March 11, 1927 LABEL AND WHITE rr. ..i . 1 i ...III. V V ill 'in hi .v J' rv.. 5 , . it Mi' i! M w f l-rv , rMf i ' i M il nil mx v wwcm. I. ' . ' I I Ml !' 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 A v y, tVJ' . '.. -""" ill I Illl M 'Wl 1 ..A A i' X I t ft f I . V ft . I kl, . - . HIV til I I If It V 1 I fftW f t I II I M 1 ' i : Makes it Good s For Baby! ONE of the peat advantages of Carnation Milk as a baby fond is that itt goodness never varies. No matter where you buy it or when you use it, baby's delicate digestion is never upset ff a change in quality or purity. Another advantage Carnation offers the Carnation process of "homogenization" breaks up the fat globules and makes Carnation very easy to digest. All the food value of milk is in Carnation, for Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Consult your physician regarding a feeding formula for your baby. Also write us for baby feeding chart. Order several tins or a case of 43 tins from your grocer. CARXATIOX CARAMEL r.iTOC-One-Uiird cup tapioca, 2 cup Carnation Milk, diluted with 2 cup water, 2 small eggs, few grains salt I cup light brown wear, 1 cap broken nut meat!. Add tapioca, ult and tugar to bot diluted miik. Cook in double boiler tor 25 minutei or until tapioca it transparent. Beat eggs thoroughly and add lowly to tapioca, cooking or two minutei longer. Finally add nutt. Chill and lerve with whipped cream. Thii serves eight Stnd for frit (Ofy if try Bkir'l Ceek Fati. Aiirru Carnation Hilk rroductt Cemfmy, LimMtd, Aylmtr, Otittrit. tamation M "From Contented Cows' UK Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kip P6FS "T11U DAINTIEST lJKUAKI AST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by amdian hici v Inn Mnracp in lid. l'rlncc IlupcrU H-C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sultlnts from I'rliur Kuirrt. V. K it in tuni..:rl. Sunday, 8 p.m. , , .ITrnue. K. M. n.Mliiii nnn. guilty Wnn SAVAGE KI.ECTKIC WASHER AND DHYKU. Washes, Blues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hand? In the water. Cah Price Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. , Local and Personal Arthur' Taxi. Phone 078. DC. Undertaken. Phone 41. Shoee rebuilt like new at McArtlmr'a Shoe fittre. t! OctitlieABIi' 4 habit! When thluklng of a Taxi, plionc 4. tf Our ihlnglcs cost leu and laat longer. Seal Cove Lumber Co. tf Three piece Tom Boy aulta. 1100. Bent4 - CO L. O. Moose will, hold a whlit 3rlve aiid dmloc. ' on March 11, u1U20 pju. prombt 5" Native iona of cilJaW ' wVli hold a hUt drive and dance In the Metroiiolc Hall on March 14 at 8.30 pm. 61 The plan for tickets to 8t. Patrick'! Day entertainment opciu at Ormes' promptly at one o'clock tomorrow. Don't hesitate. You'll like 111 Mr. and Mra. C. R. Ollbcrt arrived In tht city yoitcrday afternoon from Ter race and left thla morning on the steamer rrttiee George cn route to Call- fotnia The trip to Alaaka and Prince Iluptrt la being advertwed by the Canadian National lUUwayi In various American periodical including the Saturday Evening Post. The 8tar line freighter Eastholm. Cap tain Oronlupd, arrived In port laat night from BtatUe wlUi general cargo THE DAILY NEWS PA.3B THREE Baaketball tonight in Exhibition Hall at 7.30. Three games. Admission 50c I and 25c. W. W. Wrathall,' wa a paMengrr for thla morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armour and child tailed this mornlnz for Vancouver on the Prince Deorge. Mra. D.i Ltdstone returned to Victoria on the Prince Oeorge this morning after having spent a few weeks visiting In the city with relative. Having in his custody some boys who 'ire to be tried in Juvenile court here. Provincial Constable 8. Service arrived in the city from Terrace on. yesterday afternoon's train. Aid. Jos. Crecr returned to the city :hls morning after having spent the past week In Stewart