i i t e 3 9 3 S I s a a at a I I f T1CZ TCZZ Tat. ujut Neglected Eyes . NEGLECT is casse e see! a tie afflict TMdavsa Mlf eraiest taat ft aw nry to Ml aaa. If tvst eye are fMac trsslSe. Ltt Sfets iitaU to sd ai C. OF ALL abrsrsatfcs fa the kfcr&cs a? ftrlrhini. sreT t laa af cam' tirssri sfect is the mK fsexrxsaate. DO.VT ! fceafca aad ffi-cfcajfcrwrfc aeffcet. Cm 2sd Seel Fred Joudry EriirreiJ OpUsseirhU u OytiraB Fbeae 2;1 PX). D 1S LAUNCHES. SCOWS. ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Emipnnt fr Diviar aad Shae Wort A real fw Eavibope EnjnD Stsnp PoMers NOmEGIAN IL4UBUT GEAR IN STOCK Cmp&ws A4atias VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We uter fr Partite. Pfeaiee, Daaeea, etc Prompt Delherj ' Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Arraae and Second Street Phone 73 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S73 DENTIST I' 1i rj BRINGING UP FATHER ill I "" J VH e&cr COC l I 1 b VW9 CCW 1 t EVEtr I I A5 ME k I j t m Knar Mfto I( MfM xnrtoytitftoriL Te ' toMff atow Vf to UjKMI a cacki jarf Horn i w tlUM ia a" itole jm Kkfcs MM CM jKt. to tota X-cay tmfuJT3 Qaaa am besmf tk Cm ika luc ytar sk buK btd jBrtfl aai to tofea anoi laanna. Ctoce Ttott ttow. Iwatw. rtfcitw torn, am m atom cut bxa JOB. HOSPITAL SECRETARY 1K an i 17 anAertaktoi. eba&4 : ka! H a year a -e auto o( tte lacai kuattara atotf he. P-r-fcTj. am aucisa af akL W. j.l Orrcr ttxaatuA AM. A. U Bsvra. S aaa AecMed to jcr tbe ftaaaoe soaaatittee for nonrt. SUBMITS REPORT ON RECENT CONVENTION Makmr oreT rres . . tfce baaM otto of U BjC Beapnak Aiaoela- tloe Sn Yieurrt wtech ke attcaded. E- Prince Bopm Gjfjanl HnajltU. sUtec BKSs Mtrd at y.-or' to contMerattoB to the matte; at :a?ratac tbe avar of the Workses-a Oegapemauoa Bart tan tke praeOH azjo per oar. . Tbe kgtatatrte eaaamfttee af tfae aa- KKbUoa u acttre In "n vtUa a proposal abott to be eude bf tbe Ontoa of B C UooJcteftlrMes tkat a jutu pal per capita srantc to bctpivaU be reduced fraca toe bu'j of TOt a S3e per Car Tbe conreBttes tha ear. Ur. Birr-h stated, bad dealt Ute4t -with aanxteg allatrt asd toere m not to madi bsu. oesa from tbe ctaadpotat of bocpiul ad-! muunnuai. lae Aauonai uealtB Is nnnef aruf t rMf ttictmwn. -? v. ..- t3tf n i.jUj Itojw Tn ' Man in the Moon j Why Gum-Dipped Mileage scares jLess "ifer Mile" The d-TTyyi froa car cttmxx for F:reoas Gara-Dipped Tirss has ghren PtrcstraeDsaitn a large increase invofeirae that enables tha to sell thoe tires to yoa at the Ica-est prices tn the history of thf indestrjr. The Firestone EOcoa Tread, sdeliScay desgoed three years ago. and unchanged today has the -wear m'sljr.z qualities that ghre thocnarv of extra r-t, This tread raost be placed ca a carcass tst has the qtaSficadoQS to withstand terrific ficzin. ThsFirestooe carcass tsoade of cords cSpped in rabbrr tokrtioa which not only satarates aad instates every fibre of every cord, bat unifies sidrvraMs with carcass, any poasibilityof separatica nisder the extresse flexing of feh your bcaStyJrrpJas adly,rp!aj3 KjTjaj-i-npp-xg process, tns soectincaBv' rtrftgvd tire tread, aad other advantages that only Gonj-Dipped tires can ghre. See tea today. FIRESTOrrE TIKE & KUESZR COMPAJIT OF CANADA. T-H HAVOI.TCW. OXTAJOO MOST lilLXS PER DOLiAX "1 Oav com-:!-:;a had oeen amana FIRESTOTiE TUTTT TVS TW nVT V r.mrnmrr. unrr xiKJm io-er ma ten taken up Far Sale For Rest V-VWT WEL1.-VJ-AT DO DO YOU YOU ( II r J. V br 1 I -. - if I I . . I I I II m II . . - 1 i T" IV V ' wwtwi - ! ,. ,e . I r jt I j:i I 1 I I cT 1 AFRiO.- rll I I SJ I II f rr if 11 ' i lL'tsT! In The Letter Box j.LARGE CROWD OUT TO to ttor a; Tur THERM diuv 1 LAST 1 ct in A Km J or. a to-5Kto Mto na DC fee In! totec i iibii .