.vrmher in. 1H27 fWR DAILT NEWS PAGE FIV3 Fishermen Waterfront Whiffs Great Winter Quiet Seta in Alone Waterfront-Hnat . Will I Over, hauled and Many Enzine Chanices Contemplated ' i IM" ViiUI" lll'X! Halibut Catchew Nearly all in The Gardner Semi-Drsel Engine satinfactory on the Coventor haa aon-' ill peeda, making it i it able for halibut -i.- 12 h.p. to !IOO The Acadia Gas Engine modern deaiirned ".nl( 4 cycle enjfine 'l.i Sizes from ti-H " h.p. medium and Ward Electric AND MAI11NK SUPPLY CO. I'hone 680 Cow Hay , Kuiwrt. Ii.C. II s. WALLACE CO.. LTD. for Coats, Dresses and Millinery I.AKT.E FKOXT KOO.M TO KENT .i.ile for Office H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. 3rd Ave. nnd Fulton. I'hone 9 The close atasnn for halibut andmst everything el-v," n ! ! matter-erf fart, has now net in and Komebo.l.n HUy- ted a an act of mercy for the man in charge that there a! should be a eloe eaw for Uaterront Whiffa. That wuuld 1 ven nice, all riirht. tut w can't acfaj the auirfceation for we'll have to keep Kointf to ChritmM nd Happy New Year and that J wa4MR eason Kia. AcctnUatrly. it seema there will ino reat f&Whe wicked in which claw fitwapapermen all and undry, accrdlhr to moat accounts. riKhtly Mbng. So it looks an li we abatl have to taffy m fearsome .. for '.he future three months but Kn . ful. however, m lbs .nowleo that Yn, "'" up future "I crab several Mar. m x.t. , , through. At that the forthcoming win- t'mu tr ol 1M7-38 will haw to be pretty I ' . uragn one to down u providing al-. waya. of cosine, that the outfit doesn't ! go bust, the shop bajrwtre, the old cheek bosk hort of fund for Christ-bms cheer, or the police don't com And hut us down. Tec. sir. she' great now we get by In the minds IIU' .ciin LOTS of the whole stock of the Pox laws like our mutual friend. Claude 'arc in ,howl that It could The AaoJe Montreal Importe Owing to continued ill-health, J. B. Miller, proprietor of the .Montreal Importers, finds it imperative to. close-out hisUsines and-td'dotliis quickly, the whole! stock is being offered for sale regardless of cost. Sale Starts Today, Friday Jt Joe fame, local shrimp Before flnully tyliiK up for the winter many ol the halibut boaU hare been or ate on hunting trips. Skipper grotty IMd returned aboard the Manner. :e on Friday morning from a trlD down the coast. nu nan In. life, and It's s wonder soir.enow m.mh . .. , ... i..... of fel-iDon Brown, the electrlcsl wla ird. The bum as '"lr" ww nam wno are very ( well as flth by bringing home a bag brave but don't want everybody to know (which consisted of seven deer, two It Nevertheless, we're still going strong, geese and a doren or so ducks. This a good deal stronger, perhaps, than will use care of the butcher meat vunt of our mends would like us. so: problem for a few daya at least, here gees, and may this winter be no. The Spindrift. Capt. Moose McLean, tougher than Its predecessors have been. ' left on Wednesday morning for Eatevan jlslsnd on a ten day hunting trip. The The entire staff of the Suga boauhop ! P"' 'ncluo1 John Johnson and Obea-has been busy this week rushing work!'' Uy'lt " rtujrn 01 tb 8PnartI' on AW. M. M. BteDhens' oowerhost V.r. """ iwmwy S. Frye which la undergoing extensive' lemodelllng. The main feature of the! ' new work la the Installation of a raised 1 deck. The boat, which has already Jack Boddle will take ber out for a trip. With Capt. John Wick and party on board, the Johanna left on Thursday a.'temoon for a hunting trip down the bU tb TrTXtn- W,th P1 Nri g.ven year, of good service, will be one 3f the most commodious and handsome!""'""1 ""u l- -ob in the barber on completion. , I H. P. Stiles slipped one over the staff ; , if the Star Welding Works this week! when a big crate arrived on the scene ; containing a brand new lathe. The! beys had not been consulted with re-' 1 gard to the obtaining of the new equip 'ment and the bead foreman la reported! to ;ave been grevlounly offended, choos- !ng. however, to call It an oversight land let It go at that. B.h (artles expect to be away four or five days. The advent of the etase season also marks the dlsbandment for the winter of the Flab Bchange rummy league. While this la not considered the most Ideal of cummer sports, the various