on business. He reports conditions bright in the northern mining camp. J. U. Hoar, manager of the D. W. Mines Ltd. Interest In the interior, arrived from Ccdarvale on last night' tram and tailed this morning on the Piince Ueorgc for Seattle. After having been in the local dry dock for cleaning and painting. Coast wise Steamship & Barge Co.'s freighter Marmlon. Capt. Cameron sailed at 10 o'clock this morning for Anyox. The only halibut vessel offering v a catch for sale at the Fish Exchange this morning was the American boat Wabash which has 2300' pounds' upon which bidding Is deferred untU tomorrow. TKe school board last night consider' ed the estimates for the coming year. Including five cartoadt'ot tin plate for! also tenders tor the. year's supplies. Carlisle cannery. M. A. Myros. liacelten merchant, arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed this morning on the Prince George for Vancouver on a business trip. final decision In both matters beln? left over until a special meeting of the board on Monday night. C.PJl. steamer Princess M3ry, Capt. C. C. Salntcy. is due in port tonight southbound from Sktgway to Vancoti ver. Pa&tcragers sailing from hero on A. Halkett of the federal department the vessel win include J. McGreaor and of public wcrks. who has been in charge iMrs. Hughes for Port William and Mrs. of the work of clearing boulder from i J. short for Vancouver, the water at Osland. sailed thla morning by the Fricce Oeorge on his return to Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. Victoria. Johnstone, having made her calls In the .' . Skeena River before coming here, ar- Having a patient In his charge for rived at 1 o'clock this afternoon from admission to the Prince Rupert General; the south. The vessel will proceed this Hospital, Dr. O. H. Bleeker arrived yes-; afternoon to the Naas River, salllne T. A. Xelley. well known Queen Char-: lotte Island logging operator, accom paaled by Dr. W. R. Walker and A. W De Long, arrived in the tty from Logan pupil j the entrance classes of Booth and Bor-iden street school was accepted with j I thanks by - the school board last n'ght. " ANNOUNCEMENTS St Andrew's Society Ludlcs Auxiliary Euster Snle. April 6. Hospital Auxiliary Tea in St. Andrew's Rooms. April D. PACIFIC STEVEDOKIM! & CON-TRACTINCi CO. LTD. (IV lOU'.NTAKV I.HJI IIIATION) j Nonci; to rfti Ki ioiis TAKK NOTICE that a Meeting of Creditors will be held at SOW Union 'Building. Victoria, B.C. on Mondiy. the 21st day of March. 1927. at 10 ajn.. and that ait claims against this Comoauy must be fllcl with me herore that date. ; after which I shall distribute the assets !of the Company having regard only to ;such claims as have been dulv filed. VINCENT C. MARTIN, 1 Liquidator. 57 509 Union Bid.. VlcUwia, B.C. Established 1923. i I Office Hour: 0 a.m. to G p.m. baturciay: 9 a.m. to 1 D.m. Any evening by appointment Dr-EP Kenny s DENTIST Litliansc Block. DIOBY ISLAND. gale: barometer. 39.20; BULL HARBOR. Watson Rain, soutlieast barometer 39.53; temperature, 40;, II SALADA has always been foremost in pro Provincial Constable G. A. Wyman of terday afternoon on the Prince Charles from here on her return to Vancouver "azelton arrived in the city last night from Queen Charlotte City. H will and wayports at 0 o'clock tomorrow from tne lnterkr having in his custody return to the Island tomorrow night, morning. j Edward Hendricks, who is to serve three THIS POOR WOMAN SNORES SO LOUD lirilrC Iimerl V Iin' WAKES UrtlL0 alLIvjLLr HERSELF UP months at Okalla for having supplied liquor to Indians. ANMVF.USAUY Of U.UiDAII. Inlet on the Prince Charts yesterday Ten year ago today the British naval afternoon and sailed this morning for! Url,na m",ury lorces captured the n- Vancouver. ' elent city of Bagdad. In Great War oper- UVERPOOL. March 11. (Canadian - R. C. St. Clair, assistant eh'.ef