PAOE TWO YiTE DAILY KET?3 - i . . i The Daily News PRINCE KUPEW - BIUTISII COLUiiniA rublNhfd Brery Aftrnn, escape SusmUt, by Prinr Rupert Daily N'awa, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUDSCKIITION KATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per raoKjfa By mall to all parts of tbe British Empires and the United States, in ad raw, per year To all olher countries, in advance, per year , . . . . Member of Audit Bureau ofr Circulations. 37.SO .DAILY EDITION KQrt Saturday. Not. 19,'lWT FISIIEK3IBN SHOULD vVTTBND Ffjhermen aaotltd all attend the raeetf&ir to be held in Urn Meote Hall during the coming weak. If tbay do not attend, it k useless to raake a fuss if a decision goes ajcainat them at Ottawa later. There are in this district sewra) hundred fishermen who make their IIvIbr almost wholly from salmon or halibut during the reacon. Their future livelihood depends upon the eonservatlon of the flh. ' On Monday the Halibut Commission will hear representations in regard to the deep sea fisheries. The present condition will be explained and fishermen and those interested in the business will be entitled to express their opinions as to what should be done. Tuesday evening the salmon fishermen will have their innings when V. A. Found will listen to representations in regard to gill netting, seining, trolling, and the close and open seasons. Since the last meeting fishermen will have had an opportunity to think over carefully what was done at Up previous gathering. ( Both the halibut commissioners and Mr. Found should prove sympathetic listeners, for they "have been appointed to help the fishermen solve their own problems. .MOUE CAKE WITH OASOLINE If owners of gas boats are to be safe they must take greater care to avoid explosions. It so often occurs that a carburetor leaks or that in some unaccountable manner the gas escapes from the tank, either when filling or through defective connections. From this fumes accumulate and when shut in a cabin or cockpit become highly inflammable. It is always, unsafe to enter tbe cabin of a gas boat with an open light or lantern, the electric torch being the only safe means of lighting. The difficulty with people in this part of the country is that they have become so used to gasoline that they forget the danger. . METHODS OF BUSINESS It is said that there are two methods of doing business. One Is to make or sell goods of such good quality all the time that people will soon find it out and bring their business your way. The .other Is to advertise and push the goods so that under pressure of high powered salesmanship they will keep moving. As a matter of fact neither of these is right. As in most things the happy medium is the better way. Look first to .the goods, seeing that they are uniformly good all the time, so far as possible. Then by means of advertising let people know not only that they are for sale but that they have the quality. By that means it is possible to build up a business that will be permanent. It does not mean that only high class goods .should be Kold. Iln almost every community there are people who demand the?'cheaper graaes ana win deal with the merchant that handles them. Usually mis is a cmierent class or business and cann6t well be handled on the same premises with the other. In Prince Ruiert most people want goou materials and are willing to pay the price rather than take shoddy. Local merchants know that and the result is that it is sometimes said prices are higher here than In the south. HOLIDAY BUSINESS AHEAD Prince Rupert businessmen now have little to think of but the holiday trade. They are all preparing for Christmas. The festive season is coming close andVlready the windows indicate that the season is different from every other. The successful merch.ant is the one who adapts himself to the situation,' who dresses his window gaily anT artlstieally, who keeps his newspaper advertisements alive and catchy and who makes an effort to be on the job and see that his customers get the goods they want. SELLING AND BUYING While there is always a marked difference in the different stores and the manner of doing business, there is also a marked difference In customers. There is the customer who wants certain goods and resents any idea of trying to sell something in