25 TAXI Boston Grill ind we Ambulance service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Kxchanre Building MATT VIUECK. Prop. V r XVII N" 2.1 4 irm? 4 V f- League of Nations Outlaws All Northern and Wars of Aggression at Session of Assembly at Geneva Today GENEVA, September 1 1..1S... 1 II ani resolutions vci passeu oy me Assemoiy oi me league of Rations was that adopted today by a unanimous roll call vote. It was introduced by the Polish delegation and its wording was simple and direct as follows: "That all wars of aggression arc and always shall be prohibited." The resolution further binds all states! which arc members of the League of thus enunciated. NOW OUT ON $6,000 BAIL; M orris Dahtquist Charged With Unlawful Wounding a He-bull of Fracas at Terrace Cti oeca Riven oau or supeooMfT lklr-.t E f Kenny in the sum 01 a.uuo on a 'uir;. of unlawfully wounding W : .,.-11 Campbell, tie inspector. M t renu.' f b fraccas on Wednesday night wucn ix no are alleged to tare quar- 'Ill- ICIIWV ..WW., whiiij'w.h : - Clicked through a window and fu Da,'.;quit wm brought before ttoe mag 3'. rate t Terrace to be formally r'lanred and adlourumcnt In tb ease Wii akeii until such tune as Campbell may be able to appear In court, lie la irp: rtcd to be making very satisfactory irrogresa -.uward recovery In the Hastl- -i Hospital. Soon after the fracas. Dahloulst m i;Jit mi custody by Provincial Oon-e u'ile Bam Service of Terrace. Ser-i; a::t W J 8ervce. acting IbM of, the fl; 'j ( i detachment of the provincial po- -e returned to the city on yesterday ftarn .i:i-s train from Terrace where ton wa called In connection with the :ase ASSISTANCE TO Si AIRPLANE CLUBS 6c. Two Light Planes to be Furnished by Government on Conditions OTTAWA, Sept. 24. Announcement . is- ' he department of defenc e i pre-parrfl sbkm In the establishment of .iiirh!. all-Diane flylns clubs In the lar ger centres of the Dominion was made D Hi u J L. Balaton, minister In r.harc The department will Issue to earn approved and duly incorporated lab or association two light airplanes free of c.uurv,'c on certain condition. SALES.OF LAND 7. AT .UNIVERSITY Demand so Great That They Soon Will Carry Cost of Educational Institution VICTORIA. Sept. 24,-Salea of land In the University of British Columbia subdivision have increased so rapidly of ia'.e that within two vears they will commence to carry the cost of the Unl .verslty. Hon. T. D. Pattullo said today. MEDICAL AND DENTAL BUILDING VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Sept. 24 The construction of a ten or twelve storey medical .... nt mm ueniai Dunning at av i w j Richards and Georgia Streets is to be commenced soon at a cost of a mil- i.;;a tti.d a half dollurs. ',. . itKN W 4 21. One of the most import- .1 II r .1 Nations to the principles t 44 4 GOOD VU1EAT CKOI'H . HEIM1 TIIItlIILI IN Till; lU'LKLEY VALLEY Threshing la now general In the Bulkier VaUey under splen-did weather oondltkHM. according t word received from various points . Wheat is running from M to 60 'bushels per acre sad barley 1 aUo high in quantity and quality. The only grain not earning up to the regular standard la oats, but the osop Is fair at that. Last yesr the interior had good crops and the farmers received a lot of cash. This year's craps will put tbesi away to the good and anable them to make a lot of necessary improvements. FISH ARRIVALS Total or O.IHHI founds of Halibut hold at Etc-hange This Morning A total of 68.000 pounds of halibut iwas sold a.t the Fish Exchange this morning including one American schooner which sold 26,000 pounds for 11.7c and 6e and five Canadians whteb disposed of 41,000 pounds at bids ranging from 117c and 6e to 12Ae and To. Arrivals and sales were as follows; Amrrlean rudlo. 2400 pounds, Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co., 11.7c and fie. -Canadian Cane Spencer. 15.000 pounds, Canadian Fish tc Odd Storage Oo, 1239 and Hose Spit. 16.000 pounds, AtllD Fisher-'es. 12c and 6c. Mulrceag. 7.000 pounds, ttoyal Fish Co.. 12c and 6c. Joe Baker. 2.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 117c and 6c. H. & U , 3,000 pounds. Atlln Fisher ies, 12.5c and 7c. TRANKSGIYING DAY ON NOVEMBER 7 THIS YEAR OTTAWA. Sept. 21. Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated together this year on Monday, November throughout the Dominion. