V IsAtLY KIMT10K Moat after s ML I'UIILlfiHIN'G THE RHCOKDS For your boy at school A Qruen Watch, moderately priced ' i oats, ot your toy s pode and pl&i-aire in owiaag a real Gryen Watcb a symbol of his coosiag uunhood a source of constant adnxaitico from bis companions! We have Gruen SenaTbisM priced as low u Siy, SenaThsn Juniors, $30 and $40. Others up to $7j. Let us help you select. JOHN nULT.BR LTD. . Jewellers The Store with the Clock. i Saturday. Sept. St IKTr a profit. Kit her they wei wronjr or we were tae tiXi aaa bean pabti.ihirtfr the profit oa taeim iifht and power departatent and aiao of th- telephone department 1 .-sm tMt tae water department arkich ahowed We were led to believe that the water t lovv a. not mentioned, not in the utilities de- pertinent- Now are are led to believe that the utilities department aaa charge of the waterworka accounting-. Which i correct? We are not caocaraad with who i responsible. We do not know ta) do not wait to know. It i.- not our buaineae. What we object to is to being the mean." of mleadinjr the people of Prince Jtupert in teilinjr them we are makinp a profit when, apparently we are not dojax ao. Wo not tell the people toe truth? Thi? luu been ratac mar tor yeara and rears, long before the present adminhitration had caarge and they have all done the aame. Waal are want, aad what e intend to hare Before we are through with it. is the publication of the remits of the city utilities fa saeh a form that the people of the city may know exactly haw they stand in regard to it. The waterworks is a city utility just aa zaaeh as the potrer and light and telephone. If we make mistakes in discussing this it is only because we have not full information which hoaM be giren oat through the city council. The members of the public works coaamittee are just as much at fault as other members of the council because they hare been a party to thin camouflage which has been going on. Give us the figures. If they are not available they should he. Let them be produced monthly ajong with the tight ami power aad telephone or else keep quiet abos the utilities artatattJwr aad we shall then all know they are a failure . We believe our city council ia doing' goad work and that the city eaaoloree are also doiag goad, work bat hare is something that moat be cleared a p. Unless soate atatenaemt ia made we shall refer t thia araia and again until the truth ia discovered. POOR PI-CE FOR CAPITALIST France mast be a poor place far a capitalist just now. Money vet an told is worth only lh per cent. It would take a large sum at interest to brine in a amffieient incoaae at that rate to keep a perse in idle Bees. ProtxtlgW it it only a temporary condition but alee tt may last a coasirleraljajrtiae aad ia the meantime those who are tryfae; to tire on the araeeeda of their capital must feel themselves sore pressed. FISHERIES C03IPLICATI0XS The complications brought about by the declaration that part of the fisheries act it altra vires of the Dominion Government is likely to result in a great many changes oa this coast. Lf toe Dominion does not control, it is to be presumed that the province doe. That m&ht mean that the million dollars now collected by the Do-rataion may in future be collected br tbe province. The whole art-tern might then be changed. . It ia to be hoped that if the case is to be taken to the Privy CwaacIL action la regard to it will be expedited so that by the openie of the season next year everything may be settled. There fat not eaevgh information to hand just now to determine what will be the possible effect of the raUas; if it is sustained