PAGE SIX SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Capitol Creamery Butter, 14 Jb. box for $6.00 Capitol Creamery Butter, 3 lbs. for $1.33 " E. C D, Woodlands, and Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lbs. for 95c Strawberries arriving every boat, at per box .... 15c 7 boxes for $1.00 Lettuce, 3 heads for .. 25c Carrots, per bunch .... 10c Turnips, per bunch 10c Green Onion3, 6 bunches for 25c Bananas, per lb. 15c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. s. 35c 3 lbs. for $1.00 Fresh Peas, per lb. .... 20c Asparagus, per lb 20c Cantelope 25c & 30c Cauliflower 15c & 25c New Potatoes, 3 lbs. for 25c Dr. Middleton's Cookies, 3 packages 50c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, H.C Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A; REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller - Proprietor For Ladysmith-Welliftgton COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST PRESENTATION AND BANQUET ItEV. CI. i. AMI MICS. II ACKKIt ItKC'IP- IEXTS OF ItKAl'TIFl'L ANIl' Cl'T (JLASS WERE GUESTS OF HONOR .Mutual Exprrimt of Ite;rrt and Cloud Wlshr Expressed at (lathering A farewell banquet to Rev. Q. O. Hacker and Mrs. Hacker was held In the United Church parlors Thursday night when no fewer than 120 persons sat down together and did honor to a splendid repast prepared by the ladles of the church.' MenYbers of the Tuils and Canadian Girls In Training were also present and contributed to the purpose of the evening. Dr. W. T. Kergln presided. The great event was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Hacker of a silver tea set and tray, silver casseroles and a cut glass vase. The presentation was made on behalf of the congregation by Mrs. W. T. Kergln. who spoke appreciatively of the work done by Mr. and Mrs. Hacker, especially among the young people. Both responded, thanking the con gregation for the -beautiful girts and speaking of the support they had received and the cordial relations that existed between them and the congre- CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To Pljrrnouth-Cherbourg-London Alaunla ... July t Auiu.nla July 8 To B.lfatt-Llv.rpool-OJasgow Lrtitla . . . July I AnitiiU . July 8 From New York To Qutenitown and Llv.rpool rranrunla . . July i Lacwi.a . . July 0 To Cherbourg and Southampton "MatiretanU July fi. S7. Atiir. 17 Anuitaiiia July 9. Aug. I, ?l IliTcnimrla July in. Auk. IU, 31 To Londondtrry and Qla.gow CaiiHTonia .. July Caledonia .. July 16 to nymouin-riavrt-Lonaon TtHranIa .. July 6 Carunla .. July IC From Boston To and Llvfroool Larunla- .. July 10 SaniarU .. July XI (Jlatynw ami Llrerpuol only Call at Plymouth, eastuooud. Money orders, draft. and Traveller' Cheque; at lowest rates. Full Information rrom local a (rem or. company s iirncrs. HaMInn SI. W.. Vanmnvr R.C THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS reputation FOR. FAIRNESS OF THtS ONE THING- WE ARC QUITE SUAE.' Ou ft- te.pUTAn on B wtuu cndukc i OUR business reputation does not need laundering. It's as spotlessly clean as the day we started in business. Our policy is the public be delighted. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Ladies Hose SILK TO THE TOP. Chiffons or Silk, in all colors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Hank MILK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcltride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. IF TO I A number of others spoke, all ex pressing similar sentiments and regret at the departure of 'their pastor and Is wife and wishing them the best of success and enjoyment In their new field. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker leave toward the end of. next week for Vernon. C.P.R. steamer Princess Beatrice. Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In port at 7 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed at 11 on her return to Van ternoon. NOTICE LAND ACT OK INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANfl In Range 4. Land Recording District if Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. take notice that the Mlllerd Pack ing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Canner. In tends to apply for a lease, of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted along side post marked N.W. L3S73: thence southerly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked 3.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a point west of the point of commencement; thence east SO links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one-quarter acre, more or.less. MILLERD PACKING) COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 16. 