members got a great kick out of it and there were many beetle m NOT MI CH TltWUIIMl It looks as If there wUl be not ao much travelling abroad for the halibut boys this v. inter, probably because the Half acre lots on the government's season was not such a wonderfully pro Olgby Island subdivision are attracting fltabte one from the standpoint of i the magnates of the fishing fleet, pre ' asvneca. However, some of them are pa ration of some offering something for .jetting away. the boys to do during the close season.; Jack Molvar. part owner of the Cape With Skipper Andrew Petersen and Spencer, la leaving within a few days Ole Alvestad on board, the halibut to spend tha wirier In his native heath boat Brant left Thursday liter noon w or jvorway. liiKtltute cleartna operation for Charlie Dan Petersen of the crew of the Peterson, the owner. lOspe Spencer is also contemplating a John Hanson of the troller Annie 'trip to the Old Country and It is pos- has two carpenters engaged In building alble that he may not return to Prince a house on one of the lots where be Rupert. His many friends would re EVERY ARTICLE OF LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR OFFERED AT UNHEARD OF PRICES Come in early and get your pick while the choice is good MEN'S SUITS LADIES' HOSE MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES' LINGERIE MEN'S UNDERWEAR LADIES' SWEATERS MEN'S OVERALLS LADIES' SCARVES MEN'S SHIRTS LADIES' GLOVES MEN'S HATS LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Many other articles for Ladies' Wear and everything that a man needs; and for boys, everything for his whole outfit from shoes to a cap, and household furnishings such as Blankets, Sheets, Towels, etc. - ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Remember, that even our regular Montreal prices are" forgotten at this sale. This is a real opportunity to save. Montreal : Importers Third Avenue. ' - I J. gret such a decision. U . . . 'rem, ZVatu' feitcufti uforM. i The departure of some of the others has abesdy been reported. j Capt. Lew . Kergln. who ought to know for he has practiced with the team long ettough. Hate, that there was - no awed of those ooats goto aground near the Catala wreck last nday. Tbe rocks in question are well known te most navigators on the conn and bare been there for sever: years to bis knowledge Of course. Lew never hits any rocks. Undoubtedly. ne of those who hkve sailed with htm will vouch for that. Prince Rupert Boat House powerboat Pachena. Capt. Harvey Dumas, having in board tb district engineer far the provincial department of public works. eft on Ttieasey for Kltlmaat. It was eaprcted that return to port would be made by the ee-d of this week. Capt. Nets Ilobenon is having the halibut boat Tbrberg partly rebuilt by O. Roeang at Lewis Island. The stem s being rearmed and the vessel will he .vwn a thoeoutrh overhaul. At the aaave point extensive work Is to be undertake on Capt. Pete Wold's TTJOdlc which will have a new foscle sad stern pat In. The vessel is now Ming torn down with a view to start- Irk the rebuCtdiaf very shortly. IMI'OKT.WT MKKTlXflS All flahermefl are taking a deep In terest hi oanaeatlon with' the fortheom-lag ooafereaces which will be held .arly next week on the occasion of the islt here of the International Plaherlo Jotiiiiilnlon. The decision to chanae the venue from the city council cham ber to-the laager premises of the Moose Hall la brabably Well justified for there will, undoubtedly, be large attendance .it hoth uatherlnga. The halibut meet .ng will be held Monday night and the .almon meetlog Tuesday night. Both meetlnaa will be open to discussion and .hose concerned may be expected to ako full advantage of the opportunity presented to express their views. The commission will arrive some tune during Monday Aboard C O S. Mslasplna from Ketchikan' . The commissioners Letpccted lncKtJa.J. Bibcock, chair num. W. A. Found, director of fisheries for the federal government, snd W. F Thompson, director of investigations Major J. A. Motherwell, chief lnapector of fisbetlea. will also be with the party Improvements are being instituted by Edward Upsett (Prince Rupert) Ltd jn the ways tributary to the company v. premises. Rocks are being placed underneath to