t i HE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS HOUSE HOLD SOWED ON I ISHt5 TRDtlEH- HOW SHE KNOWS frttPLPiCfcToiEND I a Trtfc fTvrMCS CLOTHE i i V .; hr found out that this h. jilace to send the Inthes Mhe a I no discov-j nu; we would make hwr a r. at rate for the family laun-.-lic told her friend about urid Uiey told their friend L j f it and thin Is gettlnK to be : a iutnily laundry. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints tor $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for ........ $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. NOTICE. Applicant. There will be offered for sale at Public i Auction at the Provincial Government I Court House, Prince tlopert, B.C.. on Thursday. August 11th. 1OT7. st 2 o'clock I in the afternoon, the following lots: Lou V and to. Block l, (section a. Lots 0 snd 10. Block 23. Section 1. Lot 7, Block 3. Section 2. Lot I. Block 8. Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert, BO. Terms: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash snd the balance In three equal snnual Instalments, with Interest on the deferred payments st the rate of 8 per annum, the Crown Orant fee to be 110.00 additional. Plana showing the lota offered for sale may be seen at the office of the Government Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. NORMAN A. WATT, Oovernment Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. f- July 4th. 1927 REDUCTION in Prices " per; cent, off . ,'for twb.Aveek's only Conic? iiv and' inspect our M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOK Third Avenue I'.O. Dox 977 No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! More Comfort nnd Cleanliness when you have a Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper In the long run! For particulars, phone C8. Prince Rupert Supply Co. F.O. Ho 772. J. ,A, II I nton4 .Manager aflaBLaMJssLLLLL! NOTE: If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Koyal Yeast Cakes. Write for free booklet. "KOYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. guage and tn;,dian idr.Os Hie new arrivals would i in a poSIon to inskt-,ood at citizens TAX PAYMENTS ARE COMING IN WELL AT PRINCE GEORGE CITY Tax payment at the city hall made very guod showing this year, the total receipts for current tsxes and arrears being slightly In eaceas of those for the previous year says the Prince Oeorge Citizen. There waa a falling off In the receipts on account of current Uses, but Uioae for arrears exceeded the deficit upon current, so that the net gain at present, compared with July 31. 1826, ta approximately $250. with two weeks yet to run. Upon current taxes there have been TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secretary and marked "Tender for Oil Burner" will be received by the Board of School Trustees, covering OH Burner, and tank with capacity ol 2.0U) Gallons, installed IP the Booth Memorial School, until & atoteck pm. of Wednesday. July 27th. HOT. The lowest or any tender not neces- jtartty accepted. J. L. UHKI8T1E. Secretary. LAND ACT XOTKB OP IVTKNTION TO .tl'I'l.V TO I.KASK LAM In Range S, Count Land District, Land Record I iik District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por- cher Island, u.o. TAKE NOTICE that P. II. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south -southeast of northeast corner dcM of I t 102. Ranee 5; thence due south 6 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains: thence due north 8 chains; thence weHt-northwest along shore to point i if commencement and containing 14 acre, more or Iras. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. Dated 25th June. 1927. , - IN.PHOIUTE. ' . I- r : " . . IN TIIK SniCKM!? rOL'KT OK BRITISH roi.UMiHA In the Matter of the Administration-. Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Charles Camnbell Black. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 16th day of July. A.D.. IU27, I-was appointed Administrator of the estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 10th day of August. AX). 1927, and all ! parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. : NORMAN X. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 18th day of July, 1927. u received so far this y ir t,n.74l.Ofl. and upon arrears 1 11.307 M a compared with 111, 900 .07 recetveu upon current taxes up to July SI, 1W20 and 8J)B.18 received on ot count . .irreura. Taxes unpaid on July 1 a penalty of 10 ptr cent added. .v: it still unpaid n October 1, there . a further pen ilty of 5 per cent added September 30 will be a rather lm-partem date for the municipality in that it will determine '.he status of the 800 lot which are carrd by the Millar syndicate In Mat Millar Addition Ayainat the lots) thee are taxes and arrears pprcxlmattinf 1 50.000. and the chances for thetr redemption are nought to have feean lessened by the recent death of Ofcarle. Millar In Toronto. What Is ronnldered aa the most likely outcome, " s sorting over of the syndicate's holdings, and the re demptron of thoee- only