av July 22. 1927 2 ! IH 1 I I imm r i - j oltnan's -rrm Vopufaftyecipes nmmeriinib People thould eat sparingly of heavy dishes during the warm summer days. Salads, fresh vegetables, dainty sandwiches, cheese toasts, devilled eggs, tomatoes and other light, but nourishing foods please the palate and lessen the burden on your digestion. The following rfciprt will help to make meals more appetising. Clip them fur future reference. HOT CHEESE DREAMS i, 1. American cheese or m cups gratej; 1 tablespoon melted bulter; cup milk, ' teaspoon lolman'i Milliard, U teapM.n pa-pnkai I teaspoon lilt; 1 egg: Mil all the ingredient together into a nioolh paste Spread between slices of bread. Fry the sandwich in bolter in a frying pan untl nicely browned on both sides Thi filling may be prepared and Wept indefinitely A slice of bacon may be nsed as a garnish. TOASTED CHEESE SANDWICH Prepare a filling as for hot cheese dreamn, but toast sandwich on both sides. FRENCH DRESSING Si cup oil; 2 tablespoons rinegan 1 teaspoon paprika; 1 teaspoon powdeted suuar; i teaspoon Colman's Mustard; 2 teaspoons salt; dash cayenne: riace all of the ingredients in a bottle or cruet chill, shake vigorously just before erring. A little onion juice, garlic o r Worcestershire sauce may be added if DEVILLED TOMATOES J large tomatoes; 2 table spoons butter; I egg yolk; 1 teaspoon Colman's Mustard; 1 tablespoon vinegar; M teaspoon salt; few grains pepper: Cut the tomatoes In half and over the cat surface of each half spread the butter raised tv' a paste wiih the other ingredients, flakt half an hour In a moderate oven. OLIVE AND NUT SANDWICHES Chop finely an equal quantity of olivet aid nuts aad add to it a good mayonnaise made with Colman's Mustard! Sfvread this prtpasa-tion between slices of well buttered brown bread and a leaf of lettuce. NEW MAYONNAISE , Give your mayonnaise a new test by adding 1H level teaspoons Colman's Mustard for each egg yolk, blendiag them before you add the salad oil. For boiled dressing allow 1 level teaspoon Colman's Mustard to each egg yolk. For FREE Receipt Book, write: COLMAK'KEEN (Canada) Limited, Dept. 1000 Amhettt Street, Montreal 82 1 aids I JL digestion : ' n i rv n i nin n t nn t urn mr I m m m mm I m I a. m mm mm mm w m rm mm a m i mm 'm h mm ssm sb r mm mm m m III! m till. m III! M I a V at the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S' large slock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FUKNISHINGS GET YOUH SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS Canadian national Qic LargcSl Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ' II.IN(ls from PRINT: KITKItT (or VANTOl'VKK. VICTOK1A, Nt'.ATTI.K, .. Ni h MONIi.w mm Tllt'ltSllAY, 4.00 p.m.. ATl IlKAV. ti.00 p.m. r AN VOX anil """ STEWUtT . . .MONIlAY. KHIIIAY, 4.110 p.m. r ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4.00 p.m. or MIssett INI FT . . MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. or KKIDEUATE INLET aiid SOlITli tjVEEN cilAKI.OTTK ISLANDS, fortnightly, I...... PARNEN'flEK TIIAIN II AVE rill NCR Kl'TEHT "tll.V EXCEPT M NIIAV at 11.30 a.m. for IMIINTE tlKOKOK. EDM(N-TON minmpi;,.,u jmlnt-Eastern Canada. l'n''d 4ASPEK PARK I.OIK1E OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTLMDMI , 30. 8t.E CANADA IN CANADA'S JfHH.EE YEAH 1H67-19. AGENCY .ALL OrBAN- MTKAMMIIII LINES. Vt Canadian National Kspreos for .Money Orders. Forrl.n Cheques. V?Z 'r your nest shipment. r'TY TICKET OFFICE. 