C. Martin R. Kerr Houlgate, R. a Kyle, A. B. Palmer, A. B. MacKenzle, H. Mortimer Lamb, J. M. Horn, H. T. Lockycr, F. Drexel. R. J. Kenmulr. J. C. Dufresne, E. W. Keenleyslde. Fred Smith. P. W. McLeod, P. J. Russell, Chaa. Holloway. W. F. Irwin, F. E. Woodslde. J. A. Te-poorten, Kenneth Lomond, Mark Du-mond, E. W. Monk, F. C. Brown. J. E. Necross, T. . Johnson, P. M. Kelly. A. W. Blake. Dr. W. F. Wright. Norman C. Sawers, W. F. Hanbury, C. M, Bartram. T. Barrie. J. W. Kelly. 8. J. Drake. W. M. Horle. H. A. Plow, Henry W. Scho-fleld, A. W. Cruise. LIKES LOOK OF PRINCE RUPERT r.U. KNOWN ADYntTISIMl MAN OK EAST AdUK.KAItl.V M Itl'KISKII AT WHAT HE SAW IIKItK - R. C. "Smith, one of Toronto's leading advertising agents, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, was In the city yesterday after noon In the course of a combined business and pleasure trip across the continent. Mr. Smith's firm handles the advertising of several well known national advertisers and on this occasion he was sizing up the conditions .In the West for himself. An old news paperman, having been on the stall of the Toronto Globe many years ago. many of Mr. Smith's former "cubs" are scattered all over weitern Canada and he has had an enjoyable time meeting seme of them again and has the prospect of seeing more before he returns East. Mr. and Mrs. Smith stopped off at Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Jasper Park for a day or two but the solidity of Prince Rupert was the most Impressive thing Mr. Smith had, noticed on the whole trip. "The solidity of con struction m the city, with the elevator at one end and the Cold Storage plant at the other, together with population agreeably surprised. Being an advertising man, Mr. Smith thought that Prince Rupert had cer tainly something to advertise. The courtesy, service and attention accorded their passengers by the Cana dian National Railway was another out Handing feature of this western trip. Mr. Smith said. In all his travelling around Canada and the United States, this has never been equalled. In his ;jng experience. ART LITERATURE AND RECREATION BOOKS The following books dealing' with recreation, fine arts and literature have ccently been added to the Prince Ru-ert Public Library! "Camp and Train by Stewart Ed. .urd White. "How to Draw Cartoons" by C. A. lggs. , "Modern Masters of the Keyboard" oy Harlette Brower. 'Raphael" by Julia Cartwrtght. "Orchestral Instruments" by D. O. Aiason. . "Platform Sketches" by James Alex ander. "Encore"' by Jessie Alexander. "Many Laughs for Many Days" by Irving s; "Cobb. "Lost Essays" by Joseph Conrad. "Pencllllngs" by J. M. Murray. "Leaves of.jDrass" by Walt Whitman NEW jJAZELTON W. J, Helberg of Twin Valley, Minne sota, was a visitor here and at Smithers last week. ' lie was looking over the possibilities "of establishing hydro electric services In the district. E. Bednar and family have moved to town from Klspiox and will remain here tUl better accommodation Is provided on their farm. Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Proctor visited Kltwanga, , Cedarvale and Woodcock last week. Dr. AV, K; Jrirpel Js making a trip to the Topley and Bablne districts. and trade figures, .and the sight of Mrs. F. M. Dockrlll of Telkwa was a the basement of the Prince Rupert I visitor In the Hare! tons last week while Club and the dry dock plant, created J Mr. Dockrlll was attending the conven-the permanence, which the visitors bad tlon at which he was nominated Con- not looked for. They were therefore servatlve candidate for Skeena riding There is a wonderful difference in the master of all Scotch Whiskies "Black & White" -the whisky that has won an enduring reputation for excellence , and flavour. DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDKB IN SCOTLAND "Quality Tell Uun Iucnnn t Co Lib Ciuo ns loiroM BIACKWHltE SCOTCH This 'advertisement is nat published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government uf British Columbia. V anted For'Sale For Rent v tJR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block, t2.200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 fOR SALE. FIRST CLA8S RE8TAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion I Apply P.D. Box1 725. tf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Phone Black 268. 