forester Press). Pitched out of a side-car on lor British Columbia, returned to the her ncse, a Liverpool woman was so city cn yesterday afternon'a train after Injured that she has since been able to a trip to the Interior, where .he was holding forest -rangers' examinations, and sailed this morning for Victoria. With a good-sized parcel of freight and a fair list of passengers. CJJ.R. steamer Prince Charles arrived In port yesterday afternoon at 9 o'clock from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The vessel will sail from here on her return south via the same route' at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. ! breathe through one nostril only. As a result ahe snores so violently that not only has her husband to occupy another bedroom, tut ahe frequently wakes herself up during the night. She sued for personal damages at Liverpool Assize and was awarded 300. uiiti:u itiroitT. 8 a.m. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- LOST. LADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCH between Blggar Place and Royal Hotel. Finder please return to Royal Hotel. Reward. FOUND. PAIR OF EYEGLASSES. Phone Black 728. "UOVKKNMENT LIQUOR ACT.' Imithk or APPLICATION lOK I.UXM'K. r,Ki:u iH fv. w. tTn1ia rt rii.IV.ln. , 1U11v.Ii 19 nUvAllI U1S . Ofl .... . .M..6.... . , u... - rougn; pjn. spoxe steamer the 9th day of April next the u:id rsignc r donate a prize to be awarded to the Moaul. Stewart for Anrm nn miu. tmm Intend to annlv to the Llaucr Contro' making isklng the highest standing in Anyox Anyox at at 8 8 pjn, pjn. Board for a licence In respect t a premise Deimr Dart ol the bulldlnff known r.: , Rain, southeast gale: Masett Inlet Hotel, situate at Pen 40; sea uemcnu, wueen cnanotte islands, yr: - U, J . . . 1 1 WIUUIUMt uuva bill. , "v lands described as Lot Five (5). E1;ck , The sccretaryvwas asked J to communicate- Beatrice, abeam Tine Lsland. north-Forty-four (441. Subdivision of Lot Se.o ,wlth the lodge and express the apprec-: bound: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Admiral mtlrt? nd f0,?jr"JiKI J74!' i1! or the board tor the oner. jianon 4 4 Seattle for Quadra. 338 miles feet from front to rear on west side ol frm Quadra Scott towing 8 pjn. barge spoke tug Cape aald Lot. aa shown on a registered map Pezuta, IIOTKI, AltltlVAI.S. abeam Prlnrr II it pert V. E. Goodwin, Montreal: J. M. Hoar, Seattle; C. J. Mcssdoyer, Cadworth, Melfort, Sask. M. A. Myros and G. A. Wyman, Harel- ton: Mr. and Mrs. C R. aitbcrl and S. service. Terrace; Mrs. P. M. Chapman, Sydney. Australia; H. Corner, rrancola Lake; Mr. and Mrs. HasKm, Vander hoof; R. O. Potherglll, Thomas A. Kel-ley. A. W. De Long, C. E. Imeson, Q. P. Fisher and I. O. Bardwtll, Vancouver; Dr. W. R. Walker, Logan Inlet; Dr. G. It. Bleecker. Queen Charlotte; R. C. St. Clair and V. P. Bassett, Victoria; H. BanweL .Hydec; ' Mrs. Fred' Young, Stew, art. '. SAVOY Eileen M. Stewart. Prince Oeorge; W. O. Lapolnte. Stewart Anchorage: R. Kelday, Dlgby Island; W. J. Junla and Mr. and Mrs. W. Roberts, Port Clements; J. McLaughlin and Oeorge- Haggart, Premier. ' CENTRAL Frank Taylor. C.N.R.: W. Hutchinson, cltyt-. H, Bronver and O. PoIiImuV ttni. PllOllC 103 Uu J. TlUUJp. AU aUih. . , 1 nrrlri, at th Pit rt PHn T7iii.'t l. lit Beaver Cove, northbound: 8 ajn. spoke the Province of Brltiah Columbia, and tug SL Faith rowcll River. abeam Camp Island, for numbered 1079, for the sale of beer by DEAD TREE POINT.-rlUrometCT 39.. ' 03; temperature, 36. .NOON D1GBY ISL.ND. Ralru strong southeast wind; barometer, 89.18; temperature. 