by the hisaeai csants. This particular case, it It said, cannot be appealed bat aa anpuon is beiac; soazht from the Supreme Court of Canada aad a Bother case beariag up this oae will go to the Privy Council ia Great Britain. Waterfront Whiffs Quiet Boatbuilding Season U in Prospect Ruby Jlay Damaze , , in ColIiirn Halibat Landings Heavy This Week CfcajBYg as a ccsanderable depression from the extraordinary activity of last winter, prospects are that the fishintf boat-twilding industry daring the winter months now forthcoming will revert to normal or, in other words, become a good deal quieter than it was. It is xenerally estimated that the output of aew boats during the approaching season will not be any more than fifty per cent of last year. As a matter of fact, if it does that wall it will provide a good deal of employment and there is no apprehension of any real dearth of work. Cannesy requirements for some time to come were pretty 0 taken o af with ta M3S.37 , The qtuctlac op wUl not be OMiBe! hntlaats arocraat and U fart tha: , slew to Prtac Rupert but aU ysras there baa been aacre or less of a slump j cn tbe coast will probably feel it. Some tu bo-.b salmon aad halibut ftabiaf this of the Vaaaotmr eataMlahaMnu win fear wUl bare a deterrent jffect on pel- j suffer tasoagh the lset vhat the BC vat; eateiprlM aiestg thu llae. j Packers. Ueh has been a large cu IB Mr Timjihi ea roan Oaaaeiy Co. was after a stay tn t 1 , PAG TWO THE DAILY S?WS . ; icso -a Um pM. wtfl SM as aW SB. 4 aaht to be the Oajt- Bill nil The Daily News it Us wb bwasswslaBB lW MMpmtH- to today tar Bare hay 'agassi lag MUMiihid a )4K jf it awa k Itt U fashm - a FJUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Point Ovwy Vancouver Aftorao ea, cp( Sunday, ay Rupert MitNitokttlMlf tki Ts mh al'v New?. Lhnrted. Third Avenue. nae aod Baamn br Ctart Weaeae ana Brt two F. PL'LLKN - - - Managing fcdttor at tart. n.KiU,PM as rer-a Ittm a til a MMMrtli.niiMt SUfiriCHIPTlON RATSS: Cu trottery. by ii or cmcritr, per snouti. . . .To.deal to U yard that HaBi w i parts today MM ta K U all part at the ftottuh aaBftpir m United ta inuiwe. jur ml the Pltw Ba- IU Ot . Ikr W4CMT OHiail o J(Mar - Taatt ia srdvaace. aer year . Bmk at 0i im ! oc ikt Prince M MM a MHaa' ta tAiU-MB AdvertLtins and Circulation Telephone 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 3!emher of Audit Bureaa ofrfireuktloni. lof M kkt ftoa. pMMni Dunaf Sbs tot' abiiBDi o Mr Plan H N has wML wtB be lets MVK 1a other- pcfMUMati IttlMMt ' ' in mi' of the sun at Um etataaa hare For several year ta Daily XeW has been tryinjr to set Use' tJM F smi .1 .k:- a. ..-si. 1 raaa s ttawe waa pchltailMj a atatasasat to ISM nftoweo a Iom yet durinr er amooth of last year thi paper iy, tni tm nmwua "laay as aaen sbowimt tadae a era! af aaaa leninriw Wan n G raisai 11 Mortal sufsertec from !g traahtr. If r. Jean, who weU kaowa at Use north, batto from Tssacoaver tor) to r;-..rr c'ty he left Tbaxsday atfht. i flrH M gepteatoer tap IS 1 total of ocveaty -right ez areas nfrsgefatar cars, tsdea wtth fresh haahat laaded hers, have tt tn a-Mslebtd ffaai Prtaer Rupert to the Sutera Markets. rJunac Aacsst a total 1 WO of m cars was aoiaped. Ttafnac aprrsUosM tn the vattntty of Mtortb Istiad aw bow pretty well broken ap. the ran betag aeaity over. Tbe packers Bntee X. aad B. aaa Y.. whteh haw bress operaUas dartag tee anza ater betwefa North lataad aad Batedale, are bow packhsg dog utraoa to Lagooa Bay eaaaery est Uareaby Istsasd. uht ctudn or nH Ia addUSan ta saastderable damafe aastalaed whea she pued ap 00 a reek aear Petersburg receaUy. Use Aasertean haBbwt boat Crtrte, owDed by Dr. W ar.