f AGE SLX THE .DAItl IvEWS Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft Free Lesaon will be riven in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING CASKET WEAVING, etc Bverj' Tuesday ami Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone - - - - 234 Introduction Special at MUSSALLEM'S MEAT DEPARTMENT We herein introduce our Pew butcher, Mr. Geo. R. Hawker, to our many patrons. Mr. Hawker has had eleven years' experience at serving the public in this line and we feel sure he will satisfy you, all we aak is that you give him a trial at the following prices: Prime Beef Prime Rib Roast, lb. IKr Prime Shoulder Roast, lb. Prime Boiling Beef, lb. 8? Round Steak, lb 20? Choice Pork 5 lb. Loin Roast .. $1.10 5 lb. Shoulder Roast. . 00? 5 lb. Side Pork . . 80? Sausage Made Daily Tomato Sausage, small size" 25? Pure Pork Sausages, small siie 2o? Beef Sausages 15? Hambarger, lb 10? Milk-fed Chickens, lb . 45? Milk-fed Fowl, lb 5? Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION. in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock H T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 LIGHT SYSTEM IS POPULAR ! Almost Etery Home Has Electric Iron but Toasters and Percolators Not Numerous Tl" Ufkt and power duwMt el thai ctty report ttmt er cent of the residence are mum of evactric light or power or both Tbe number of re- aldeaew to which mini art Inafa Med r 1360 and mi f these electric irons. Toastara are not so numerous only 144 etinf tm uae. Electric percolator number M, beaten UN an water beaten M. BeoMr ream and stoves in tbe city nusnUff 19-Oasaaae ratal i aahrtshusiuai to tbe number of 614 uae electric light and 160 uae power. The com of Uaftt ted power la high, aa awrase bome wains., saf . Uloaat hours would par ttM a month Tte light and power department estimate the populatloQ of tbe city ai Waterfront Whiffs g a (continued from page Ave) ed and akrppered by Captain Paddy Ivaraou. a 60 h.p. Botinder engine t to be replaced with a 90 h.p. of the make Capt Ivor Wlrk will double tbe power of iim trolling boat Seminole by putting; in a 16 hp Frisc .-Standard In in 2 S L Apply , CHiC ML. TO EUROPE MAKE KF.SnRVATIO?:S XOY. tJL 3 rltOM ST. JOIIX To Belfast, (iliifguw. L,lterMMil Dec. 6 Montclare Dec. B Montro-e Ti f'ofoli. Cherbourg, hunt humpliiii Dec. 14 Montnalru To Belfast. I.UrrMMil Dec. 15. Jan. 18 Montcalm Dee. 30. Jan. 27 Minnedou t Tp Liverpool only To Hu.-e.uk, .ltrrMMl Dee. 23. Jan. 20 Meilta Jan. 6 Metadata Feb. 3 Montclare Are- ftrf '. J J. FORSTCF FORSTCR. Central Pi. i . Station. Station. Van Ttiephont Ttiephont Seymour Styinour :t!0 ZiiO "t.P.R Vaotouvtr. f fcy K APPLES FOR THIS WEEK rancy aiciniosn, per box . . ..z.7t Crated Mcintosh, per box . . Fancy Jonathans, jter box $2.75 "C" Grade Jonathans, per box Sj52Jt) Crated Jonathans, per box $2.25 Crimes Golden, Delicious, l el-low Newton, and several other varieties at reduced prices. With every box of Apples sold at the above prices, you can have 2 bottles of Heinz Catsup for ."0( 1 bottle, regular sale iWf i bottles, regular sale Local Freeh Eggs, per doz. . . 70f i B.C. Fresh Firsts, per doz. . . 00? B.C. Pullet Extras, 3 doz. $1,4,"; Every egg guaranteed We are selling 150 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee this week. Per lb. ."(; or 3 lbs. for J? 1.45 India Ceyton Tea (highest quality), per lb. iir? Our Xmas Fruit, Candy, and Biscuits, etc., are arriving daily. Stock up now and get the best. B.C. Butchers & Grocers' Limited Thone 45 and 574 Wood DKY MUCH, CEDAH AND JACK PINE Single Load $:$.50 Double Load ....... $(1.50 Large Sack 50r 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 5S0 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue " S The Bar of Chiof nw tmiJrt with jWe -z f or quickly mb; 43, j 1 1TZZZZBT And 9 more "poler fundi" ujt he JBSWWftmf Will brinj i pack of ardi U me. "r "j-" 1 MILD VIRGINIA f CIGARETTES Save the "POKEK HANDS" $f O that are "packed with CLKJ? for TURRET , Cigarettes O I" L-.-wi , r Capt Jack Tlie halibut boat and packer W. and ".. which has been practically a derelict since suCerlng an explosion at Inver It is not what you earn that adds to your bank account, it's what you save. In buying your groceries here you save from 10 per cent to 25 per cent. Milk, 3 for :$5f or per case 85.50 49 lb. Sack of Flour $2.0;! 