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 1.37 BX3. Silver 1.40 Cork Province .. .0774 .08 Glacier .01 V4" Gladstone .15 .16 Independence . . . .06 Indian 06K IP JDW Leadsmlth .06 Lucky Jim 'am J8H Porter Idaho . . . .2814 J30 Richmond .12 k .14 Sllvercrest Silversmith .19 '4 Bunloch .55 .75 Big Missouri 39 JO Dr. C. M. Barbeau of Ottawa, who has been conducting research won In connection cuuim.uwu with " aboriginal .0 customs In the Naas River country during the past summer, will sail on the Prince Charles tomorrow far Vancouver. fflVFRNnR fllFT OF UWIU1UIV11 UUUUI VI CriAMtiER OF COMMERCE Itrfyrd In Make f-; rrth but Irgrd llts to irl Out on llolf Cour-e JABPBR, Sept. 34. Oovarnor Genera! Viscount Wllltngdon wai yesterday the guest at dinner of t-he Canad'an chamber of Ci sunn mi but he did not make a speech- However, William Blrks ol Montreal, chairman of the chamber, cx-,pr eased the pleasure of the tourist at His Exeefleniy's presence and, Lord W1-llngskm replied graciously assuring h: bearers that he was delighted to mee them but' reminding them that the Governor Oaneral was on a holiday. "Toe Cansdln people, as I have learn-id In my eleven nvjntn of off.oe," he aid. tseam to have one obsess. on. anrJ bat Is to bear tho Oovernor Oeneral nake sBeechss." Amid laughter he went on. but there won't be any tbte time. The Oovernor Oeneral Is on vacation. Let me advise you to get out n tnat gjLf course over there.' SNOW COVERS THE PRAIRIES . Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta Fields Were White This .Morning SASKATOON-. Sept. SI. Snow fell at file points In Northern SuskaN ilieuVn jeMerduy and I'uiitlnued to fall here thin morning. l:il.MON'TON', Sept. 24. firound In this vlelnltr was white with snow this morning and harvesting lus been Mpied In many localities. GAVIGAN SENDS. WIRE ON FIGHJ Event on Thursday Night Was Spectacle he Will Never Forget Says Local Business Man Cheap Seats "It was'a wonderful fight and a spectacle which I wUl never forget," says a telegram received at the Grotto Cigar Store from J. C. Oavlgan of this city who attended the world's heavyweight championship bout at Chicago Thursday night between Oene Tunney and Jack Dempsey. The elevated seats were a big advantage over the ringside seats when the crowd stood up. Scalpers offered ringside seats before the gates went out at $1.00 each. There were plenty of seats available all day long at bargain prices. Tunney was the favorite 4 to 3." HUDSON BAY RATES OF INSURANCE MAY NOTJBE VERY HlfH WINNIPEO. Sept. 24. Considering all the modern aids to navigation that have been developed the difficulties or dangers there might be In Hudson Straits should be considerably minimized by now and there Is no apparent reason why snip ping Insurance covering the. Hudson Bay route to Liverpool should be excessive, said H. E. Crawley, of- the London In surance firm of Bowrlng which is associated with Lloyds. The statement was made in connection with reports that the rates on Hudson Bay shlppiss? would be so heavy as to largely nsfsify the benefits which would otherwise accrue from the reduction in freight rates. Bert Smith, assistant manager of the Premier mine, and Mrs. Smith will be passengers on the Prince Charles tomorrow nlgbt going through from Stewart :o Vuuc.uvcr. wmm PRINCE RUPERT Central British .Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. D.r . SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24. 1-.I27 -T- - - MILLERDS WIN CASE UPSETTING FIRING WORLD'S LARGEST MOBILE CANNON at Fort Mat-Arthur. Calif. It has a range of 54.000 yarls and was fired at a target between 20,000 and 30,000 yarda out to sea. oIANTSAGAIN BEAT PIRATES Lead of Pittsburg in National Re' duced to Two-and-half Games Over New York NEW YORK, Sept. 24, By defeating the Pirates yesterday afternoon In a tight 6-5 game, New York Giants regained second place In the National League over St. Louis Cardinals and reduced the lead of Pittsburg to two-and-half games. The Cardinals lent 3 to 2 to Boston. Brooklyn Dodgers evened up the score with Cincinnati Indians by winning a double-header from them and the stock of the Chicago Cubs further dvanced when they shut out Philadelphia 10 to nU. It was a hot finish which gave the Slants their victory over the Pirates. Mueller was walked and scored on Lind-trem's triple in the ninth and Llnd-itrom scored on Rousse's sacrifice. Pittsburg needs six out of the eight remaining games to clinch the pennant, providing either the Giants or the Cardinals win all their remaining games. In the only game played in the American League, Chicago beat Boston 2 to 1. The day's scores were as follows: NATIONAL LEAlilE New York 6, Pittsburg 5. Brooklyn 3-4, Cincinnati 2-3. Philadelphia 0, Chicago 10. Boston 3, St. Louis 2. AMERICAN' LUAGl E Chicago 2, Boston i. LEAGIE STANDINGS National League W. L. Pet. t Pittsburg 89 57 .610 .New York 87 60 .592 3t. Louis 86 60 .588 Chicago 82 63 SGG Cincinnati . 