Iday. March 11, 1027 odes and loods Modes may bo merely y2E 1)IKS READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue INGER, the TAILOR iults made to or- ler. In our shop low aa ,, . $50 ,223 Sixth Slreet the mood of the moment. I'oforo buying your Jewel Has solved 'one B WflLEM- NOW SHE KNOWS ! rrttPLftCETo&END I ilrtt, FAMILY 5S CLOTHES g Bfii HEN she found out that this the place to nend the lily :: clothes she also disco v- that we would make her a clal rate for the family laun- She told her friends about Mid thcv told their friend Jt if and thl. is getting to bo ie a family laundry'. ineer Laundry Phone 118 New arrivals of Spring Coats Suits and Dresses ; Suits that arc In the fore front of fashion for present .Wear- beautifully made jrar- tvWcnts revealing the popular Rfcox style Coat and wrap- inind Skirt l'ricea Moderate BENT'S lONEsrv with)T6ur poLicy's fVERV MANI BUILT ON THE) f-Vv-x SQUARE OEAU rWhen you want fair and uare coal service you will o the right thing by your pi f in coming round to us. lie quality of our coal and ir conscientious service fill give you a cheerful heat- nil home this winter. lit,!,.... ....... . AiNAIAll W , , Nl TI1N nnd IcI.KOI) RIVER SOOTLESS Lump, Krr, Stove nnd Nut Libert & McCafTery rnones ur and 117 APPEAL CASE IS STILL ON TAXATION (IMMISHIONKH FOIt C.S Mtt.XS NATIONAL ON NT AMI AI.K YKKTKKItAY .UTKKNOO.V H. It. Nlchol assistant taxation com. mlasloner lor the Canadian National lery novelU instigate the .vrd current stylos. Inoon ,n tht ippeal ctu of the rall. Wo can give you authentic wax company Irom th Judgment of information of thin year's th civic court of revision. The evidence ntylea. having Junt returned 01 Mr- Niehol wa mora or )m techni from the Kat. tOHNgUlJCHI? il Jewellers TliF Tf .UP WITH THF Tl nrK 1 1 La 7IUni null U VUVt 'HE PIONEER iAUNDRY KIDS HOUSE Hull) cal and a lanes number of statistic went submitted dealing with percentage of assessment In various years and the re llatlon of tht civic UMnmmt-on other than the company's property -to th assessment of the company' property, luce the year 1B33 to the present year. One of the main contention of II r. Nlchol. a presented through the com-parlsons. waa that the assessment of city property had decreased during the paat five yeara whereas the aaaeaament of the company'a holding bad Increased. In answer to a question from Mr. Alexander, witness aald that he knew of no reason why the property of the railway company ahould be assessed more In 1937 than In 1923. The number of leases on waterfront property waa the same In 1937 a In the year 1932. E. P. J - nes. in cross-examining Mr. Nlchol, ak rd aa to bla Information concerning the reported aale of the elevator property by the company to the government. The .witness declared that he had no know llidge of the aale and, even If Mr. Jones aiould read from Ilanaard the atatement of Mr. Robb. the finance mlnlater. It would not aatlafy him aa evidence of the aale. Counsel then asked. If the amount mentioned had been paid, would wltneaa admit It to be a fair price. Mr. Nlchol anawered "No." Proceeding along ,Uu line. Mr. Jonee elicited from the wltneaa that the department of taxation Often waa aaked for the ashamed valus of certain properly, aud a requeat for the assessed valuation of the elevator alte, had resulted In the necessary in formation being given. M'AI KHFBONT l.i:tKS The matter of waterfront leaaea waa 'the aubject of numerou queatlona by !Mr. Jonea and the wltneaa admitted that there waa aome difficulty In s-curing leaaea due to the' position of the : company which waa In the handa of a receiver. It had apparently been the policy of the company, however, not to aell any of Ita waterfront property. The city eollcttor then questioned the wit nesa as to how h arrived at the value of the company's property when there were no aalea made, and also asked how be. a resident of Winnipeg, waa able to give an opinion on the value of pro perty in Prince Rupert. The answer of Mr Nichols rtlated bow he had pent aome considerable lime- In the city and had gone over the property very thoroughly There were many things to be taken Into consideration In arriving at a valuation, which waa possible even thoughthcre were no aalea. . If. Arnold, of this city, waa the next wltneaa for the railway company and, in answering counsel, gave hi valuation of the various parcela of land along the waterfront, including the foreshore from where .the railway enters the city up to the land occupied by the sal mon dock. The land waa divided Into waterfront property, right of way. graded acreage and ungraded acreage, and Mr. Arnold sought to give a valua- tlon to the varWua descriptions. He waa proceeding with hi testimony when court adjourned at 5 o'clock until 10 this morning. ; (continued on par. ilx) PACIFIC CHEAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Ti:M)Klt I Sealed Tinder endoned "Tender for : Steamers" wur be received by the under I signed up to noon Thursday, March 31. ! 