10 lb. Sugar 75r 2 lb. Butter, E.C.D rf 14 lb. box Butter, E.C.D. . . $.20 Capital Butter 4.V 3 Hi $1.25 14 lb. box Capital , $5.85 Remo Potatoes, per sack .. $l.tM) China Boiled Oata, pkg 4 Of1 Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, or Pep. 2 for 2.1 f Corn Flakes 10c- Old Dutch Cleanser IGf? White Swan or Royal Crown Soap, G for 25 Palmolive, Fels Naptha or Lux Soap, 3 for 25? Coffee, fregh ground, per lb. SO? High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. f.O Bacon, Swift Premium or Sham rock in piece lots, per lb. 4Ht Sliced 55c1 Phone r.Ol $5.00 orders delivered free Dryue at ianmg Vancouver Prices Most Modern Dryclcaning Plant in City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and Mcllride Street 7 fatal injuries, has been purchased from ' and eon. Port Simpson: II. W. Sinclair. Fred Dudward of Port Simpson, who'lurenieea: A. A. Hunifrer. Juneau; O. Ivereen of tbe Pair of bought tbe wreck. brCapi.Paul Armour Q. CaaweU. L. C. wtlfcTit. u. r nsner. ca Is iwported to be attll actlvety and will probably be added to tbe fleet iauuing the oonatrjctlOB of a new of the B.O. Towage 6l Lighterage Co jUuui bm which will be one of the lnest o! tbe Prince Rupert fleet. It underatood tbat the next fern- days will ae the eoniract deflnttaljr awarded Booked with a beary program of re-jair work and probably the construe-.ion of aome new boata later In the vinter. tbe new MtMOO ahiprard of S U. McLean at Seal Oove. Prince Rupert, a now open for bualnasa. only a small mount of work still remaining to be ! done Including tbe eieetrtoal frttlng md wiring for which Ray Lore has tbe. contract. The first boat on tbe way Is the salmon packer Taplow, belonging to -ltw'n ii Brown of Port Simpson whieb a to undergo overhaul. Tbe W. and P. wfeleh is 40 feet long and has a 20 h p. N. and 8. engine. Is about to be rebuilt at the Bugs ways. At last It has been settled that Mist Island Is the place where the steamer Catala la 'reeked. It was flrat announced to be Spamrwhavk Reef, which was Incorrect, and tbe Whiff man blames the aire of tbe waves about that time fx leading him to decide out there last Sunday that it was Burnt ness Cam.ery during the summer In qui nound aa eomiaared with last sea vnion one oi those n board sunerea , ng'l total at a stmltacndate of 2SJS13.- Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street. OUST Island, which was .also wrong. A perusal of tbe chart under comfortable weather conditions has r etui ted In tbe third and correct Identity. IIAUUIT L.MINUS With only a. few atraaUng boats yet to come In. following the advent of the clotted season, halibut landings at tbe port of Prince Rupert lor the 1621 season up to yesterday totalled 34.T39.- 900 pounds. American 'landing to date this year stand t 18.369.850 pounds as compared with last .year's 1924.200 pounds while the Canadian total is 6.370.100 pounds as against 6.388.200 pounds in 192C. Broken catdie and ,low prices have featured the landings. of the past week -Saturday to Friday Inclusive total ling 486.500 pounds of which 863.000 pounds has been American flab and 123 00 pounda. Canadian. Tbe highest American bid of the week 14.6c and 6c on Saturday for tbe 5.000 pound catch of the Slrlus. Tlu Cape Swain received the highest price for Canadian fish on jthe same day 13.3c and Cc lor 8.000 pounds. One of the fishery patrol boats wae despatched during the t week by Adam Mackle. Inspector of fisheries, to fishermen's settlements in the vicinity to advise them of the salmon conference which will be held next Tuesday even ing. With many of the men now settled up -for the winter, this was the only means of communication by which a number of them could be Informed of the gathering. GOOD LOOKS IS WINNER Rupert Kant Girls Show That Appearance is More Important Than Intelligence The monthly entertainment of the Rutert East United Rnmiav school last 1 night was an enjoyable- one, an outstanding Item being the debate: "Re solved that good looks la a greater asset than intelligence." with Mlsaes Jean Wilson and Betty Capsalek presenting the affirmative and Mlse Kathleen Duncan and Edith Brewerton the negative. All speakers showed good preparation, capable presentation, and a good deal of humor, and thcHask of the Judge was a difficult one. but decision was finally given In favor,, of the affirma tive. T. Rons Mackay, chairman. In his remarks, highly complimented the speakers. Popular numbers were orchestral selections by JJr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, James Valence kjttf-yprmarTwiHon- V1olrslo6 