828 THIIID AYE, I'RINCE RUPERT. Phone 160 UNION c;TFAMc;i-HPs LIMITED from Prlnre Kuert. Salllnt Fur nv t.....i s 8 Tuesday. K v,cTOKIA. Rwanson llay, Alert Hay. He- pm " Pni5S0JIJVER' VICTORIA. Huledsle, Alert Hay. etc Sat urda y "' 0KT "'MPSON, ALICE ARM, SNYON, STEWART. tVslfi Island, 8un For vT p-m' tnV Rlv" Polntl1 nl Friday 121 ""ort llmpson, p.m. ILC. r tK? Ar'nu- It. M. HMITI). Arent. Prlnre Kiipert. ''atea f ,kl"t sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rale ana Local and Personal Arthur s Tm pbons 878. tl BO. DnderUkers. Pbons 41. DenM. Dr. J. a Qe; phoae 888 IUm-ImII toiiitht at VilS. .Uki u tun of tanaiU. Twse tip your cngiaw for Um boat ra oa July 24 171 Ort jour boat. trtaue4 It Yacht Club Ratu oa JaJjr 34. 1T1 canst! Smith of 'mm Prortaein Poliee at Aajm, u a vttr to town. Hyde Traaalee now asjettto far Lay-mltb-Wrtltagtoa Coal. Phone 880. U The train from the Mat, with mall, la rportt oa ttane thu altameoa at IXv H. P. Ketfta. BMotber for Atlin. was a paieesaer north on tb Prtnoi Ru-pert. Pltaca Rtaport RAwthf sad Yacht Club Raaatta W IWte aa July 14 THE DAILY NEfc . .-lgC 8 Dry Birch & Cedar. Cameron Trsnafer. Oet ths Bl( 4 babltl Wtto Utlnxln( of a Tail, phons 4. U C4arie Balagno Is sprndlnf his In Prince Oeorft Shoes rebuilt like at Me Arthur's !8lie,rtre. Mrs. Qflete- It ansger tor Deroers. re- iBtvd todiy from a buying trip In Um, aesatb. la (t Iel police court this morning oa a ceiarje at vagrancy DarM Riddel was remanded for a week. Rett McLennan, who has been tt-teatflqg a conference In ths east as B.C. University repreentatlTt returned on yasserday afternoon's train. Mtas Caroline Mitchell reports that be la eajoytef her holiday In California vary mueb. She U vttltlng with her brother Win, formerly of the Dally Newa tun bat' now living in the out A party of ten from those attending the Otrl Oulde Camp held recently at Victoria went east oa the pauenger. having come up on the Prince Rupert. 171 Mrs. E. M. Ruttle. alster of J. 8. Wilson. rloe -principal of the Booth School, la That ware f 1 piuname an the' a dlr talon oommlisloner of Ontario, and Prince Rism faf tjf aaa tbss morn- was one of the Officers on the stslf. ' in I Tbsa. OoUart, who went south to meet Mrs. OoUart and aaa. returned to the city with than on the Prlnoc Ru pert this morning. St. Andrews Society 'a Ptonle. Sunday July 34. Boats leave Oow Bay from 0 am. to 13. Adutta 8oe. Tea, eoffee. milk and ssigar provusssl. Special masting of Tradas and Labor In response to a maaoaas from Victoria Informing bar of tb sarious Illness of bar sister, Mrs. Sam Brsklne left on the Prlnre- Chartea yesterday afternoon. The aurora and other electrical disturbances yesterday afternoon and evening bad a bad effect on ulegraphle i . a Prineasa Alios with a rail paasantar ( KJf 1 a n list was la pott this morning from 8 Market iTlCeS In : Retail prices on the local marker to- : day are aa fellows: I LARD Pure 2ta Oorupound 30c Local new laid t(Jlt BO. fraab pmlleU S7',,c UC. freah, flrsU 42c 1)0. frsab. eatras 45c FISH Cottage rolte, lb. In connection with Ota forthcoming .. bitk ,llced visit of members of the Bastern Star ?oon' 80o Halibut. Ib 25e B C. organic, will addr the rrrt-' ,lmW1' reprln - - hU ,b- ing. Martin. U open to tb. public. 170 f1 P"n- , 8nwked kippers, lb .. 38c ... 16c .. 18o Kippered salmon. Ib 24c Smoked biaek cod. lb 20c Finnan baddies. Ib 20a Salt mackerel, lb 25c 'Eastern salt herring, 3 tor 25a Salt codfish fillets, lb 25c Bonelees salt cod bricks, Ib. . 