-jiry w.t -a; -.s. -p.r?-.r -r.-; jMcr -ansa v T-rrr mnga qmw m rxMBS 3B talc yioe '.3-.' ij j 8C1 1HTIV CI IT DM "m. at 3M H NIGHT! fltoar tor a a laiy cmtf amt Jul 7 Ttol tojW Hlto to-b. ctor. rak. n win I f SPORT CHAT I to ftoks at Ctoeacb aca oar tto? T tm t Sana aaa aad ta Warto Sv rttt IKrv Tcrk Otoato or toe w i aw H or autain atoeniu oaped oat tkt toe or tad htrr.'Jtt j SoJdlers JVld tbe oaruaf " "'to' otoy. arta !! ta taw Sataaal lMu daj atoatof tot hsv ati Tbo It Mite if hkj atoa pw fc totMf tor i in faafue ac a Sao toHf aWayare-Hv at tbe to be a toto H lor toe Taoaeea Cer- totoll. Uwar iiamlubli rrrt ata If toe powtr- oop aC tbe boaara Out yrmr n aiO la-w Vx a if tbnr am be a fl tbe faaa ttol bike to tec tbe Puaaea vto bos there are trm nf iiwait to Jiftoatlj bape tbat they Tbe hae aad erj tbat west no abaa toe ftorira btOIe fartaeea Geae Taa-&rr aodSack Dcaptrr tor tbe vatov baavyaearb crvrr betoc Baeo. fna toe joou or totoaa. bad btUe a f mn ililliw to fact. Tb i. too nw onotertr aocb at ry tees to tbe eooste of tl hectic ui Tbrr caa talk aboot toere bttor bo nrk m a tes-maad batt bat. tbe larre autamr of tboae oko hirv. eao!i to bare bees to attendtue at Itoe -battte of the are" wm nhk j ajree tat there aaa ptentr eooof! kx briar tael. It vto be a&tr&.;ui ker toe burrfbai of thoee freo eee of tke vooda who v-jV ; baroe vblcfc iaMtCAZy -x one Tear v the day frosa : - -he Fh.de.px.a Seacsurat.tr..; T-Hhey rrrt vped rr.-ar: By George McM Taei woven v3Lrf ,1 i r r r- v y i i i i v i i i . ii i J i i; i I WALLACE BEERY AS BASEBALL PLAYER! DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. rj 1 J" J ; " " ri I fo Atfvcrtnacest Uicalfof leu iku 5Cc ' 111 ' I (ft. u. hcstt TOR UM JXMM TrmiTWt FUR- yrtMt wu: " m Has 1 U tor 3i k . F axw tf e tor. r MMto. EXCHAV'E Wi m err bi- . iacv Am mcor- ' LL"'!--!-- : 1 v - i ar-r. ros BBfT-a aoous jural sam Aarij rttof-s tf th tlaaiatoeaoTT. Fedtral Ttord Ae Tint tale akoaW be of totenat to aD. O F eer. Pboae TM. LAND FOR SALE tht otj. urrajopuerr oo, tra paiiktu of tta boMtosa to tbe To, atte of Prlnre Supm aad aaa adtoki tos acreafL For parbcatara applr to fi. I. TIMER CO, LTIl. Arerta PAIN frnm AUCTIONEER . . . O- -rxrral Ctoti bOto. CLOVtoOfKI. WHO IB 1NM ':wf ( to toa:tbeaa. oltoi i to mo tbe tov T" f totrtat bat of tarbRave ad,e9bv x - j - " C ottbow iian i a oa nainiaai at t Bo - " MrHr PJB to tbe Meral Hook. Sp. Roto l4l Foar take redto (aod aa aor. Ooa- paJ Brtttok aac att tobtat Msar oor:?f , i chotox oto totox tobat. Moatj Sntt- , t nflkjn Hat.-Mtcbca rtbjart, Una tor! Cb- - t $ totokes. f i IS riaimli ii roc dt lbu Seoto , ,ai rnaik. oSjt oalaaoaa vttb eoaater Iatp- taadae f x $ Hi fee mia-ili aiadt i Cul"T Bayreat- : bftoot. aHwaara. chtoa aad after OHr vbeeb t aractta I a pb '' Xiarsfl aha Sa- far aale an toe' ' prrarr- flxfana. oato at mmm akor ' fee deaxn :traoc aaaA I i j MACHINE. KNIVES I - - la s j2l ,-rrto-X, i 77 JZu. n " 4 - - I WANTED I At7T'I - - Bia.T a I IKVI WHI M M to. m -to toU - o. Ill " - I Ten Years Ago I . I y? -..T tol-1 -S, DiDnrrrrTruroT" 1 , XA.NAI3I0 - WELLINGTON TZaTZ n la PHnc Rupt5 I TARENT TEACHERS rtftwtftU ,T1L - I g'T.srtorxr r,r!icro l first meeting of ! - i Auorran "T'-t j rggj SEASON ENJOYED ST -j T -sgar-HiDwnMws' service tr- - -isurs: w sr.tr-:; ,. , I l UllLclVUpcfl HOSPITrLUAEIUTY ...- , schools v: a . ; FOR RBNT i iTPBrt mi A aack. Ford Ooape. . II l per awat y rard at air. in 1 tac tr raoott kaiev r.f lute . IXtM to c o . Goodyear T ti' Wreratog Sarwe - rbtae TAXI o a k4 a VU l vw r Bladder lrntanon vlt. n r kr SANTA L BIIDY Bar r taltttlMM Ltt ft tX -IDT soi ar t; ot rr'u Phne 7 Tsrf . - CT- (Call George- F- ' cj- ROSS BROS. P001 B Metier R4(i