which have a fairly welt established value. These lots sre In a very desirable resident is portion of the city, aad it Is lHcely that a number of aa4ea will be effected of such lots as finally revert to the muni clpallty. PRINCE GEORGE Returns from the race meet at the big celebration show that while the attendance waa teas than last year ow ing to so many other places holding celebrations on the same day, tle net proceeds amounted to over two thousand doltars. . Robert Pooler In the Plnevlew dis trict secured a good supply of water from a new well at S depth of 85 feet Rev. a. B. Swlteer cf Otocombe con ducted services in Knox Church last Sunday. V. R. Clerlhue has" bcn engaged for the past week in maljng the semi-annual audit of the mtmldpal accounts. Mrs. F. A. &Iatheson la In Calgary where she waa called; owing to the Illness or her sister, kto, OHbaoa. Adults 50e. Scholars free.) ; .' I J pe: - WOMEN HfjTEfjTilTS . vA Kb.'O. July . 22A Jratalng'r school has been established for training women' tktcrtlvesi WlMare expected to be used In the fight' of the authorities against the ganvbllnK houses and opium rmoking establishments said to be operated by women. Among Canada's , achievements in world progress are numbered: the Telephone, electric railways, Oarnet wheat, crossing Atlantic with steam. Insulin, first Atlantic cable and calcium USfLEl oncentrated Co f MILK "C2iJJtsw Ml richness and . cieaminess I . 22. 1927 - 1 ii 'iH2 DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Ladies Hose SI IK TO Till: TOI t Silk, in nil colors 3 TO TUB PAIIt Special $2.50 The Louvre "16 Third Avenue Next Koyal Hank REMEMBER For Montreal price on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J II. Miller . Proprietor GOOD ROADS 1 I AS AN ASSET i Visitor From Ontario Tell Rotary Club of Steps Taken There to Get Improvements IMMIGRATION QUESTION EmphMtttec mm t the commu nity of goes roads and pliii;ug mu-.ol the steps taken in Ontario to j.ur. them. Stan Drown, a RoUrtan at B Catherine. OiiUrto yvstrrdajr addre-tseo the Rotary Club Ik explained that in .Ontario the Oood Roads League, of which b waa an secutive member. bal total membership ol about 30.000 who patd a f ee of ton dollar a year. Half oj tMa waa devoted to giving roadside srr et to motorist and the other naif to the getters! work of the orgatuaaUon One of their chief duties waa to watch ljUltln and to secure m leglsls tlon and generally look after the Inter - fest of mototMa. They had teen chiefly Instrumental In securing the fiim.i ,B f t the visiting term of o days to American lourtaU. They worked in ro-opeiaUon .with the government and the K"vriinient appreciated the work they were d ing i Mr Brown aald no better work r,uM be done than Improving the loaui Hi the dlatrlct. He under tood there was ' movement under way to build a road up the Bkeena Vslley Thlr would be a itreat thing for Prlure Hvaperl. He waa ure that one Mm road was opetted a ; ;ret many American ' tourist would !' on. Una way. By first orraglag the louriau oaplul waa likely to follow and . English speaking settlers. . Mr Brown apk ttn brles'ly on the med of weurlng Engllab ape king ael-.lera and of taasMng the English Isu-guage and ettteetiahlp to the Immigrants who could not speak the lancuaae. lie thought he aohoul teachers aught be a great factor In thai work. Ia the United States they had a wonderful tem of taking in hand the foreign Immigrant nd he UMUght Canada might follow the same system. If taught the Eogltsh tan- LAND ACT. MITHK Of INIKNTmTn TCI .tl'I'l.V TO Man: mnu In Queen Charlotte Island Land lie- cording District of Prince Hupert. and tHuate at the head of the south arm of De Ia Heche Inlet. Moresby Island. I TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing Si Packing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver. DC, occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: I Commencing at a post planted at the head of tht south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby laland: thence south j chains; thence east 20 chains: thence north S chains, more or leu. to high water mrk: thence west along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. I eUKITlSH COLUMBIA FISHLNa I it I'ACKLNO CO. LTLV Dated June 10. 1027. FOUR THOUSAND LANDING CANADA i . Immigrants aruj Travellers In Lnrre Number Here This J Week-end IMPORTANT PASSENGER Five Year Old Francis Gale Re- celvlnrj Most Attention of all WINNIPEO. July 23 Nearly four tfcou-'nd paawngers of all elaaae are due u arrive in Canada during the week- nd at the porU of Halifax, Quebec ana Montreal and ef that Urge number It t-probabiy that no one will receive mor - stteottoa tbst Miss Francis Sale. Mis Frsncls la not a caieivttv on stage or st-rceo. but having spent five brief sum mers In.thls world and being a long dls-tsnoe Wsveller ail on her own. steam ship snd ratlwsy officials consider she should hare the best that It Is possible to giw her. Franela to a passenger oa the Alaunla. of the Ounard tine, which it due to dock at Quebec on