PAGE- T'C THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COI.UMRIA. Published Every Afternoon, extept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Thin! Avenue. II. F. PULLKN - - Managing Editor. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publications AUK advertising received subject' to approval.; j Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAIUy EDITION. beauty and'would mean nothing. We are inclined beaver at work would be most suitable, t 9S 86 FLAG QUESTION AGAIN niSCU&EI) The flag question is being discussed once more in CANADA NEEDS NEW NATIONAL FLAfJ Canada needs a new national flag as much as does South Africa. The present clumsy affair is neither artistic nor emblematic. Something simple would be best such as one of the British to think the Say it with flowers, but do not wait until he is dead. Give him a few while he lives. WHAT ABOUT PULPWOOD! : Says the Edmonton Bulletin: The United States is willing, and much more than willing, to import Canadian raw materials, work them up In its factories, and sell the finished product to Canadian buyers. But the new immigration regulations forbid anr but native born Canadian 'residents PATRIOTIC SPIRIT AND PURPOSE , "Canadian enterprise during- this period in combination with the vastness of the Dominion's natural resources, has ranidlv in- CEMENT WALKS ARE PROPOSED nrv ror.NUL iumi s-ks tiikik in ST.l.l.TION IN llINKs swrnx Concrete sidewalks In the business Syndicate and W. J. Aider asking tor i a sidewalk on the north tide of Third I Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Street. curtaU somewhere and condttct according to Its ability. A!d. Perry aeaerted that the time would soon be at hand when It mould be neevmary to put In new sidewalks In the downtown area. For several years' these sidewalks had been patched up t'entent In Than WmmI Aid. W. J. Oreer Mid that there were to cross the border daily to work in these or other factories. How P0.""- " w u clt it Hn tn r...w.nJ W !l,tn.n., ,.t,.V.5n. JcOuWU should, think Of what It owed. -creased. the national wealth1 until in per capita amount Canada is repairs -ouid have to be made or 1.. it.. it:..j c... i .1. . curruru Mint mr umiru omirs umi vnrai oruain, says tne tne Charlottetown Guaruian. The comparative figures of national wealth per capita as compiled by the League of Nations are: TJnited States, $2,918; Great Britain, $2,459; Canada. $2,40G; France. 31.570; Germany, $1,080; and Japan, f,VU. To what high place among the nations of the world may not a United Canadian Dominion yet advance? And how much depends upon that patriotic soirit and ' Why. not make castor oil popular by getting the government to prohibit its use? V s A salesman is one who can sell a promise to nav ,iiVfoPreal money. We are asked if'it is true that somei of 'thef local poultry raisers' are ,VvoIvfng. new", breed of chickens, that grow natural illcMrj on their back's. Most emphatically we reply "No I it may be damp here but not that dam damp." Children are easy to get but in raising them -is where most people fail. To have enough money to live on is as comfortable as wearing clothes that fit perfectly. A friend Is a person we know so well that we can say unpleasant things to him without fear. MESTL MILK 11 L e finishing touch to tea or coffee ir t.u.WMrm4rri tfdr1 V-"-rrn swtttfxco tuTlt the council would be making any mistake In adopting the plan of cement. Economies had been effected by the Mml-pcrmaccnt road way pfon and he felt that cement sidewalks would be more convenient even If the borrowlni; at the time of their construction might be a Utile heavier. Aid. Stephens said he did not the advisability of building cement SEVERAL CHANGES CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPH STAFFS ' It, W. IUII lu luxe t'liarie f WeMrrn 1.1 up mid (i. II. stNl fr ac. TORONTO, May 10. A number ot ' .i i , . ... !V. O. Bartrt. tne.-tl maiiaxer.' Ni National xlntnVuU ti the CxjJfrilsa 31 yj council last nleht followtn receipt of. W. Ball, .crmerly general upern- a petition signed by C. H. Orme. Klllas eol wttn! Ik Chrtstcpher. the Terminal Investment. ""-"H"-""' . v..v- -r- geuerai supenu.riiau w .-rn line, with, headquarters at WJmu-Mr.' Bail wUl hare Jurisdiction o"c Tuesday, May 10. 