W 1 9Z . TE2 DAILY NEWS PAGE PIONEER : BUILDERS BUSY .I il BUD STILLMAN LAUNDRYKIDS itifci LONDON TODAY AND HIS BRIDE BRITISH COLUMBIA W DO HIS COLLARS IIP SO FINE ne'e (MDP Tn .AV I t' irtE'B- WofcK FOR MINE B L - told him about thin Sfii- told dim that w ,.-r shirtwaist and her tiiiriKx in a deliifhtful Then he nent ua a i. i f a doie n collar. , ii- nirr that thia in intlrv. Pioneer Laundry H Phone 118 t acties ose SH..K TO THE TOP mi Silk, in all rolam :: TO Till; PAIR Sperinl $2.50 The Louvre tlC Third Avenue Next Itoyal Hank REMEMBER For MontrenI prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller - Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little WashD resses sizes 7 to 1C F rom $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 J quarts for Jjtl.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. I' Hride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . Uth 8t. Telephone 657. iunk or tsiiUM) iu:iMi umos NTIII ITt:i AMI III IwiiN l.V I'tTTINO If IH Oi: HTIII f - tiki: j , LONDON July V Canadian A proeainent feature m tr cm ,,., ' ! the bauaavta' enux Almoat -vcrvwt-i.-the ekytine la broken a, th. ri-.iur .,-aom m aaUMmit This renml.li,, f the city began in ftronx abmr -itf year IO. HUloURh '.iwrw hail i .j;,, devsiegaiisnt in M..r-n-i(i- . 1 Flnaiyry Ctrtai Miurtly brfur. TWrtnripol building undtr r. atl-watt is. of touise. the Bum; tnglaad. The greater part ot tut tertor haa been demolished and ., ..i., tee at the foundation of the ivrw u . tura at already in Opposite mrus.- M.. front at tn Royal tochan;:.- h lary. barn clt-ared for Uir erection of a building with front to Con, hill a Lombard Street fur Uovdi. Bank. Nearby in Poultry the fine headquarter Of thr Midland Bank art- u, an advanced State In Btshosasgatr the entrance tu 8t Helen's Ptacf Tt now marked by a huge tmlMlag for the Hudson'- May Com-1 puny It Is one of the outataiiding new iuHdina of the city, the archway bel:in nocordlna to an espert. thf (meit n. London nest to the Admiralty Arcli On the other aide of the road. Hainbrue Bank m red brick with Horn- dressing is LAND ACT. mitick or ivmvriov to .trn.v to mum: um In Queen Charlotte laland Land He ! ordlnt Diatriet of frlnc-e Hupert and Itnate ou the weat eoaat of Burnaby , tin nil I TAKE NOTICE that BrtUah Columbia ftahlna At Pwekloa Cu. Ltd.. ui van jeouver. B.C., occupation Hackern intrnd wij ior a waaa 01 me lolluwing aerlbMl land: CommeniiUK at a pot ptan-.eil on Uw-wet eoaat of Burnaby laland Q CI . tbenee eaat S chain: then-w iiouth 4& ichalna; thence weat S chains mure or leaa. to bath water mark: thence north Mona hlsh water mark u point of cuau roiiaini, ana containint; 14 acre. I1HITIWI OOUIMBIA JrlSHINO A PACKING CO. LTD Applicant. Dated June 10. law. LAND ACT NOIIL-t: OI' IVTf:.VTION TO AT PLY TO I.KAKi; UMI In Ranee 4. Land Recording DUtrkrt of Prince Itupert. and attuate at Barnard Cove. Prlncea Royal laland. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Paefc-Itic Oempany Umltad of Vancouver, B.C.. eeeupatmn Halaawn Oannera. Intend to apH7 far a teaae of the Mlw Ine deaertbed raada: Commendhit at a jpoat planted along-alde pot marked N.W LS8TS: tbenee aouilierly aloni huth water mark SO I chains, more or lem. to a poet marked I 8 W LZ6T3: thence DM) tu low water mark: thence northerly along low water mark 30 chalna. more or lea, to a paint weat of the paint of awn mini latent: Iheuce at to llnka. more or lam. to point of oommenceanant. and contalnim; cue-quarter acre, more or lam. MILLBKO PAOKIKCI COUPANY UIUTKD. Applicant. IHted June It. IW7 LAND ACT. NOTIf i: Or INTRNTION TO ArrLV TO i.ia; LANii In Queen Charlotte laland Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and rtluate at the head of the south arm of De La Beclte Inlet, Moresby laland. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Planing it Packing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BO., occupation Packers, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the head of the south arm of Do La Becbe Inlet. Moresby laland. thence with 5 chains: thence east 30 chains: tbenee north S chains, more or less, to high water mark: thence west alonn hUh water mark to point of commencement, and cuntalnliui 10 acres, more or lesv BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO St PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant- T)ted June 10 1927 1 REDUCTION in Prices 15 per rent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Hox 377 PrinceRupert Supply Phone 68 Co. 21-1 Fourth Street Stocks kept of Helling, all sizes Electric Lamps Rabbit Melais Solder Rubber Hose Rubber Heels at wholesale prices P.O. Hox 772 lt""T!TTallaiH a aULll-aULaWaalaj i.wintiit -1 ! i; : hi Lmtiiiii. lie wcadquariri Dated June 37. 1B3T. .ipri:. r In ; ...me Street the t tlu. rirmnitiiiii of 1 o! li- (juildt-r A tin uu. k ut tlie Bank of Xnauuut LAND ACT. NOTICi: Or INTK.VtlON TO APPLY TO I.l!Ai: LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dia Romance of Country Girl Who to Jx? Hride of Millionaire Lad j EDUCATED FOK IJVENT j Taut Year Spent by (.'r in Preparing Hereir l or Hole She j Mutt Play j NEW YOHK. July aa out of aneti IT movies a: made of ha 'a iMned the romance of "Bud" orai :-ir to mill n and Um Vmsa Vr iton who la aiijead to be Married Tiiti. '.i.w real lit- -ranaoee boa been woven aJl the "Cm : "H" thing which .ulcs my "donl h .ppen " The blond t Botch -Canadian d , ,. ;itcr of the Qe-be forest country .o once worked la :u Canadian hoim i a wealthy and serially promiueii New York ternary, ii iw u to wad th - m of the hsue. Anu even a ao-n..: writer might not , imvr picked a mo romantic eettlag for the wedding T.,t ceremony will tt held at the An. ,.n Chuicli In La Turin llftta Kan; . At llu " - - - Uoyd'a; while -II tw- corra of Hounds I T.,nr ,-r-PP. Ybn; dttch are be!ni. rv,rurtrued Hound.- ,m a"" ''"- to dance to the 'nlwn and lol... to, ataf. oH-4 tit-1. UM-l! a,,. ,o.iiy be in the hixU I uaau wjv. tae new hunw ul the Wmtmlnater Bank) Jl'NT fllltlil ATtl) In under coiut ruction The atte of the WnU known a "Bud." triet of Coast DUtr.ct. Raiucc 4. and alt-: and we admitted It and that's how It uate on and being all of Bonllla laland except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Oie C. AuUd. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation rancher, intends to apply for a lease of the following described landa: Commencing at a post planted at the wutheaterly point of Bonllla Island: thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the dnuosltiea ft the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the 11 and occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. and containing one thousand aorea. more or lew. OLE C. AOSTAD. Applicant. Dated July 18. 1937. LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Board -of Trad Building, of Vancouver. B.C . occupation Salmon Broker; intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lndH-' , Commencing 'at a post planted ISO yards so uth -southeast of northeast corner pot of Lot 103. Range 5; thenee due smith 0 chains: .thence eoutbraoutheast 10 chains: thence due north 6 chains: thence wt-iiorthweet along shore to point :jf commencement and containing 14 acrev mores or leas. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM. Applicant. Dated 2Sth June. 1937. IN PRORATE. IN THE MlTltr.ME COI UT OF BRITISH COLUMHIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black. Deceaed. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ilia Honor, F. Moll Young the 16th day of July. A D . 