ave Money Boston Grill t r 1 c vr- u buy the ' : subscribe by the t . dtiivcred dally Ot count, you n shorter period CS and nave It de- Are Expected inu action of the re Ht the local Fish moon with 367,000 fr.-:-Mi by nlm American M''!hui'u 1 hut tb hurt : tiir season has now u. there btinR none i".:iK Tile Inllowtng -,ril:cd with bids o6e- . D'MiiK ttom 10c and 7 mid are going on tr. afternoon . ,. Resolute, 32.000. . Senator. 3100; Attu. .'V o): Albatross. 00.-Pr.r.l-jrk. SS.00O. an- afternoon that opted a bid ot AUiu Fisheries. NADIANS TO INVADE FRANCE tflehrate Tenth Anniversary t 1 . a,, X- . A !. Paris Under the Canadian Ex-retura to France Ar Md-acon announced urne will travel uu-gu.de of a Canadian celebrate the tenth armistice in Parte representative of the 'In nnritnrv no DUMXW AT EDMONTON - u uv m as a a a v a rom jjoor With ilaby; Loses Life in Fire ""' Nnv 10. Trapped at the 1 her home thla nvornlng munth' old baby girl la Mrs C M Talt, the wett- r rn:iiiiou photographer, wa? dcaih with her child, while .a. .a i : 1 1 1 j Kmc she was right m :an :cd the two older chU- ar uack uirs. RTHfillAKF. CALIFORNIA MARIA. CHllfornla. Nov. IB. Mfce was felt here last night. i . d.iws were cracked and a ;ovh weakened by the tem-1 week ago toppled and fell. . j i j h felt at Lompos and San ;. where It la reported the v. mure severe than on ITIHJC MEETING a, 4. 4, J. WfiiAT ritiN(i;s M AKItll.x VOI Ml MAN IX t.UCMVNY lOUAV BONN. Oermany. Mcv. IB Princess Victoria Bchaumburg Ptppc. 61 years of as, a slater of the former Kaiser waa married today to Aleaaaoer Subkoff. 31 yeara of age. a Ruaalan refugee civil one. The ceremony waa NOT SO COLD TODAY nl.M.A. ' indeoendenee Indian L. and L . Leadamlth . . f'uhlic Meetinir will be itucky Jim i n the Moose Hall on "clay, November 21. at 9 u ' io' k. to deal with the hali- !iut -n.uation. Tue International rMsher-. ,r r ornmisHion wishes to con- ;c' wii.b all engaged in the hulihu; industry. '"i Tuesday, November2. at P-m., in the Moose Hall, u onu public meetine will " held to deal with the al on industry. ft- these matters ari6f vi- Jl importance to Prince Ru- '"'t. may I hope both meet- Ul(r will be largely attended. v M. NEWTON. Mayor. Premier Porter Idaho rUchmond Sllvercreiit Bllversmith . Surf Inlet .. Sunloch Tortc JO 1.85 ,18 ,.04 -OS .02 3.M ,05 :is .01 'A 3.00 James A. Brown, wall known Ecstall River sawmlU operator, who la a patient in the Prince Rupert Hospital sunertnR from injuries sustained In an explosion nn his aasboat at Port Esslngton on Thuradsy night, la reported to be mak- lng as aatlafsctory progress as wwu be expected, his injuries. Shock has complicated Oordon Craig of the circulation of the Vancouver Sun. who hBR been DUBine cm. sailed '!u- moniin by the ! . V.i:'.. a OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i.Mii.i-ii i.i;.m i: lllvMon I. Blrmtugham 1. Ananal 1. Blackburn Hover l. Weal Ham 0. Button Waucamn S. Portsmouth 1 Cardiff City 4. Derby County 4. Everton 0. nnaerlind 1. hudoeratleld S. Bury 0. Manchester Darted i. Aaton Villa 1 MicVaieaboiwugh J. Uvarpool 1. Newoaatle 1. Burnley 1. The Wednesday t. Leicester City 1 Tottenham HoMpan. abeRleld V 1 HllMui II. Blackpool 0. Leeoa OnrbMl 1 Bristol City l. Preston North End S OhaUee a. Notu rarest 1. Clapton Orient 0. Mane bettor city 3. CMnuby Town l. Port Vale 0. Notts County . Paraetey 0. Oldham Athletic 3. WeJvartiampton 0. Heading 5. booth thfetts 1. aovrfhamBtrai t. Pulham 3. Stoke City 1. 'Swaatea Town 1. . West Btaanamh AkMoa 1. Hutt onjr 1. M oTTl-il Mailt i: 1th Men I. Celtic 1. Comgtntaath I. Duiistre . HMtlltOB A. L OunJbrmlme 0. Betth leatuis 4. Pblklrk t. Baageta . Her(a t. Aberea fi. Kilmarnock I. Clyde 0. Motherwell a, Boneaa 3. Parttck Thlle 1. St. Johnalone 3. Queens Park e. Hibernians a. Bt Mlrren 3. Atrdrleoaiana 1. INTERIOR OF B.C. There was a decided rle In temperature this morning at all points in the interior as well as on the coast. Pol-lowing Is the Government Telegraphs report: Stewart Part cloudy, north wind, temp. 3S. Ai:ok Cloudy., calm. temp. 30. Alloa Arm. Cloudy, windy, temp. 30. Alyaneh. Cloudy, calm. tamp. 6. Hoes wood. Cloudy, windy, temp. 22. Terrace. Cloudy, windy, temp. 30. Haaeitcrn, Cloudy, calm. temp. 