rt Dail 8 News il Company Offers Pe To Buy PGE Delegate Claims. VANCOUVER (P)—A delegate to the Social Credit tion here said a company de \laska Railway Com- par ovince-owned Pacific Great Eastern Railway. Vancouver said is Peace Ni ak ad ; cs Pate oO months “rom, . ee PEPE Hy ne =" i | j ja |passed at the | British Columbia irect | product Barter System | Proposed i By BC Farmers VANCOUVER (P) — Canada | ; can get back its traditional Brit jish market for farm products by straight barter A resolu system tion to thi closing convention Feder effect wa ession of of the ation of he annual |Agriculture here The di arm make an ff Kingdom olution would of Canadiz United trades for rODAY—7: - 9: P.M. “THIEF OF DAMAs , HE _INTERNATIO INEMA GUILD oF AL CANADA Prisy litt) yj If aE: \ s : . One complete show Wednesday at 4: 30, Doors open 8:00 p.m, PRIZE WINNER OF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIV AUS AT VENICE CANNES BRUSSELS AND VINNER OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY AWARD FoR THg DEST Fil.M OF 1991 a Xonde All Seats Reservea Admission Price 75 On the Same Program Vur Mr, Shakespeare” “Peer Gynt Suite” TOTEM \ FAMOUS PLAVERS THEATER: 4 aa. 1f a Wiese —Plus— JASPER NATIONAL PARK” CARTOON - NEWS Shows 7 - 9:00 Today and Wed CAPITC A FAMOUS PLAYERS Tu AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Thursday, December 4, at 2:15 p. at the Auction Rooms, Corner of McBrid and Fourth East Consisting of Frigidaire, 6', cubic ft. R.C.A. Victor Combination Radio in Blonde Mahogany Blonde Mahogany Bedroom Suite 2 Chesterfield Suites 10 Mirrors 20 Bedsteads, full size Odd Chairs Electric Portable Sewing Machine Baby Carriages 1 Lazyboy and Stool Host of other goods too numerous to ment Terms: Cash or Cheque Phone: Red 127; Black 846 or 678, B.C. Messenger LIST YOUR GOODS FOR THIS SALE George Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Prince Rupert, B.C., December 2, 1952 Di 7; tives of the so- /} manufactures ® ' 1€$ Gt a Chen Tom Wilkinson, chairman of . a as ti A the Interior Vegetable Growers ane Sree Association sponsor of the ‘ neil solution, said Uni we can - atabec do business with Britain w ral Ra sh are going to be confronted with id Pan is the huge salable urpluses we : had in the 30 ethan Alex Mercet wih ele i nh cauea nment complete resident of the federatior Vancouver to SCURRY BEFORE THE FLURRY—Tugboats onthe Ottawa river peed these da} in a race to clean up the thousands of pulp lors still in the rive e the snow come M ° . B ‘ES =a& RHE R SEGUE L UP sone n eee Nee seeee ind the river freezes. In all Canadian pulpwood centres the hurrying ‘ ISSINIg oal . « ls. This tug, in a photo by Malak, is shown against Otta Parliament S At WALLACE'S of Cours 2 cernomo Jurns Up : : At Fish Dock * ee . * e _-. “ t Fish Voc >For A Bovs = indian Writings trace Frenistoric 1IMeES ........... | a oe | Ph me te | x 0 m V ( o B a J-foot bears Da % v ry LE ae IDGE, Alte An rocks and the writings have been “ hat ar AS wt verdue a - % PAPAL L Y a ae s haeological treasure-house lost. Some of the cliffs have Alberta anc hat . quashed | thi e Happ y Amas @ tt *e the history of been painted with a red pigment four nit 1 t ® se 2 - 1 from prehistor- such as is found at nearby Paint irlier peop i ed wu { Ba ; HS entury lies Pots in Marble Canyor ‘ Ip a fl y hr the b ( ge 2 sore + iets . “© TWO TYPES of trographs and the The ‘ Ju B @ scarr k , K cl ia ; 7 ae ¢ ul Indian rdded t g i fo a @ about 70 miles southeast of here There = ve A OF ee oe rf ow! T : . eS, a within 10 miles of the inter- | WUng and 1 neueved One ms ai 7 aaved & . : f @ national boundary much older the other. One The area lies under the ing for Re F Con e at eer Allieorrewenk ee — . type por{rays figures as long and| shadow of the Sweet Grass 4 ting APLETE OUTFITTERS in hi ti ea 4 ; © COMP aes ‘s Me spree T ara a Th wih ae Eagws as Ma | narrow and uses straight lines. Mountains of Montana and is ‘port the boat \ ad ; FROM BOYS TO MEN : Writing-on-Stone” Park) The other has al figures rich in prehistoric finds, Dino arris re abou Nov © 2 erives the namre from In-jround, both for people and ani- | saur bones have been found a jy. ¥ y wi and paintings | mals few miles east of the rocks, ® Boys’ Ties Boys’ Hat Boys’ Jackets 2 het bank Some archaeologists who have along with immense petrified = : : . = Most of the Indian writings are | visited the «ks conclude the trees and prehistoric oyster UNIQUE COINS S Boys Shirt Soc! Boys’ Pants a graphs, or stone carvings.jregion was visite; race of heds VIKING. Al CG Kurt Lo 4 . Erosion has toppled some of the j people before Indians, It isk Gal eas aoe stimate : g Boys’ Beits Underwear Boys’ Parkas gs ° ° ined in Maj. Fred Bag ‘ gle East Gr . ' : o fe: " y “The 71 Mounties,” and tells : ; w Boys’ Brac Snow Suits Boys’ Suits M Fo Ch st D e sas teehl , tien | ee we ee : 2 ere i aes 2 NMOre r ristmas vinner ing Indian paintings on the | ago are worth perhaps $6,00 ® a is ar i t a Nortl ' as - : Ie) are ? i A s a At L Nest Mounted Police camp ir ' . et A ss Cost, Su 0 sweet Grail, The wa Germany i 18 Pt A : At Le , Surve WS ic sweet cram hil This wa a ‘ ediaeed ¢ ~ se e ore . bably the place late know! ‘ fragi eret SO REGS ” «ie ° Writing-on-Stone - & “1 . . . B - Christmas dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Average Major Bas Ta BERG eee TABS ERA See eReeReeReeeE Canadian should mean second helpings for all the tt a a ENJOY s(OU ASE a of a ) ns family and at less cost than last year. | athe. US ‘al ey z % I A coast-to-coast survey sip sr ay Sir g qi TRUCKS most wholesaler and were b wel 7 . cv CARS an yrepared to handle a re he averace ' Shah banpa* : EP A EH a he alte ; ; jid-fash . All — pe Lore ¢ 5 , ibated, according to tl pbuh In Saskatchewan everyone ap 2—1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $4395 ae ie ev endhyariatcrad | ared to be looking forw ik e ot ; : tl nori Beusy a table loaded with a greater — 2—194? Austin Panels $895 ete eahied aimee . "tiene variety of fruits and nuts than i Cakes and puc g WLOTC | last year 1—1949 Flying Standerd Coach $549 t than usual are looking at winnipeg Japanese orang: PRINCE RUPERT : ” hee A i good supply and at 1—1949 Monarch Sedan $4595 sy isiobaae seagate ower prices T KETCHIKAN rr r ior tami- 1 1 Q4 9 In 4 | ‘ iat OY if oe > , 0 win 9 nternational 34-ton panel $495 At Edmo simas com-| NEW DELICACY A new delicac i 1—1948 Austin Sedan $750 a on ae Ga a MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY ‘ tintin os tive fruit-bowls throughout O: De arts Prin R rt 2: m NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY West Coast tatio, ‘The new. fruit, ac pe ee ae FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Shi MN a tangerine and a ee Se eae. eee Still is in the exper 9960 down and 24 months to pay ippers ay ee ROUND TRIP $27.00 : aler, It is not expected be : © / plentiful this year unero Auto Servic Take to Boats | Far from being a luxury, al ed a % " turkeys may be considered VANCOUVER (Demands for cheap meat at the 1952 Christ- 3rd Av*nue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 } iigher freight rates by Canadian mas dinner. Phone 476 ri] may see Vancouver The ‘ ntiful in Ottas ca ee ippers increase shipments from They “e plen ae 18 Olawe ~ he ist by the ocean rout ind expected to be at least seven - ~~ ee _ cents cheaper a pound than they The railways have applied {0 | ware last year. In Quebee City a general nine per cent freight) ,, 5 : ae a nak Tne 12 per cent drop was predicted lf A il andes ewer’ vee \ttom imet years price of bk ity / A ea t 20 7h t LF A\Hi ‘. an sartiieki atin 5 tween 69 and 75 cents 1 NUT] we ae a oe al by - Those who like a chicken will C H 1 o the boats ua G plents choice j ost /) 2 traftie mariage f06 so aa gs y uF — = n : . eppner Ah fn | { / Ait a Vy I hardware firm we witi= .* Se ey, (UL A (Lind ak mace ‘ : Beg Toronto, meat wholesalers pre wae eS “) mM eg ree Business €an on dicted a scarcity of the bird 0 Se 7 riniveal This is because not as many were the ts o ; str a cen q raised this year as las I ib 1e War, were esume - r than a y ago via the FE \ anand Canal soni TEMPORARY RELIEI mo LA li, H. Stevens. president of the; gTOWMARKET, England (CP) Son Vancouver Board of Trade, call- So that tenants will have ed the situation “alarming _ |more spending money, council “It is so startling that i | of this Suffolk town will forego ought to cause leaders in every | rent collections durin the} economic phase of Canadian Christmas season. But the} life to ponder carefully the | money will be collected during course we have been following (the next few months in recent years,” He said Wage increases are re- flected in costs with no apparent | é increased productivity, | This, he added, in infla provement position in the wage 13 The Canadian Bank of Commerce f 1342 he said, Would result tion without actual im- earner’s | LLL Ears, A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now - 80 you'll be ready when the southeasters roar. jThom Sheet Metal LIMITED ' 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 + More CAR per dollar when you BUY! * More MILES per when you DRIVE! Over 00 miles A PRODUCT OF One proce opiicurve windshield Power-pius “Econimosior engine dollar per gallon Lorge double acting hydravlic shock absorbers front and rear HILLMAN TNLinxs THE ROOTES GROYVP your newly appointed dealer for the Hillman Minx says: For more Car-Miles*per dolor... you cant mateh the Minx ar any price: The new 4. door sedon Beoutitul modern styling Supersole unitary consiructhior shoe b 2leading? oe ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY HEPPNER MOTORS 404 MeBRIDE STREET