PONT NT LOWR0 PRICES ? Pontile Six as it has been PROVE proved on tlie Genera Motors Proving Ground. Hie most gruelling endurance and performance tests liavc been passed by Pontiac Six with flying colors. For there's strength and stamina in the Pontiac Six engine, to match its smootli-ness and swiftness and its superabundant power. Take Pontiac Six out on the road and prove the reasons why Pontiac lias won the most enthusiastic acceptance ever accorded any new car. And, thanks to the volume purchasing and production facilities of General Motors, the New and Finer Pontiac Six, with new elements of beauty, luxury and quality, with proven power, speed and smoothness, is available at New and Lower Prices. KA1EX HARARE Dave Ross Third Avenue I'rince Rupert, IlC. NEILS 1A.CSLX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED ON'S Bulk Chocolate Special "THE CHOCOLATES THAT ARE DIFFERENT" For a short time only vc are offering Ncilson's Assorted Chocolates at per lb. 60c Orme yic Pioneer Druotisls TMinD AVE. t SIXTH ST ' TELEPHONES 821,200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippe "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Cold Storage IX I'rince Rupert. B.C UNDEK NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL-U0SEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms. Ameruan and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room 1'hone 51. L. Martin, Manager. Advertise in "The Daily News" Dealtst. Dr. J. R BNMHt, ftosseg Oe ta Bag 4 babul Wheiltblailat M Tul. pbMi i. ,f u Blf afrhlaatlan JLv a a la fu win at Mra. IIMt tall M DraU oaaai man Rlrrr tarnooa'a tram. tt Irom vb a fee n day af J mmQFm. Palmistry last Crystal CMfeg.' Mi. Jm. Clark. 4. Third rtim. FImm Oreen US. Ml R. E. Alton. district forester, rtturaed to the city oa yesterday afternoon train tram a trip to Sal than on aal duUea. Mr. Loula Aesadio and lamllT sailed this IlioooB an the Prlaeees Baatrloe lor Vancouver an rout to Italy on a tas' vaeauon trip. Oatll repairs at the Provincial Om emavant wharf have been fiomnletad, OPJL Msaier will make landtni at Mo. I ahad on OTP wharf. tt John Armitrong. govern ajeat lnapec- tar of saeollue enainet ana enulDcaent arrived Iron victoria on Jhef Prince Beatrice tblt morning andfaHI proceed the Interior by taufi afternoons 1 Jnscpn flaw, lejal hiiaiaaaaman. hu returned to Vancouver iron a trip orrrtMi with hla brlda, an English girl. On , of Mra. Howa'a fiaat experience 111 Oaaadm waa that of batag la a bead-on eolilalon of CPA. traina, which waa attended with fatal raaulu, aa aba and bar huahaiid waa earning Weat. Aabett Raid, a aon of Mn. Bald Dreifl Moonu. and brother of Mra. O. L. Vounsmac. Rand Block, amvad on raa-terdtT aftamoon'a train from Qlaegow, neotland. to try hla luck In this new country. H. li alitaan yaara of age ana ha been Identified with a band In the Old Country. He bopea to tee abla to )oln a aunllar orgaalaatlan bare. Mlaa Zada PaUnbom. tUf formerly of the rPlnoe Rupert Oejeeral Hoapltal : nunlng itaff, returned to the city on yetterday afternoon' train from a boll-iday visit with friend In taUther and iTclkwa and left thl nwtnisg on the Caroena for Butedala. where ahe will spend a abort time with relative. t fore proceeding to Vancouver where ah expect to remain. ' IT 8. K. Campbell, formerly akanager of tte local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and now ona of the Bri tlah Oatumbla lnapectora with head quarter In Vanoouvar. arrived In the city on yesterday' train after having inspected the brancha at Prince Qeorge, Vanderhoof and other Interior pclnt and will hare on official dntie until of the Prince Bvptn Oeneral Hoapiui south. The regular monthly meeting of the hcaplta! board waa bald last night in the hoapltal. only half an hour being required to dispose of business, largely of a routine nsture.' coming before the board. Those present were J. H. Thompson, president. Aid. O. P. Tinker; H. B. Rochester. C. H. EUlna. Aid. W. J. Oreer. Leo Waugh. AM. YV. M. Brown. Dr. J P. Oade and Mrs. H. F. Olassey, directors: Miss Jean Harrlaon. R.M., lady auperlntendent, and H. W. Birch, managing secretary. LAND ACT. NOTICK OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LJ W: IiNI In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that MUlerd Packing Company, Limited, .at Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88. Q.C.I. : thence northwesterly and along high water mark IB chains, more or less, to point n. 58 37' t. from the NX. corner Lot HO; tbenoe north 58 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence aoutheasterry along low water mark to a potm j. do 97 m. irom us location pott: thence 3.2 chains, more or leas, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 sere' more or lea. MILLEKD PACKING, COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant. Dated September 7. 