30c MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb 30c sad 35c VI A. ,1.hn IK 11, and radio service locally, especially ' . I """' "m r 680 just at tb. time the big fight was In vrort. Hsm. whole, first grade 42e Hm, picnic, lb 22c 30c 60c from Eastern Canada and tb Bastern '""" w w pork- dry SSo SUte. which are espected to arrive Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c . -.ir e , ,. v. . , ,'. Veal, shoulder 25c uiiuj ihihww un rvr iuim ,oln thst aome steps will undoubCMly be Uken to entertain them while here. J' '.I. Oo thu ...., Pork, shoulder 28c a ssj ax v wmmv vaaiua sma a sja i bcM vi ahtgi. . . gt Pork, loin , 40e Pork' ' 40c Much interest waa tat-eV in the big Pl roMt ,JH to heavyweight fhtacaily and a good deal at metiev Is immrteri to have Beef, boiling 12c to 15c changed hands. WhUe Sharkey was the Beef, steak 30c to 45c ..,4... ,k. ,. . e,.K. . Beef .roast, prime rib 30c rvi isv, suvi v aaiv as aw vi aagjss a lassa Lmb- 600 who thought Demney would stage a ch0P" Lamb- shoulder 85c comeback. DetaUa of the fight was supplied to the Empress Hotel through Uutton ,e8 lmb- ,e 480 the Canadian National Telegraphs who Uutton 40c provided a direct service from the ring- shoulder SOo side with relay at Winnipeg only. .Mutton Ill'TTEK MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. Brookfleld, 8hsmrock snd Woodlsnd, Drees lengths at half price. Commences lb. Saturday. Over fifty different patterns E.OJJ., lb v.-.. Irs ikraa Da rvt tAwiartKa V ttimmf n, Ka ! f Capital. 2nd grade, lb 47i4c 47tfC 43c U v .msjjt ..dt ISa-tr-, t s s-i -i 1 Ml !S. I M .kaaWfMtwWMtnuin. ...tfwn" 'iiiiiuaat, ..HH ill' i i ..a.l PAGE THRE I WM. m MUmlllJlIti sfpPf ...uiitrlnluK...M..... HpHE MOST CAREFUL selection of grains the purest of spring water an unswerving policy of ageing and ripening in individual oak casks, has built a reputation for SEAGRAM'S 83 which is most zealously maintained. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia f CAKU )f THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Batt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Batt and faintly desire to convey their sincere thanks to the Moose Lodge snd to their friends ss follows, for the kind expressions nl sympathy and flowers sent , . . PraMr Vniiev ih ROr ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and Fraser valley, id price. See our windows and be here 60c( ltuate8 on the west wait of Burnaby early for the best selection Saturday' r.utn OF THANKS. K.C. Picnic, July 31. Moose Picnic August 7. Canadian Legion Tlcnlc August 21. Established 1023. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment BSEP Kenny DENTIST New Zealand, lb 50c ; CHEESE White. Der 100 S7.75 ANNOUNCI'.MKNTS Yellow, per 100 , 875 ; I LOUR I St. Andrews Picnic, July 24. during their recent bereavement: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Morgan, The Loyal Order of Moose, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Olllles. Mrs. Lear. W. Sherman, Jr.. Mr. j and Mrs. R. McKay, Mr. George Suther- land. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prince. Mr. and i Mrs. Robt. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Chrlstlson. Mr. and Mrs.' Shepherd, Donald McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Klnslor and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Terrlen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall. New York. slsnd LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re- TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia , Fishing & Pscklne Co. Ltd.. of Vsn twenty different shades we are ex- - - - couver, B.C., occupation Packers. Intends elusive agents for this popular hose Kralt Llmberger, Ki 35c : to spply for a leajse of the following snd must maintain iio. sk a complete range .Ta menclng post planted on the in order to keep thla valuable agency omvon, id U3 west coast of Burnaby Island, Q.C.I.; exclusively Phone 778 Dry Goods Si Kraft 45c thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 m,i,. Rhrm Norwegian Ooat 65c chains; thence west 3 chains, more or I Napoleon Llmberger 70c ! Roquefort 75c Swifts' Brookfleld. lb. Wm. Robb and Harry desire to con- Gorgonzola, lb vey their deep appreciation and thanks McLaren's Cream. Jars 45o 76c 45c and 85c to their many friends for the kind Brookfleld Swlas cheese. lb. pkg. 30c rxprraslons of sympathy received dur- Brookfleld Canadian cheese, lb. pkg. Ing their recent bereavement and also' 25c for the very many acts of kindness Gruyere 45c done to Mrs Robb during her long 111- Oolden Loaf, lb 46o nesa. . Jack, lb. 50c 1 8K14R 'less, to high water mark; thence north along nign water marie to point or commencement, and containing It acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO Si PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Dated June 10, 1B27. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Coast Range 4. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers,, Intends to spply for a i.aa. nr in. Toimwmir nmrn npn linn. Flour. 49's, No. 1 hsrd wheat ....... 82.85, commencing at a post planted at the iPasta-v flour. 10-a R.tr i northwest corner of Lot 1253. Ranee 4; i thence south 5 chains; thence west 6 i raairj i.our, .. i chains- thenre north to hlirh water mark: VEGETABLES thence easterly along high water mark .Romano Sardo, lb 75c S chains, more or less, to point of com- ment. and containing 3 acres. Vi.if i- u. lb on- mence .Osmmelost. ? , 30cimore or less. Beets. 3 bunches .'. 25c GOSSE PACKING COMPANY ' . Cucumbers, each 25c i UMITAD'll PP Ca I Carrots, new, 3 lbs. 25c rj,, .Tline 13. 1027 ' 1 New B.C. bunch carrots, 3 bunches 25c New Potatoes, 6 lb. 25c Kaolr '. . . ' a-j on ! ', Potatoes, 100 lbs., old 1.. .. (2.25 Potatoes. 3 lbs., old 25c Green peppers, lb 50c SPOONER'S PARK IS LATEST SUGGESTION KANSAS CITY. July 22. Sheriff Harry Powers advocates a "spooners park" where those smitten by Cupid's dart may "bill and coo" without Inter, ference. Such a park should, be under supervision, however, the sheriff qualified. He said young folks now hav5 no place to spoon. The town It building up In the districts that used to be suburban, and the authorities could not allow Darklns of cars on th hiih. Exchange Block. I'hone 109 way fcet;aus it endsngera life, he said. FOR Diarrhoea THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL This valuable preparation has been oa the market for the past eighty years, and holds a reputation second to none for the relief of all bowel romnlainta. Price, We. a bottle at all drurrists or dealers; put up only by The T. Mil-bcxa CoLiaited, Toronto, Oat BETTER DENTISTRY SPECIAL Over Ormcs PLATES that gives ynu a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour or the face. A1ways Dr. MAGUIRE pkT SPECIAL NEILSON'S Jersey Milk Chocolate large cakes, each NEILSON'S CREAMY TOFFEE large cakes 3 for 50 Qrmes lid. Ztfic Pioneer )rupfists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 826 200 Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275