1927 Alter considerable discussion n the,11 T7 l Arthur to the : i course of which H was pouuea oui . . formerly timsurer of tW ..,W.i. ,n-.l, would n have McTaegart, to be effected. It was decided to have ,nr ' . , . .. aauointed tineml superintendent ot fum in ciiv ec2ineer canvass nroperu - a v. ,: ..:4 : .is . ...i. -.. . .i.iv 'i. . ' . . ... . rastern lines, with hedquartera at bined with the Union Jack or not. The country seems to be divided on the question. If South Africa is to remain a part of the British Empire, as its leaders profess to desire, it would seem as if the ltritish flat.' should be a suitable setting for the new flag which they propose to adopt, but that is a question for the South African people to .settle in their own way. It is their own. business. So if Canada wished to impose the Reaver on the Stars and Stripes and adopt it they could do so, but it would niit be a suitable thing to do and they would not be likely to do it So this is civilization! Oh, well, it might have been worse. To-: r t. f- .... . t win ht.t etiATCre to the advisability of having the re- ...J- "L vw, Arthur to newals niide on both side ot Third;" Avenue between Fulton Street and; Sixth Stnet between Second and Third' Avenues with cement Instead of board. This was Mayor Newton sussesUon: which the council concurred in. the Atlantic Ccvt. O. H. Stead. fOKcerly auperlnteudent of western tines, at Wlnnlpej, Is ap-pointed lupertntendent with Jurisdiction over lines in British Columbia and rtth Imnnmrnri at VancmiTer. Alct Stephen, pointed out that such, c, Ur atMd BrlUsn an underuttog as proposed wxulrf ' c neceseary, p-asrsJ volve the borrowing of more jnoney. , aMUlstt cut owln, to He thought the city had already bar- he toiportlIlcl. of Vancouver and other rod- enough. The time had comelBrtUsh Columbia cOlces and the steady wtn It was necessary for the city to; the i, wW.h mae tl work , ensigns with a Beaver in the centre. The beaver is the emblem of ifram naml fund. Now tt up to necetary 4o tncreaw the official repre- stnUtlon In the Pacific Coast province CITY TO GET PART OF GATE RECEIPTS industry and would be most suitable. While, many people favor the; the people affected to build new waUsiThu vim ie wie .Mean f KrimbtirM-raaple leaf instead of the beaver as being more picturesque, it is and it was tor them to decide whether' went iM wnrw ttwm n .wnmii (oiiueu out inn me niapie leai nas no special aurioute except '-ney uwura oe wwu or cruirui. inn isiwuihI The city council last night accepted an .x-tltlons for cement sidewalks on both tr IroTO the committee representing Idea of Third Avenue. It had beeatne f-4tr Board and taotball and base-cfUmated that the cost oa one sloe, ball organizations that the city be would be II 300 and on the other. II. named the ortviWe of lervlnr ten! 000. On a ten year basis. It was figured J FPT mt ot aU money taken on the I out that the cost of cement would he? grounds as a means of reimbursing the lew than wood. Cement sidewalks look- cnj to the extent of 1.0oO for thej ed to htm like good business. ' work of surfacing the grounds. Signing J AM. Stephens was not opposed, he ; a communication conveying this offer j raid, to the principle of cement walks vere George B. Casey. R 11. Wlnslow. O. I ! where such were possible. He felt.jv7. Johnvtone. B. F. Self. H. R. Love. 3. 1 Fred Ritchie. F K. Wermlg and J. A. Smite. : . 7- " "-r -r. ... v- - come when the dtyl There was tcme discussion as to the nort of n Canadian raw mntprials. Htarlint- with nuimrnnil? Tho . . United States has an undoubted right to say that only U. S. residents shall be employed in that country. Canada has quite as good a right to' say whether, and how much, raw materia of Canadian origin shall go to feed U. S. factories. It's unpleasant to lose your reputation but it's hell to lose your character. Hold on to one, at least. would have to stop borrowing and. be- j advisability of the city having a trustee fore embarking on any such undertak- ar acme such officer as guarantee that , Ing as this, he felt that tt should be She- agreement would be compiled with seen how a present bond Issue would sell. Aid. Unrey spoke In favor of cement t!tewalks as being the most economical. Aid. -Perry