w by ot Jumea AimM vtimine. Valentine, accord accdm-, , . . runiea-oy .rs. PTano sol w. h. pym. a. m. Dosaia. h. o. pstto and N. A. Billet. Vaacovteri J. A. WU- Uams and P. E. Rendle. Bella Cools. Centra! A. L Jlaltby. city; James Hauler Mrr-cer. Keno H1U. ' L. E. Casler. Vsnceuver. LAND ACT NOTIt'K Of INTKVriON to Arri.T TO l.KAMt: UMl In tbe Queen Charlotte Island. Q rati rn Wand Land Recording Dtntrict oi Prince Rupert, and situate on the wevt aide of Rennrll Harbor at Uve Had of Rennell Hound. Queen Charlotte Manas Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Brlt'sh Columbia Pishing A: Paeklng Company Limited of Vancouver. D C, occupation Salmon Cun-rers. intends to apply for a le of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of a creek called Twin River, thence 4 chain west: thence twenty-one chains north: thence 4 cnaina cst: thence following contour at shore lire to place of eommenrement. and con taining Inlns as acres, more or lens. B Cf FIS1UNQ fi PACKINO CO. LTD. M M Ehgl. Dated Octoher 22, 1B27 Applicant izliAU. Arrnt NOTICE IK THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for the East half of Lot 7037 Oasalar District, said to contain 220 acres, more or less Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above !itnd having been produced to me. it is my intention to wue, aiier toe expiration of one month from the first lubllcation hereof, a Provisional Certl-tlcate of Title to the above bind, in the name of MADELINE MINTON. The original Certificate of Title ia dated the 30tb September, 1913, and la numbered 4470 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert B. nib October. 1927 H. r. MaeLEOD. Registrar of Titles a hole in one rjlVES one a rare thrill, just like making a killing cn the stock market. But no sensible man depends upon such luck to win a golf match or make a fortune. It's the steady play that vins games ; the steady accumulation that wins fortunes. There is no better means to accumulate a financial independence than that provided by a Confederation Life Monthly Income Policy. A regular deposit at stated intervals guarantees a definite income later on in life, meantime insuring your life and providing for your own and your family's protection. Writ. fr A WnLRobert Wilson. I I I I ,AMonthly ncome for Lift," UfSnlbui wCrsfoldV - I I f I 1 1 .'' ... . ...e'v. 1 ntwuii Alice ana June uionier. Recitations by Jean Watt, Thyra Akerberg and Fred Peachy. Piano solo by Mr Prank. Moore. Reading by Miss Lillian Worsfold. Mrs. Beale presided at the door. IIOT1X AKICIVALK Prlnee llllert Miss Almee MacKay. Mbw Ethel M. Pierce. Miss E Nightingale, Miss Ger-truda Bcr auu T3r:"aatt Mm. Larsc Confederation Life ASSOCIATION IKMV.tltll 1'Altlt.VXT District Manager. Kojers lliilldlng, VamiMiver, ll.C TIIEO tOIJ.KT I)cal agent Prince Kupert, B.C. Saturdr WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 A eorH4y-drama of the baseball diamond u laughs and spectaiit-s WILLIAM HALVES. SALLY O'NEIL, HAltltV i;lv WARN EH RICHMOND. HAUL DAN., and many others. CAMEO COMEDY "OFF AGAIN. I'ATHE HE VIEW II I Admission - - - 50c and 23c m H u n "HOME BEAUTIFUL" THE UUS1NESS OF IIOISEKEEP1NG Aside from the weight of tradition there i- 11 arKument for washinp at home. Prom a aot iul ; extra expense, and from an individual gUndpuiii' much waste of labor. From the larger economic point of view the -1 -laundry will be supported by the progressive womai to see home work brought to a higher level of ham.' present industrial development. , The Logical Concluhion SEND IT TO THE Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue West 1'hunf Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperatinK (i.T.IV 20.000 Ton I'loatlnjr Dry Dock Engineers, Mnchinists. Ilollermaliers. UlackKmithrt. I'uitrrn makers, Founders. Woudworkeris Ktc ELECTHIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all klnda of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. I'HONES 43 and 385 BADMINTON Supplies .Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Sailings from ITIme Kuieri, Tuesday. lor VA.NCOUVKK. VICTORIA. Swanson Bay, Alert Bay, etc. Tueu for VANCOItVKK. VICTORIA, llilledale. Alert Hay. etc.. JvyO.V For PORT SIMPSON. NAA8 BIVKU POINTS, ALICE AIlM, A TG1VAKT, Mules Island, Sunduy. 8 p.m. Hc ,,,,,-rt. ''" 3 2nd Arenue. U. M. 8MITII. Aent. Prince Throuch tickets sold lo Vlrtorla nd henttle at a reduced rsir 'sggage checked through to destination.