-jtM oa ta Mtcv- ktaaa caatt Mff laaeu WfcaJro alurk atn pMt at ta ruoc Barnard rsort at aov aaaaux ioNim at ta SMRa Ba cuMt a partac . flak. Dajrw ruu( Mc wna nab laan. timo pttao at ao Mapt n aro--?ir tor ttt IMacfawti ad a aiaan.- ; o VaaKnrsrjiurt iMSjiisiBini f aaa wae am-! Ja CwnM wtueh haw heta MaratiiS te tasmw aatttt. Oalrt Srw a waU as oUwr bocms aaa ' M BVr SaSJBBMV l Wrast i ' l f i r a mniin aaa a Bmiin reeeet ar- t Oat; aaacJ aa uu! atUrat aaaaun-mat trass the 1Umsc Htw anas-, saa aseea CBaftht Curne asw hat wtrk-rrr liair atory laM la attaB ka beat. Boy Mar. ta what aaght east the cosMaaa ct ta DMiy Noti bbMbs j save atra ty mu i.uiisjaaai oa j tat aaac . Man to leave (as at best tor Wiai-s UUaA. 1 1 caOartsa ,iamm the coast COMt aasL he away three ar I wlta the aw of t waw wffl Mvaaty eaatre at nam Mwtr athrataai ta It i awn Tbey wBt traMl aa the torts day hwataw aad fltt TsiiaS They msdr tbe trJp ea UVr riaiii iaiSM.it Bast Hatu power araster Uyatawy awder the feaOe aare of Osat. Tesserdsy trtp wtth a Pitan Raam Boat Iiause 38." Caat. Aitx. Batat. atsde af oi MWMCtrre rjf Maara a1 Jc Son wita than- pUe-Mjn. ta mmw rtr Com Ba; t'Jb- Kim Aitv iLt(Hin at Wit Tar-iVsT BBtht -shin IftT n't fa ' tbry hat the 8aaa aMertrl. Na a Oa ThwTawsj. poser boat taawdrr. wtth Cast. Baas Betwasst at esBMaaad. Made a trip te Kkaafcaa tslaad wtth uranisms ar the lax etat at a staftd n a Vusa. It I tar ate Aasemaa baliau-. Thai wtu be thctr Bnt , nh ms.it Mska rt bbs aaaat essb' aa this part af Um PasBw j fltMi aaa the tot aaa ahec ob on U thss Ms. tatey BUa al oaattte twiatm oui rraas .tB Wav- eia ta satiaakat i tew shaeti ahtst a had aaa to u- aner. asattar ttw of Im aenhar aaat m '..-m otoer ta thne- taama u preraat toe uc- ! aaat. As H beawa laaamu tha. tbere A party rariw4la; af Jaa Kerf. Ther ; was aataf ta be s crash Charlie bac BUiy SoUMBB aaa Ohm Lfiata i ailfwti t snian of auad to swiut ha awn boat aver ita the it rsesl it ;a Rub Maprd atwe!y orer A of UM atera was car- or tour p ton ii were w41 m taabtts briog Ma with MSB diffiml'T that the et Wa lisrn to her moor ing psirt PiMsa to Use asttat oJ tft& ts now Si Ms Mpaued at the dry dock All these na wsatsd in the ftsarnt :oaaatry sawaM-take not Uast Nav.ona: rtsb Day to apprca : hrrg aad falU at. 0?toar as ta last WiSsuSiy of t: raanwi. TtoMatk.Sbe isnsK af Mrg? jdliatoird by asrrac ladmdaa: in E. D. Jeta. who to sdeatmed atta the ; FtUsre Rapett. sbau wslnatsy a tbe T. Kergia af this caw aad akiewred brf-"1-00 P0" a9 sastsds Cape Heary HennkMn- also of Prtaoet LJ" tatass at s asmtlar date Rapert. suffered farther Iom Utraugfa barteg to throw ererboad ber caleh.e? SO 000 ywriBds ef fish ta order to Hghteo her. Bea Wat, oae of,Me xaerabrre of (he crew, arrteed bere tttto week from Fetcrsburg where Use Cedrie la now un-ergolng repatra. Tbe' aehooDer Jessie. .Capt. Mike Meafber. which was engaged fa haawat ttsMsaj asst at Prt&ee Rupert for pan ef tato season, has reached Vancouver where ah has now been tied up. Tbe schooner Oalef Skuctad. Cpt. BM! PsrsaBa. ia due from the hankut aaks at aay Uat. It (s well orer two month sine she ni last here but tt to uoderslood that ahe has UW some catches up aortb. With two so re or more local nimroda i meeting with oaly BidUlereat aueeeea last aeek-end. the first f Ue aeason. eataualasm for deer hunting seems to ' have died down coosklertbly aad there 1 wili not be nearly so msny going out i this week-cad. The wUy anlmaU are jranmag high which makes tt rather tough getting them out. A Jew beary .ajiows win have-to fall on tbe,4igher ; rtopeytiefpre 'jWy brParOijnile ias mt&i ba.deitrr , . I ! Two scows, laden with lumber and I coal, arc toarlag TaneouTcr today con-UHrBed for Albert tc JicCaffery The jeame interesU are expectUig tbe frelght-jer Salvor as arrive early next week with , a full cargo of coal aad cement. , Capt H. Anderson arrived in port 1 this week from Ketchikan with his trolling boat which, on Thursday, b :iaaged over to Canadian registry This the third hoar this season to ao change :is S-ieg.au re Better finning conds sms ia waters on thia aide are week , OahUas ladattry. toot aougrf to Tbe pas weak. aturday to was Csnsdtsp er pass tbe Wow a bwUertty hue KbsrdMD Cssjir it t aat too salty te start prepartac to auke that year's Nattrsasl Ftoh 9y amoun-. ) has barn a buaaper aa it. , of haUawt tonmagi Dunne the a total of S9SJB90 pawaos has been SVrtftered bare with Aasertean fwh tat the isrtc prepoaderaaa fMsHtae 814.- whii aaty Maeo The 4atter. haaeeer. tZte week. The htah bM tm Amertcan Osh was late aad tc. vhtch the Praak-its reterred aa Uaaday trass the Ansa rttaerlas far aearjo psnni The best CaaadUn bat was ea Satarday when tha P. XVirreea sad Faaay T Mceered Itac aad 7c far aateaea of SjOOO aad L3J00 paaads rssceetHety. Loest bads of Use week were tSc aad 6c an Tuesday aad Tawraday for Aaterteaa ftsa. and IMc aad 6c sat Friday far Oaaa- The tan totals ta data are as foUowt AserMaa. HMOXiQ were LFAaverfssa. -ia4MSOh.' Oaaadata. sumw ' tsui, Ussztxi pmmit. - IUTICI TUII ""v.. Prefst Aataespatioa. specussUoa. ptosaottsMttan. vsmUoo. eiattan. Olaapter I. 1 H's !1 Esabatkatloa. deatiiMtsan. niittoattan. OBapter II (The Bag Gun That Oet Awayi .Vsvitauon. sttmaUttoa. buek-ezcttauon. fasclittUaB, awsntecatloo, per-taraauon. lusrlcstlon. muetlaaUoa. sotffUcatloo Chapter III (Baofc at tbe Ctabi Cesa-bratson. rectuiion. uttemeauon. reiteration Irrigation ciaberaUac hrsgatlon. eqoieocatson. irrlaatsn. exaggmUon. irrfcgaUoc. prersiicaUoa. hrlsaUen. fab-rUUao. saturation, teebrtation. Whaling veeU opera Ub treea Rose Harbor aad Naoen Harbor hare been hampered by fog which bsaag ever tbe coastline of tbe Queen CaarkSte Uaad lately Whales ae plenttful ta the Ttetn-lty of both sutioas aad If fair weather would only favor operaUoas reasoaaMy fa or f TO 'Blood CBBBBBBBBBMBElk d a4ajsai3BswaBswagrj 'ontmmblt on the used car you buy JOd catches couid probably be aecured I The four vessels operas ins our o.' .' Tae Harbor, on the southern par, of j :oe Qtsren Charlotte took 19 Whales Usetr nrat two asoatha' work noasber to stlghtly oader toe Burn er killed tn tbe rum ipmrtlm period last season. The Tenets oaerataag frosn lose Harbor are Use Blue. Brown. White. ad Btaafc. Tbe ataaber token toy eaon eeaset has aot been aareraUaed 'At Xadsc Harbor, where the aere rathir poor laat year. 9f were klUed y ta whalers Oray aad Oraat m op- krstsac far oae nsanth. The maswber 'sken at Ksdeo to ronitoiiaMy lasatr kUtod aatBtOar pertsd Adrertlse ta Tbe Dstty Neva WUTEU NOTICE. MtEK-MON A.) CE TAKZiSpTICZ that r Bousseau. whose eddrsM to 410 Seyaaour Street. Vaaeou-er. B C win apply tor a Heeoee to tak aad us 1 cubic foot of water out of ttaaananed stream which flows southerly aad drains Into Port stepbena Bay about one mile east of Bluff Point Tbe water wui be diverted from the stream at a point a ut COO feet from the mouth aad wfll be used for eomsaer-etal purposes upon the bndi described as Lot mo. Baage 4. Coast District This notice was posted oa th 1 round oa tbe 2Stfa day of July. 1S77 A copy of that aetiee and an applieation pursuant thereto aad to tbe "Water Act win be lued tn tbe