1627. at the offices of. the Company, 67tf Dunsmulr Street. Vancouver. B.C.. for the purchase of the nulla, machinery and equipment of the two iteamera Operator" and "Conveyor." lying on the aouth aide ofthe Nechako niver at Prince Cleorte. i Offera ahould be for tht vessels a , they atand, complete. ' To arrange for Inipectlon, communl 1 cats with Mr. A. A. Belbeck. Prince ,(leorge. B.C. The lowest or any tender not neces-anrllv accented, nonT. wilson. At. oeneral Manager. Vancouver. B.C.. February as, 1937. LAND ACT .NOTM.'K OK INTENTION TO AI'PI.V Til Til PKKCIIASK I.AM1 In Prince nupert Land Recording Dla trlct of Prince Rupert, and tltuate on the north ahore of the south Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Iiland. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Marine Broken Intends to apply for permlaeion to purchase tlio following described land: Commencing at a poat planted on tho north ahore of south Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotta Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, about S chains from the end of the Government trail; thence 10 chains northeasterly; thence 10 cbalna north westerly: thence 10 chain southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (30) acre, more or leas. jame.3 rir.uu. Applicant. Dated November 3lt. 193S. l)inAimiIJNT OK LANDS NOTICB Aiipllciitlon for Orasins I'eunlta fur the tiruson nf IS.). Application for permit to gran livestock ou the crown rang within any rating district of the Province of Brit ih Columbia, must bt filed wltb the t-P I Latest are featured on X.LU( lectrical prtrical l UlUill Light I innt lUU Rauf Rfli7 . Jertmswick RECORDS "Leander" from "Katja" Some6ne,, from "Naughty Itiquette" l.i Trals rhvractt ay OnkrsUa. with vsral Paik Last "Lonely Eyes" "Who'll Be the One?" Fat TrU with Vccat tU Hf Hn Utrai Mi II U ll.ltl KwMtllt Ortknlia. Catrhr li Trs.'s Sr It II Ohn.i unJ Vk.'i iU Iktir Of. tbialra. Ask Your 3101 "Do-Do-Do" "Clap Yo' Hands" M7. "Song of Shanghai" "I Love the Moonlight" F.i TrW with V.rsl Uwraa. H; Jack DfUn- 34(11, sn4 kia Oica.iUa. "Dreaming the Waltz Away" "In My Garden of Memory" W.lti.i with YkiI (h.r... .Mr K- Miller " .1313 a Ilia OrtUtlia. imswcK Dealer! J. LOKNK MACI-AKKN' Third Avenue, Prince Iluiiert, Il.C. i District Forester at Fort Oeorae. Kam- loops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31at. 1937. Blank forma unon whleh to aubmlt applicntlona may he obtained from tha District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands t Victoria, Il.C O, R. NADEN, Deputy Mlnlater of Land. Department of UniU, Victoria, n o., January 4, 1937, TOT TTAXITT NEWS PACE FIVB iSCHOOL BOARD HAS MEETING jm:i-oitTs or r-itiNfiPALs snotv nat-I ixi'ACToitv atti:mai: - nkw j itoyji at iioitHKx ntkkkt I Reports from the principals of the jetty schools, which were read at the meeting of the achool board last night, showed satisfactory attendance in 'the various room for the past month. In a i few cases, lllneae had slightly affected the average attendance but, on the whole. th attendance waa good. j 1 Trustee II. B. , Rochester, who waa re i tiecieo. to tne cnairmansntp or trie board! during his recent absence from the city, thanked the board for the confidence expressed. He had expected that nonie one else would have been assigned the duties of chairman for the coming year. LLm The report of MUa Mills for Borden H V U JjZ Street achool showed an attendance dur sflpw3P ing the month of an even 300 scholars of whom 143 were boya and 165 girls. The average attendance for the month was 04.47 per cent. During the month there had been a gradual Increaiw In the school bank accounts. v There re 40 glrU nd 25 boy ,n attendance at Seal Cove achnnl rlnrltur the month with an average of 00.9 per cent according to the report of Mrs. j Llsney. the principal. Slight Illness accounted for the poorer percentage. Principal Hartness. In hi report for Booth Memorial School, showed an at tendance of 340 boya and 194 glrU during the taonth with an average attendance of 03.10 per cent. Deposit In the children's savings account amounted Id sll2 for th month. In supplementing the ' written report. Principal Hartness refer- red to needed improvements in the heating and ventUatlon plant and also asked Uie board to consider. In making up its estimates for the year, a small appropriation for the Improvement of the school grounds. He referred also to the : library which had been assisted by the school. 111)111 M'llOOI. I The report of the High School was presented by Principal Thomas Peddle. 