felt that, if a start was to be made, tt should be In the right wwy. He favored something permanent. Aid. Stephens pointed out that many, blocks were In the same category as! thewe which had been referred to where! but tt was finally decided on motion cf 1 Aid Tinker and Aid. Jos. Oreer to merely accept the offer tor this year on the good faith of the organizations CITY RELIEF WORK CLOSED ON MONDAY Aid. Mnrry KrMitrt to Oujk-II Cum. pUinlv a to .Manner In Vthlrh Men Were Kinplntrtl purpose which should inspire every true Canadian in this Jubilee jw,k vWS more economical than; works, so announced at last night; Year of our great Federation? It was well interpreted in the words mwd,n w2- tich had to be renewed! council meeting. rf nn. nf K .ln.uK.nt Fi.h.ri mh.n h. rioJ o mtK nt ln.i T me years, he could not see where: Aid. Uney reported to the council' ages of antiquity. A sculptor had chiseled a figure of such faultless and perfect mould that he fell in love with the work of his own hands and knelt before it, but when he rose and embraced it the marble gave back only an icy chill. There was no life, no warmth there. Thus Is will be with our fair Dominion if our "people are not possessed of a national spirit, a national life and a national devotion? new sidewalks put In, . KENI.W.M.S .EritRV Mayor Newton asserted that walks in the business section had given outi city relief work which has been In and must be renewed. Whatever - : progrew ca Acropolis Hill for the post done money mould have to be borrowed. trv ro0nth waa closed down yesterday. If. in a period of ten years, cemeat Jud. Perry, chairman of the Board of that certain persons had brought objections to him at the manner In which men were engaged on the relief work. It had been stated to him thaX married men with families and taxpayers had tknUarly economical as well a being been unable to obtain work while un- married men had been given work. Aid. Perry atated that It had been the policy to give married men the' pre ference. He did not know of any slngla i men having been employed except for one I walks. He again expressed his belief t day a week. In any case, the relief that caution Aiould, be observed In l vork had, now been closed down, ttartlnz upon something that would re-' ' 1 . quire the borrowing of money until theljf uiarket' had been tested with a bond) :ue. ' , i The mayor said that ht appreciated; ux Tints m Aja. oi.rpu.rus uu . uir . m rravr It to the rlty engineer to ascertain the views of the people concerned In' the matter of cement sidewalks. In the meantime the result of the bond sale would be known as -bids were to be in by May SO. He suggested that the petition be referred to the city engineer Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert IMIIKKKNT CtXTs at Auditorium laat night ,1.1 W A. ... WA.M.K, M.. . 1. . . . ( different sections the cost of Installing the cement walks would vary- This should be taken Into consideration In' making the canvass. I It being understood that no definite, committment would be made thereby.! the mayorV suggestion that the city engineer take such action as proposed waa then agreed upon. CITY BUDGET WILL BE BROUGHT DOWN NEXT MONDAY NIGHT The city budget will be brought down I j at the. regular weekly meeting of the j council next Monday night. For the purpose of facilitating the pwwwge of the ' ratey-law at that Una the city fathers , last night gave the measure Its preliminary readings uMng approximate figures for the purpa-e. Before next Monday., the flnancf committee will review the year's estimates thoroughly In order to. trtf market was never In a more favorable? condition for the reception of dtyj rrt BrlUm "P.ressea amawment at bonds than It waa today. He would i,ne Prt C has been able to play in trie Great War. The number Of men sent overseas has been a revelation. The Roller Rink Kids comprising Benny McOanleU. Charlie Stewart. Frank Cameron and D. Cavalier defeated the RaUway ahop team, cen to thterert other property owners In the ! uUn of Wermlg. D. Ross. B matter of cement walks. Blythe and D. Stoning In a relay race Could Not Sleep Heart and Nerves Were So Bad - Mr. Geo. M4. "VmW, Oat-writes:- - I suffered witk rav keart aaj nerves sad eoold net sleep at aigfct for noises In aar hrti. 1 maasged to keep at xoy work sirLw, uatil I began t kava ditir syells whkh g.4 a lJ I eoald Avt f to rnj wvrk. I Has ifrtiA a ..n i verv oftei. I weald ttajrger o n; feet. ana eiernkinf la Jrpnt of at would tura black and fade istr. WXUt I wu kos-s slfk a friend told av to take wakVmJlxewBkBHaw ggjsgKiagH aBWWl!Tll I ret fsar boxes ad U tt tins I kad aed thsro Us paias aad aclxs la j Kf bead cewsed ax I a tan to I get a grod algit't ' reet Altkougk tkat was pit thus in I kaee arvr 1b troubled witk tkat cestrlaUt agaia." 