8. Bmlthere. Snowing, calm. temp. 10. Burnt Lake. Snowing, calm. temp. 8. Whltehorse. Clear, calm. 10 below. Carmaeka. Cloudy, calm. 38 below. Dawson. Clear, calm. 33 below. Telegraph Oreefc, dear, calm. 13 VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Rid Wheat V2?s BC Stiver ....... Big MhMiourl .34 OMet dapper 13.60 Cork Province. George Copper As.1ed 10 at 13.76 .13 3.25 16H .00 .08 28 2.34 .30 .13 M .06 .18 .02 J60 Princess U'. '. r. PLANE BROKE WING AS IT FORCED DOWN Captain .Mcintosh and Hinkler at lA-nilx-rg. Now Culled H .lK"t.W, 'Knf, ll-tiitaiti M -Ih4Mi smI licet HUkler. atkiUtn.. Mho H sat to ft fruia lwtbin li iMlat. Ittntfrs al IHaMtrynit-.i ami I hew rfwmlm Utelr fHll were rnrml thHui ndrrda.t at Ma ana, miHIi f lTuna. Two aectaNrr. arre Injured hj tltrlr iitarhinr. one wl trf Mhlrh Han Itrokra. Tnr iHaeWtte Ha mi haslrt damaged H wtn Hlll'l Impwwtlilr lo rrjialr M un Hie opitl w (lie II. i r e( le l.em. u (! aln knomt l I lie narae f ItiiiIh(. POLICE SEEM TO BE PROTECTING CHINEE Naiaaa l!efueil NeHiirr on Order of litfei'lr hplUrr Till .Morn'iH The names of about sixteen Otitaaw who name up on remand In the poflce oauat thla morning and whose me ware again remanded for eight dasa wejre record a thla newspaper today tag HVe aitg feistt ot tba ftmtimttM haltte errder of laapectar BplBer. The men who are charged with gams- Hag. dM not aMBcar Ui court thla inorn- but J. dyne of the firm of WU- Tllama. jLtanacn St Oonaalea. waa present and asked lor the renkand which wai granted by MkgUitrate McClymont. The names were not men t toned whan the remand was asked HELP YOURSELF TO CANADIAN APPLES WINNIPBO. Horr. 18. "Canadian Apples- -fil ease help youraekt." Thla legand on a card pieced in a tray of rosy Canadian anples which Is placed on each tattt m Canadian National dining eara. dining the breakfUst hour thla weak, la attracting much attention on the part of travellers and Incidentally la serving to bring home to Canadians the luscious qualities of the Canadian apples. The Canadian National dining car department evolved this plan of participating In Canadian apple weak and the Invitation printed on tne cara i which Is placed before each traveller In i the morning has pleased hundreds of travellers on Canadian National trains on all parts of the aystem. - I - REFUSES TO ACCEPT ABANDONMENT TENDER UNION STEAMSHIP CO. VANCOUVER. Nov. 19 -With a view Us the possibility oi salvaging uie Catala. the underwriter!, have declined to accept the abandonment tender of the Union Steamship Company and the latter Is aaslntlnK In the salvaging with out prejudice. ARTHUR MEIGHEN IS MAKING PROGRESS FROM flKMjLiflll Liil 1 11 UkJ. TONSILITIS OPERATION TORONTO, Nov. ID The condition of Hon. Arthur Melghen, former Con servative leader, who underwent an operation for tonaUltla Thursday Is reported favorable. ARRESTED CONNECTED SLAYING OF CONSTABLE ST. JOHNS. N3,. Nov 19 Nehemlah Hudlln. wanted In connection with the slaying of Provincial Constable Russell Hayward. was arrested last night at Grand Bay: t IIIKTH. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. P 6 Walton. McBrlde St at the Prince 'iV.i"':' Cc:;-." ..! K-.-vcuibvr 18. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATt'RTV. V NOVEMBER 19. 1927 ATI RAM HMTU1 TQ Br NOT ONLY ABROaT). but at home, the public duties of "EJ" never cgaae. lit re he smite:, his greeting to the child-" ' ren on a visit to Meyrich Park Conference of Premiers was One of Most Momentous in History of Canada McLean VICTORIA, November 19. The recent gathering of provincial representatives will produce rich results in every part of Canada, Premier MacLean told the Canadian Club at a luncheon in his honor here yesterday. The results would be felt in increasing understanding and a stronger national spirit. Readjustment of provincial problem and irritations by the conference had showed that Canada was thinking nationally as never before. All the provinces were willing to make concessions in order to help others. From these positive offers of co-operation he predicted the Canadian Government and Parliament would work out solutions for all Canadian problems. . , In moulding a Canadian spirit and promoting development