PAGE FOUR THE Z.sTuI ITfiwfl TERRACE BOARD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM I I SWELL- OONT VOUR FATHER l? RICHT t NEVER OlO v MRy-JIGCS-ITHIMK IT WOULD 1 I LoVELV-MOTMER-DO THIS IS GREAT-BOT ' AMf AGRtEWiTH TMIMG ACREK with too FOR OMCa-l QE DHUGHTFULIP I COULD CO I NOTAUKfcU - J FOUKA- OUT IP IT HIM ON'BKOMO KICHT INI V WITH fOl FOLKo- I COULD, TAKE VvITH MAGGIE OR SHtLL I PLEAttr VOO- XIX. fTHOOCHT- tHE ACT Ai-rOUR HER WITH ICHAMQE HER. r-UHD HoeBAKJD"i MT Can t ' rFtJ MIRE HEK A"b S-k?ll , JV 111 Wl KNTIH'SIASTIC DINNER lli;i.I) III SECRETARY I JUST LCAEf OCtRCTART- WB co ' ; PERT IID.lll Klsri SSKli AMI COM THE. WORl ni .-v. ViULTAKE MC.R tr vsnrw, ov. r MITTEES .AMF.II s I TERRACE, Msrch 1J. An enthusiastic business meeting and general dUcu&sion of local conditions and future prospects followed the Board of Trade dinner In the Terrac Hotel on Tuesday evening Over fifty guests enjoyed the splendid dinner, a number of others coming In later for the meeting. Immediately after dinner President J, K Gordon called on A. It. Barrow, of Prince Oeorge. an old timer of the north, he having been a member of Prince Rupert's first city council. Following Mr. Barrow's brief talk, C. R. Ollbert spoke on farming and tlm ber conditions: Engineer McKay, Prince Rupert, on the Terrace-Usk road; K. L. Prank on dairying: A. H. Barker on fi nancial conditions In the district; T. Turner Sr. on prospectors' views; 8. A D. Davis on mining: J. Wlllman of Usfc on the Terrace road: A. Y. Wilson on Remo district conditions; Rev. T. J, Marsh on the past history of Terrace Board of Trade; Dr. Turpel on first im pressions of Terrace by a stranger, with suggestions for Improvement: L. H. Kenney on possibilities of tourist trade; II. A. Swain on dairying; V. Williams, on activities of the Smlthers Board of Trade; and Capt. Colthum on Terrace experiences. J. Hepburn sang a vocal solo, "Mary of Argyle." Routine business was then conducted and a number of new members were signed up. HOAII TO Itl I'KKT Two letters from the Smlthers Board of Tradq read, tne asking for endorsatlon of the provincial highway with special reference to furthering reconnaissance work on the. Terrace to Rupert end, the other requesting thai' Terrace send a delegate to a convention of boards of trade to be held there sometime during the spring for the purpose of forming central board of trade for Northern B.C. These letters were tabled to be dealt with at a future meeting, j President Oordon then announced his; committees which are composed as follows: Public works E. T. Kenney. L. O. Skinner and W. C. Sparkes. Mining T. Turner. P. Nash and J. Couture. Entertainment O. T. Sundal, Wj H. Burnett. W. F. Lindsay. A. H. Barker and J. McLaren. Timber Ceo. Little. A. Y. Wilson and C. L. M. Oiizey. Agriculture H. L. Prank. C. H. Thomas and K. Olssn. Civic L. H. Kenney. R. W. RUey and Jas. Richmond. Publicity C. R. Ollbert. T. Nash, Geo. Daver and Rev. A. W. Robinson. PRINCE GEORGE Miss Ina Allen and Miss Alma G run-dull are away ahead In the popularity contest being held here by the Canadian Legion. The former has 4146 votes and the latter. 3500. "One of the finest and cleanest teams that ever engaged In provincial sport, tlie Prince George boys were outstanding favorites In their contest with the Victoria Couonists." In such words did the Revelstoke Revinw comment on the recent provincial intermediate hockey championship series which was won by Prince Oeorge. The city council has decided to pur-cliase a six -cylinder Reo fire truck at a price of 4,7130 from the 'local agent. Richard Corless. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McLean celebrated their golden wedding in their home at Shelley this Tveek.! .There were fifty guests present and a -purse of 10O 'and' radld receiving set were ' The Fort Oeorge District Liberal As sociation has elected officers as follows: president. 