its place! there is also the customer who has very vague ideas of what is needed who is always ready and willing to be shown. With that customer it is the duty to sell the goods anil not to let the customer do the, buying. .The clerk who is tpo persistent to sell some, thing it in plain the customer does not want, is a nuisance, but pvpii worse is the clerk who faib to try. to sell goods which are in thr siore'ouvoi wnich tre cui-tomer does not real ze the; need. . CANADIANS BUY TOBACCO STOCK Invest Largely in Imperial Owins to Possibility of Reduction in Tax TORONTO. Nov. 19 There Mem likely to be a reduction In the tax on cigarettes which at present In very high. rnis is Haying a good effect on shares pf the Imperial puny. Discussing this Post aj: Recent .buy tog of Imperial shares has been weaned this year. The growing use of cigarettes by women baa Introduced a new sales element into the situation and has enormously Increased consumption. If is expected that this field wUl de veiop and that the company is not hesitant about encouraging It Is shown by the appearance In Its advertisement ol pictures of women. As Imperial To be ceo controls about 80 per cent of the cigarette production of the Dominion, 1. stands to be the ehlef gainer from any movement leading to Increased con sumption ef this form of tobacco. Another light that shines In the the Imperial Tobneco situation Is the ex- Tobacco Com- i pestatlon of lower taxes on cigarettes. the Financial Tobacco imperial Tobacco does not pay these taxes but passes them on to the con sumer. But the taxes, when added to oi an investment na-1 rnanufacturln and eiiinr vt. 1 'V .ni4 hu tuA.. ...... , ... , ! . .. . iny in van- crease the price of cigarettes to a high ma, a numDer oi important Canadian level. For the most popular brand of investors have seen opportunities In this ; cigarette, the smoker pays 1 cents bvoca. wnicn nas hitherto found ItelMuece and for the hene kr.n,t. n. chief market la. London. a ad have been cents as, against ". cents and i cent putting away substantial block. .Mud j a- the price for standard cigarettes In v. .iocs nai oeen oougnt on the I the United States. Obviously the Can lyinXnn 1. as ... . ! "cnougr ana inus mere r aaian price curtails consumption. If "cn a rawer sizeaoie sniii ol stock rial tain r. h,.. .v- v. ' . I " - - ..... i.vuvfu II Will irom British to Canadian ownership Control of the company, it Is stated, has not changed. This now rests with British-American Tobacco Company of London, England. As the yield -on Imperial Tobacco t the .present market s under five per cent, there-may reasonably be some pet-uJation as to what factors have Induced the recent substantial buying of the shares. 1VO.MKN S.MOKKK Sales are known to be largely ln- Immediately be passed on to the con- numer ana increasing consumption should result. This would naturally help imperial Tobacco. PIVIPKMn AMD BOMS Imperial Tobacco's dividend rate Is 6 per cent. but. the company usually de-dares special bonuses each year. Last year the bonus was 1 per cent and there la expectation that It will be at least as large this year with an early Increase to follow If it does not come this year. PENETRATION UNITED STATES BY CANADIANS Walter in 'r.1lranvlck Tell -ot .Movement. in'hasterrt .Mar f time Provinces HOLD 111(111 POSITIONS iBj ONor; Clark In Casjauli ' Graphic) It Canada going to annei Um VM Mateaf By p iter Ml penetratioa. Um way the the fate of America to that sad financial life of Yen uw the stary of taw who stttimi hem (ran a -What an tw "-- Ukr" MkesV sal friends -t dtnaa aay Eag4fs. t deal in' osUy wv the held f areata. Wtasn yati go to Hsataa. tf the snagir of tke kacsk. sf tbe botci. Mt tatai tf was mei ont. tke friiu of tkt atsM as Met as not. be Is a OaawsUssa. nmlwi as Iks sMal fssftst ml vasia of Am ma by Ci 1.1111 1: Tttete are aM o be eeXP09 dtsris to Mn.sagni.Hts. It Is sM Mvat tbere sMars Wa Seattafji H fee Ke nktmUmM mm Ml KM bes- Tlkta is ftot i tbe ataae of Use Tbe ! ! of atry. Har Into Um New BssjlMKI sUiaa Is so Ural a Hslssj as toe sMwaaeat ml yuswg mum mt CootuvtOe let imlo TansMo BjiIsc ffs the e-ropoUa of lbs a&aitttaae. Uosstreal U t remote ill sinnse saty B Seotsa wfea cm akghfs boat rid dwn Uts aawut. A ysMssg BHveMs ep(MSSSsl k) caibpllli sasHI bs Jm IMM