1927. LAND ACT. .NOTICK OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAE LAXII In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re cording District o Prince Rupert, and situate at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet. Moresby Island. take notice that British Columbia Pishing It Packing Co. Ltd. of Van couver. B.C., occupation Packers, Intends 10 appiy lor a leate or the lollowlnz described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Iland; thence south 3 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence north 5 chains, more cr less, to hleh witer mark; thence west alcng high water mars 10 poini oi commencement, ana containing 10 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street THE PLACE WHERE CASH HUYS THE MOST. PRICES ARE REGULAR AND NOT SPECIALS Libby's Asparagus Tips, lurge tins tin 30c Tomatoes, large 15c I Medium IS'jc Corn or Peas, per tin 15c Royal City Pork & Beans, large 12"2c Royal City Pork & Deans, small, 3 for 23c THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, June 25. A WHISKY ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR MEDICINAL USE; OF FINE QUALITY AND WELL MATURED 0HADIAti(2J! Whisky m MATURED IN CHARRED OAK CASKS M fhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqt.o Control Rnard nr hv Hi Onvrnmnf nf Rr-itUh Onlnmhiw Ration. They urged loyalty to the church especially In the matter of at-,' tending It services. ) Waterfront Whiffs couver via wayports. She Is making - tenders to close on June 30. her calls In the Skeena River this af (continued from page Ave) tlon and have excited a deal of complimentary .comment. MAY Ul'ILIt M.'IIOOKK The rrtnoc Rupert dry dock Is figuring oh a 93 foot Arctic schooner, to be Used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police it Herschel Island, for which the Dominion government Is Inviting heavy construction and with other features necessary for operation In the Icy seas of the fax north, the Job is one of the best now available for ship builders and, If It should be landed here, wnjld be the biggest single building contract the local yard has had since it constructed the freighters for the Canadian Government Merchant Marine. Twenty-three cases of sock eye salmon were canned last Tuesday, the first day of operation for the new cannery built during the winter at Kletntu by R. O. Johnston and associates. The plant .had a fairly satisfactory week's operations considering It was the opening of the reason and It is hoped it will have a good pack this season. Mr. Johnston has this cannery under his direct super vision as well as that at Inverness of which he has. been manager for many years. The halibut boat'Zeballos. Capt. Henry Jorgenson. left TucMay for a ten day trip to the fishing grounds after which It will take up a packing charter for th Oosse Packing Co. Tug Cape Scott arrived on Tuesday having in tow two scows of lumber and coal for Albert & McCallery. The lumber was mainly large 'stuff which will be used.' by the Rupert-Vancouver Steve doring Co. in connection with the re construction of the west end of the government wharf, on which a good start has now been made. Power tug F. H. Phlppen return 1 Thursday afternoon from Georgetown with a scow containing fish boxes for the local trade. On Friday the Wigwam took a nmv of lumber from the Big Bay mill to North Pacific Cannery and on Monday another scowload will be de livered to Carlisle. The local halibut boat DJ3.T.. Capt Jimmy Parsons. Is to enter on a packing charter for Lowe Inlet cannery on her return from a week's trip to the fish? Irig grounds. The halibut boat Eastern Point 1 at the McLean Ways for repairs following recent contact -with a log when her tteru was partly stove In. IIAI.IIUT HEAVY Halibut landings at Prince Rupert this past week have been heavier than for any week since the present season opened. From Saturday to Friday (in elusive) a total of 090300 pounds was landed of which 620,000 pounds was from American bottoms and 270.800 from Canadian. The figures for the Ilelnz Pork & Deans, medium, 2 j corresponding week last year were: total I or .... 33c' 879,000; American, 342,600; Canadian I Heinz Pork & Deans, small, 2 for 336.soo. , t 23c Landings at the port for the season to ; Heinz Spaghetti, medium 20clate Me "o Jus' lllIe mor than Heinz Spaghetti, small 13c 1 ma M inan " "mu" Sterling Catsup 1 , 20ct?lt Wfk ,utfc nTe avy T, bringing P,Mt r - o- !,ew steadily ir i n't"'"""M "" .iV" P.1""1 total up untlVnow, Corn Beef, per tin 23c Nabob or Malkin's Coffee, per ' with tft'O more week showing gains as the, list .two have done, the 1927 total will be in excess of that for 192S. Total landings for this season to date i Fresh Ground' Coffee. ier lb. 50c re follows; American, 8.270.000 Eran Flakes or Shredded WhoaL 2 pU; Canadian, 3.392.500 pounds; iur for itotal, 11,693,100 pounds. Last year's ,,.,..,,) C, i , , 1 , Corn Flakes, Any k nd 10c!: .tl am" w"Ci . I ZZ China Kolled Oats, package . . 10c Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, H. . 20c FRESH FRUIT AND ' VEGETABLES 1 arriving every boat at prices you can afford for any other information Phone 301 $3.00 Orders Delivered Free S. B. Adams, Manager 8,700,200 pounds; Canadian, 3.320,000 pounds; total, 12,026.200 pounds. , Prices werr. fairly 'good at the first orthe'weel fcih there 'has been considerable falling off toward the end, no doubt on account of the Increased sup ply. The high bid for American fish was l.4c and 8c which the Thor received on Tuesday for 3,000 pounds The highest Canadian price was 13.4c and 7c paid Tramp and Fanny F. on Baturday for catches of 22,000 and 11. 