11. B. Quest; Vice-president, D. W. Hay (McBrlde); second-vice-president John Newsome (Willow River); third vice-president. Oeorge Boothroyd (Nlciioll: secretary treasurer, Frank Clark. Tins Prince Oeorge Liberal Association has elected officer as follows! presl dent, O. B. Williams; first vlce-presl dent. S. McNeil (Salmon River); second vice-president. Mrs. J. B. Mlnaker; third vice-president, J, D. Olllies: secretary treasurer, Frank Clark. TERRACE John De Kergammeaux left on Sun day for Premier where he has accepted a position. Oeorge Powers returned on ' Monday from Prince Rupert where he took hi ton, Billy, for medical treatment. Mrs.'Ardagh returned .to Kltwanga on Monday after pe)idlng,sever'al diiyswllh Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond. r. GtratUm was In from Lakelsa hatchery at the beginning of the week sir. reihica-. militant district en glneer, successor to T. E. Clark, of Binlthers and O. C. McKay, district .engineer, Prince Rupert, were In town on. ail ofllclal.. business trip during the week. A. I. Barrow of Pi luce .Oeorge, jls superintending the loading of a quanti' ty of C.N.R. ties here. S. A. D. Davis and J. M. Hoar, mining men of Ccdarvale. were In town on Tuesday and Wednesday. The W.A. to the Terrace hospital met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Little, work being carried on as usual. Mrs. Head, the president reported that the Hospital Board ap proved of the suggestion that the auxiliary work with a view to purchasing a small x-ray machine at a later date, and a motion was then passed that activities be carried on with that object In view. The treasurer was instructed to transfer one hundred dollars of' th funds on hand to a savings account as. start for the x-ray enterprise. .fc ft 3' f I I during which time Fred Nash will have J. Charge of Mr. Gilberts Interest here, SM1THERS The support of all organizations In Smlthers will be sought by Utt Native Soiis of Cansda In staging the cele bration on July I, of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation. It Is planned to hare here the greatest celebration ever held In Northern br Central British Columbia. P. O. Heal, who was the first white man la settle near .Ttlkwa. having arrived some 25 years ago from Victoria. died at his home there last Sunday. Deceased, who was wlQely known and highly popular throughout the district. Is survived by his widow, six sons and The pupils of the senior room of the ,0n daughter. local public school had a holiday on' Wednesday owing to the Illness of claimed uy tne manager. J. R. Turner, ( Principal L. P. Spratx. (to be the most Important development at the. mine since work was started on The B.D. BridVe Club met on Tues-I't several years ago. rich strike o: day evening at the home of Mrs. W. Burnett. . J. Wlllman of ' Usk. was In town on Tuesday. jj. 'ore has been made at depth In the Duthle mine. Shipments of ore from the mine are being made steadily and construction of the new mill Is W. Lang Mulr, government check) Chairman of committees of the scaler of Prince George, Is In the dls-! Smlthers Board of Trade hate been ap-trlct on an official visit. ; pointed by the president. L. B. Warner. "t as follows: finance and membership. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ollbert left on i Stephen 11. Hosklns; agriculture. Oeo. Thursday for. San Jose. California, on ajOulton; fur, game and fisheries, James combined business and holiday trip. I H. Oroat: mining. L. 8. McOllI; retail They expect to be away for two months, trade. II. M. Matthews; entertainment. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 .Assets and, liabilities 31t January, 1927 ASSCTS Cash on hand ........ Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks ;. . . . Deposit with Central Gold Reserve . Call and Short loans on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks . . Dominion and Provincial Government 'Securities . . . , . :J . Canadian Municipal Securities' and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 5 'So.icjRiafA.q 37178,639.11 4,179,11139 Quick Assets . . $420,587,119.56 Loans snd Discounts and other Assets 318,087,718.70 Bank Premises nccac Liabilities of, customers under letters of credit (as per contra) . . , Total Assets . $772,712,870.73 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Notes in circulation . . Deposits Letters of credit outstanding Other liabilities . . . Total Liabilities to Public Excess of Assets over Liabilities to'PubUc . 4i,7oj,?3io 64J.947.383 .20 ia.i37.99M7 12,018,185.08 , 708.719.19t.7y $ 63,993,678.98 J O IW. fcy lw ' tfMt w W l a. Stephens; publicity. L. B. Warner: lumbering, H. O. Olsen: public works. W. S. Henry; railway and rates, Charles Held; tourist traffic. J. P. Wheeler. C. L. Dlmock. former assistant engineer for the provincial department of public works at Smlthers. has been appointed the new village clerk, succeeding P. Ockleshaw. resigned. There were three application for the position. Two happy and informal dinner were held In the private ear of Superintendent W. H. Tobey recently in connection with the presentation of first aid certificate. The winners here were J. Connery. William Duff. T. L. Jenkins. A. Higgtnbotbara. Mr. Wash burn and Mrt Baker. Jsmes Orout and S. A. Eoy are at tending the Liberal convention In Van couver as delegates from Smlthers. They took a resolution with them asking for early completion of the Haceiton-Ter-reee Mellon of the road to Prince Ru- Iptrt. Dr. C. 11. liankinson. leaving his sltk-fced for the purpose, performed a successful operation on the infant enlW of Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Beaton. Mrs. Dunlop is on a bush trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her son. Jack. Ernest Woodworth has returned to Smlthers after an extended holiday trlnt Halifax aud other points In Eastern Canada. GYROS HAVE GOOD .WIN OYER MOOSE BILLIARD LEAGUE In the concluding billiard game be tween the Moose and the Grrjs last night, oeo. Mcllmuyle (Moose) won from W. II. Long (Oyrosi. by a score 'of 200 to 129. For the five gsmes the Oyros made 029 polnu while the total for the Moose players was 76-3. The league standing to date are as follows: I Terminals . . . I Grotto , Gyros 81. Andrew's V.oese uamea Total 15 10 IS 19 10 13.099 14.449 1.4.2B8 13.346 14443 , Individual averages to date are Aver. 03 BOI 891 883 878 i fl- 'lows: I Oames Ttl. Aver. Ceo. Mellmoyle ( Moose 0 1701 198 jO. Howe (Orotlo) 0 1734 193 ;W. E. Wllllscrolt fit. A.) 10 1017 103 iD. Howe (Terminals) ..18 3811 187 P. Zieman (Terminal).. 14 2620 187 I . Stuart (TiTiutrtaH) . . a 373 187 .Ben Self (Oyro) .'. .. 14 2605 ibo 'P. 0Donnell ' (Terminals 10 18ifl lw; !j. lUmllton (Orotto) .. 10 2954 IU J. Hlllman (Maose) 10 22S4 1U jV. J. Nelson (Oyrd) . . : 15 2779 18a Pred Pyle (8t Andrew's! 13 2408 ISA i8. D. Macdonlld (SV.A.I U 20tq 185 Frank Aldrldge (Oyro) . 10 945 184 'Dr. West (Omiioj. ttf. 10 I2OI5- 183 O. Vsugh (Orotto) .... 10 2914 182 iJ. Brown (Moose) 13 2350 181 I J. Andrews (Orotto) .... 10 2881 ISO jw. II. Long (Oyro) .... 18 2H41 178 If. Corbett (Terminals). 14 3493 178 8. Darton (St. Andrews) 2 350 178 C. Balagno (Terminals). 15 2C07 177 M MacLachlan (St. A.). II 1028 173 Don Brown (Moose) 8 1378 173 ,0. Krause (Oyros) 4 880 173 J. May (Mouwi 15 2313 ICR II. Parr (Moose) 3 605 1C0 Bert Morgan (St. A.)... 13 2IC8 107 J. McLean (Terminals) . . 8 502 107 Judge (Moose) 16 2043 166 A Mardonald (Oyro) ... 14 2301 101 O P Tinker (8t. A.)... 13 2029 150 O. Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 108!) 