1917. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose .Bazaar. Nov. 18 and 17. Established 1923. B- 1 Office Hours: 5) a,m. ta p.rri. 'Saturday: 9 a.m. td 1 p.hi. Any svenfriK by appointment MP Ienny DENTIST Exchange Mock. I'hone 109 The Messenger We motor cycle messengers know that for pep and speed you've got to have good spark plugs. Give me Champions every time the better spark plug. Ckmmt It tk$ urr park H klW ihm ew - ta. inn p caaMCnKtiait m4Ut Fecial utflwii tUctnd foe t.tdt Cart olhrt thaa rorda 90 CHAMPION SparKPlugs W1.VDSOR. ONT. A CANADLAN-MADE PRODUCT Wall Begorra. Hyde Transfer are now agonta for Famous Caisldy Wellington caai also Alberta Sootleu and Pembina Peerless. tt Canadian Flab Ac Oaid Storage Pa.' trawler O. E. Foster, Cspt. Sanderson, arrived la port at 10 o'etoek last night with a oaten of flat fish. Mrs. Oiaham f the Federal Block, who has been riatttag at Dorreen with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Oraaam. returad to the city on yesterday afternoon' train. Annual Tax Sale of lot to be held at Auction for delinquent taxea will be held on Frldty, September 30 next tt 10 am. in City Hall, list of property can be obtained at We collector's offls It was reported at' the meeting of the hospital board last night by C. H Klklna. chairman of the house commit tec. that, In compliance with a resolu tion pasted by the baard st It meeting last month, the secretary had been au thorlaad to secure six additional chairs which were now under order and. It was expected, would arrive In time for the October meeting to meet the com fort of the director In session. Presides) t J. . Thompson reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board that oae of the doctors had Informed him that there was a shortage of splints. In explanation. H. W. Birch early neit week when he will proceed ply of cedar on hand and that the splints were made as the need arose and to meet the particular require menta of each ease. Patients often took the splints away with them when they left hospital. Aid. O. P. Tinker, chairman of the finance committee, reported to the hos pital board at Its meeting last night that collections during the month of August had totalled 1 3.061 and dl secretary, stated thst there was a tup of receipts amounting to $778.29. There bad been 1508 hospital days at a cost of $2.74 per day. Accounts were duly presented and passed lor payment on motion of Aid. O. P. Tinker, seconded by C. H. Elklns. Reporting as chairman of the special committee appointed to go Into the matter of the proposed dispensary In connection with, the hospital. Aid. W. J. Oreer announced at the meeting of the board last night that the committee was awaiting the expected arrival In the city next month of Dr. Lamb, inspector of hospitals, and Miss Helen Randal, R.N.. registrar of nurses, whom tt wsi expected would have some valuable In formation to shed on the matter. Reporting as chairman of the house committee. C. H. Elklns, at last night's meeting of the hospital board,' announced the donation of a crate of raspberries and box of applea by Mrs. John McRae, phonograph for the Nurses' Home by John Richardson, and the BulgJey Valley district exhibit which was shown In the Prince Rupert Exhibition. Mr. Elklns also reported that a steam pipe under the kitchen had been taken out and renewed and that doors of the building had been repaired. The report was adopted on motion of Mr. Elklns and Aid. W. J. Oreer. Miss Jean Harrison,, RK, lady super intendent of UPrMcKttrjertj'Oeneral Hospital. makfeeK&fajySeport at toe fe$lof Wanhriatl night, atateu" lf olr!g tt fnVfTsoVatlon hospital being reopened for scarlet fever eases