000 pounds respectively. The low for both 'American and Canadian fish was lie and 6c on Friday. Advents ( la thi pally Nws. Of extra RIDING IS LIKE FLYING Second Avenue. NOTHK rtl" INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.I.ASfc l,..M). In Coast Ranee 4, Land Recording Dis trict of 1'ilnce Rupert, and situate at Captain' Cove, Pitt Island, B.C. take nujiLt mat uote racking Company Limited, of Vancouver. DC. occupation Packers., intends to apply for a lease 01 tne following described lands: uommencing at a pust planted at tne northwest corner of Lot 1 253, Range 4: inence soutn a cnains: tnence weat 0 chains; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mark 5 chains, more or less, to point of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. GOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dntd June 13. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICK Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO I tA.Hi: UWII. In Range 4, Coast Ltnd District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate in vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE .NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver B.C.. occupation Flfh Packers, intends to apply lor a tease of the following described lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 1; thence north 6 chains; thence vast 15 chains; thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thenc westerly alon', shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or lens. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts. Agent. DaUnt April 7, 1927 LAND. ACT. NOTICK OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA Nil. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mawett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Massett Can-ners, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C, occu- fiation Canners. Intends to apply fcr a ease of the following described lands: Commencing at this post planted at the northwiwt corner of our site at Massett. BO; thence southerly 3 chains; thence easterly 3.25 chains, more or less: thenre northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant Per P, Lorenzen, Agent. Dated Anrll 20. 1927 SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKF. RESERVATIONS NOW lltOM MONTKEAL To l.lrrMMl July 8. 'Aug 5 Mlnnedtma July 10, Aug. 12 Mnntcltre July 22, Aug. 10 Montrrae July 29, Aug. 20 Montcalm This sailing calling at Glasgow, To IaiiiiIiiii Aug. 3 Marloctv To Urlfat-(llugow July 7, Aug. 4 Metagama July 21, Aug. 16 Melita To Antwerp July -20 , . . . .Marburn ,to ciieri(oiirg-nuinniniioii ;". Antwerp1 July 13, Aug. 10 Montnatrn July 20, Aug. 18 Montroyal To C'lirrhnii rg-Kuu t ha in pton-Hamburg July 6. Aug. 3. .Empress of Australia July 20. lAug. 17 Empress of Scotland (July 27, (Aug. 24 Empress of Prance t To Cherbourg-Southampton only Apply te Arit etrrwhrs or ). J. FORSTKR. 8.8. Otntrsl Psm. Aunt. C.P.R. Station, Vancouvtr. Ttltphons Seymour ZtJS 50 .MILES AN HOUR ALL DAY LONG. The symbol of the fleet homing pigeon applies In the Essex Super-Six, not only in Kh ability to travel at high speed with economy of effort nil day long, but in its smooth road skim-nung ease that is actually like flying. Increasing thousands of owners, nnd increasing thousands of miles are proving that qualities which delight you on your first ride are Just as lasting ns they are brilliant. Wc say, again, that in every detail the Essex Super-Six Is engineered to outstanding av-ings in fuel and oil, with freedom from early depreciation nnd lowest maintenance costs. II is commanding greater public attention than any Essex ever built I eta use it far excel cny previous achievement of our history. Essex Super-Si Opposite Rupert Hotel TUB SUPER-SIX PRINCIPLE AMAZINGLY REVEALED PRICES Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped .. .SI,:tr0.(0 ,Fivc Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped .. .SI.'JOO.OO Five Pa-ssenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped .. SI, "Go. 00 Prince Rupert Auto Co. Phones 73 nnd 275 aaaaaaaaaaBBSaBBBB 1 land act. 1 iafcarii rrr iifii n rr 1 i WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 CHARLES CHESTED MURRAY CONKIi IcanadianT PACinc in "McFADDEN; FLATS" The house that Mac built with more laughs than briik All star supporting cast. LA Hit V KENT, EDNA MURPHY. DeWITT JENNINGS, I.K0 WHITE, HARVEY CLARK, DOROTHY DWAN, DOT FARLEY. CISSY FITZGERALD and many others CAMEO COMEDY "DON'T MISS" PATHE REVIEW Admission ..... 50c and 2.'c Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krlt lilkuii, WrmicHI, Junmu, anil KkagHuy June 13, 17, 11, 27. To Vuntoiiter, It lor la and Nrutllr June II, IN, 21. 2'J. I'RlNt'F.HS IIKATKU'E. For llutedale, Itrlla llrlla, Orrnn Kali". NaniU, Alrrl luy. Campliell Klvrr, and Vanc-outer every Haturday, II a.m. Agency for ail Hteamahlp Lines. Full Information W. C, OKCIURII. (Irnrral Agent. Corner of 4th Htrret and Ird Avenue, Prince Kunerl. IU. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Re up to date and equip your kitchen with certified kitchen equipment, the new Sno-Cap-Line. Each utensil fitted with an attractive blue and whito enamelled handle. Kitchen Forks Potato Mashers Egg Slices Soup Ladles Mincing Knives Egg Whips