V;.. 1 lf?7 'A n icior JsL Records Golden Slippers 0d T7rnr Southern Song-Dig hit t iik .lotln.banlo. Vernon Uatlurt and " ' - ci . , .. .. .f hirmonm Hvnwn g. V. - .Ul i ... n otArtr Vocal Gnm AiHtin By Special Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store l'hone 523. Office Hours 9 to 9 K 20519 i Trot Nat aniikrei atiu ine iicw wetveetra 3iy .. ...i... Il.. llllr.r:liirlIo rurrall IrtOAi 4 My Blue w Heaven 20964 l ot Tret Pawl YYhlioman 29M jp sd I !U Of c heat ta Just a Memory Taut WhlCcman and Hi Orchestra Harold Yale Cooper Law ley Charmaine lalf II F. Goodrich 2091 Siltcrtown Cord Orchestra OCSl JnsJru- .i Lewis Jame Victor Salon Orchestra 2059) 20921 2M8I 20907 Ito the lalett Ilea beat recorat ou lamoui icior arttttt li:lor Talking Machine Co. err Uiri U of Canada, UmliatJ Request he demand of a irreat number of our customer liutUng an a ' Tt . ' WBKK'BNI) SUBCLi). of ASS01MKI) CHOCOUVrK at (rUf per pound ' Neil-rn Nloir's mo.U popular lines which . frm ' (m $1.2.-. per lb. and the assortment con-I Hard Centres, A.oritd Creams and Cherry and iw tried t hi.- asHortment you will want some more; not tried tht'm take a pound home with you today. Qmies III 7ic Pioneer Drugezsls UNI)KK NKW MANAOBMENT CENTRA! HiRD AVE f, IXTM ST. TELEPHONES 8?&200 TLTansawTr X The place called "Home" 120 Room.-. Amcricu-i and European Plan. Hot and Cold ftV'ier Bus meet. 1 tMinn and boat a. Sample Room I'hone 51. 1 SlHiiin, Manager. 0 Canadian Pacific Railway tep'W B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ii; K-!fhihal,. Uruiiarll. Jimeuii uml fkagay November 12. !8; lrm- t imoinr, Vi,tra mill untitle Not rin.lirr W. lNeinber ti. '"l Jiiniiuri 4, rHiM Ks itKtiRiri:. f'w llutedale. tat llflla Itella. 'eun fall. N"u , lampUell Kltrr. and Vanci.uirr eer islurjy..ll a.m. 'et C.r all a.......hi.. 1 1.... lull lr.lnrmatl.in fr.n ,. W r Oltt'll tltl. fleneral Ae.ent ' "me- i,r jii. wi. .' ..... . ..,,. iTin. n ilunert. II.C. I'liuiir II Lady Assistant Church Notices j Local and Personal l. MKi:W'M CATHKRI) L. ( Church of KutUundi Hector. Archdeacon O A. Bix. Morning service at 11 o clock. veu log service at TJO gcrment of the Lord fcupprr will be adwliueUtvd on ihe first Sunday oi u Ui earth .at It a Third fcrnuj of Um aioqb at . Sunday fk.iool a u.M. rMUIMIW MIKMK MK'lt2TY Service trvrj nuntiay ihim tn Um Hay's Mark. 345 Second Avenue. Subject on aundajr "Soul and Body." Tea- tlasony aueung on Wednesday evening it o'clotk. IfMCMI VTHiLN m t'Mlit. .Minister. Rev.i.a. FrUarll BJL.LLA Beeleence. Tb Maim Telephone 433 Moraine worship at 11 o clock. Sub ject, The Inevitable Mu: " Sundajr at 1I.U. Bvaulag service at 7.30 Third Avenue, Prince Bupert.'' mrmT ciHKi ii. Minuter. Rev. W. T. Price. PKt've people of northern BjC. Illus-tratlon in aong. Monday at TJO. Young People a Society Thursday ffaca to In Church Parlors', Ladies' Aid shower for annual baamar. T. I'.U'II UTMKHW ail'HCM. fasf. John B. Hanson, pastor. taatlrtenrw Clapp BlrlE Phone Bed SSI. Mbmlns worabop af 11 ajn. Skan-(Una via n service sang by choir. Sunday school at 12.lt. ? SO Vesper service Thursday at S pjn. choir practice. Come tod worahlp with us. BATTALION ORDERS By Uout. OotoneL J. W. Commanding 1st Bat Columbia Bogimrnt. tolldays. Training . Battalion parade In the Dyspepsia Troubled Him for iiany Years Mr. J. Savoy, Loircievillo, N.K., writes: "I have suftircil fur many years from (lv.i.'-in ami could hot seem tn got any rcln-f. "On day 1 tnl.i my ife I tliouglit I would try a buttle ami wlieri 1 hml half of it taken I felt a lot Letter, s 1 coiitinin'd until I had taken two bottlrn.anti now have no pains and no coated toogue, and feel that I am completely rid nf my trouble. ' ' 1 Manufactured only by The T. Milbura Co., limited, Toronto, Oat ac. Uuarrtaiera. rnoo tl Dentist. Or. J. R. Oqum. Phone 688 Skandlaavaik thai, tkveld Metropole Oat Me Big 4 nabitl Wbeo thlnilnt of a Tail, p&ene 4. U A. E. King aallfd) thli morning en the Oardena for VM" Buv Tetkwa Ooal and help develop Central BC. It'a tM ooal. U 9ot quick and eatlaftetorr ork bring bomatltdhtng to Dollar store, tf All Morweglatu mret at the Metropole ' Halt. Tuaaday. Movernber n at 8 pjn. liaportant. 