131 ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 335. tf In the next provincial election. Charles Monk and Al. Flnnertv of Smithers were In town last week on business. A daughter was born at the Hazel ton Hospital last wek to Mr. and Mr. Cecil Bennett of' Francois Lake" " 3, Mason Adams of Smithers motored down laitr week to vlslt the HaMltona. W. II, 'Henry of Snilthers' wns a business vltltor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Harris liave moved o C. II. Sawle residence on the hill. Misses Annie Johnson and Jessie Smith have received certificates for Bible examinations written recently un der' the supervision of Rev. J. If. Young. Miss Fronle Spooner motored up from Smithers last week. NEW HAZELTON Capt. and Mrs. Houghton, who have been' In charge of Salvation Army work at .Olen Vowell for several years, are leaving for Winnipeg whence they have been transferred. They will be: suc ceeded by Capt. and Mrs, Yarlett .wlo are coming out from Winnipeg. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Haaelton Manse last Wednesday evening when Miss Elizabeth Wilson and Hugh Bernard Birch, both of Hazel Ion, were united In marriage, At tendants were AIUs Millie Wllhon? and John Bayers, Telephones In New Hazrlton have Just been Installed In the premises of J. II. Wlllan, Al Harris, W. 8. Harris and II. Thornton. Ed. Hyde, Indian aeent at Haaelton. motored to Smithers and other Bulkley Valley points last week. v Advertise in tbt Dally Nrws HOAKI) DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED. BUSINESS MAN WITH capital to take half Interest In my business. Q. p. Brine, Austloneer. P.O. Box 303. Prince Rupert, B.C. WANTED. OODD SMART GIRL FOR cigar store; one with experience preferred. Apply Federal News Company, Third and Fulton. WANTED. FURNISHED OR SEMI-furnlshed house for summer holidays. Apply O. Share at Universal Trading Co. J3 1 '.V ANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY. -Must have good references. Apply Universal Trading Co. 131 SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINGLE MAN. TWELVE years general store owner, Canada: trained accountant and typist: all round office man; fair shorthand; Scotch: desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bar 100, Urr-rlU. B.C. FOlt SALE FOR SALE. BEDDINQ OUT PLANTS, all varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. - Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined flth carrier and tow boat. 27 IIP. Atlas Engine. Handles 7.000 humps. M. M. Stephens. OR SALE. TWENTY ROOM HOTEL with lease. Full price $1,500. Write P.O. Box S3, Hyder, B.C. 139 FOR SALE. SMALL PLEASURE BOAT. Apply Cow Bay Barber Shop. tf BOARD. THE INLANDER. 833 Second Avenus. Phone 137. LOST LOST. - CHEQUE FOR 50 IN FAVOR of Dr. Pottenger. Finder please phone 575. 132 AUCTIONEER TOO MUCH CANNOT BE SAID ABOUT my next sale. I will sell by public auction on Thursday afternoon, June 9, at 2.30 p.m. that beautiful reslden-tal site with residence 23 x 30, pitch roof, five rooms, pantry and bath, veranda, sunroom, garage and shed, situated at 2175 Atlln Avenue. Lots adjoining (hese premises cannot be bought for 11.50000. PremlMrs are situated as to see the whole city and the beautiful harbor of Prince Rupert. Terms arc easy enough td be within the reach of anyone needing not only a home, but a valuable speculation. Cash 1500, balance to be arranged; or a discount for all cash on the purchase price. Premises can be Inspected anytime up to day of sale. For further Information, phone 774. I buy. sell or exchange anything of value. O. F. Brine; Auctioneer. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa dopulos and Marrls, 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT. NEWLT DECORATED modern house: also small furnished house. Apply 218 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. FURNI8HED APAHT- ment by the day, week ior month. Phone Red 807. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem' Grocery. Phone 18. HOOMS FOR RENT. UOAKD IP desired. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT. 15.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 678. DRESSMAKING tf EXPERIENCED DRE3SMAKER. FOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C Bmlth. at Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING: UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields .recovered and made to order, All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. a. M, HUNT. I I IIMTI Iti; .M KWfllH. CHESTERFIELD SUITES. BEDROOM Suites, dining room suites, beds, springs and mattresses, Axmtnster and Wilton carpets. Linoleum and linoleum rugs. Complete home fur-nlshlngs at reasonable prices. A.Mac-Kenzie. Furniture. Phone 773. RESTAURANTS oooii r.ATn crr. Mrs. Unger, Proprietress Third Atenue, Next a. W. V, A. tlmxl Hume Conked Meals. Phons 'Black 700 Low High Low TAXI I'hone 67 Tnxl (Call Georire. I'nul or riuatl Sis and Seven Passenger stude- on Kern, at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM j Meeker Mock. fAcroas from Empr. Hotel) High ', - - t - ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MOMV. JUNE (I 8:04 a.m. 105 ft. 19:34 p.m. )7 - 0:ll am. 10.2 " 12:83 pin, 64 " TITNIIAY, -4VSK 7 7:17 am. 15 5 ft. 21:31 pjji. 17.1 1:24 ajn. 10.2 " 13 131 p m. 7.3 " Articlei Lot and Found,4c MAIL SCHEDULE IWT-OOiMl Fur the Kant- 1 Mondays. Wednescl.,. g,,urJl c,08e T.. Von....... lOiiu 11 flttnrfn u. 10 u. Tuesdays , J Thursdays Saturdays , ' June 3. 14 First class msll la ilia dMjtc!4 , Vancouver on Mondays, Wednnl.w Saturday by C.N It. tnins. To .tti ox and ,MUr Arm Sundays . w Wednesdays To Xleuart and I'rrmlrr Sundays jw Saturdays )ift Ti I't. MnipnonandNtu klierpulnk. Thursdays To Alaka Points May 30, June 10 To ((liern Charlottes u June 4. 18 i fx IN-COMIMl ttam the rlal Mondays, Wednesdiiv PrlJayijJOjs. from Vanrouirr Sundays Wednesdays Thursdays Saturdays May 30, June 10 IriMii Anjox and A I Ire Arm-. Tuesdays Thursdays From Stewart and I'rrailrr Tuesdays Sundays I'rom IT, lmMMn and Ns It. Mnts- Saturdays m From Alaska Polnti June 3, 14 UL I'roin tjueen Cliarlottes June 2. 10. 30 IIOX COI.I.WTItMt au. n Oraham ft Atlln Ares. 1st Ave. it 8th Bt 6th Ave. & Fulton St. 8th Ave. Ac Thompson, 11th & Sherbropkt Arts. Ifth Ave. Ai Conrad St. 6th Ave. Ac Hsys Core 6th Ac Hays Cove Circle 8th Ave. Ac Cotton 8t 3th Ave. Ac McBrldt 8t Prov. Oovt Bldgs ProV. Gov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf O.T.P. Station 2nd Ave. Ac 2nd St 3rd Ave. Ac Fulton St. 3rd Ave. Ac 6th St. 8unday- ss. iTinre urv.6 Tuesday ss Cstala Thursday -as. Prince Rupert 10J0 i 10MU u u I pi ija. i pm. IDS 1 110 1 11 1 930 IX l Til I JO 13 Hi I 140 ID HS IU 140 U tu u 1000 I - (X w 10 .10 10.13. I 1030 l STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS ror vanrouver ii - . - -u. Princess Beatrice 11 June Vriu ai ! ' .inn Um. Princess Al.-'e t roin y a nmu vrr , ,j 8undy . tatsis Weilnesday -m. Vr Rupert 10J, Thursday ss. Carilena ' Saturday-... Princes BestrW Saturday-iis. Prince Oeorge 10J June 10-w. rru."- lor Port Mniwon and Nsa Tliursday-ss. Csrdena From Port Klmn '"' f"'" K . rrAmA tiaiuraay mn, w.m For ,ii)ox ps. Sunday s. Catala ,,i P nuprrt Wednesday ss. Prln From .tnyov - Tuesday-': Catala . Thursday-m. Prince Hupert For Hlewnrt , pjn. Sunday s. Catala Prince Oeorge Saturday- -ss. From Stewart ( Bunday-ss. Prince Owrge Tuesdayss. For tjiieen Charlottes june 4ss, prince John June 18 -ss. Prince John From queen ClisrMe-June 3 as. Prince John ft June 10 -ss. Prin June 3.0--SS. Prince John For Alacka June 10-ss. Prince. A"" From Aiskv June 3- ss, June 14 s Princes. Alice ii.inxoia Alice C.N.R. TRAINS For Hie Kt ttJo Dally except Sunday from the Kant JJO P Dally exwpt TueiiH