70 74 .436 Brooklyn 63 85 1.426 Boston 57 87 .390 Philadelphia .48 96 333 American League New York 105 43 .700 Philadelphia 8d 59 .590 Washington 78 66 .542 Detroit 78 68 .534 Chicago 66 80 .452 Cleveland 63 82 .414 St. Louis 57 89 .390 Boston 49 97 .336 WINNIPEG POSTMASTER CHARGEDBY EMPLOYEES WINNIPEO, Sept. 24. Charges of maladministration were levelled dlrectlj at T. T. Bower, postmaster of Winnipeg, by the Winnipeg postal group of the Amalgamated Civil Service of Canada, fays a despatch from Ottawa to the Free Prt.ii. FISHERIES REGULATIONS " FIGHT FATAL TOTENFANS Some Died Whjle Listening in and Others After the Event. NEW YORK. Sept. 21 That the hevrnth round of the Tunnrj-Deiiip-ry fight that was nearly fatal .yi the hopes of the champion was a-omi pa tiled by the death of ten fans listening to reports of the big fight mi Thursday night Is now ascertained, four of them died while they were tuned In on the fight program and one fell deud In the ev-ritement of an argument after the bout. Two of the deaths occurred In Los Angeles. ANOTHER FINE ON ZARELLI IMPOSED Proprietor of Royal Hotel Aoseised $30 f or Selling During Prohibited Hours Dtamente Zarelll was found guilty In city pclloe court yesterday afternoon on a charge of selling beer during prohi bited hours, namely on Sunday, and was, fined 150 with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment. A couple of days previous be was similarly fined for supplying, liquor to a person apparently under the Influence of liquor. These convictions, arising out of a raid made sast Sunday on the premises, have resulted In the cancellation of the beer selling licence for the Royal Hotel which has now been surrendered to the police. The cases of three men. charged with consuming liquor In a public place, namely the basement of the Royal Hotel, have been further adjourned until Monday. WINNER TODAY OF NEWBURY AUTUMN CUP NEWBURY. England. Sept. 24. Wil liam Singer's four year old Lightning O artist won the Newbury Autumn Cup today. HACK IltOM NORTH. Hon. T. D. Pattullo .minister of lands, has returned from the north. He visited bis constituency of Prince Ru pert, crossing over to the Queen Charlotte Islands, which forms part of the riding, and expressed grea satisfaction at the progress that Is being made there. He also attended the Exhibition at Prince Rupert, which he says equals In the matter of quality of products shown at any show In the province, Victoria Colonist. Advertise In The Dally News Judge Decides That Dominion Has No Jurisdiction Over The Fisheries and Cannot Collect "" VANCOUVER. September 21. The Millerd cannery interests have won their cane againut the Dominiou government in connection with their refusal to take out a license- for a cannery at Prince Rupert and are now suing the fishery officials for damages in trying to prevent them from operating. By judgment of Mr. Justice Macdonald of the Supreme Court, section 7A of the Fisheries Act as enacted by the Dominion Parlia ment is declared ultra vires and the federal government annual revenue of nearly a million dollars collected heretofore for fish can ary licenses and Including a tax per case oa salmon afiectea. The judgs thus sustains the declrslon of Magistrate .i. c. Alexander in the dutrtet police court, who acquitted '.he SojunervUle Cannery Company Ltd. of an Infraction of Um act when it operated a clam cannery on March 25 last at Prince Rupert wltnvuf first jbialnlng an annual license. From Mr. Justice Uasdonald'a judg ment there: Is no appeal but the fisher ies department propotes to refer the question to 'the Supreme Court of Canada for an efenten. The Judicial com-a.ttce U th Vrtvy Council may later be :alled upon to MU( the Issue in an - 1 Xner proceeding whereby the company , is suing the .Dominion fishery officials for damages. OTTAWA, Sept. 24. A higher court wUl be asked to determine the validity Hof sestkm 7A and, 18 of the Fwherlesl j an it was srwiea at tne aeparamem a. Marine and Fisheries. Officials .are'' agreed that the decision is a most to- portant one. OVER TWO THOISANI) COPIES OF NEWS IN EDITION- YESTEKIl IV There was an unusually large edition of tat Daily News yes-terday. Oa-lng largely to the publication by this paper of a fuU account of the big boding match at Chicago, it was necessary to print 2120 copies, a T large number of which went out I of town. The local demand was also large and a good many went to the fishermen on the trolling 1 grounds. 