of a great country, the conference was one of the most momentous gatherings in the history of the Dominion, Premier Mac-Lean stated. FUNERAL AT PORT SIMPSON Services Held Roth at Athletic Hall and Also at Church PORT SIMPSON. Nov. 19. The funeral of the late Mr. Musgrave. of Port Simp-, son. took place on Friday. The cortege left the residence for the Athletic Hall where apeelal semens were held by that organisation. Fri in he hall the procession waa led bv the Port Simpson Band to Grace United Church, in which the deceased had bean a prominent worker and member, whare the Rev. M. F Bby. asifcHed by Mrs. Kate Dudoward. conducted the services. The poll bear ers were member of the church quarterly board, the stewarda, the PB.A.C, arid the Y.P.E.A. Society. , The floral tributes showed the esteem In which the deceased, waa held, theee being received ftanvlirOtKlr, Miss L Deacon.' UlM M teay Stien.TlP4iA. th PS AC. Mrs. P. H Weey..ry auild. Mrs. Magar. Mrs Comer, Geo. Ryan. George White, Mrs Kate Dudoward. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dudoward. and others. The deceased leaves a widow, one sou David, and two daughters. Mrs. Bey-ir-n of Prmce Rupert, and Mias Alice Musgrave. I CJJt. steamer Princess Beatrice, Capt. !S K. Oray. arrived In port at 2:30 this mornini! from Vancouver and waypolnts . ml uilcc! a' . : iier return suu'.ii LOST HIS LIFE QUEBEC FLOODS Automobiles Washed Away But Several Escape by Scrambling Ashore QUEBEC. Nov. 19. A man named Bra j ere of Donnaoona lost his life last night when an automobile which he was driving washed over Donnacona bridge by a flood of waters from Jacoues Oartler River. A companion who was with him escaped. Oeonpante of another car which was washed over also escaped by scrambling ashore. The Jacques Cartler River has risen 33 feet and the whole district of Val-cartler is flooded. KILLED WHEN STRUCK CJIrl - JnJureil utofl Mutunnitii Arrested mid Charged with Manslaughter VANCOUVER. Nov. 19. Stanley HU1-ton. 23 years of age, was Instantly killed this afternoon when his motor was struck by a B.C. Electric freight at Jubilee. Ellen Winter. 13 years of ite. was Injured when struck by the truck In front of the station platform. Motorman J E Campbell was arrested by the Burnaby police and charged . .1. laaichuc 'i ,c: '.amages over the erection of a build -' i or. Imd which, though not known st first, subsequently turned out to b: owrad by the plaintiff. Patmore tt mttna have the ease for the plaintiff aski W. E Fl'her will appear for the U9ft4aat. sfflMpaay. The divorce case will be that of TujKter vs. Tupper in which Patmore & Fulton will represent the petitioner. SHOT CONSTABLE AND WITNESSES IN BELLA COOLACASE ARRIVE Provincial Constable J. A. Williams of Bella Cools, with the attempted murder of whom Peter Whitewash. Indian, will be charged at the Supreme Court Assizes here next week, arrived in the city from down the coast on the Cardena this morning accompanied by six witnesses In' the case. Including Rev. P. E Rendle, Indian missionary at Bella Coola. Other witnesses will arrive on the steamer Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Tt Is alleged that Whitewash shot Cotistp.ble Williams with a 25-35 call- rTle wlien the latter was to arTest him. The shot entered the effleers left hand which Is still out of commission. The Incident Is alleged to have occurred In midsummer. NORTHWEST PASSAGE OPEN THIS YEAR VANCOUVER. Nov. 19 The northwest passage through Franklin Strklts and Peel Sound Is open this year, according to Bishop I. O. Stringer of the Yukon, who la here en route to Toronto. The Eskimos estimated it would be another ten veers before a similar opportunity to make the trip occurred. GUILTY AT VERNON OF ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE VERNON. Nov 19 Albert Esplin. accused of robbery with violence at Kelowna on October 18. was found guilty in the assize court by the Jury and will be sentenced later. The marine department announces a change on or about February 1 in the characteristic of the fog alarm on Triple Island in Brown Passage Thla will consist of the alteration from one blast of four seconds' duration' every BY ELECTRIC FREIGHTJ.J".r of rour Mrs. Charle' Harradine. wife of the C.N.R. yardmrater here, and daughter. Sylvia, left ou this morning's train for Montreal where they will embark on November 26 aboard the steamer Reglna for Liverpool where they will pay a holiday visit to Mrs. Harradine s former home. Passengers sailing for the south on the Princess Beatrice this morning hi-cludcd Chris Eltasson for Vancouvei mU A A. .:u;f!