271 Be cure and ootne ao the Scandlna vlan aarvtoe aundajr at 11 o'clock. THa r-aator wanta to meet you Mornini vorakip at 11 o'clock. Talk : why not give nmotot thia Xmaat to ehUdren. aannon. trunday eanoul at Photograph from 48J90 a down w 1M. Bvenlaa aarvwa at 740. Sermon 'call in and e Mae. different atyles "The Ooapal at the Open Win dow." Brlfht oaOgregaUonai atnglng. OrgBBit. W. Vaufhan Da(aa. Monday at the Plraaldo CSub. topic: Local In- eaaB tvatenda MM around toe ci Or. Young people especially Invited llttMT UXITMl IIIK(JI. A. Wueon. BA.. Pastor. I. Haddock, duconaai. Mornlnt worahlp at 11 o'doek. Sunday school at 3 JO. evening worahlp at 7 JO... Bev. w. R. Piaree of Port wing-ton .WO! give an aAdras "The Padala." Benson Studio. Hyde Traaafer nw agent for AN Alberta Booths! and Pembina Peerleat These coal an tBtder cover, don't bu) water, buy aaL til a ton can you boat It? tt 11. G. Otsan. raartaar at Smlthera for the Hanson TtakVer OB., returned to the Interior on tMa monung't train after having spent a couple of dayi In the city on bstlnse ptctureeque daseWpttor) of the work! 'O. E. Ouuck. toaal managrr for the of the pioneer mlationartea among the J swlft-Canadtan Oa.. left on thu morn- All rank are requested to attend all para da preparatory to annual impac tion Thursday. Daoaenaer l. and praolo Tuaaday at 8 pjn. gttanal section parade Wednesday at un. Musketry Miniature range praottdt trMAf at8-1tB. . d. vCMDvarON. Major Adjutant 1st. .aMy N3 C. Begt. The condition Of Mr. John Murray, who baa bean a -patient In the Prince LBupert Oeneral naspltal for several month, la. reported o be grave. Ing'a tram for BdaMatou on a business ulp. lie expects to return to the city In about a week's tttne. The post office aauouncee that maile for Vancouver and southern .points are now being d patched on the trataa Monday. Wednesday and Saturday aa well aa by the avaarnera. Uout. B. R. Malnftry. R.C.N. and Mrs Uatnguy. alter spending the past few daya In the city, left on this morn log's train for Ottawa with stops at vartoua Intermediate points earduW. W. B. Overend of the local customs j staff sailed this morning by the Prln KteboUa. Officer icets Beatrice for Ocean Falls where he North British will relieve the officer at that point. (103 C.B.F.i w. A. ( "Art" l Noble, who la going on Armory. Monday evening at 8 p.m only three marksmen turned out for BaroJjd MeSwan. OJIJa. dlvlalon fcolght agent ! tto aaarnings train tor; a week'a busjaass trip to Interior polntt as tar last as Prince Oeorge. NHTIC& Owing to cord weather the water in the dam is running below normal. This endangers the olty. and the oounall has paassd s resolution that all pines be protected from frost and no taps are to be left open or running unduly. Anyone falling to observe the above resolution will be cut off from the city wster supply sfter November SO. 1927. (Signed) B. P. JOtifs. 277 City Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENTS . First United Church Bazaar December 1. "Adam Se Kva." Weatholme Theatre. December 6 and 7. Adair Cans I.043X Novelty Bazaar December 9. Play by United Church Ladles. December IS. the opening shoot of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Association at the Mar ket Place miniature range last evening. Scores ware aa follows: M. M.Lamb, 9J W. Brass. 4; Ai Wyile. 92. -if Bupert Legion No. ii of Moeeeheart resumed .winter meetings last night af ter having been Inactive during the summer. The Lralon. of which B. J, Baoon la Oreat North Moose, plans the staging of a frolic during the winter. The sweetest music ever heard, and the moat natural, on the New Bruns wick Fanatrope.' Hear them and see our floor display. A small eavh pay ment wUl hold a machine for Xmaa. Prices from tllS.OO up. McLaren's Music House. 271 Motcrahlp Belling ham. Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port at midnight and. after discharging five carloads of froen halibut and salmon for trans shipment Eeet over the Canadian Na tional Railways, sailed at 7 am. on her return north. Chief omeer Ernest Shepperd arrived on ' the Cardena this morning from Vancouver and -wtll assist Capt A. X. Dickson In connection with sal vage work of the steamer Catala which la stranded on Mist Island, three miles from Port Simpson. A few people journeyed last night to the lake near the end of the Kalen Is land high wa y and. after sweeping the anow off the Ice enjoyed good skating Bob-slelgfalng on the slippery streets proved more of a general attraction last night than skating. Wltllem T. Maddlxon ef Premier, who arrived In the city from the north yesterday, left on thlB mnrnl""' train for Montreal where, on November 26. r will embark on the steamer Reglns for s holiday visit to his former home in 1 County Durham. England. I Mrs. L. Dyson and daughter, Mary jwho reached the rlty from Port Cle- I menu this week, left on this morning's train for Montreal where, on November ,39. they will embark upon the steamer ReKina for a visit In England. Mr Dyon. who came over with them, will i return to the Island on the Prince John tonight. JuKtice W. A. MacDonald. who will preside at the Besston of the Supreme Court Assizes to be held here next work, has been unabls-to aocept-an invitation bQ.-addreaa .xUaCyca.Cluo. at 1 ' iftfass" VlfYal Wgdi" wda vanT J uflge isSfifcajpn'Sria p!?aetntTEe5eg and the clttb 1 disappointed afhWube! uble to hear him. elns An informal conference of members of the Halibut Veswl Owners' Association was held last night In the City Hall preparatory to the session next week of the International Fisheries "omrmssi"ii It wj deemed that no j .iou could, be taken-or recommenda-tiona miicle until the report of theoom- m:. .ic: had hctti presented. . V aBBBBBBBBBBBWasWSBBBBBBBBtri--.V ' . Wdt7lBBI V.l IT -YfV. T BsV WW e PJLGE THREE rotfhem Cone aataasresWTavllUf u,'A'",(.vr .. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Brine left on this morning's trlan for Wolf Creek, near Edmonton, where tbey will resume residence on their ranch. D. W. Mansbrtdge. who reached the city from Stewart yesterday, left an this morning's train for Montreal en route to the Old Country for a holiday vlalt. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Starr plan on leaving early next week for California where they will spend the winter, probably taking a trip to California while they are away. Ray O. Hall Of Ketchikan arrived In the city from the north on the Belling - ham this morning and proceeded by train for a holiday vlalt In Kansas City, Missouri. The movement of grain toward the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Bupert elevator is again on the increase. RaU- way offices this morning reported 202 cars on the division between Prince Rupert and Jasper bound here. A train load of thirty-five cars arrived last night. A (1 Dont blame the type-it maybcyourejvs "Confound this bookl Why can't they print it " so a man can read it?" If it is difficult for you to read names in a telephone directory, your eyes need attention. . Have Your Eyes Examined WelUwortkTiltwr l.t'tues art tha b. t kiufvn la, cpitu.1 . . . t Tl is -ri rlFWFLLERS Mtiip CTnDP WITH THE CLOCK I I II I VIM. " ' ' km mtm"",m,w,r,f'Wr. ;ai'-- vr. 'ft 9 Seed Tubes? Try Pisinuts and DX-221 Wear Taaaag tlsrhtas Umfmvf Mfi ml ,..... The R-540 Cone Speaker was made specially to give you more breadth of volume out of any set from five tubes up. Picks up things other speakers lose. Gives them to you clean cut and with the fuzz rubbed off. Gets more of the music and keeps it full and round for you. Ask your Dealer W M Si ; eetrtc Speaker r-"iiiiiiiiiuinttttlVlV COSTS MONEY. K Its 5 -' . 1 diafor Why not save expense and worry by having us put IN 'YOUR RADIATOR at a cost of two or three dollars? Does your ignition need overhauling? We clean plugs, commutator, replace porcelains, and coil points if necessary, test coils, adjust carburetor and change oil, for two dollars (parts and oil extra) We have a complete stock of old reliable "Weed" Chains. 3o iC Parker, Ford Sales and Service DEMAND Limited "Rupert Brand" ers THE DAINTIEST UKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., .Ijd. Prince Kupert. RC.