and two of her nurses being there as well as three others 'being on holiday, there was a shortage of nurses. Providing the hospital itself did not become busier, she hoped she would be able to get along without extra help. It was Miss Harrison's 'first appearance before the board since her recent three months' vacation trip to Ireland and J. It. Thompson, president of the board, duly welcomed Iter back. W S Harris, after ape aiding a coual daye la ty aa hmanm. win re turn to Haseitea ear this , afternoon's trala. Reeekab Annlvmary Berate. United Obwwh. Sanday evening. Sega. 3t. All member, v 1st tori and Oddfellow please attean. OJfJl. steamer Priaee aearka. Oapt. Nfil McLean, is again lata today aad wHI tte arret from Taaeauver. Powell River aad Ocean PaUa uasN 'loek thl afternoon. Mr. aad Un. Oeotga W Abbott. 4M Plftb Avenue East, who have brea outh oa a bottday trip, returaed on the Priaee Beatrice this morning from Vancouver. J. E. Lard, maaaget of BA. eaaaery at Port Entnitna. was a paMengei a the Oardeaa thl morning bound far Vanoouvar to spend the winter, his plant Is being Biased down. Onion steamer Cardans. Oapt. A Johnstone, returned At to o'clock this morning from the Naaa aad 6 keens Rivers and sailed aooart an hour later for Vancouver aad wsyports Dan King of the Vancouver PUedrlv lag & OoatrsctUa) Oo, after a visit here to inspect progress being made on trie construction of the Kalen Islsad high wsy by his company, returned to Van couver on the Princess Beatrice this tfternoon. " l J. O. Whlteacre of Toronto, super visor of western store of the Mason Risen Pltno Co.. arrived in the city from the East on yesterday afternoon train and will sail tomorrow night on the Priaee Charles for the south In company with A- J- Mason of Toronto. srrsldcnt of the company, who Is at ready here. Caroline Rogers, who was arrested list night on a charge of drunkenness and subsequently raised havoc In the women's section of the city Jail, pleaded guilty this morning before Magis trate McOlymont to a charge of doing wilful damage aad was fined tlO. She pleaded not guilty to the chsrge of intoxication which was adjourned. C.P.R. steamer Princess Bestrlce, Cspt, 8. K. Orsy. arrived In port at 8JJ this morning from the south. The vessel went up to the Prince Rupert cannery to load a cargo of salmon and sailed at 2 o'clock thl afternoon on her return south to Vancouver and wsyports. She will call at Balmoral cannery to load salmon and passengers and also has paper to take on at Ocean Falls. Church Notices ST. .INhltKW.S. CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rector. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Assistant, Rev. a. D. Proctor. Morning service at 11 o'clock.. Even tag service at 7.30. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered on the first Sunday of the month .at 11 ain., third Sunday of the month at 8 a-m. .Sunday school at 2.30. I1APTIST Clll'KCH. Minister. Rev. F. W. Price. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sun day school at 2.30. Evening wprsblp at 7.30 pm. subject! of sermon: "Despair Reason and Faith." A cordial Invitation to all. CHRISTIAN HCIE.NCK SOCIKTY Service every Sunday morning In the! Hay's Block. 245 Second Avenue. Sub ject on Sunday: "Reality." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. PKEMIYTK.IIIAN t ill Hill Minister: Rev. J. R. Frlzzell. B.A.. LL.B. Residence. The Manse. Telephone 463. Morning worship at 11 am. Combined Sunday school and church service. Rally day. Children taking part. Sub ject "Christ's call to the young.' Evening worship 7.30. Hsrvest Thanks giving service. Subject: "Nature's Glory "Song." The Church will be decorated at both services. The choir will render two anthems. Soloists: Mrt. Allen Brockelsby, Davis, Jackson. Mr. Clap-perton and Mr. Teng. I'MTEO CIIL'KCII. Rev. A. W. Wilson. BA.. pastor. Hiss I. Haddock, deaconess. Morning service at II o'clock. Sub ject: "Unbelieving Beliefs." Evening service at 740 pjn. Rebekah Lodge in Attendance. Monday at 8 pm. meeting for organization of Young People's Society. Friday at 7.30. Junior choir practices. 