155 Bert Hosklns (Terminals) 2 300 153 A. Harvey (Gyros) t 131 III u: SPORT CHAT "g ' ' TriH The concluding fixture of the Billiard League's seaMon's schedule will bo play' ed tonight between the Orand Tcr mJnals and St. Andrew's. It Is hardly. xlbl thai the former team will1 be dUIOged from th top place and th season's honors. To bring about such n eventuality, tlie Terminals would luve to be very badly beaten tonight In which rase the orotto might be left at the top. It u almost Impossible though, Billiard Interest wilt now centre on tlie forthcoming city. Individual champion hip series, entries for which .close to night. I ' With the championships lit all the local basketball leagues settled now, the V anted For Sale For Rent j vni lim iku iJ Simpson. 60 LAND FOR 8ALE. OllAIIAM ' ISLAND. ana llaKt ilmlua. IU ILa from Inlet. $t5j00. x Cardinal. Albrm. ORANDVIEW HOTEL Mike an oflrr! FOR &S.LE. ACKNTS WANTKI) W. R. Rettfc. veteran Old Country tolfer. has been retained m professional tt tbe Plae Ridg Ooif Club in Win-; uiavp for the convtag year. Mr. Raitn ia 1 new atUUon to Capadian golf ranks, jsmlug to this country alter a record which save him a prorntDem position in British golfing ciraiea for nearly forty years. 11 first enierevl Use prafesrMil ranks with Elton tlnb In 1893. He was Nte of the four orgsnUeca of the krlttsh Professional Ooif Assoalation and In 1822 was honored with the captaincy of that Institution. Such ianaoua gelfera as Harry Vardon. Jamea Braid. Ted Ray. Sandy Herd. Arnaud Massey. WUite MINIATURERANGE M. M. Uinb Was High Jl,m Ullli Score; -t ttl a( ALirkel rLsre )...( Last t Mxht Soores were made as follows fty marVs-oin of the North B.C. HegJruerH Rifle AMoeiation, sliooiiog Ust night at tho Market Place miniature range:. XI. M. Lamb 93 A. Wlle 2 W. Brass 91 It. Wilson 90 O V Wilkinson 90 F. Russell 90 "Thank you for the bus and kiss." "The pressure was all mine " -Life Coughed So Hard Could Not Sleep Mrs. Danlr! Dicker, Lvn, Ont., write: "Lait January I Lad a very severe rold aui irougfieil hsnl J could not sleep nights IiIimI every thing-, including iluemr'a nn'ili.-ine, but nothing- gave, me relief unlit I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup whleli was re"onun-u(li to jUe v it oeighW, I will never U without it In the housfl aolu. " You don 't prlment wln-n yoti buy M)r. bo.l's" as It has Wn a hs.-hold rftiirdv for the ast 3H vears. Pr.! 35c. a lolllej larKe faWl, ,!,, B0.; i put 111. mi; tsjr The T. Milburn &LMil TvfWW, Vat, UuK Store. I'OK KENT aniii - 0 3;7 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. FOH SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWER 'TIIHEK-HOOM KUIINIHIILT) FLAT FOB Kermaui marine enguie in nrtt class1, rent: moderate running order. Prleo reasonable.! Phone fled 78. Terms aah. Apply to Dr. Large. Port! piano. UMOrn. FOR KENT. -BTEAM II BATED APART-menu. Apply Smith A Mallets. Ltd. Telephone 174. P. DiCkec. Lac IFOR RENT PIANOS. PIIONOORAPH8 69 1 and Singer Bvwtitg Msehlnes. WalkerM 07 FURNISHED BUITBI FOR RENT. I Apply MiMMllem Oroeery. Phone 18. 1 FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FIVE MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL ANT) rooms and bath. Munrn flroa tf appoint local repreaentaUvea. S3! " ' meekly average and wpetwea. and OOM TO HENT-PHONK 078. commission besides. Expeflcnte un-' ' Kftlivn rUUMl necessary. Write for """!'" Winston Co, Toronto. HOAUl) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Prions 137. It 60 FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L K. J ' Dutton. Intend to hokl oue mare and colt atrayed to the farm, for feed wol eosia L K. Dutton Kltwanaja. lie. AUCTIONKKK OolU having won In tne Junior. Orotto. ' NOTICE OF SALE ON MARCH 24 AT 2 btlertnedUlc. Maple Leaf. Lsdlsa': and Oka. Senior, fans will be looking forward to certain poatsessson feature Mien aa the sudden death gam for ico iiHruwra