337i The total enrollment for the month amounted to 136 of whom 66 were t6ya and '80 girls. The average attendance for the month was 04.1 per cent. (lif-J specter II. C. Fraser had visited the achool from February 1 to February 4 and had made some helpful suggestions to the principal which were very much appreciated. The boys' and girls' ath letic clubs had bten active and the Literary and Debating Society bad held two very keenly contested debates. The latter society was grateful for two ad diesses delivered during .the month one by D. B. Finn, director of the Pish' "erle Experimental JSJatlon, on Biochemistry and the other by Rev. W. J. Seeds on "Dickens." The school board discussed Informally jthe need of another room at Burden' Street School and It waa decided that the' whole board would make a visit to the ' school in the near future and go into the matter carefully before reaching any ' decision. Miss Mills, who was present. ' explained the altuatlon but aald that she would be able to show the board better when It made the proposed visit. , The Weil-Managed Home I D. C. McRae. on behalf of the Remlng- ton Typewriter Co.. made an offer to - - - - - -- , the board to take back the .machines nnpprcCCIU DACtCT which had been purchased in 1291 and ajULtLuurllL IAolfcl replace them with the latest models. A CAPIAT W kC lirl n committee of the board was appointed OUtlAL WAj ULLV to consider the proposition and take whatever action It might consider ad- A bt 80cla, helcl u,t ,ght ln YtobIe- Rupert East United Church was well MODERN FAMILY CLASH PORTRAYED manner In which th elder Qilbert is brought to a startling realisation of his I Injustice to his daughter, their subsequent reunion and the girl's romance with a young scion or wealth brings the picture to a stirring climax and a happy ending. Lola Moral) who Jumped tnto the limelight via "Stella Dallas," give a memorable performance a Uie modern daughter) Noah Beery handles the exacting role of the bigoted father in his usually deft fashion: and touts Dresiwr adds to her laurels with her effective delineation of a woman with a paat. j HTHE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for' a largje proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. attended and 'proved a very enjoyable affair. Rev. Evan Baker was chairman and there was community singing under the leadershlD of W. Howarth who also san "lnVWwLU IN "PAW flPKFI." " ' as Meth Davles. , Robert wllson WM the wlnner of , hat trimming contest tor men and Miss lu.. lllml'r.H.,.u Timely Tlieme Ultl. Murlrt 9ttvttton and w. Howarth won llr.uilway ar . m lely jurkcroumN the prles for a threading the needle '" 5 ; : " . ? contest.' c Realistically (picturing.., the, clash be- Mrs. Robert , Wilson was accompanist tween the' 'did and the ueW 'generation, for the evening while T. Ross Mackay "Padlocked," Allan Dwan'a latest Para acted as auctioneer and Andrew Murray mount production, oeiu at Uie West- a- cashier. holme Theatre tonight. i Committees In charge of the event The picture, aside from its excellent were as follows: entertainment qualities, is a moving Entertainment W. Robinson. It. Wll-and powerful plea for tolerance and son and A. J. Squires, sympathetic understanding on the pxrt Decorations 'Mr. and Mrs. B. CI. of the older folk In their relation to Beale. modern youth. i Refreshments Mrs. W. Robinson. Readers of the Cownojiollun Magazine Mrs. A. J. Squire, and Robert Wilson, will recall the slory by Ilex Beach which ... appeared aerially home months ago. If NOTICK is a slory of what Is happening today In thousands of lomes where parent and ofUltI n2ab?f Vli'i, PA'?,V12!JS . . ,, . of Section 38 of the Mineral Act. no- ehUdTen look at Hfe from different tic Is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Klnts of view. Edith Ollbert la a alitn Smyth, Edmund Langla, Harold Hansen Mg exampk, of the nKKlern. freedom- hbr2.JSS2j .. i loving American girl, who resents her performed on the Cordllla Group of narrow-minded father's efforts to "pad- Mineral Claims, Princes Royal Island.) kick her soul, itlfle her ambitions and ,393.88. and that unless aald persons pay repress her Innocent pleasures. 'their proportionate share of the cost of When his intolerance finally lead, t$W?&5 her mother accidental death, the girl . Butcdale, B.C., on or before May 13. runs away from botnn to become a 1027, application will be made to the cabaret taunrei dancer dancer In in New New York ork, Her Her ex . Oolu Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.C.. have tnelr rwpectlve interests ln the Citing adventures midst the gay night herein mentioned Mining Oroup of life of Broadway andNhe millionaire Mineral Claims vested in Jhe under society atmoaphere of Long Island it ,utMa' DAVIP CORDILLA. viviaiy and bruiiantiy portrayed. The Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely JACOB KOSKI. LAND ACT. NOTICi: OF -INTENTION TO APPLY TO H IU IllNi; LA Ml TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robert son. Massett, B.C., occupation Mtllman. Intend to apply for permission to pur- i en use tne toiiowing aescrioea iano: Commenclnur at northeast corner Lot 196a. Q.O.I. District: of thence south fifty chain: thence east forty chains: thence north to short: thenoe following hlghwater mark to point of commencement, containing one hundred acres, more or leu. Located this 30th day of December, tS20. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating R.T.I. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. royj Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. 1'llONES 43 and 385 mm THE WHISKY r - 1 WITH THE UNIVERSAL REPUTATldN: Whisky Plus ailvertisemont Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tho Government of British Coluinhl