8.00 o'clock senior choir. Kidneys Weak? Trsiite year t'wia Hssty (reutf . . I Asa ta 'Fruit--tirtl' til t io koufbtU iutitt wits-sue sti 9tttigue." Ills. Thomas Evans. Evtrttt. Oat. " Fruit -a-lives' , made from fresh fruit juices and tonics, can always be depended upon to relieve back-pain, rheumatism, lumbago, etc., caused by improper kidney, stomach or bowel action. 25c and 50c everywhere. 1M turday September 24, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Ska ndlaa risk dana tkveid lletropoJe Local and Personal Hall. Tat afternoon train due from the r-er ' ennnnnnnnnnnBa East at iml U reported to ha tiaa. Arthur iw. Pbon 71 Mr Burbaak. Pacific Plsee. mUl be THE ACME Ai Home. Wednesday afternoon. Sept. -:- BO Undertakers Phone U. 28 from 4 to 6. 1m& -i. WATCH This : Space for Our Specials Acme Importers UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Solium Iront ITinre Kifri. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanton Hi). Al.rl lUy. rlc Tuesday. p.m. tor VANCOIIVKK. VICTOUIA. Ilutedsle, Alen IM). rlr... Msturdav a.m. lor POUT JOMIfiON. ALICE ARM, INVOX. MltWART. tt airs Island. Sunday, 8 p.m. lor Na Itlter Points and Port HIiiihmii, Friday p.m. U3 2nd Avenue. K M. AM1 1 M. Aleut. prlnre Huprrt. H.C. Throucli tickets sold lo Victoria nnd Hesllle al a reduced rate and ar.tate rheikrd thr-iurli to declination. SEALED TENDERS addressed, to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender fcr Wharf Repairs, Port Simpson. B.C. will ne received until lz oihk-k iiihiii, iw day. October 11, 19'17, for repair to wharf, at Port Simpson. Skeena District B.C. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office of the District Engineer, Post Office Building. Victoria. B.C.. also at the Post Offices. Vsnoouver. B.C.; Prince Rupert, B.C.. and Port Simpson. B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless msde on printed forms supplied by the department and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Note. Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of (10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order. S. E. O'BRIEN. Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, September 12, 1927. 222 LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Graham Island, QC.I. TAKE NOTICE that SomervUle Cannery Company, Limited, Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, QC.I.; thence east 30 chains; thence north 2 chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence west following low water mark. 30 chains: thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing six (8) acres, more or less. SOMERVILI.E CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant Dated August 31. 1827. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Coast District, Range 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve numoer is. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of the ronowing described lands; commencing at a post planted at the ooutbeaUerly point of Bonllla Island; Tnence nonneny, westerly, soutneriy ana easterly, following the sinuosities of the shoreline, to paint of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the :siana occupied oy inaian Reserve no. is. and contalnlng-on. thousand acres, more )r less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant. Dated July 15. 1937. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Prince RuDert. and situate on Prlnceu Royal Island at East Side Cove irom BUteaaie cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koskl. of Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: commencing at a Dost Dlanted about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery' Wharf: thence east 5 chains; tnence south 2 chains; thence west s chains: thence north 2 chains to point of commencement and containing one sere, more or less. JACOB KOSKI, Applicant. Dated August 27, 1927. JAEGER l'UKE WOOL Underwear For the Chilly Days Ladies' Vests, light yet warm Opera Style ...... $!.."() Sleeveless Style .. $1.75 Union Suits and Bloomers in all styles JAEGER IJLANKETS Two sizes, 7 or 9 lb. per pair The name "Jaeger" on any article means Quality. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. 3rd Avenue and Fulton I'hone 9 YOD ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 310 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Thor Johnson for Mens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES iff