44; sea rough: 9.35 ajn. steamer Prince George, passed out, southbound. BULL HARBOR. Rain, southeast gale: barometer, 29.50; temperature 44; sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.03. temperature 41. .,1V ICI.T V. II (.V .1 W.bIC , Ul LU1I sumption on the premiss TED at Prince RuDert. B.C thlb um aay oi uarcn. WARREN SCOTT. B. L. TINGLEY. Applicants. NAVK.'AIM.E WATERS PROTECTION ACT. U.S.V. (IIAI'IKK 115 William J. Crawford hereby Kivct notice he lias, under 8vllo:i 7 of Hie said Act. deposited with the Minister ot Public Worka at Ottawa, and In the ortlce of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert ni Prince Rupert, B.C.. a description of the site and the plans ot wharf proposed to be built in the Portland Canal on Lot 4C07. District of Casclar. And take notice that after the expiration of one month rrem the date of publication of thla notice William J. Craw- Sask.: Mrs. J. W. Trcdwav and children, ford will under Section 7 of the said Act. norr.n- v R,,hri.nrf Sutherland. ..!.. c..t.iPP'y to the Minister of Public Works his office in the city of Ottawa fcr approval of the site and plans, and for leave to construct the aald wharl. Dated at Stewart. B.C.. this 3rd day ot March. 1937. ' H W J. CRAWFORD. IN PRORATE. IN THE Sl'I'KEME COCItT Ol' I1U1T1MI COI.l'.MIIIA In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In the Matter or the Estate of Joseph F. Bowman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McR. Young, the 34th day of February. AD. 1917. I was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having claims agalnat the aald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to px on or before the ?4th day of March. AD. 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- 3ulred to pay the amount of their in ebteduesa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C. Dated '.hi 31th day of February, AJD. lDJrf. I The ? -?9a 19 tecting and serving the interests of the tea-drinking public. What "SALADA" does is, therefore, frequently imitated. Since 1892 every pound of " SALADA " has been sold in metal foil containers the most effective Known way to preserve the full flavour of tea. This is one reason why more "SALADA" is used todar than any other tea sold on this continent. It never varies always delicious! SALADA" SATISFIES WHY NOT BUY THE St '$!$f BEST? 910 ore We are the Sole Agents for -the ORIGINAL TOILET LUXURIES y MORNY 201 Kejrent Street, London. "CHAMIXAPE "JUNK ROSES" ".MYSTERIEUSE , "VIOLETTE .MORNr' "ROSE VERVEINE" These famous Perfumes and Powders are used in every Court and capital of Europe. Their rare quality and enchanting fragrance have won them the approval of society women both in Europe and America. We have the Perfume. Toilet Water, Face Powder, Lip Salve, Bath Salts, Bath Ousting Powder, Soap for the bath, and Shaving Soap in wooden bowls. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists Three Registered Pharmacists yrd Avenue and Cth Street Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Q7jc Large ft TKfiilway Syfltm in America Steamship and Train Service sjt. I'KIM i: ltl I'l KT nill Irate PRINCE lit I'KHT for VAM'OUVKIt. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and IntrrnirdUle Mlnts rueh I UlllAY at 0 a.m. J. I'KIM'i: It I PERT for STEWART and ANYOX. WtllNEMiAV, 10 pjn. k.s. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via Ol t:K CIIAKLOTTE IS-UMS. forlnlKlitly. PASSE.NOKR TRUNS I.I: AVE I'ltlNCE It t' PERT tieli MONDAY. UEONESIIAY and SATI RIIAY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE (ii:oi;ii; EDMONTON, WINNII-EO, all points Easlrrn Canada. United Stales. AdENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. I'm- Cuiiaillaii Nallmiul Eprew for Money Orders. I'orrlgn 1'hruues, rlr.. mImi (or jour next hlpiiii-iit. CITY TICKET Oi l ICE, 5'H TIIIIID AYE.. PRINCE ltl I'KltT. Phone 2 GO "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' BEST PROCURABLE rruD euanAKTiiojnr 7 ..; ' mcouci of scotuno The Original Libel loott for It at the Vendor's and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the-Government-orUritish Columbia.