u.u. anamptonsjup wnn Port Stsnpsoo tonight: Ue orthern I IS C ladles' ehamploosnip in wbson see-1 IK t lMf arlll fllr&l Smltkers at Smitheta during tbe neat lortnight. Use wuneni 10 play Anyo oere. and the still possible visit to Princ Ruptrt of tb Edmonton Cosn-inrcial Oraoa. run. Lot. with two raooeitce. resHed continuously bringing ts-3 roonUsiy. ! These bouses are situated at 543' Esghtn Avenue West aud 733 Tallow ferule and the late Willie Park, have FURNITURE sated as vlce-capUIns during Mr Rettha regime, lie has always devoted his energies to the working side of the profession, specialising in organhviUon, green keeping and club making. l)0I;I.AH STORK We have discontinued the wimhwn i:uitMir: Nothing Over a DKtar Sssj our new Its of fiPKIMl MCKMMR. IMM.Ltlt $ TdllC IXMIIMDV I I MMtl Ui: IAf lltNdC liexiiinly A (tatnon. prnrlelrs 144 Third Avsewse Hume KUrt, Itl Furniture of all sorts bought, aeM ar rswhtflted. UIII(ISTKHINC HEPAIItlNO; UPIIOL- sterlnff of all krnde. OhesterfieMt recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone (Ireen S. O. M. HUNT. WOOD A. Kl.ll'HON' Meal Cine. Mind Wood Illoke per load 11 (0 Klmlllhtv pr load fft0 Fimar Wftoi. Ji 'Wl Iflpt ,v , Vv . tlisrVrret, ti( lierrlng Phone llljrk 401 IJKSTAUIIANTS oiMin i:.t 4ur. Mrs Unger. lroprletrei Tlilrd Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. OimhI Home t'fMiked Meals. Phone nieek 700 TAXI IMiont- G7 Tnxl (Call GeorKe. Paul or (liift) Six and Seven PaasuiiKcr Studv linker" nt your disposal any time. IIOS."? HK0S. POOL ItOOM Meeker Illock. (Across from Kmprvsa Ilotnl) sssss 4ssssss4 I'HINCK ItUI'KItT TIJ)i:S 4 IIIIIIAV. MAIK'll II )h 70 am. 17.7 ft 2tiS4 p.m. 1.V8 " Iw 'y ,.. l.ilO a.m. 10.1 " 14:40 p.m. 80" Tt tllV, tltltCII it H'Sh 0:13 am. 17.4 ft. 22:47 -m. I0J " Low 3.01 am. 10.7 ' ' 10:04 p m. 6.1 " SI'MIAV, MAIK II 13 lh 10.20 a.m. . I7.H ft. 2307 pm. 17J, " - i 4121 ,a.m. lojl " tijpt.p.iri. 84 " momiw, MAht 11 n High Hil4 sum. ma U. fl:a a m. 99 " iTM pm. 4JI " Premier Til easts ys Pittay 2c per word in advanccQNo Advertisement taken for less than 50c FOK SAI.K Article, Found,!, MAIL SCHEDULE MT.(H)o iW I tie jit. Mtsniay. We: !wki, M ... - ... mwiHiirr Tuesday FrWays & turds y. O.P.R Mar. FtMS clas. 111.1 iSc 69v- VatsesMiver on M odays. Xj, miutbsv uy 1 nn. ts!jj. Wler HwfMSaya , Ft. MniiMHin S4 Stm Ir.ri-. To ,Uka fnlsts. Msrth 7 it a ' a Ta t(u ( Hsrkrfln- Mwtsrti I J .:, 2 i.(iiiia I rum IIm !( - lrm ALi.k Pnlals- Mafwh II six) U Irwin lnrn (bsrlall'- Blareh 10 . 1 tm (uinio Oranam A Ad-li A sv " ti Ate. t t; Ave at I lltft At tmeibr - I 1 1 tti Ate A (i:h A e 11 th Hay ' 8th A- A I'-' Itl, Ave. A M D Pr.iv Oo' B ' Pi ov dor W ' V. T P Wh..r: II T P HUtl-11 tort Ave J"' ! ed Ave it Full ! rd Ave it " " undsy ' iMM enly Art! avr liL It x Tvitsdaia. Tr.ursasj id icHM t US S'rosn t'anrMiier.-B Minis vs 1 WlillW'Ufl Zi street. The furnishings of the Tat- OPn vtf ' 7 141 " low Street rsafciene are am in ' ' Afls, Alk Irs. m I lot up till March 34 Failiog disposal ( in one lot. llemfcwd lis: ot furniture tavtll wkaasssls. tt k m I U lis I Sl..pjn.lipBsa4.l4- vrtM b sold wisnetT according to the -rL... TsMMSay is of the publM. O. F Brine, Auotioneer Phone 774. ir 1 t- i 1 I j. l ft i t steamship mm IV Vitenier Tieseday ftttiay ' sktrttrdnv Pt: Al b II ' M u i 2" I'1 From Veiir.mer-' bui ,.sy W, KMl.l ' ' FrWuy staturdH f March 7 r MSlMll 21 - .Jr tl 1 IS, lor Port nlmpn n" ,w I! BuiMisy s' Cskm'J' irnin Port fmiwn ' Tueedsy m ,,wir r Mewsrt, Anjos sn Sunday v Vllned From Ktewsf Tuesday- Cam ..,M.t Anj s"0 " CsmMua Prtdsv s Prinrt For Ijuren ClmrMIe- March 12 - f ' March 20, ts hsiWl'T n tjoeen Mareh 10 Jf Msreh 34 Pl ' For .tlii'ks u M-h 7--. W-JT UiHh IB- s "- M.rch 28 From Ala.- Msren u - Mri 4gMiv C.N.R. TRAINS ""'"S' p. East -Mond'T"' Saturdays ; ' 'rwttiT From East Tuesasj.. Sundays 1