support the cradle. Albert Ftebourg being m charge ol the job. The company's floats have been re-Mied for the winter. The powerboat Laura P.. with Oeorge rrlzzell and son, B9b. in charge, very i . .lrly figured in another sinking role on Tuesday. The vessel had on board n deck cargo of Ice and potatoes to take down to the grain ship Kim-Jnmes and was completing loading n: the Union Oil Co.'s wharf, when she took a dangerous tilt and showed all the symptons of turning over. Fortunately the cabin was caught by the float and the movement was thus prevented until the cargo was adjusted. As It was. a quarter of beef and a large cake of Ice are reported to hare been lost overboard. The American 'registered hajtbut boat Cedrlc. , owned by: Ds. W. T. Kergln of this city ' fltd aklppeijed jjyj gpt. Henry Hrnricklrh'. Sunday for Peters burg where shwlil spend the winter and where. CaptV Henrleksen Ik having a new boat built.. It is understood that the Oedrlc will appear under a new master next season. The fish packer Lincoln, hsvinp on board the owner. J. W. Moorehotwc and party of friends, was one ott the boats making the trip out to thv Gatala wreck on Sunday last. The combination aeineboat and packer Jedway, well known In local wSters, has been purchased by the Mas- sstt Cannera for use In connection with the cannery at Massett and with John Dybhavn. one of the principal' of the cannery on ' board, arrived In Prince Rupert On Tuesday night after an uneventful three day voyage from Vancouver. The vessel, which was purchased from K. Ota of Vancouver. Is sixty feet long with 15 foot beam and derives power from a 50 h.p. Frisco-Standard engine. She was built In 19lr at Steveston Captain Hart! In of the at Richmofids u T Louvre Third Avenue IS NOW IN FULL SWING We have made a very special purchase of a large manufacturer's stock, We have secured a very special price on this purchase for cash. This enables iiS to pass on bargain prices to our many customers This is a genuine sale in every respect and affords you one of the greatest opportunities to purchase at bargain prices for the winter season. Ladies Coats Ling Ladies D ene, Mose am Millinery resses ALL OFFERED AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES Here are hundreds of Ladies' Coats and Dresses to choose f roni. Marvellous Lingerie, Hose in all shades and sizes, and Ladies' Hats of all de- criptions. ."''" Do not delay, but get yours while the choice is-good. "'' This $10,000 stock k being offered at fractional prices of their original worth. It will pay you to make your selection now and cut the cost of being well dressed. Take advantage of this opportunity as we can hardly hope to secure such bargains for our customers very often. THE DIS . V. f company's boat Delphinium navigated! the Jedway from Vancouver. She will . oe tied up here for the winter. Before boarding the Jedway at Van-1 couver. Mr. Dybbavn had- been on his : snnual business visit to points In1 Kastern Canada and theJntted States, j He ws also a member x! the British Columbia, delegation which took up ilmon fishery matters vjlth the authorities at Ottawa. EMHN'K CHANCES Several engine changes are planned during the winter for' local fishing The Can d an Fish St Cold Storage Co. is putting a 00 hp. Fairbanks-Morse mou.; In the Chief Legale In place of a 40 h.p. Frisco-Standard engine which will go to the Fredelia to ike the placi of a 30 h.p Standard. In the new halibut boat Signal own-(continued on page tlx) Third Avenue P0SAL of IS "LOUVRE Tites Stocfc Continuing Today Hundreds of Bargains Canadian National Qfic Largefl Kailwoy Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from VKINCE KITEKT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE. and intermediate points, each I'lllDAY. 9 00 ajn. For STEWART and ANVOX, each WEDNESDAY. 10.00 p.m. For XOKTll and SOI TH ((I'EEN CHARLOTTE INLANDS, Fortnightly. PAJtxF.NCJEB TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE Rt PERT Each MOM) IV. WEDNESDAY and MAU'BDAY at 11J0 ajn. for PRINCE m.OKuL, EDMONTON-, WINNIPEG, all polnU Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc a)o fur your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 328 THIP.D AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 260