Sunday. She travelled from Bedmlnater to Bris tol, m England, and to bbcbc to Mi- ill Sak.. to Join her father. Daddy Is a photographer and has promlwd to bring his camera when he meets the aln. so ftancis is sure to be welcomed with peeper eciat. Francis to to travel over the Canadian National Hallway and will be met at Winnipeg. SPEC I AL THAI NX Of the total number landing at the three port this week-end. 3334 passengers are on the various Unea operated by the Canadian National and will be moved from Quebec and Halifax In stesmvhlp specials over that system. Among the passengers are a number of delegates to the International poultry congress at Ot Uwa, acme from the British Isles, and others from Holland. The advance guard of the English delegate to the world lede ration of education convention at Toronto Is also coming. Thomas Barron and Richard Qreen. British delegates to the poultry congresa are on the Letltia, which will dock at Quebec. Sunday, and P. A. Francis and Major C. II. Eden, re- ,7rsaentetlves of the British Mllnstry of Agriculture Also bound for the congress ire passengers on the Alaunla which will dock Sunday at Quebec. The new Am terdam which docked yesterday at Halifax, had on board 21 delegates from Holland, the poultry congress, under the direction of( Dr. T. E. Hennepe. Exhibits from the Netherlands for the con- tress will be' handled by the foreign de partment of the Canadian National Rail ways express directly to the capital. The steamers Sierra Ventana, 8th. Stockholm and Labourdonals have between them 707 passengers for Halifax, including holiday visitors to Canada, agriculturists aud settlers. NEW HALIBUT BOAT READY IN FALL Will Not be l t.el for IMilny, I ntll Next SeSMn l Announced Another new. long-range halibut boat Is to be added to the fleet. It will be finished and delivered by November, but will not engage In fishing until next leason. The new boat Is being built for Berger J. Edwards of Ketchikan by Edward Johnson, boat builder of Tacoma, Wash ington. Mr. Edwards Is owner of the hallbuter Roald Amundsen, considered one of the crack hallbuters among the Ider class of ships. The same as for the many other new halibut boats built this season, the one now being constructed will have all of the modern conveniences and comforts. To nlaee I2S OOQ or. aid 00(1 Into a halibut) boat piay appear like taking come nance to tnpse wno-are nov ac quainted with the game, but, as one ex-terlenied. 'hajibuter remarked; ittie. mod- j .. . . -7 j . cm boats sre being bull? -J6o that llttf. in be utilized for cannery tenders or fish buying boats, etc. The forecastle H forward and the after part contains the hold.. "With the new boats," said the hall buter, "we can follow the fish Into the Arctic ocean and get It to the market In good condition. The fishing game here Is still In Its Infancy and a good boat Is about as sound an Investment as a man can make:" ENJOYABLE TEA AT HOME OF MISS WAY A very successful and enjoyable tea was held by Miss M. A. Way and Mrs. Wilding at the home of the former yesterday afternoon. The -room was beautifully decorated with honeysuckle and roses. Mrs. Krlkevsky, president of the Ladles' Aid, assisted. Mrs. Hellbroner poured and Mrs. W. T. Kergln received, while Miss Ruby Krlkevsky had charge of the. .home cooking. As a result of the tea' the funds of the Ladles' Aid" of the. United Church will benefit to the extent of nearly thirty dollars. LOCAL LADY LOSES BROTHER IN EDMONTON M. M. Stephens received word yester day of the death of Mrs. Stephens' brother. Herbert Hall, manager of the Edmonton branch of the Vancouver Milling and Grain Company. Mr. Stephens left on the train this morning to attend the funeral. J I AdvertUt la The Dally Niws Backward : Season SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK :Mens? Suits ' in ISlue and Fawn French Worsteds with extra pant., double i breasted only, sizes from 38 to 42. Regular $37.S0 value. I Special HaiKward Season Sale Price $24-95 Acme Importers Third Avenue DEMAND P.O. jlox 667 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST HltEAKFAST FOOD." . Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoH Storage Co., Uh Prince Rupert. D.C. DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE v" Phone 686 - 9 a.m. ip .6,-.ptm. . ' Evening Appointments Specials for Friday and Saturday LADIES' SANDALS for $1.95 For Friday and Saturday only, we are offering Ladies' Sandalrf for $1.95. They come in Fawn, Tan and Patent Leather. Phone 645. (Icanadlak PACIFIC Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner 3rd and 7th Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skaiway July 4, X, It, 13. IS, 12, 13. 29. To Yam-outer, Victoria and Seattle Julr I. . , 13, 16, 20. 23. 27, 30. FKINCKSS BKATKICE. For Butedale, rant Bella Bella, Oeean Kail. Nemo, Alert Bay. Campbell River, and Vani-ouier every Hsturdsv. II a.aL Agency fur all Bleamnhln Lines. Full Infermstlsa from W. C OKCI1ARI1. General Agriit, Ctitktf af 4th .Street sud tit Avenue, rrtics Hupert. B.C. I