MIDKU HlMt TratoeJ to UM Ittrtfay ket-ptaca. tbe yusaag nkMM nMWt to tbe Wfjgsv CessVi mi Bcmtim. Bftmttmd mm otker iataesMtve maaalaitslriiii ten tew a aifba's ftde ts tbe Mlb. TIM stttle sjsstveesltte ot the sMdMrnes --Seotttsn a not wm twilItHM led there! ore thrifty ana Hay Juried rmt their lgkios M AoeNM. infw ass dentists to tbe New Enclaasl sswns sad ntiea. There are said to be a couple ot tbestsand of Psmsxltati aocton in Boston atone. And tbs one mtl vUlaae of Port Oeotge on tbe Bay ruMy baa nt no fewer than eight of its youag men as dentists to Bwtoa. In tbe town of Cambridge. Ms., there are in one mile on Miasaehuseaja Avenue twenty doctors who are Caaadtans. Bank mem from Canada are even soli cited by the New Enatand banks. There is sometbjng about tbe Uatntng got in Canadian banks that apfieato atraagly to ibe Amertaaaa. 1 earne down here." said a sealer teller In a leading Boston- bank, "as a young fellow with three years' bank ex-perlence at home, and got a lob right sff. In five years I bad brought down by request of tola bank, eleven young fellows I knew at home." i ix -uiio n uiur Teacher I. mints, technician. scientists tbe jomn the Canadians get In the New Brtglaad Biases appear to be entirely oat of proportion to the total of them that come down. The hurt swum e-f the State show that there are 2.600J0O0 Canadians oi Canadian birth In tbe whole of tbe United States this concentration belna disproportionately large in tbe New England states. Of this total 3j893 were dooter. 2.464 -were ejefgymen. ad 12. 933 . were teaafcers. In the latest VsWs Wtto in Amert- are JHe. Do9 XJanadlan who uunw oHin; iae a w no who in themselves. But now Congressman O'dehen and Congressman McDunkeiman have given notice that. In fairness to the other jaces excluded by a quota law from the United States, they are going to move in the oomlng session of congress that a quota law be adopted against Mexicans and Canadians. This." said John P. Masters historian of the Canadian Club of Boston and a man deeply Interested in the Canadians who come to tbe United State, "should suit Canada. A quota law that would keep Canadians in Canada would answer the complaints of those who bewail tbe movement ol CanaOlan into the larger affairs ol America." PREMIER PRESIDENT SEES MANY MINES IN PORTLAND CANAL AREA Tells Toronto People Prosperity Group lias Miner of f abulous Value TORONTO, Nov. 9. President U w Wood, Pnaaler Oold Mines, is decidedly optimistic a to the outlook for Premier Oold Mine. Mr. Wood spent considerable time in Toronto, and was on hi. way nome to British Columbia from New York where he had been confer ring with the Ouggenhelm people who are in operating control , of Premier Mr. Wood was one of the original syn dicate who put up tbe money to open out the premier Mine Mr Wood state that to date he has . ltd. nil c Mines. South Lorraln, and which had to be sawed out. There are opportunities for a number of very large mine In Portland Canal wld Mr. Wood, and he expected that Premier with its well Informed technical staff and its strong cash position, would be able to share In the development. Mr. Wood did not go Into details of the disagreement which has held up the final closing of the deal with B.C SUver which adjoins and which it is proposed to amalgamate. However, the conclusion from his remarki Is that it is a matter of agreeing on price. B.C. Silver engineers claim, so much ore Indicated and the Premier engineers cannot see anything like that amount On the question of amalgamation. t,hey are agreed B.C -811 ver property adjoin Use SiMONOS SAWS 'Machine Knives! simonos cmada saw Co. ltd. fct-JMIWI-AM VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, NIB., I hom&es its own you turn on the current, the WHEN turntable starts to revolve; a mechanical "hand" takes the first record from tbe group of twelve and places it on the turntable; the tone-arm moves into position; thetaend-bax is lowered and the mtrfJc begins. At the end of the selection, the mechanical "hand" remove the record from the turntable, alkies it gently in to a felt-lined concealed drawer, and "picks off" the next record from the magazine arm. These operations are repeated until the last record is played, then the mechanism stops automatically. V Premier oo the north and I higher up the mountain. To bring tbe mine to production tbe company would have to auplla in detail the plant which premier baa loaded Wwn tn mountain end which flsLl said tdibe .capable oft handling tW cm ofjbtih' ii known that ttae 'main ore serte of tbe Premier extend Into the DC. silver property. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. lohnatone. arrived in port at 0:15 this lornlng Iran Vancouver and way-olBta. sailing at on bar return south GOVEIINMBNT UQU0K ACT" OTICK OF .UTI IOATION K)K m;KH LIl'K.M'E NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that, on he 8rd day of December next the tndersigned intends to apply to the -.Iquor Control Board lor a licence In Xct of premises being part of the ing known i M Seal CovJ Hotel, situate at the City of Prince Rupert. In he Province of British Columbia, unon '?, a! " that portion '. Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince .'iupert. City of Prince Rupen. Prov n" -f British Columbia. Map 923 Pr nee Rupert Land Registration District "and ouilwa-"10 pilrtlcularty lcribed as "Commencing at a point which n ,ine of nh Wdi? if i-,Sts!UR,ht 8 East a distance of 787.20 fert from 'he centre of clrcl as shown on al? 35',25Ea.J,lff .5" " mt 80 . . eel to a ..oint theiiea. north i? 83deg. 2V East " "&U5!? lOOVeet tomt, then? north Bdfl 35- 26" West a dn of Ml feet to a point, thence BeSiuT.i? !4' ;13" West s dlstsn t in .... A' 'h- point of commenr. .. w frr the isle of beer by the class or b premises iremiVe. " TOmption on the DATED this 4th d.y 0f Neveotber, 1927 268 . " "viu"', i NOTICE l!; JVinr he oi a; ' "ppucsnr. LAND ACT. Ol INTKNTIOV TO Am V TO LEASE LAND Rv.per'. :.:.ame l..inr1 Rerordlni Dls- 'f- TOiiuiwefit cor- ijay on tne south Automatic $775 ecords Plays twelve records without attention. Runs itself for a whole hour. No operating effort on your part. Just listen. So magnincrrit an instrument demands an exterior of exceptional beauty. Victor craftsmen have designed a daftuflftsheil cabinet for the Automatic Cklteptauc Vk trola, in which every luxurious tnuch that ineenuity can devise has been incwrporatctl. The price of the automatic instntairtnt Is $775. Other models of the OrtHephenie Victmla Instruments are obtainable at prfces ranging from $790. down to SI 15. Obtainable on qonvenicnt terms from "His Master's Voice" Dealers, Demomtrations now going on. If your dealer hasn't one he will order it for you. Automatic Orthotshonic True ln5ound Trade Mark It eft' J Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal not taken a large Interest in the Nor thern Ottsrlo . mine, but that from iww on he intends to do so. Regarding Portland Canal, the home of Premier. and which operation has been a sensa tion. He says that there are posalbll-ltle of, many mines. He had with aim samples of ore from? tbe Prosperity group. control of which Premier recently ac quired, and which has given Indications of aUter of fabulous value. The ore i said to be similar to that which was cpened a year or so ago on Kenley Orthewltonic y it bears the ilog Tr IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBSSSsMr H2 A .driA'jiMJ aT aW. mm mm S rmm aja -mr -Wfc. mr m n I V 1 .1 n ( Ctilji Blast Inferns i i P. i ' Colpman (tasuline Lamps Ton. n,t Wall nit l.HmDI Coleman Gasoline Unit Coal Oil Candles Electric Lamp Thompson Hardware Co., 233 Third Avenue Prince Ltd. DON'T Keep Baby Indoors THESE DAYS JUST HAVE A PAIR OF HUNNEKS put on your carriage for ijiiS.OO Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Chanal. . Oraham Island. Iilnnrti m the Prorlnc oi uruisii Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Masrett. ax:., occupation a lumberman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing Into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal, Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Island, Province cf British Columbia: thence 4 chains southerly: thence 10 chain easterly; thence 4 chains northerly to the shoreline; thsnce Xollowlni me anoreune to point or commencement snd cnntRtnlnr a acres, more Of ! less , (8Igned A ROBERTSON, I Applicant Dated October 6, 1927. I'hone bank of Port Queen Chsrlot otte MILK -:- PflCE Reduced to 12 pint for 0 7 quarts for A v -1.1H r 16 pints IVl Cah price McBrlde Street .tore closed Valentin DgJ Tlnhont 657.