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 16th day of August. A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. OfflcUl Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Daled the lath day of July. 1927. The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of Decemlter. 192C. Haa produced Mineral ax follow: Plaeer Oold. $78,018,548; Lode Gold, $18a0721R: Sliver. 8O.787jD0; Load, II0C.976.442; Copper.. J20S67.(rJ; Zinc. ?012J5im; Coal and Coke. ViXAjmjSa; Structural Materiala and Mlaeellaneoua Mineral. IMU7S.407; makinc ita mineral BrvdactieB to the end of 1926 ahow an AGCKBGATE VALUE OF $8B,1QSVI70. PKOnUCTION FOH VIUH ENDING DECKMHHH, 192C. $07,188,812 The Milting Lawa of thia 1'reTinee are more liberal and the fee lowar than t Irate of any other ProviriM fn the Dominion, or any colony in tfve Hritiah Empir. Mineral loentlffna are grantttl to diacoverera for nominal fee. Absolute Title are obtained by davelopinc such propertie, the security of whleh ia ftuarantecd by Grown granta. Full information, together with Mining Report and Map, may lie obtained gratis hy addreMing THE IION'OKAHI.K THE .MINISTER OF 3IINES. VICTORIA. HHITISII COLUMHIA. ' N. 15. Practically all Hritiah Columbia Mineral Propertfe upon Which development work ha been done are described in some one of the Annual He porta of the Minister of Minea. Those considering mining investments ahould refer to such reports. Thy are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Ruilding. Vancouver, are recommended aa valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are publiahed separately, and are available on application. apaouneed h intention of paaalng by the debutante of New York to marry thia girl of the north country, his old Oenaral Putt Office It already cov- " " anraoi-W)-et u, jum a. atlawtan. ) parenU. recently reconcUad after a ered. At the (trace Church Street aawj lr - aM fmaner head of the ffvatjdlvtwce eon XMered no objection. In of Lombard Btreet. Barclay Bank la National City Bank New York Cly. fact, both announced enthwaiaitlc ap-oliurtly iu u -xteuded. In Wood Stmt 10 al,t Jr"': '"' graduated proeal and. It la aatd. ihopped together ut rtalnir a laiyr telephone rrhangr ropl Princeton Unr.i,i:y with honwra for the ttMW diamond and emerald while a new h.ur at the Junction wth ' ln month. maagement ring for the girl "Bud" had Oraham Street haa followed a widening ' Uk wUon la one ol eleven children . chosen to become hi wife. And ao. the b the Corpuriiilon: r ut Joan Wi.hoh. farmer and iomance departed from the accepted jwOBdaman. Some ot her brothera and courat- of the morle drnam. becaune During the winter 1(94-196 Canadn : " uu we wlU: motbT there were no cotnpUcatfcm. Mild fur ptlu to the value of IIS.411.-mUe tu ,,: '"'" " SUllmanj TI1IKH TO KI.'KI' I P aga.oo. iKxhje at Orand An . (Juebec. on the; Lam December Mlaa WUaon. oeacrlbed .. St. Maurice river, go mllei from the tnr her fiance aa aa a a "almoie. unaffected LAND ACT. (TH 1. Ol INTENTION TO AI'I'I.V TO nasi; LAM) Queen Charlotte aland Land Diatriet. Land Keourdtng Diatriet of Prince Rupert, and ittuate north of Lota 10SS ad tao7. i TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Plato-. tl.en a law of thirteen, hitched up bar tng and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mawtl. occupation OanneiB. Intend to apply for a of the following described landa: Commencing at a poet planted twenty chalna north of Tan Indian Reeerve and on the shore of Uclntyre Bay: thence ISO chalna thence eaaterly MX) chain to the nolnt af cotnmeneeavrM, and containing etghty were, more ar leea. LnANOAIU miilNO Sc PACKINO u . . i 1 neareat reJHray. lip tu the tune ahe Rtle backwoods girl." wtao doe not met "Bud" Stlllman lier oaly nchuoiirus .moke, drink, or dance