office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. BC Objections to the application Buy be rued with the said Water Beeordtr or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament BuMtUs. VtctOTta. B.C-. wtthrn thirty daya after the nrat appearance of this IWttW In a lATAl B.WIMMf Tk. - - of the first publication of this notice to ETJOENE E0USSEAD. Applicant LAND ACT. .NOTICE Or INTENTION TO ArrtTT TO Lt.ND in A urn ia&a Recording Dlttrtet of the Cassiar DUtrtet. aad annate at tbe I meuUa olWsan River, a soot 400 fstr easterly aioog the shore from the north- west corner 01 toe styurk sficerai Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Vic-; Naughton Fraser. of AUin. occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for tbe Engineer Oold Sllnes Ltd . inc . la-tends to apply for a lease of tbe follow-1 ing described lands: Commencing at a post planted ihnnt 500 feet euterly sleng the ahore from tbe northwest corner of the Skylark Ulneral Claim: thence northerly 225 feet: thence easterly 100 feet: tbence southerly 1M (eet. more or less, to high water mark, thence westerly 100 feet, more or leas V point of eommencemeo-and containing 03 acres more or leas. ENOIKEZR OOLD atUrES LTD. INC App; :aa-H UcN Praser Area: Dated August 9, 1927 (icahadian PACinc .ssiiasvX The used Ford car you huv represents so many unutcd milct L'f transportation. The price vou pay shculd be in proportion to the unused nuie a;e which remains in the car. Whether or not vou ret the unused mileage you pay for oVprrwis largely upon where your ied Ford is purcftased. All used car dealer like lo handle Fonb hoeaux-the Ford enns public confidence and therefore ommarad a reatff sale. But the only safe pla.c to buy a tMcd Ford is from the authorised Ford dealer. He can tell tv hat utae a car lias had and knoMa eaactly what reconditioning mutt be clone. He has the men- tbe equipment and the genuine Ford parts necessary ts do tint Jb properlv and the Ford you buy front him is a better car titan you can get for the same money anyw here ele. Why you should buy your used Ford Car from an Authorized Ford Dealer IAlMtMUt)waMi4M 4 IkiMKlaiuiSbmMaWH : 11 1 llllllnHIHH II III B StoWd f PS ! t LB . 11 1 .mm if " ji Ta fW ttsw Ca , 1 C MMi4NrfMhM tT1 Sw MM n if m n 1 1 b Mlir ttmrn sm awn SHI s MB M I ii lt- -t ""St rn Thrkwrrr aMSa afcis AlMaWMMllfMwSfHl S IW iilSlMll ltr .! I I i in mik iww ii im ia a4 at inn s iwiiinnwis twin a hm Sa iU wU H M tUrt t 1 1 1 1 hUta i s h) i w luit imiinrf n'di nMnsitmlli m mZmntitmfm4ilmftl to ? imytmtt 1 1 in tl ti I mm iliimW''"l Two Todor Sestaaa f xialiy art sad at SaOkOO each am aaa terias. a ISST TteSor. wall eaiaesL JIIMKIH) 1MB ear haskiMsf 10 mllaw. h 1924 Toa Truca, spaindld cotsttttioa. $WsxO. S. lC.PAKKKIt. LTD. Prince Hnpert ..... ILC. a . ...1 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMTTFP Canadian Pacific Railway B. C Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruperl Ta Krlrblkaa. IVraagtll. Jaaeao sad cksrway Keatrssber -Ts Vaaraater. Vietaeto and Seattle iepesaer It. H PKINCEA! milTKICE. rar Batrdaie. Cal lVrlU lleiU. Oeean fall. Nsi Alert Bsf. Canaaeil River, aad Vimwiiff etery satsrdir- 11 -m- . Agency lor all ftlearathla Uaea. MU lafsrasstlaa rrw- W. C. OKCIIIKII. CMwral .treat Oraer af 4th Mrrt aad Srw Atraoe. JTare assert B. "61" Floor Varnish Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Dr. MAGUIRE Phone 525. ai l'i Dentist Over Orme'8 Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Udy Ass'--"8' . Join Our Christmas Kroehler Club and make ber dreams come true ONLY $10 DOWN NOW Barrie's Home Furnishings Phone 1- T OAO " JMjA OUOi