1 m COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGIE, Dir. I. A-ton Villa 1. Bury 0. Blackburn Rovers 4. Birmingham 4. Bolton 0. Mlddle3b3ro 0. Cardiff 3, Newcastle United 1. Derby 4, Arsenal 0. Everton 2. Huddersfleld 2. Manchester U. 3, Tottenham 0. Portsmouth 2. Leicester 0. Sheffield United 1, The Wednesday 1. Sunderland 2, Burnley 3. West Ham 3. Liverpool 1. DMslon II. Barnsley 4. Clapton 2. Blackpool 66. Bristol City 2. Chelsea 1. Wept Bromwlch 1. Orimsby 2. Southampton 2. Leeds 2. Hull Oity 0. Notts Forest 4, Manchester City 6. Oldham 0. Notts County 0. Port Vale 2. Swansea 0. Reading 1, Stoke City 1. South Shields 2. Preston 3. Wolverhampton 3. Fulham 1. SCOTTISH LEAniE. Dlv I. Aberdeen 2. Falkirk 1. AlruVleortanVl. 'Dundee 1. ' Bone&s 4, Dunfermline U. 2. Celtics 3. Clyde 0. Cowdenbeath 1. Queen's Park 0. Hearts 2, Rsithe Rovers 0. Motherwell 1, Rangers 1. Partlck Thirties 5. Hamilton 2. St. Johnstone 1. Kilmarnock 1. ' 8t. Mlrren 3. Hibernians . iVEATHER REPORT. ' Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. '48. Rosswood. Cloudy, calm. temp. 47 Alyansh. Cloudy, calm, temp. 50. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm. temp. 48. Aayox Cloudy, calm. temp. 49. Stewart. Cloudy, calm, temp 46. Haxelton. Cloudy, windy, temp. 52. Telegraph Cloudy, east wind, temp. 42. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, temp 42 Whltehorse. Clear, south Wind. temp. 35. Dawson - -Cloudy, north wind. temp, j Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and best for the least Phone 457. P'-ice Fiv Cents 1 1 FOUR BORNEO TO DEATH ON THE PRAIRIES MOOSEJAW. Sept. 24. Wlllam and Frederick Huyck were burned to death end' two children whom they tried to save. Thelma Huyck five years of age, and the three months old baby, shared the same fate when fire destroyed the tarm home of O. W. Huyck, five miles north of Pasqua thVs morning. GENERAL SUTTON COMING NORTH Wealthy Adventurer Understood to be Contemplating Inland Flight From Here Judging from word received from the 'south, it Is understood thst General Frank Sutton, who Is about to embark upon an aerial exploration and mapping trip of interior valleys of this province, will fly north from Vancouver and start inland from Prince Rupert. For the purpose. General Sutton recently pur- chased from C. O. Usbume a Fokker ibl- plane in which the 'lattar - had planned transpacific flight, abandoning the project when he failed to get the necessary financial backing at Vancouver. General Sutton Just recently arrived pn the coast from China where he was right hand man and. advisor of one of the generals In the recent conflict In that country. He is a wealthy adventurer and since reaching Vancouver, purchased the Rogers Building on GranvUle Street at a figure exceeding 11,000,000. THREE FEET SNOW ALASKA Never Such Early Fall at Headquarters of Koyukuk River Say Old Timers RUBY. Alaska. Sept. 24. Three feet of snow bad fallen 'at Wiseman, at the headquarters of the koyukuk River on September 11, Captain Allard of the power boat Jessie reported on his arrival here Friday en route to Nenana. Never before, old timers said, had co much snow fallen during September. Mining In the district during the summer was profitable but the season was short. COLORED MEN ARE SCALDED One Loses Life and Another Not Expected to Live Result Explosion on Ships HALIFAX. Sept. 24 William Ewlng. 21. of Halifax Is dead and N. Mortimer of Vancouver la not expected to live, while J. Samt Hill of Barbadoes was severely scalded as a result of an explosion on the C.Oil. Canadian Carrier off Halifax this morning. The men are, all cok-red. The Carrier sailed yesterday for Barbadoes. After the explosion which took piaoe in the boiler room, the ship was j 'cwed u.ick to port.