lenoept square had bean received trutn an ed nun dance I . came to New York. She made Ui the vUmge. Jner home with the StUlman' and The romance really had Its beginning j promptly decided that ana ahould try half a docen year .140 just alter the: to study, to "keep up" with "Bud." itkath of John Wilson Lena Wilson. "You ate. It waa all her idem." young btillman commented "Aa a matter of dog team and -taustied'' to the Still- j met, I love her lust as she la. She hi man home to look .'or work. She ob-jao unspoiled, ao utterly sincere, so un tamed a poattton and ultimately, with worldly I want to keep her that way. her knowledge of tn FrendvCanadlan I never want her to he aophlatlcaUd In north 6 chains to the low water mark: iPK beonme an Intermediary between the sense that much abused wortKla thramt weeUrly (Oilowtng eatd sow water .Mrs StUhnan and tin French-Canadian 1 used about girls nowadays. . Still, If uienee aoumeriy o enauas; emptoyeea. lane wants to study mathematics, and WAS JlhT A Kilt 'history and a bit of science, Its all "I was Juet a kki then, and so was right with me he." explained "iiV! StUlman In tell-: Man WUswn did so desire and studied Applicant. ' m 01 tneir rneet)rl. -Bin we became, an those subjects, and more, taking up Fred Nash, A nent. friends when I went up to Jlother s English, music and drawing, too. Two place at Orand Anse for the summers, women tutors called dally and she We used to roam through the woods uucUed longer hours than her fiance together, and fish sad hunt. at Princeton. Then, somehow, a year ago It sud- 1'KACTICES COOKIM! oeniy seema ujbi we uwoiunc Hie awn She also practiced cooking under the lmportanx persona m aacn outers irves . w stUhnan For aa time Das- ued. It waa announced that "Bud" hapix-ned " i Stlllman intended to continue his When the young eon of the famny tor four years at the. College CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TENDERS loll TRACK TIES j of Physician and Surgeons, Columbia I University, and that the pair would ! take a small apartment near the col-jlege. i The country girl waa transformed, so Sealed Tenders addressed to the under- ; far u eu.tha. were aoncerned. Into a Ties" will be received at the office of the modem, fashionably dressed miss. But Oenersl Tie and Timber Agent. Canadian apparently (he lost none of her charm National Express Biuldtag. Montreal. (, -Bud wno steadfastly remained until twelve .. o'clock noon. August 1st. , 1OT7, for Railway Tlea to be manufac- 1 wai- tured from douglas fir. hemlock, lack- And now they are to be rmtrrled. Mrs. pine, tamarack and irar timber tut he- 1 atailnatn ha been assisting with the tween September 1st, 1937. and May 1st. , . 1928. and delivered between January 1st. i Pns. 1928 and Augwt 18th. 1938, f-o.b. cars 1 "We're going to have a real French-Canadian Nation! Railway. In accord- .Canadian- wedding," she explained. "Of ance with Specifications S-3W-1.2 re- vised July lith. 1936. Tender forms may ". you know Lena Isn t French. In Ranae 8 Coast Land District. Land be obtained at toe oince 01 tne ite out naa arways aposen rrencn up tnere. Recordtna District of Prince Rupert, and Winnipeg, ann irom tne rur- were going to give them that kind s.tua on.Lot .02 Humpback Bay. For- J?mn r "rend. , of wedding. It. wUl be lots of tun. COer LMaiMl, L. . ,t-m nr ka nntAri tiitUaa marU Aitt f -'All Aiir tViAndar uvlll -ivia iTAInrii rvxr TAKE NOrTiCE trat r. ii. uunnrnffnajiifi w "Tt: :v,"i"irr7. , , LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE ltNI. j In Coast Range 4. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Packers., Intends to apply for a lease of the-followlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted at 'the northwest corner of Lot i353. Range 4; thence south 8 chains: thence west 8 chains: thence north to high water msrk: tlience easterly along high water mark 5 chains, more or less, to point of commence ment. and containing 3 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 13, 1937. vtl -jyjv' 1 even: one .wno Ma w worked ior uJ nttiv 1 . ! .1' 1 .1 Tho, or aqy tender, not nce- aMvllvVaawssantaWi - t'. x. J- : W,. " .dJpMatLARElf;- oenerai -.Tie-nindj-TimDer 'Agent Montreal. Que.. , ,r ! JUly 6th. 1927. ' ' - NOTICE. Lots 9 and 10. Blook 1, Section 8. Lots 9 and 10. Block 23, Section 1. Lot 7. Block 3. Section 3. tt 1. Block 8. Section 7. all in the City of Prince Rupert, B.C. ! has been on the market for the past ekhty years : itAactioa ia pleasant, rapid, reliable and effective and relief from cholera, colic, cramps and pains in tha stomach comes promptly. Price, 50c. a bottle at all drugirista or dealere; put up only by The T. Mil-turn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oak We r them; all . '.iTheyll . dance' to u&ik; tai'. '-ltiaa and. irig old mjS&ii&-fa.&liitiini be loVe-ly aiid pleturesque." HONEYMOON ABROAD After the wedding, there will b a honey-moon abroad passage is booked There will be offered for sale at Public ; on the Olympic for Ausust 1 and then Auction at the Provincial Government , the little apartment, near the medical Court House. Prince Ropert, B.C., on ... .. Thursday. August Uth. 81?, .at 3 o'clock i""1"?- . . in the afternoon, ine ionowing lots: , ""j" b"" 01111 uk, Lena and 'Bud' " said Mrs. Btillman. "I think they'll be two UtUe 'subway birds' yet." And so the motion picture will bv " a true or real Ju"'le1 protrayer one-quarter cash and the balance In , three equal annuil Instalmenta. with in- life, and the happy ending will be vln-terest on the deferred payments at the dice ted rate of 0 per annum, the Crown Orant 1 fee to be $10.00 additional. I ..., Plans showing the lot offered for sale f HIMpCC f flMRINF may be seen at the office of the Govern- VjIIlltLJLi UUllllJUllj ment Agent, t-rint-e itupert. u.u. NORMAN A. WATT. oovernment A?ent. Dated at. Prince Rupert. B.C. Julv th. 1M7 COLIC AND CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH TO DEFEND SELVES PEKINQ. July 2o-Bandi ravages In Shantung province are on the Increase and scores of villages in -the remote district of the area have formed a co-operative association to fight the brigands. Each village is to come to J the aid of Its nearest neighbor when there are bandit attacks Imminent. Notification is given at night by nrlng four snots In rapid succession from a rifle. MODERN DANCES IN HOTELS OF PEKING PEKING, July 26,-A strong contest is going on among social leaders of the Chinese population of Tientsin over the Introduction of modern dances Into Chinese hotels and restaurants No forecast la made as to tha possible outcome ot the discussion. Warning ei; J9 Backward : Season Ends This Week Do Your Buying Now While The Sale Prices Last Acme Importers Third Avenue DEMAND P.O. Rox 6G7 "Rupert Brand" Kippers trrilE'DAlNTIEST HREAKFAST IOOI),' . . :-" - ..... Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., IM Prince Rupert. H.C. (canadian? Vacific 'II1V Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, tfrangell, Juneau, nnd Sknjwtt. J illy 4, 8, 11, IS, 18, 22 S3, 211. To Vaiu'Oiivrr, Victoria anil Seattle July 2. 6, 9. 13. 1C, 30, S3, 27. 30. I'lllNCKHS BEATRICE, lor Butedale, Cast Bella Bella, Ocean lalli. Namu, Alert Bay. tfenipbell River, and Vanruuter every MaturiLiy, II a.m. Agency for all Mteamshlp Lines. Full Information from IV. C OltClltltli, General Agent. Corner of 4th (Street and 3rd Avenue, PrUce Ropert, B.C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and. Cold Water. Hus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 61. L. Martin, Manager.