1 nee We. a Vox t aU dealers, ar " finally establlah the mill rate which ..V", wm prcbwbl, be tn the neighborhood of tTtlEl JO. I " oak for hct '0j) An income that necessitates economy need not cause you to "put oft"" enjoying the cheerfulness, a richly patterned rug will bring to your home. Qenuinc Congoleum Qold Seal Art Rugs hre just the thing! these Quumntccd Rugs are now selling at reduced prices so low that you can easily afford several of them now without straining the family budget. Central W. lamb. Frederick Hansen and Jas. Hunter, city; M. Sweeney and A. Batt. Vancouver; J. Reeve. Ketchikan; T. Price. Stewart. IH tire Kupert Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Held and George McAfee. Oeorgetown. Savoy R. Tin Din. Mf. Accounts up to May 6. Including payrolls and taiauing $19.83151. were passed for payment by the city council last night. c MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will ue received at Ottawa until noon, en Friday, the 10th June. 1927. for the conveyance of lln Majesty's Malls, on a proposed Contract for t period not exceeding four years as required times per week on the route, between Prince Rupert, and RaUway Station IC.NJ1.I, and Wharves .CNJt. and C-P.R... and Transfer of Malls be-twMn Railway Station and Wharves (C-NJl.. U-S S. Ca. and CP.R. from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further Information, as to conditions of proposed I contract may be seen and blank forms oi lenoer may oe obtained at the Pos. Office of Prince Rucert. B.C and at the office of 'he District Superintendent i 3i rosiai oervice. Vancouver. B.C. J. P. MURRAY. District Superintendent of Postal Service. District Superintendent's orflee, Vancouver. B.C, ' Apni 2a. ltrr. LAND ACT NOTIfE or INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANIi. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove. titt 1S1M1U U Vs. t TAKE NOTICE that Oasse Packing, Co. Ltd of 324 Howe St.. Vancouver I n.C, occupation Fish Packers, intend' to apply for a lease of the following I described lands: Commencing at a post planted about mile distant in a northerly direction from Lot 1243. Range 4; thence north - w.a s a ujnf- WlXiCC south to shore: thence west along abort to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or leas. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. . Applicant Per Chaa. U Roberta. Agent Dated April 7. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAE LANII. In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and airuate on the south short ofLa.' Baucbere ChanneL B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Ooxse Packlne Co. Ltd.. of 324 Howe SV V.f.fJf BC, occupation Fish Packers, intends 10 appiy i or a lease of the foUowtn :n described lands: Commenctng at a post planted at the southeast corner ToTiaSS i lunr. 3 Coast Land Dirt net: th,uth 1 chains: t be nee west 10 enalns thenr north S chains to shore; thence' eisterlf - or KM. .-l.TT "W I-AV.J!,la CO. O. 5.a Roberta.' xo ?v. uiu cjn i mi mml SxJ Ttl&tJrlt... a BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME AT LITTLE EXPENSR it itlmlrMtJ ONGOLEUM llOTtl. ( KNTICAI. RT-RUGS . Conpoi.eum Canada Limited Montreal f Small Mati tlri KM Uk. In k.. . j WW, thn . .7 '' An Mt Nu fjtinn So. 72 r" t t Cs""- CM . tlmlt The Store for Dad and the' Lad! . JUST UNPACKED! A new shipment of BOYS' Shirt WAISTS and Sport Collars : firmly tailored, that will wash and launder una uJ''' " Neat, attractive patterns in Spring' newest utrn t 'U- Sizes 10 to 10 year's. Seclal 95 Acme Importers Third Avenue DEMAND jhnn. 31 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 0. Prince Rupert. H.C. I LTD. : . - If i Advertise in "The Daily New