-i". fjr Vaucuu-cr. Large Upstair Dining Hull, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least Phone 457. Prire Fiv (m CONFERENCE 1NT0SH PLANE BREAKS WING AND STALLED IN GALICIA ST HALIBUT IICIIIIN IIIUAV : Canadian Boats Now in and .j 1 ji4j A nturlfiinti t'Wi II nil, ' tiinvi ivui7 T BOYS GUESTS ASSIZE DOCKET OF BANDMASTER Two Criminal Actions, Two Civil and One Divorce to lie Heard in Supreme Court Nest ! Week Five cases two criminal, two civil rod ore divorce -have been set down lui the fail aesaton of the Supreme ; Ccur, Aialatm wa.ch v. Ill ope a In the t i.a Wednesday morning next. Mr.! Just.ce W. A MacDonald will preside ; i-i d A M. Johnson. K C , will prosecute .11 the one murder case. I The criminal cases wtU be as follows: , Bex vs Bjankey. charged with murder. I A. M. Johnson. K C. prosecuting: J. ', Edward Bird, defending. Rex vs. Whitewash attempted murder. L W. Patmore defending. In one civil action. Ernest Love will sue the International Electric Co. for breach at contract and damages. Pat- mere iz Fulton have the case for the plaintiff and Williams, Manson At Gonzales for the defendant company. The action has to do with affairs pertaining to the electric light service at Stewart ' I The second civil case la that of Mrs. Dupuls of Haysport who la suing the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. for Entertained ai Ranquet Last Night by Thomas Wilson at Boston Hall Thomas Wilson, bandmaster of the Soya' Band, entertained the member A the band and the band committee at a banquet last night in the Boston Hall those present In addition to the members being Mayor Newton. J. C. Brady. MJ.. Oeorga Woodland. Walter Vance. W. OUchrlat and Colonel NlchoUa. Mr. Woodland, who Is chairman of the committee, presided. Addresses were given by Mayor New ton. Mr. Brady and Colonel N'leholls, and there was an interesting program of musical and other selection by members of the band. Billy Fuller played the piano, the Buataaicb, Bros, played a duet on the comet and clarionet; Percy Mcintosh waa Jokester; Bandmaster Tarn Wilson sang two songs and F. Derry did a comic stunt. The younger of the Bussanlcb boys It was announced was the winner of the medal tor punctuality and regularity and this will be prvsenied at a later date. COMMISSION PEACE RIVER MacLean to Lay Views of Government Before Mr. Justice Martin of Saskatchewan VICTORIA. Nov. 19. The final hearings of Mr. Justice Martin's Royal Commission In regard to the return of the Peace River block of railways landi to the province of British Columbia will be of great Importance to the province. Premier MacLean intimated yesterday. The premier will lay the views of the provincial government before the concluding session, likely before Christ mas. CASH TAKEN GAS STATION VANCOUVER, Nov. 19. Walking Into v. gas station on Hasting and Slocan Streets last night an unmasked bandit held up Frank Willis, the proprietor, and escaped with 825. A few minutes previously Willis had taken 1150 from the tlU. . FIRE STARTED GRAIN PLANT VANCOUVER. Nov. 19. Considerable damage wai caused to the plant of the Imperial Grain and Milling Company last night by a fire believed to have been caused by the overheating of the grain jn the shaft. It was soon under FLYER RETURNED FROM ATTEMPT TO RE CH NEW ZEALAND VIA HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. Nov 19 -Captain Frederick Giles returned 45 minutes after takjng off tor New Zealand via Honolulu today owing to fog. SWINTON IS WINNER LANCASHIRE RUGBY CUP OLDHAM. England. Nov. 19. 8wlnton won the Lancashire Cup far professional teams In the Rugby League today, defeating wigan five to two. LETHBRIDGE IS NOW PROGRESSIVE LEADER TORONTO. Nov 19 John O. Leth-brldge. progressive member ot the pro-vtunal legislature for Middlesex. West, has been appointed leader of the Pro- r..:- .