Saturday. September 24, 1927 .4 ' FLAT WORK IRONING "j "- !- i: 1 t ' jf ana mis iamuy service- is so Not much left nf washday when you use ouf sort n iish service. No tub all tht, crashing is dons. No clothesline everything comes Dack dry. And 'no flat-work ironing that, too, is completely cared for. The hardest and longest part of washday is missing , that it s ar economy as well - -: veriience. Let us call this low priceu as a con-; week and ." A?Vi take awav the cart of washdav that' ( youH be most happy to miss. r . . SOFT FINISH j SV; , "if a pound plus 1? per piece. Minimum harge $1.25. rf DKPOSIT YOUR OWN COUPON Send it It .4v ImMlllill ill TH2 DAIL7 NET73 PAGE FIV3 As thrifty as its name is our "Thrif-T-service". It saves you time the day or more you spend with the washing. It saves you work for it does all the washing and irons flat-work, too. It saves you money for the cost is only a few cents a pound. Call us for "Thrif-T-service" today the thrifty way .of having your washing done. . , Thrif'T" service Sc a pound I pound Minimum charge 75 DKl'OSIT YOUK OWN COUPON Sttxjit gunJnf This sheet is valuable for reference 4 IS 12,000 other valuable awards for the best 300 word letters on "Why The Laundry Should Do .My Washing" $50,000.00 in Cash Prizes. 12,000 other valuable awards for best 300 word letter on "Why The Laundry Should Do My Washing." Conditions governing this contest arc reproduced in all the leading magazines, and a booklet giving full information can be obtained at our office. Thus does the Laundry Owners' National Association inaugurate its campaign to tell the home managers of this continent the TRUTH ABOUT THE LAUNDRIES; THE TRUTH A ROUT THE WONDERFUL LAROR SAVING SERVICES OFFERED AT PRICES TO. SUIT EVERY ROCKET. The truth about the cleansing agent it uses. Soda, the same as you use in your biscuits. Soap aspure and mild as the best of materials can produce and oceans of pure soft water are the only cleansing agencies used in modern laundry. Every lady in Prince Rupert will want to enter this contest. Knowledge of the laundry industry is not essential; but a visit to our laundry will be of great assistance to you in writing your letter. Another almost indespensablc help in writing your letter will be to. send your weekly washing to the laundry, then, when it is returned to you spotlessly clean and sterile, and beautifully ironed, sit down with a pad and pencil and make a note of each advantage as it occurs to you from vari- ous angles, such as economy, sterilety, convenience, labor-saving; time for more pleasant duties, etc. We believe the ladies of Prince Rupert arc as clever as any on this continent; we believe they can write as good letters as any on this continent. Nothing could give us greater pleasure than to have the $10,000.00 award come to Prince Rupert. To stimulate local interest in the National Contc it, and to demonstrate the unusual value offered the household manager in our Family Laundry Service, we are offering the following prizes, in addition to the prizes offered by the National Association: 1ST PRIZE 12 MONTHS FREE SOFT FINISH SERVICE, APPROXIMATE VALUE $75.00. r 2ND PRIZE 12 MONTHS FREE TIIRIF-T-SERVICE, APPROXIMATE VALUE, $50.00. SRI) PRIZE 12 MONTHS FREE WET WASH SERVICE, APPROXIMATE VALUE $10.00. Coupons will be issued in duplicate on all bundles done under either of above services, one will be retained by the customer, the other placed in a lxx in our office, from which the winning numbers will be drawn. Coupons will be issued With every bundle done under the above services on or before November 31, 1927. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2 until 1 o'clock we will be pleased to show you through our plant and explain the various processes used in producing clean, sterile, pleasing and economical Laundry Service. Prices and description of above Services arc given below. " " MISSING!- i AV The WASHTUB... Something you're glad to tell "Qood'bye There is no woman who does not enjoy saying "good-bye" to the wash-tub. And there is no need for any woman to even have one" about the house. For our Wet Wash Service does all the washing and returns your bundle, fragrantly clean, ready to starch, iron or hang out to dry. When you see how well it is done and how little it costs that is when- youll.say "good-bye" to the wash- tub forever. H It will not appear again Wet Wash 5 c a pound per pound'plus 1 per piece. Minimum charge $ t.OO. DEPOSIT YOUR OWN COUPON Canadian and Cleaners Laundry Dry - - - - V ; I l Phone 8 1 I - - V. I